How to write synopsis for project | How to write a research synopsis with examples | plagfreecontent

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content so in today's video I am going to explain you all about the synopsis writing so without wasting any time let's get started [Music] so the agenda of our today's video is what is synopsis and how to write an effective synopsis with examples let's start with what is synopsis so synopsis describes the plan of our research project before starting our research project writing synopsis must be submitted to the professor or the department heads so that they can approve our project next the length of the synopsis are between 3000 and 4000 words although some are shorter and again it depends on the organization guidelines now I will talk about how to write a synopsis so for this purpose I have divided it into three main parts firstly organizing our synopsis here we will discuss about the format of our synopsis then in the next section it is a drafting synopsis section here we will start writing about the topics and the subtopics of the synopsis lastly finalize the synopsis in this section we will give the final touch to our synopsis let's discuss each of the section in the detail manner let's come into the first section organizing our synopsis as I have already mentioned here we will talk about the formatting guidelines of the synopsis so the instructor or the advisor will give us a guideline to follow next we will set up the heading for our sections that is the department might have specific guidelines for how to form it or a typical synopsis has at least these following sections that is title abstract introduction literature review objectives hypothesis methodology and methods conclusion and lastly references in the next section I will describe each of the elements in the detailed manner let's jump to our second section that is drafting our synopsis sections here first we will talk about the title let's say we have to write the synopsis on Hospital management system so the title could be formed like this synopsis of Hospital management system next coming to the introduction before abstract I will discuss it later why we have chosen abstract at last so in the introduction section we generally describe the problem or the question that our research will address next we will also discuss what will our project do along with how it is important to our field as you can see here I have written a sample introduction for the topic Hospital management system so here it is describing all three elements that a introduction must contain firstly it is describing the problem our research project address so here the problem is to override the problem prevailing in the practicing manual system that means it is describing what are the problems faced by the organizations to keep the records of the doctors patients employees Etc in the manual form next it is also describing what our research project do here this software will support to eliminate the hardship faced by the existing system and lastly it is also describing how it is important to our field so if we develop this Hospital management system application then it will help the organization to carry out the operations in a smooth and effective manner so in this way you can develop your introduction next the length of our introduction will vary depending on the overall length of the synopsis generally it will cover the first page or two of our synopsis next coming to the literature review it discusses the advancement other researchers have made in the field so we should be able to conduct a thorough literature review by discussing 8 to 10 previous studies that are related to our research problem so here I have written a sample example of literature review of the synopsis here I have taken two papers that is describing the research done by the other researcher or the writer so in the literature review we are describing some short summary of both the research next we should distinguish our research project from those that have already been done to show that we are contributing something new to this field so as we can see from this two literature review that they have some drawbacks like for the first literature review it the speed of the system is really slow and for the second research the system was limited to registration of the patients so these are the drawbacks and our system is trying to rectify these drawbacks so in this way our system is something different from the other system developed by other researchers again the length is same as the introduction now coming to the objective here we will provide two or three specific objectives that we hope to accomplish through our project so let's look into the example here the aim of the hospital management system is to automate the existing manual system with the help of computerized equipments and the computer software so in this way we can develop the objective of our specific synopsis topic next coming to the hypothesis in the hypothesis section we generally represent our prediction of what we will find out as a result of our research it generally involves to predict the relationship between two different variables let's take an example here we have taken user satisfaction has significant positive effect on net benefit so here we are predicting as well as we are describing the relationship between the user satisfaction and the total benefit it means the more user will be satisfied the more will be our net benefit for developing the system next coming to the methodology section the methodology and the method section is the core of our synopsis and in generally lays out for our reader exactly how we are going to answer our research question so this section of our synopsis includes the information about how we are planning to collect and analyze our data the overall design of our study and our sampling methods and it also includes the information about the equipment that are available to carry out the study as you can see how we have written the data collection tool parts for the hospital management system here it is describing the data collection consists two parts first part contains the five question that is related to the demographic characteristic and second contains the question that is about the system quality information quality the user satisfaction Etc apart from that it is also describing what are the tools we have used to analyze our data that is SPSS 2022 and Amos 2022 so the methodology section generally contains this type of information next coming to the conclusion here we will conclude how our project will be beneficial so for the hospital management system it will be the fast access to information and also give easy analysis for the reports now moving to the abstract since our abstract is a summary of the entire synopsis it's typically easier to draft this section of our synopsis after we have already finished everything else so this is the way we can ensure that our abstract accurately reflects the information provided in our synopsis and the abstract is in between the 100 and 200 words so that it gives the readers a basic understanding of our research project as you can see from the example the upset of the hospital management system so here it is describing that we are developing this system to automate the existing manual system with the help of computer equipments and full flash computer softwares lastly I will discuss about the references section so here we will inside the reference that we have used in our synopsis and again the referencing style depends on the University guidelines next coming to the last section of our synopsis that is final check here we will make our writing more clear and concise that is we will get rid of the passive voice construction in favor of active voice and we always use the first person pronouns to describe the clearly what we are planning to do with our project and next we must get rid of jargons next we must check the format of our reference is s per our guideline or not next we will proofread our synopsis carefully we can share our paper with the classmates and friends for review and we can do a second round of editing and the proofreading so this is all about the synopsis writing again you can choose any topic for the synopsis and the format can be vary or the topics and the subtopics can be vary according to you or according to the need if you have any doubt you can ask me in the comment section thank you so much for watching
Channel: Plagfree Content
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Keywords: How to write a research synopsis with examples, How to write synopsis for project, plagfree content, steps of writing good synopsis, what is synopsis, synopsis kaise banaye, synopsis writing example, synopsis writing for research, synopsis writing for phd, synopsis writing format, synopsis writing in english, synopsis writing for thesis, what is synopsis presentation, what is research proposal, how to write research proposal
Id: XFbifpBzYsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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