How to WRITE IN YOUR OWN WORDS, Basics: How to Paraphrase in an Essay

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Welcome back. Today I'm going to teach you one of  the most important skills that you need to know   if you want to write in school in English it's  paraphrasing. Paraphrasing is one of the most   important but also the most difficult skills  especially for English learners. In today's video   I'm going to talk about what is paraphrasing, why  is paraphrasing important, and then I'll show you   two ways to paraphrase. First, what is  paraphrasing? Paraphrasing is when we   repeat what someone else said or wrote using our  own words. Actually we paraphrase all the time,   for example, if you are in class and your friend  comes to class late, maybe your friend will say   “What was the professor talking about?” you repeat  what the professor said using your own words   that's paraphrasing. It's easy to paraphrase  in your own language, but it's really hard   to paraphrase in a second language because it  requires good control of vocabulary and grammar.   Next why is paraphrasing important? Why  do we need to know how to paraphrase?   Paraphrasing is important because we are required  to use it all the time in school for example,   if your professor asks you to read a book and  write about it you're going to want to repeat some   of the ideas from the book, but you're not really  allowed to just copy the words from the book.   Instead you need to repeat the ideas from the  book by using your own words, that's paraphrasing.   Another example is if you read something  and answer questions based on what you read,   teachers usually don't want you to just copy  the words in your answer, instead the teachers   will ask you to paraphrase or use your own words  to repeat those ideas. If you go to college in   the U.S., you will be expected to paraphrase  when you do your homework and write essays. In my class I teach my students two  ways to paraphrase. The first one   is shorter and the second one is longer, so  the first way is called “Tell your friend.”   First, you're going to read the paragraph over  and over until you understand it 100 percent,   this can take some time but it's a necessary step  so don't skip it. Then put the paragraph away   and think about the ideas in the paragraph.  What was the writer trying to say?   Third, imagine that you need to  tell your friend what you just read,   so you're going to say those ideas in your own  words without looking at the paragraph. You don't   have to repeat every small detail, but you want  to be sure to repeat the important ideas. Let's   practice with this paragraph about California.  “California is a large state on the west coast of   the United States. It is important for two main  reasons. First, it has the largest population   in the U.S. with 39.5 million people. It also has  one of the largest economies in the world. This   combination of large population and large economy  make California a powerful state in the U.S.   Second, California has long been a strong  influence in terms of popular culture. Many   actors and film producers live in California, but  also some of the most important people in fashion,   technology, sports, and music live and work there,  and their contributions affect the lives of people   around the world.” So first we need to understand  the ideas of the paragraph, so let's read it again   and think about what the important ideas are.  We're going to notice that the first idea is an   introduction to California, it's a large state  and it's located on the west coast of the U.S.,   and then the rest of the paragraph will talk about  why the state is important, there are two reasons,   okay, the first reason is that the state  has a large population and a large economy,   and those two things together make California  powerful, the second reason is that California   has a strong influence on popular culture.  Why? Because there are a lot of actors and   people in fashion and technology and sports who  live in California and the things that they make   affect the lives of people around the world  or affect popular culture around the world .   Now let's try to repeat those ideas in our own  words. For example, we might say, “California   is a big state in the western United States.  California is an important state for two reasons.   First, it's important because of its size. It  has almost 40 million people, more than any other   state in the U.S. It also has a huge economy,  and the big number of people and big economy   make California very powerful. The second reason  is that California influences popular culture.   People who make movies and technology  fashion and who play sports live there,   and their work has a big effect on people  around the world or people all over the world.” The second way to paraphrase takes longer but  it's really helpful, especially if you have to   paraphrase something difficult. It's called the  Grammar Toolkit. The idea here is that you use   different grammar tools to make changes to the  sentence, and if you use enough tools, well   then the sentence becomes your own words. Let's  see an example. “When acquiring a second language,   you should pay attention to differences  between your first language and the new   language. Here's my paraphrase: “When you learn a  second language, you should notice how your first   and second languages are different.” So what  did I do? First, I used synonyms or words that   have similar meanings, I changed “acquire” to  “learn,” “pay attention” to “notice,” and “new   language” to “second language.” Then I looked  for other changes in grammar that I could make.   I changed that first phrase “when acquiring”  to “when you learn” and I changed “differences   between the first language and new  language” to “how your first and   second languages are different.” Notice that  the paraphrase has exactly the same meaning   as the original, but the grammar and words  are different, so the paraphrase is good. Let's look at these five grammar tools one by  one. Number one: synonyms. Synonyms are words   that have similar meanings, and we always want  to use synonyms when we paraphrase, but we have   to be careful because if we overuse synonyms, or  if we just start plugging in a lot of synonyms in   our paraphrase, the paraphrase sometimes sounds  strange, so we need to choose synonyms carefully.   Let's see an example: “Due to climate change,  fires in California have become more dangerous”   Here's my paraphrase: “Because of climate  change, blazes in California have been more   hazardous.” Which sentence do you prefer? Probably  the first one, right? That's because I overuse   synonyms in my paraphrase and some of the synonyms  don't sound very good. We want to use synonyms but   we need to be careful to choose them well. Also,  notice that I did not change ‘climate change.’   Why? Because ‘climate change’ is a specific term  and there isn't really a good synonym for that.   If I change it to ‘changes in the weather,’  it doesn't really have the same meaning. Tool   number two: move parts of the sentence. Many long  sentences in English have parts that you can move,   and this is an easy way to make your paraphrase  better, for example “Due to climate change, fires   in California have become more dangerous,’ so we  have an introductory phrase here that we can move:   ‘Fires in California have become more  dangerous due to climate change.’ Now   if we want to make our paraphrase better,  we're going to use a couple of synonyms:   ‘Fires in California have become increasingly  serious because of climate change.’ Notice   here that I used ‘increasingly serious’ and  ‘because of’ and those are good synonyms.   Tool number three: change the parts of speech.  Parts of speech are noun, verb, adjective, adverb,   and this is a tricky one but in some sentences  it works really well. Remember my example about   learning languages? Let's see it again: ‘When  acquiring a second language, you need to pay   attention to the differences between your first  language and the new language.’ Now listen to my   paraphrase: ‘When you learn a second language, you  should notice how the first language and second   languages are different.’ This is an example of  changing the parts of speech because I changed   the words ‘differences’ to ‘different.’ Of course  you have to be careful to make other changes in   grammar that are necessary for the sentence to  have correct structure. Let's see another one:   ‘Researchers have found that one key to  happiness is relaxation.’ Here's my paraphrase:   ‘Researchers have found that one key to being  happy is to relax.’ So here I changed ‘happiness’   to ‘being happy.’ ‘Happy’ as an adjective, and I  changed ‘relaxation’ to the verb ‘to relax.’ Let's   see one more: ‘Due to climate change, fires  in California have become more dangerous.’   Here I'm going to change ‘dangerous’ to ‘a  greater danger’: ‘Due to climate change,   fires in California have become a greater danger.’  So again I changed the adjective ‘dangerous’ to   the noun ‘danger’ and we don't say ‘more  danger,’ so I changed ‘more dangerous’ to   ‘a greater danger.’ Number four: change  affirmative to negative or vice versa,   so here you're going to look for words that you  can change by using a negative. Here's an example:   ‘The frustrated voters waited in line for several  hours.’ So think about the word ‘frustrated.’   What does frustrated mean? It means not happy,  right? or not satisfied, so I can change   ‘frustrated’ to ‘unsatisfied’ here  I'm using the negative prefix un.   ‘The frustrated voters waited in line for several  hours’ ‘The unsatisfied voters waited in line for   several hours.’ And the last one, number five:  combine. When we have a paragraph, we can take   some of those sentences and combine them to make  our paraphrase better. Let's see an example:   ‘Due to climate change, fires in California  have become more dangerous. The governor   has promised to work harder to combat climate  change as the state moves toward clean energy.’   So here we have two sentences and we can  combine them together: ‘Due to climate change,   fires in California have become more dangerous,  but as the state moves toward clean energy,   the governor has promised to work harder to combat  climate change.’ Now we're not finished. The   paraphrase is basically the same as the original,  it's just that we combined those sentences   together and moved one thing, we're going to have  to use some synonyms and maybe other changes to   make the paraphrase good. When you use the Grammar  Toolkit, there are other changes you might make   too, for example, change from active to passive  or from singular to plural, and as your English   gets better and you have more control of grammar  and vocabulary, it will be easier for you to see   what changes to make, but the most important thing  is that you make enough changes that the sentence   becomes your own writing. The meaning must stay  the same, but it also must be in your own words.   What's important to remember here is that when  you paraphrase, you need to use more than one   tool from the Grammar Toolkit. Think of it this  way: when you need to fix something that's broken,   you probably don't use only one tool, for example,  if your refrigerator is broken and you bring your   tool kit, how many tools are you going to use? If  you use only one tool, you probably cannot get the   job done, the same thing with paraphrasing, you  need to use more than one tool to make a good   paraphrase. That's it for today, check out the  description box below for more practice and let   me know if you have any questions or suggestions  for topics for upcoming videos. Thanks so much,   and if you found this video helpful please  subscribe and give it a like. See you soon!
Channel: Learn Academic English
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Keywords: how to paraphrase, how to paraphrase in an essay, how to paraphrase in a research paper, how to paraphrase to avoid plagiarism, how to avoid plagiarizing, essay writing tips, paraphrasing, how to write in your own words, how to use your own words, plagiarism, do i need to paraphrase, how to paraphrase in english, how to avoid plagiarism, paraphrasing techniques, how to paraphrase in research paper, how to paraphrase a paragraph, ESL writing lesson, ESL writing, esl paraphrasing
Id: 0mF0mFwlnAY
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Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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