How To Write A Business Plan That Works

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How to write a business plan that works?  A good business plan can open the door to   not only a successful business but tons of money  for your business. I'm going to show you exactly   how to get a business plan that gets you all the  money that you need for your business. Let's go. I'm going to share with you a detailed  step-by-step process on how to write an   amazing business plan that gets funded. I'm  going to share with you the fastest way to   start a successful business to sell your products  or get clients fast. And last but not least, I'm   going to share with you how to use your business  plan to get hundreds of thousands of dollars in   business funding. A good business plan can open  up the door to so much more than just knowing what   you're going to do. Most people fail in their  businesses because they fail to have a plan.   Again, if you fail to plan, you are planning to  fail. So, writing a business plan is something   that most people do not think is necessary but it  is one of the things that changes businesses. And   as a teacher and a coach, I know for a fact  that my students that do their business plan   versus the students that don't have a much  different success rate. My students that take   the time to write a business plan and actually  think about what it is that they're going to do.   Not only do they get more business funding, they  actually have more success in their business and   in my program. I know that writing out what it is  that you're going to do; how you're going to get   clients how you're going to market; and how much  you're going to spend is absolutely a game-changer   for any business. Additionally, I know that you  can use your business plan to get funding from   investors and from lenders. So, let's talk about  how you do it. So, step one in your business plan,   the overview of the business. What exactly is  it that your business does? You need to define   that. What is your mission? What is your purpose?  Again, what does your business do? How does it   get clients? And how does it serve them? That's  the easiest thing to define in your business.   If you for example are a videographer, what type  of videos do you make? Do you make music videos,   or do you help people make YouTube videos like  Noelle is making? What type of videographer are   you? Do you do weddings? Do you do parties? Again,  you have to start thinking about what it is that   your businesses does. You can't just say that you  do everything because in that case you don't do   anything. Step 2, who are your customers? Who  are you serving in your business? What type of   people do you want to help? So, one of the things  that gets defined in the overview of the business   where you say, "Okay, I'm to make videos for  people." Then you're going to niche that down   a little bit further and you're going to go  and decide who is it that you serve. Do you   want working professional people? Do you want  long-time entrepreneurs? Do you want to film   children? Do you want to film young adults? High  school kids? Weddings? Banquets? Corporate events?   What type of videos is it that you want to  make? Just using that as an example. This is   very important something most people do not do.  And this is another reason why people end up with   a business that they hate. You have to clearly  define who it is that you serve so that you know   you're attracting the people to you that you want.  No one wants to create a business where they hate   their customers and their clients. That is the  worst type of business that you can create. In   fact, you might as well just keep a job if you're  not going to pick your clients and your customers.   This is important to any business. Even if you  have a business that's open to the public like a   restaurant, you want to start to get very specific  with what type of customers you serve. If you do   this, you will be exponentially more successful  than someone that does not plan on who they are   going to serve. So, think about this and create  your avatar of the type of person that you want   to serve in your business. Get really clear about  this and write it down in your business plan. This   not only helps you, it will help your investors  and your lenders, I'll tell you how. Step 3, how   do you make money? This is the part that people  always think about but they really don't plan.   People want to make money in their business but  they don't necessarily plan on how they're going   to make money. They figure, "Okay, I'm going to  make videos and then I'm gonna charge." How much   are you going to charge? What type of packages  will you do? How often do you do them? You want   to create a business that has recurring revenue  no matter what the type of business is. So,   if for example using our example where you want to  make videos. You can create packages for people so   that they get multiple things from you and you  can create stable income for yourself. Even if   you do hair or makeup or something like that, you  can create packages for your customers that gives   them a longer relationship with you. Not just a  one-time thing. You want to start thinking about   your business long-term, not just transactional.  So, many people try to get one client at a time   and their businesses fail. That's not a plan. But  if you create a plan with how much you're going   to charge for your services and you package them  up in a way that creates stable income for you   and services to the customer that are  recurring, you can create a situation   where you have a business that will get funded  a lot easier. So, think about not only how much   you're going to charge but how you're going  to package up your services or your products.   Where do you get your customers? How do you get  your customers? This is the next step that you   need to define. Are you going to use Facebook ads?  Are you going to use letters? Are you going to put   out signs? Are you going to do google ads? Are you  going to have a guy in the street standing there   with a sign trying to get people to come into your  salon? Again, what exactly are you going to do to   get your customers? It's very important to have  a mini-marketing plan within your business plan.   Now, again, as you start in your business, you're  probably going to tweak and change this. But   before you ever get started, you need to think,  "How am I going to get customers how are people   going to know about my business?" There's tons  of ways to do this but you need to have a plan.   Think about it and make sure you write it down  in your business plan. Because this is important.   And last but not least, how are you funding your  business? This is the part that most people just   skip altogether. They never really think that  they're going to need money to continue their   business but you're going to need money for your  web hosting or maybe even for your phone service   that comes each month. You're going to need some  money to keep your business going. So, where are   you getting the funding from your business from?  And this is where I have a bonus tip for you.   You want to start building business credit  and make that a part of your business plan.   You can work on building your business and your  business credit all at the same time. Just make   sure that you put it into your plan. Like each  month, I'm going to use these vendors and they're   going to report to Dun & Bradstreet, I'm going to  check my business credit report and I'm going to   grow my business credit which will then in turn  get me business funding and grow my business a   lot faster than it would using my own personal  savings or my own personal credit. So, again,   most people skip this. And this is how you can get  money from lenders and investors. If you actually   build in your funding and building business credit  into your business plan, you will open up the   door to get hundreds of thousands of dollars from  lenders. Because in many cases with just 3 months   of bank statements and showing your business  plan, you can get funded for your business. Yes,   it's true. So, I have written an entire book that  I want to make sure that you get your hands on   absolutely free. I will teach you all of what  I've done to start from zero and change my life   into a multi-millionaire. My new book Real  Estate Millionaire Secrets is the complete   beginner's guide to real estate investing,  building a business and even using business   credit to take you to the next level. Check out  my new book for free at   That's Noelle is spelled  n-o-e-l-l-e with an s.   Because I want to make sure that you have  all of the resources, all of the tools,   and all of the knowledge that you need to be  successful. This is Noelle. To your success.
Channel: Noelle Randall
Views: 93,659
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Keywords: Noelle Randall, Noelle Randall Coaching, Real Estate, Airbnb, How To Write A Business Plan That Works
Id: ej4Y2TdRqfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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