How to Write a Thesis in LaTeX pt 3 - Figures, Subfigures and Tables

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in the last video we looked at configuring the page layout of our thesis using the geometry and fancy HDR packages in this video we're going to look at using images and tables if you've never added images or tables into a latex document I recommend you first watch the relevant videos in our beginner's tutorial series let's start with images for this project every image we use we will store in the images folder to keep everything tidy in the first video we prepare the document for images by loading up the graphics package and by informing lay tech where the images are stored using the graphics path command whenever we add an image into our thesis we will use the figure environment here's an example notice that I've half size of the image and use the position specifier H to put it in the document where the code is in the text it's really important to add captions to figures when writing a thesis notice that latex automatically numbered it according to what chapter it's part of it is also really important to label each figure so you can accurately refer back to it in the text like this you when writing a thesis you may want to include some slightly more complicated figures with multiple images you can do this using sub figure environments inside a figure environment before we can do this though we need to load up the caption and sub captain packages we'll do an example with three images alongside each other with separate captions and labels to start with we create a new figure Center it and then create a new sub figure in the sub figure commands we need to add a placement specifier and then give it a width as we want three images next to each other we set a width of Nohr point three times the text width you need to make sure that the sum of the widths you specify for the sub figures is less than the text width if you want them all on the same line when we add the images in we need to specify the width using width equals followed by the text width command the reason this works is because the text width within the sub figure is the width we specified in the begin sub figure command ye nor point three times the normal text width next we give the sub figure a separate caption and label we can then end the sub figure and add the next two in to add some spacing between the figures we'll use the H fill command if you don't want them all on the same line you could just leave blank lines instead of the H fill commands please note that the indents I have used do not affect how the code is processed they just make it more readable the beauty of these sub figures is that we can refer to each of them individually in the text due to their individual labels just like this you but we can also give the whole figure a caption and label you now if we add a list of figures commands just after the table of contents latex will generate a list of all the figures used in the thesis and inform us where each can be found now let's talk about tables when writing a thesis you should enclose all your tables in the table environment here's a basic example you again make sure you add both a caption and a label you just like with images you may want to group the tables together into a single table environment this can be done using sub table environments inside a table environment here's an example you notice that in each begins subtable commands we've included a position specifier and a width you again we can give each subtable a label and caption as well as giving the whole table figure a label and caption you now in the same way we added a list of figures after the table of contents we can add a list of tables using the list of tables command this concludes our discussion on images and tables in the next video we'll look at adding a bibliography to our thesis please do subscribe to our channel to keep up to date
Channel: ShareLaTeX
Views: 120,537
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Keywords: LaTeX, TeX, ShareLaTeX, edit, write, collaborate, science, maths, equation, math, table, subtable, figure, subfigure, tutorial, tutorial video, thesis, images, usegraphics, graphicspath, learn latex
Id: mYfSRmMduGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2013
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