¿Cómo era caminar por Roma imperial? | El Foro Romano

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The city of Rome is located 20 thousand steps from the sea this place can be easily crossed by the river and thanks to its nearby hills it is easy to wall the ancient Roman wall embraced seven hills Rome was originally founded on the palatine hill around 753 BC. On the Capitoline Hill is where there are more sacred buildings, among them the most important is the temple of Jupiter, the supreme god. The part of the mountain that faces north is firmly walled and is called arx which means in Latin citadel. In the highest part of the arx there is the temple of Juno Moneta where the precious metal coins were made from here comes the word currency in Spanish, in the lower part of the capitol is the tabularium, which is a large building where the mail and letters are kept. Under the Capitoline and Palatine mountains is the Roman forum in that area there was once a large lake that dried up when the water was diverted to the Tiber River through an underground sewer called sewer maximum after drying this area became the public space most important of ancient Rome. A large number of people came every day to the Roman forum it was the most famous and busiest place in the city surrounded by many public buildings this is the Emilia basilica which together with the Julia basilica is the largest building in the forum the basilicas used to occupy a place preferred in the forum of Roman cities in ancient times, the basilica was a public building where many businesses and courts of law were conducted. Later, Christians took advantage of the basilical form to use it as an official religious site for the celebration of the liturgy. Centuries later, when the empire became officially Christian, the term was also used to refer to large or important churches. In this sense, the denomination is used today. both from an architectural and religious point of view. Next to the Basilica Emilia, in the part of the forum called the comitium, the curia is located, which is the building where the Roman Senate meets.The Senate consists of 600 senators, very noble citizens who before Caesar's imperial time had the highest power in the Roman republic before the comitium there is a high place where the orators spoke to the people the name of this place is rostra because the faces of the ships captured by the Romans were adorned on the front rostra in Latin is the plural of rostrum that is He calls the iron part that protrudes from the test of the ships and that was used to attack and sink enemy ships many illustrious speakers such as Cicero ascended to the rostra to pray to the people of the Roman temples the smallest was certainly the temple of Janus it was also the oldest this temple has two doors that are always open that are only closed when throughout the empire of the Roman people the land and the sea are at peace these doors they were closed only twice from the founding of Rome until the Augustus regime. Augustus closed it for the third time in 700 years when he defeated Marco Antonio at the battle of Accio. On the other side of the forum is the temple of Vesta that has a round shape Vesta is the goddess of fire and domestic things in whose temple an eternal fire burns six Vestal Virgins daughters of illustrious Romans were chosen to take care that fire must never was extinguished because the fire always burning meant Rome eternal city next to the temple of vesta is the royal house of the maximum pontiff house where the Roman kings once lived the maximum pontiff is the perfect high priest of all the other Roman priests the office of the priests in Rome was to make animal sacrifices to the gods and heal divine things in front of the regia is the temple dedicated to Gaius Julius Caesar which is called the temple of the divine Julius. Caesar like some other Roman emperors made him god after his death and called him divine the temple of the divine Julius was built by his nephew Augustus in the same place where his body was cremated by the mourning citizens on either side of the Basilica Julia is located to a large temple to the right under the decline of the capitoline the temple of Saturn and to the left the temple of Castor and Pollux the temple of Saturn is the treasury of the town or the place where public money is put and this temple is preserved Ancient it was destroyed in fire and the temple of Castor and Pollux was rebuilt. It is dedicated to the gods Castor and Pollux, twin sons of Jupiter, whom the Romans asked for help in the fights between this temple and the temple of the divine Julius, the senate and the People of Rome built a marble arch to the victorious Augustus after the battle of Accio in front of the tabular are the temples of concord and of the divine Vespasian the temple of concord It was built after a long discord between two enemy factions into which the Roman people had been divided, the patricians and the commoners, the temple was built when harmony between the citizens was restored near this temple is the jail today there is a Renaissance church above it and you can visit the old dungeons under the church the temple of the divine Vespacian was built by his sons Titus and Domitian after the death of their father, right next to this temple are the porticoes of the twelve gods and goddesses where A golden statue of each god is found inside each portico, you may wonder how if it knows that a place like this looked like this if the only thing that remains are foundations and the occasional column these remains help us to see the scale and dimensions they had The buildings also conserve entire buildings from that time and images of the buildings in old coins but the most important of all is that the books are preserved of Vitruvio but we will see this on another occasion in Rome there were many public buildings today we explore those that surrounded the most important place in the city if you are interested in seeing a second part in which we explore other types of buildings like these leave your like and subscribe to see more videos like this one. Goodbye
Channel: Manuel Bravo
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Keywords: roma, foro romano, roman forum, forum romanum, imperio romano, roman empire, romans, romanos, roman, forum, foro, romano, rome, italia, italy, europa, europe, civilizacion, clasico, arquitectura, architecture, art, arte, roman temple, templo, temple, medieval, latin, language, latino, romance, idiomas, latin language, idioma latin, impero romano, history, historia, ciudad, como era roma, roma antigua, ancient rome, como era roma antigua, reconstruccion de roma, city, manuel bravo, roma 3d, rome 3d, virtual
Id: fbJfiUklOEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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