How To Write A TTRPG Adventure?

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I want to tell you about the most fun way you can come up with your own tabletop role-playing game Adventure it's the agnostic ttrpg prep method so my pals Kenny Webb and Kyle Latino just put out this awesome Zine it's this wonderful little package that helps you quickly generate a tabletop role-playing game Adventure using all of your favorite books it's a super simple method that really distills down the creative process in a super fun way and it's also filled with random tables just in case you get stuck on something I think this is a super awesome way to write a one shot but also you could keep rolling on the tables keep adding more books to the pile and come up with something even more involved and complicated really you could write an entire campaign using just this this one little Zine and a bunch of your favorite books so the way it works is by using this hexagram and a bunch of whatever kind of books that you want I've gathered a bunch of my favorite Fantasy Comics and I'm going to be using those to create a One-Shot Adventure in this video basically you throw down a stack of books at each point of the hexagram and each point represents a part of the adventure that you are going to be figuring out the six T's I don't think they actually call it the 60s but that's what I'm going to call it there's the task there's trials terrain Travelers treasure and trivia so basically You're Gonna Roll some dice look through your stacks of books and figure out what each of these six points on the hexagram is all about and then by the end of it you'll have yourself an adventure I've got a bunch of my favorite Fantasy Comics stacked up here and this is the stuff that I look at the most so maybe the results of this are going to be a little too similar to the stuff I already right but we're gonna jump in test it out and see how it goes now you're supposed to roll some percentile Dice and that's going to tell you where to flip through in a book but I forgot my dice at home so I'm just going to use the percentile table that they've put in the back of this book I'm just gonna randomly plot my finger down and pick a spot then I'm gonna pick up a book go to generally where that percentile is in the book and just look around see what stands out and use that to answer the questions at each point on this hexagram so I've started with a task this is what the players are attempting to accomplish in this adventure I got an 86 on the percentile chart so I'm skipping to the end of fantasy sports volume 3 by Sam bosma so at this point in the story whiz the protagonist has to defeat this big armored creature so the task for my one shot is to defeat something next up I got a 10 on the percentile chart so I'm flipping to the the beginning of rickety stitch by Ben Costa and James parks and immediately I'm drawn to the word muck for some reason I don't know that that just stands out to me so the players are gonna have to defeat some sort of muck then I have to determine what happens if the players fail to defeat the muck so I'm referencing the percentile table again I get an 98 so I'm flipping to the back of rickety Stitch it's where the heroes are fighting this giant and the the roof starts collapsing in so if the players fail in my Adventures there's going to be some sort of collapse that happens so now I'm gonna go through the rest of my my piles of comics here and fill out my list of each point sometimes I'll pick out a word or an image sometimes I'll name things or describe them based on what I'm looking at in the comic but really I'm just following Along on this two-page spread kind of answering the questions here so for terrain I need to find a place name it's wonder and then name it senses so I came up with a forest castle inside there's some sort of snakes or serpents and then I found out that it is crumbly Rocky and there's some shouting going on and what I'm discovering as I'm making this list and going through these books is that I'm coming up with these solutions that I wouldn't normally choose and it's the combination of the different things that are putting together that's sort of sparking my imagination and even though I'm just borrowing ideas from all of these different books by combining them it feels like I'm creating something totally new you know I feel like a wizard here sitting at my desk among all my favorite spell books pouring over the details to create my own new awesome magic spell it's just a really fun process and I'm surprised at how fast I'm building out this list and coming up with an adventure I don't think it even took me 20 minutes to come up with this list I'm really happy with where it's landed so here's what I've come up with my players are going to have to defeat this muck that is caused by constant rain or there's going to be some sort of collapse I haven't figured out that part yet so there's these humans that are summoning the rain they don't belong in this castle in the forest but they're there because of some sort of snake or serpent or Dragon maybe a serpent is kind of a dragon the players will meet another traveler named Nightshade who is coming to kill the serpent with arrows and there's this treasure it's either a skull or like a Lapis gemstone that creates fire so with this basic list I have a pretty good idea of how this adventure is gonna go I'm going back through the agnostic Zine to fill in a few of the details so using the tables in the book I've determined that the human stole this fire skull or gemstone from the dragon and are hiding out in this Castle they're using a rain spell that was taught to them by this pig wizard to create rain that sort of protects them from the dragon but that's also created a Muk monster that's causing problems The Traveler named Nightshade is a lizard guy maybe he's after the the fire treasure for himself or maybe he's just looking for some buddies to go on an adventure with so you can see how just by adding in a few details rolling a few more times on the tables or even looking through a few more books and answering a few more questions you can really start adding in the complications so now my players aren't just trying to defeat some nebulous muck there's this fire dragon or serpent that's chasing these humans even though the rain is protecting the humans from the dragon it's also causing these problems like the Muk monster there's this interesting lizard guy NPC that can either join up with the players or be another antagonist I'm just really impressed at how well this agnostic ttrpg prep method worked how much fun it was the first link down in the description will take you to the cloud curio shop where you can get this Zine I'm just really excited about this adventure that I came up with I'm definitely going to be using it for a project in the future so definitely subscribe to the channel so you can see how it turns out in future videos if you'd like to get more ttrpg Adventures that I've written check out my patreon that's linked below hello I also have an online shop with zines and and fun stuff I have a list of all of the comics that I use to come up with this adventure down there as well thank you so so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: JP Coovert
Views: 10,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Map Crow, Agnostic, TTRPG Prep, jp coovert, D&D, dnd prep, dnd writing, d&d writing, adventure design, kyle latino, kenny webb, cloud curio, game design, ttrpg, rpg
Id: OKB4UbsS3Fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 39sec (459 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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