How UFC Champ Sean O'Malley Spent His First $1M | My First Million | GQ Sports

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what's up GQ I'm sugar Shan Ali and this is my first [Music] million $220,000 on the slingshot little polar slingshot I haven't drove it in like 5 years but I still have it the Polaris Slingshot just that little three- wheeled Batman looking car you know I wanted to ball out but I was trying to be smart so I was like I'll just get this this will tide me over for now I went to the nearest place that sold slingshots scooped it I didn't even really know how to drive a stick shift I learned on the way [Music] home $50,000 on you know a couple cars for the family get them moving around bought three Priuses and paid off the rest of my mom's Nissan and they were pumped we're all very stingy my mom was very stingy growing up and those gas prices were high and they were they wanted Priuses believe it or not and they're still [Music] running I spent probably around $200,000 in jewelry how to get iced out how to uh you know look good feel good perform good I got a couple watches I got the cubin I got the gold cubin the this fat one right here I know this thing's heavy as [ __ ] that's all I know I think this one was 40,000 I can uh rationalize in my head that it is an investment for me yes I can tell myself that K you know kind of is I could get it back for what I paid for it right now the Richard I did get this from time piece trading the Richard I feel like are more of an investment and a nice clean Rolex you know not the Iced Out ones there those kind of lose value supposedly after you ice them out but I wasn't really too worried about that they look good 200k and Jew [Music] Lou for Mother's Day I gave my girl and my mom 50,000 each you got to you got to spoil the Mas they're good people they take care of me don't know where I'd be without without them so I had to you know hook them up I slack on Mother's Day and birthdays and not a very good you know holiday guy so I was like this this will be perfect you know and they're worth way more than that but it's a thought that counts another $200,000 on cars I had to put a nice little down payment on the lambo I bought one of the Teslas the model 3 Performance I think that was 60,000 paid for that cash and then I got the model X plaid which is 150 put a nice down payment on that so that was about $200,000 on cars the Teslas are kind of like my daily drivers the lambo I try to take out once a week when I first got the lambo you know I had to wrap it of course I got to get a wrap pink it was originally red I got the wheels green I got this custom Louis steering wheel this guy did it's crazy but the Teslas they're hard to beat Comfort wise speed really I mean they're they're crazy cars I got the Tesla the model X cuz it was like one of the safest cars out there I got it for Danny got my baby in there that's kind of like our family car and then my model 3 Performance you know it's a fast little sedan I like it it's cool get pulled over too many times driving those thing though it's an issue and then I spent 500,000 on houses just to make sure I'm set up you know financially I feel you know pretty secure safe doing that can somebody fix this we're back sorry about that 500,000 on houses I bought five houses in Arizona so far so the first house I bought I liveed lived in it then my mom lived in it and now my sister's living in it right now the second house is actually pretty cool story I used to stream on Twitch a lot I have these guys in my chat every day and I moved four of them out and they live in that house now so I rent that out I rent out another house to some Fighters some upcoming Fighters one house right now the one I'm going to Airbnb it out and then uh the house I have I just bought a little farm I got 15 chickens a cow the reason I moved to Arizona was just an opportunity to go down and train with a legit imate gym I'm from Montana there's no real gyms in Montana U my buddy Tim my coach my best friend he invited me to move down he had just watched me fight once didn't even know him I said you can come live with us in Arizona and train so saved up $2,000 in my 2006 Nissan Ultima packed it drove 19 hours straight by myself to Arizona I literally moved there with one dream one goal in mind and that's become you know World Champ I would not have done anything different on my first million I feel like I'm in a very very good position I personally want to be a billionaire someday I want to really learn the investment game and and go big and attack that
Channel: GQ Sports
Views: 336,932
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Keywords: gq, gq sean o'malley, gq sports, gq sports my first million, my first million, o'malley chito, o'malley ufc, o'malley vs chito, sean o malley, sean o'malley, sean o'malley belt, sean o'malley chito, sean o'malley fight, sean o'malley gq, sean o'malley interview, sean o'malley jewelry, sean o'malley million, sean o'malley money, sean o'malley ufc, sean o'malley vs chito, sean omalley, sports, suga sean, suga sean o'malley, ufc, ufc 299, ufc o'malley
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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