How trams are changing France

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today we're gonna look at France and how the tram is changing the streets of French cities the example of France is very telling because in the middle of 20th century many French cities completely removed their tram systems in favor of wide Street highways but after several decades everyone had to admit that it is impossible to satisfy the ever-growing demand for one more Lane and everything will go traffic jams are growing faster anyway priorities had to be revised and this is how a real trauma Renaissance began in France in 1980s one by one different cities began to rebuild from scratch what they had once destroyed of course already with new standards and approaches in this video we will look at lots of different French cities on the streets of which the tram has returned in recent years let's go and first in our list is the city of anje in West France the drums first appeared here in 1896 and in 1949 it was completely closed in 2007 they started building a new tram system the first line of which was launched in 2011. this photo shows just the beginning of construction on one of the central streets and he reached the result now there is a green tram tracks in the center and two car Lanes one of which is four buses only and it's great During the Reconstruction all the trees on the street were preserved on the first photo you can see the protection of their trunks this is another place on the same street and as we can see the street became much more pleasant and cozy thanks to Green tram tracks and less asphalt and another example from anje before the Reconstruction there was Pure Asphalt and parking wherever is possible and now there is a green tram tracks a cycle Lane and new trees between the parking spaces so now it looks much more livable this is still anje and there is already a very narrow street that runs through the District of small residential buildings but here they found a place for tram tracks too as you can see on many streets the trumps replaced buses that used a dedicated Lane so capacity of public transport increased the line from previous photo came to the neighborhood with four or five-story buildings now there is a green Tran tracks instead of two lanes for traffic and an ordinary intersection turned into a green roundabout [Music] on this we leave Angel and heading to the city of Brest in the French region of Brittany the population of the city is 140 000 people and the first Trump period lasted here from 1898 to 1949. the modern tram opened in 2012. these pictures shows one of the central streets which has been turned into a pedestrian Zone with trams this is also breast and this square is a little bit away from the city center and to be honest I don't like this transformation the drums are great but where all the trees gone why everything is so great and interesting point is that in order to make trumps cheaper the city brought them together with another French city Dijon every city bought trams for themselves but due to unification and a larger batch the price of one Trump turned out to be lower the street it on this picture was completely car oriented before the renovation and now there is only one lane for cars and the rest of the space is for trumps and pedestrians which make it much more livable one more Street of breast were two car lanes were replaced by Green tram tracks and the last picture from pressed they've added green dedicated Tron trucks but removed some pretty big trees so they are really struggling with trees there our next stop is Leon one of the largest cities in France its agglomeration is more than 2 million inhabitants and current drum system started in year 2000 so you can see very few streets before the tram on Google panorams but you can for example along this stream the tram line is regularly extended by one or two stops there were four traffic Lanes before now there are two bicycle lanes and separate Tran tracks which for some reason are not Green Street car parking also changed its orientation and another Leon Street away from the city center the principle here is the same twice less lanes for cars but green tram tracks bicycle lanes and trees between the parking slots next city is early on its historical tram ran here from 1899 to 1938. the modern tram was launched in year 2000. now trumps have a dedicated Lanes everywhere made instead of car Lanes another important thing in Street design here is a continuous sidewalk along the main street at the intersection with the side streets it makes the street more pedestrian friendly and make drivers pay more attention to them and that makes streets safer which is very good [Music] and this is the Central Avenue of the city of Grenoble the city used trams from 1897 to 1952 then it changed them to trolley bosses later on to Disney bosses but finally decided to build a new tram system the modern tram was launched in 1987. I've visited this amazing City once so I can tell more about it but now we can already see that they've removed loads of car Lanes made a dedicated Drumline and significantly expanded these sidewalks [Music] and finally we reached Paris it is already a multi-million Metropolis with a glamoration of more than 12 million million the first Trump period in the French Capital lasted from 1895 to 1938. Modern Trump system started in 1992 and since then the network has been constantly growing and developing now there are already 12 lines and 150 kilometers of tracks and as we can see tram is really changing appearance of the city [Music] but this Parisian example is really shocking there was a multi-level intersection but they've demolished it and laid train tracks here as well thanks to it Trump stops are easily accessible for passengers to get to the platform they don't need to go down the stairs and look for elevators or escalators everything is on the same level which is crucial for disabled people the next city on our way is Dijon it's the city that bought trams in cooperation with breast in 2012. as we see here Trump has dedicated tracks with grass covering which makes it efficient and good looking what's nice is that all the trees on the street were preserved even with the arrangement of parking spaces between them another example from Dijon is interesting because the street was widened here for which all the houses on one side were demolished and at the same time they've placed new trees on the renovated Street next to the tram trucks this is the city of tour and this is how it changed with the appearance of the tram oh no they have removed the parking spaces locals should hate the Trump but look how stylish those trumps are it looks like iPhone on Rails and now they can use it instead of this oh so much Trump cities in France I apologize if you are already tired but we are close to the finish this is Strasbourg a city right next to the German border its current tram network is one of the oldest among the new ones in France it was launched in 1994 so you will not be able to see most of the local streets without the trumps on Google panoramas but in some places it is possible for example here is the street on the outskirts where the Trump tracks have recently appeared and on which local trumps are running to the German city of Kiel and to make this International Line running they've built several Bridges over the rivers and canals which were made from bicycle pedestrian yep cars are not allowed here well this is not a full list of French cities with the trumps but I think you've got the main idea they are not just put the tram rails on the existing street but use it for a total rethinking of a street space to make it safer and more livable Trump tracks are mostly covered with grass which makes Street looks better and also helps to deal with the rain water and that is very important due to the global climate change it is one of the most efficient Mobility tool Trump always has a priority above private cars that means dedicated Lanes where cars can't go and leading at the intersections that makes drums fast and reliable so they become attractive and affordable even for car drivers and due to this weekend take Street space from cars and use it for wider sidewalks cycling infrastructure or trees planting and that will make our city more sustainable and in general more pleasant place to live so that is what your city should do to become better and that's the lesson we should learn from French cities and that's all for a moment if you liked this video please hit the Subscribe button and leave your comments and also visit our patreon page where you can support our Channel see you in the next videos foreign [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: City for All
Views: 204,669
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Keywords: city for all, public transport, cycling, city, urbanism, france, french cities, tram, streets, street design, sustainable mobility, street renovation, street for all, renaissanse, cities, alstom, paris, reims, grenoble, toulouse, strasbourg, tours france, trams in france, french trams, streetcars, lrt, light rail, strassenbahn, angers, angers france, brest, brest france, dijon, dijon france, lyon, lyon france, orleans, orleans trams, grenoble trams, paris trams, tours trams, strasbourg trams
Id: 5mVza6L3DHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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