How tough is ObXidian really?

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foreign [Music] yep that's me you're probably wondering how I got into this situation let me explain it all started with this is these Hermes are now Humira introduced a new compact heat brake mount a couple years later the reason for that became clear there's a whole new ecosystem of hot ends extruders and integrated nozzle brakes that all revolve around this new form factor that makes nozzle swaps faster and printing more reliable e3d was calling it Revo but there was a small problem only e3d are allowed to make nozzles for it and the only nozzles they were making were plain brass which means you could only print with filaments through a non-abrasive but e3d knew about this and they promised it would make a nozzle to end all nozzles they called it the abec city and it's just that that was really it there were Promises of it being available soon for almost a year then when it was finally scheduled to be unveiled that release got canceled on short notice which was frustrating for me I had an object sit in I had two I wanted to have a video on it available at launch and had spent a bunch of time on it but when the launch got canceled I had to shuffle and find a different topic I could produce a video on in just a couple of days to stick with my two week release schedule and when the Arabic sitting was then finally actually released E30 gave a generous three business day notice to please have your content ready on launch well I don't typically keep videos around just waiting to be released so what are you watching now obviously isn't the launch video I was hoping to make and since I assume just how well the object City in Prince is now well covered by everyone else I'm gonna do something that nobody else is doing I'm going to attempt to destroy it for Science and hopefully it will put up a bit more of a fight than this powderized brass nozzle all that right after a message from today's sponsor onshape on-chip is a fully featured Cad and PDM platform designed for business but free for makers on-chip is entirely cloud-based so there's nothing to install and it has real-time sharing and collaboration built right in of course you get a fully featured CAD workspace and the new FEA features but you can also extend them with your own tools in their features script programming language or add extra functionality with one of the many start exploring onshape for your personal or professional projects at Thomas so the Arabic City first of all this thing has nothing to do with actual obsidian other than it's black it's shimmery it looks cool there are nozzles out there like the Ruby nozzle that actually use an inserted gemstone the object sitting also has a hard insert but real obsidian would be a pretty poor choice for that it will be cool novelty but obsidian being a volcanic glass is rather soft brittle and not very wary resistant instead the Arabic setting uses a hardened tool steel insert pressed into a copy body and then all of that is coated with what they call E3 DLC their materials seem to be a bit reluctant and actually explicitly saying that you know the E3 DLC is an actual diamond-like carbon coating as the name would imply so I asked them and they confirmed that it's mostly a diamond like carbon coating but the design goes for their version of the DLC seem to be a bit different from what it would typically tune that coding process for usually you'd want a very thin and hard layer instead one of the main things that e3d tuned for was keeping plastic from sticking to it you know those those black boogers that you sometimes find in their parts those should be mostly eliminated and also I guess the nozzle would not drag on freshly extruded material as much which might slightly improve things like overhang printing performance I have not printed with this and like I said I think that's already well covered I've tested the revo harden when it first came out using the original brass nozzles and that's a good hard end it prints well it has better throughput than V6 of course it's all proprietary but honestly when e3d make a new product I kind of trust that it's not going to be a total dud sure there might sometimes be some issues that only pop up at volume and that really only are relevant when you have a high expectation of quality to start with and those are things like the bearings and some of the Titan extruders failing too quickly or the gears and some of the hammeric shooters cracking those cases are rare and I think they've been handled well by e3d in the past what I'm saying is that e3d will have tested the performance of their products especially our big city in the flagship product to their best ability before they put them onto the market and I would rather have a product that is late but well executed instead of one that was rushed and is on time but just ends up being frustrating overall so what I can do is you know go past what e3d could have tested and see just where the limits are and in this case that means testing where until something gives Chef on CNC kitchen has concluded in the past that the majority of a nozzles were when printing abrasive filaments like you know glow in the dark where Carbon Composites that wear is happening on the very tip of the nozzle and not bad much in the board itself so that's what I'm going to try and replicate time to build a nozzle Destroyer [Music] so this is it obviously using my test platform printer as a basis here we've got the nozzle any little slide right here free to move up and down we've got our test medium on the bottom here and gravity is pushing the nozzle into our medium in this case you know I'm starting with a sheet of carbon fiber as the nozzle rubs across that that should somewhat simulate it rubbing across a carbon filled print now the kicker is this guy over here this is a webcam full 1080p though the image doesn't quite look like 1080p but I've tweaked the focus so that we can get a nice close-up macro shot of the nozzle now originally I wanted to use octolabs to create a time lapse for me but since my torture G-Code doesn't really have any layers and I couldn't get the manual G-Code trigger to work in octolabs I ended up just writing a quick python script that remote controls octoprint and then grabs images off of the webcam feet remotely through opencv because why not octoprint has a fantastic API and that just made this super easy so the way I've set up the nozzle Destroyer is that it will start over the camera that's the home position then it moves over to the starting point drops the z-axis which gets the nozzle riding on our grind medium and then moves back and forth 20 times picks the nozzle back up or at least what's left of it moves it over the camera takes a snap and over the next eight hours it repeats all that 1000 times for a total of 4 000 meters of drag in the nozzle across our abrasive material that's a pretty brutal test so in the end each frame in the nozzle Cam's time lapse is four meters of grinding apart and what you're seeing now is the very first one I did it's a cheap brass nozzle getting dragged over this plain carbon fiber sheet now an E3 hardened steel one okay there's something happening finally the obixitian not that much different most of all none of the nozzles were affected by this noticeably at all a couple of notes here first of all these are all different nozzles the brass one has a super pointy geometry at least it used to so the approximately 40 grams of force from Gravity create a bit more pressure than on the less pointy hardened steel one and on the obsidian that same Force gets distributed to an even larger area because e3d only sent me 0.6 millimeter ones bugs said 0.4 so I thought I had comparable nozzle sizes but I don't so I'm trying to make up for the roughly doubled area of the 0.6 millimeter tip by roughly doubling the force pressing down on it that turned out to be only a mildly smart idea but we'll get to that later for now it does not look like you know this carbon fiber sheet made any sort of an impact to the Brass hardened or objective nozzles even though carbon fiber is supposed to be one of the more abrasive materials these nozzles typically touch and I think that's because the nozzles aren't actually making contact with the fibers themselves they're just making contact with the resin impregnation in the carbon fiber composite sheet you can see the shavings and the flakes are white or clear and not black like the carbon fibers themselves I could let these tests run until one of the nozzles finally breaks through the resin layer or I could slightly help it along of course that's what I did side note carbon fiber dust is extremely nasty always wear a mask when cutting or grinding it and have some good dust extraction but this is now properly roughed up and we definitely have the bare fibers exposed let's go again the omic city and the hardened nozzle again don't seem to be affected by the grinding much if anything they looked like they actually just got polished or wiped clean by the fibers I was able to measure a marginal reduction in length on the hard nozzle it went down five thousands of a millimeter but that could easily be I don't know thermal expansion or something I did measure something but I'm not sure that it's actually where the brass nozzle however they're definitely see somewhere this time you can see it getting polished away essentially and ended up losing almost one tenth of a millimeter in length now this is significant it would definitely mess up your nozzle height offset but assuming that actually printing carbon 5 would wear away the nozzle in a way that also Smooths over the edges this nozzle would be way past usable at this point honestly I didn't think carbon fiber would eat into brass this quickly but here I was struggling we saw that brass wears more easily but we already knew this so how do I figure out if the E3 DLC coating on the objection improves wear over a plain hardened nozzle I really couldn't think of a surface that was just a little more abrasive than the carbon fiber and would last to an eight hour test that kicked out stuff like polishing compounds those would need to be reapplied constantly and everything else like sandpapers just seemed way too aggressive to actually test with but I needed something that would at least eat into the heart and steel and the only things that do that are grinding materials so I went straight to the sharpening stone obviously you've already seen it on the machine that was the plan or at least the backup plan all along you've seen the thumbnail so here we are this is a cheap aluminum oxide Stone I had more of these at some point but they disappeared during the studio move it doesn't say which grit it is I would guess somewhere around 800 or so on the fine side so it is pretty coarse and pretty aggressive just as a disclaimer to start with and when it comes to just how aggressive this is here's what it did to the Brass nozzle it's gone I even had to stop the test halfway through and readjust the zero position because the nozzle was now so much shorter that was completely out of the camera's Focus plane I mean I could measure how much length we lost exactly but honestly I don't quite see the point in that there's just not much left you know the hardened steel nozzle fared much better but it still lost quite a bit of material I don't think I'd still want to print with this one either now something interesting is happening with this one and it's that the grinding progress seems to slow down the more the nozzle is already ground away and this could be either the rhinestone having worn away and now being dull essentially or what I think is also very plausible is because the contact area of the nozzle gets larger as it wears away but the downforce stays the same the pressure pushing the steel into the grind medium reduces to a point where the grit just isn't digging into the steel anymore but rather you get sort of a skating action where the nozzle mostly skips over the grid so the obsidian well this one got obliterated too much more so than the hard one actually I spent a couple days thinking about how that happened in theory it all worked out I had twice the surface area at the tip because this is a 0.6 and the others were 0.4 so with double the force on it it should be comparable but as always things aren't quite as perfect in practice because what you can clearly see is that we didn't actually get the entire tip to make contact it was just one corner at the start taking the entire voice where we immediately ate through the coating and only then slowly started gaining contact area but at that point we're mostly grinding at the heart and steel core and not at the coating anymore and that's making the Arabic Syrian look worse than it is in practice the coding is all that's going to matter for Longevity if you ever make it through that that nozzle is past its useful life now looking at the first couple of grinding Cycles those tell us a lot about what's actually going on look at the heart and silicon within a single cycle we've grounded down enough to make full contact and every subsequent cycle then evenly eats into the material more and more but with obixitian it takes a good 10 Cycles to even grind it to the same size contact patch that the hardened steel one was after its very first one and that is with twice the amount of force on the Arabic City and driving it into the stone but this didn't satisfy me yet having tested the Arabic sit in with essentially come on having tested the orbic sitting with essentially too much weight meant that the results wouldn't be representative even though there is a clear difference visible so I did what had to be done and I sacrificed the second obicity in e3d had sent me this time with the same amount of weight on it as the hardened one well maybe in total a couple grams more uh because the rivo nozzles themselves are a little heavier than standard V6 types and this time wow did the objectian last long it still wasn't chucked up perfectly perpendicular but it took basically the entirety of the 1000 grind Cycles to get to the same size of contact patch as the hardened nozzle reaches in just a single cycle there is barely any grind dust visible on the grindstone and the dust we can see on the nozzle cam is white which has me thinking that we actually ground away more of the stone itself than of the nozzle that is really impressive so with these results what I would conclude is that the Arabic sit-in is at least a thousand times more abrasion resistant than a hard nozzle at least in this setup a3d feel free to use that as a testimonial there is a whole lot more to this though E3 only rate the object into 300 degrees Celsius is that because the hardened steel core slowly loses its hardness at those temperatures or is it because the carbon coating will diffuse into the steel at those temperatures thus the coating itself change properties as it gets hot I would assume that the coating would perform just as well at high temperatures while a bare hardened steel one would abrade even faster and lastly the most important question I guess for you as well is should you use an obsidian well from what I see yes they're about twice as much as a regular Revo nozzle so if you wear through just a single brass one another big sitting will already have paid for itself unless you abuse them like I did or you bent the heat break then the obsidian should be the last nozzle you'll ever need to buy which honestly is bad business for e3d but it's good for you if you have one affiliate links in the description below anyway I hope this wasn't too long to watch this was a lot of work and a lot of trying to make sense of the results I hope you found it just as interesting as I did you can support further experiments through patreon here I think or YouTube memberships or just by sharing this video with your friends thank you for watching keep on making and I will see you in the next one foreign
Channel: Made with Layers (Thomas Sanladerer)
Views: 406,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4Pl-CQ9eqZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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