How To Work With Chainsaws 2

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[Music] the next part is the is is one of the more challenging parts it takes the most strength that's going to be limbing so let's go from the bucking to the living part of it living is probably one of the more dangerous parts of the job of course felling as you're said yeah felling is going to be the most dangerous but living can be even more dangerous because you become complacent you're thinking oh I'm just living I'm not doing a big thing like following a 60-inch doug-fir and that's where it'll bite you the most dangerous portion of a chainsaw is the tip that's rotating it's got a lot of power it's going fast you need to always always know where that tip is and what's going on if I were to run this saw at full blast and I would put this hook that tip right there what would happen I would probably just completely mess you up it would walk back on me it would come back like this so you've got to know where that tip is that danger portion is from here from the nine o'clock position to the 12 if that hits a limb if that hits a piece of wood if it hits another tree it is going to walk back on you that's why it's so important to have that hand position here because if you run into that if you make a mistake and you'll lose control of that tip it's gonna come back it's going to engage that break but that kickback is very serious and very dangerous and something you want to be aware of as we go through here we're gonna be limbing you're going to need to know exactly where that tip is you'll go in you'll cut you'll let the chain spool down to stop running engage the brake reposition just engage the brake make another cut and go on but always always always make sure that that tip is not touching anything and you're not cutting with that tip you're cutting with the anywhere from here from nine o'clock to the backside is okay but don't cut with this I will teach you how to do that later how to pledge cut how to overcome that but that's an advanced technique it's not we're going to do today so I'm gonna demonstrate a little a simple limbing as we live up this and then we'll start the saws and together you know you're making me want to do what's up cut two eye holes right here and wear it like this well I don't think you should be naive you should know the dangers but if you do it properly if you listen to me and you follow these rules it won't happen so as Jack and I we're just sitting here talking he mentioned how exhausting this is you can't that you couldn't imagine doing this all day you'll condition your body to do it but you need to learn tricks to make it the work easier and one of those things is to keeping that sock close to your body we've all know how hard it is to hold a weight straight out like this you can't hold it out there very long so I've gotten really good running these big saws about using my body balancing it off my knee I'm always keeping it close I'm always positioning my body or I can keep it in close I can use a knee I can do all sorts of cutting you need to think about that when you're working try to avoid anything like this it's hard on your back and it will wear you out did I do pretty good with that when I was cutting these yeah it's a little bit different with bucking because you're not supporting this off the log is supporting the saw and you're basically they're just tending it now when you start cutting and in falling and you have to support this ah that's when it gets more important especially for living is we're about to do there's also a way that forth when you walk in the woods this is something my great granddad Chester taught me there's a way that a logger or a forester walks in the woods because it's a really difficult environment often times out wet is too steep there's lots of rocks there's limbs all of that and it's kind of a very loose jointed walk so when I'm walking through the forest I'm it's a very loose and kind of Bettany's and lots of movement at the hips too to accommodate all of that round stuff if you're just trying to walk and traipse through the forest like a normal person you're doing this you see a guy that's worked in the forest it doesn't want to hunting out west he's got kind of a strange gait it's almost like slithering and crawling across the ground it's very loose jointed and very relaxed and that will help you from getting caught up on snags and sticks and from falling down there's about it when you're walking that anything you step on if it were to move a little bit or to roll a little bit you're not gonna fall that becomes very important when you're carrying these tools like this axes crosscut saws chainsaws that you stay upright and then you're not falling down and hurting yourself now I'm all about saving my body and doing things as easy as possible that's why when I'm living I start at the top it worked my way down I'd rather work downhill then work uphill all right keeping that soft close feel that loose disjointed walking that easy ready to move ready to roll all the time kind of a slithering through the forest come up here get your saw in here start clearing out your work area making a plan I'm good at clearing other is I have plenty of experience yep okay you have a comfortable area here you can work see you're gonna kind of work down here you're gonna cut just cut your path as you go now when you chop the limbs with an axe you never chop in the crotch you always come from the backside right here why is that because what it does is the crotch it directs the axe in and you end up chopping too deep and doing more work see how it wants to go like that you want to chop from the backside like this okay backside there go my limbs and it said that this is a perfect reason why you carry an axe with you sometimes on the smaller stuff when you're clearing a spot to work you can come in here and just a couple strokes there are things out without fooling with the saw but these bigger ones will we get into the bigger branches you're gonna need the saw so have your axe ready put it above your work let's talk about that a little bit Jack that's a really good good point there now so we've got when we fill this tree of course it's sitting up on some branches right so it's nice to have it sitting up on branches because then it's not in the dirt when we want a bucket so I'll leave these I won't usually fool with those to last if I'm using if I'm cutting firewood I'll leave all those low branches to let it support itself but also you have to be careful because then I might fall down it can if you cut one of those that may be the only thing that's keeping it from rolling downhill so what I'll do is as I'm cutting my firewood if I'm just doing rounds I'll start cutting and cut and cut it when I get to this then I'll go ahead and cut it off and then continue on because I don't want to deal with cutting a bunch of limbs off of rounds of firewood so I want to do it as I go keep your axe on the uphill side and then you're gonna start working down here with your sauce cut your lemon are you ready [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's going on heart racer what's that forest envy come here come here baby come on baby get up here can't hear you hold on so Jack did a great job you learned to did some bucking down there and then Lemmy he just put the Solway he's pretty much pumped out so oh you have okay I said you were pretty much you your arms were you were having a hard time holding up the saw yeah mama use the chainsaw mama has that small must use that chainsaw so that's about all we have time for today and that's probably that all you have strength for you probably pretty tired after that saw huh so how was what was your experience like what how was it different than you had anticipated it wasn't really different from how I anticipated much more tiring them more tiring yeah so this is a this is a 25 inch bar on at 260 it's a little bit too much bar for you it's a lot of weight hanging out there well we'll get you a smaller bar and it's gonna make a big difference that's a that's kind of one of the way I had it set it for myself because I'm taller so I didn't have to bend over so far and you'll also know that it's hard to run this saw with that long bar because it's not designed to have such a big bar so we have a smaller bar you have lots of power it's not gonna have so much trouble keeping it going but you did really really well had a couple had to get on you a couple times for taking your hands off before the chains stopped spinning but you got that figured out but you cut real safely I felt that a couple more hours that we can cut together and not going to have to be like a mother hand over you you did a really good job so you just have to build up your strength and endurance and you'll be able to go all day and in about two or three years you'd be running this big one and all where in the I might not wanna go for or I might not want to go all day though you'll be able to go all day sometimes sometimes it just takes a long time to develop that that strength it just just it's hard work logging is one of the hardest jobs there is out there you got kind of a taste of that today and so next video we'll have maybe another part or two we'll do some some a little more advanced bucking and wedging will show how to measure and to scale a little bit for we'll take some of this will be for the sawmill it'll be nice lumber for projects and some of it will be for firewood we'll do a little bit of forestry and cleaning up and habitat rehabilitation and then we'll take these logs up there and and we'll see what we could do so kind of show want to show you from start to finish you know when the log comes down oh also will I'll show you some some cool ways to deal with stumps that you probably haven't seen before that it is simple something that you can do to make them clean them up and make them look a whole lot better and actually use them as an incubator for future trees start so so anything else anything new on the homestead we need to add google i'll hold the mountain lion i want to mention that so I told Jack I said no one is allowed to go anywhere without being armed we're gonna have a have a rifle on us all the time or handguns at least there's a mountain lion that just has been that attacking livestock and pets right up the road from our neighbor and yesterday morning we just got a text yeah it was yesterday morning that it came right in one of our neighbors are one of our best friends yard while my friend's husband her friend's wife was at home within they had a brand new Mastiff puppy and it came in an attack and killed the puppy so that's the second or third encounter I've heard of this particular mountain lion in this area so we've notified DNR they're sending some professional hunters up that will track it with dogs and and kill it because it's becoming a danger to folks who live up here into animals livestock and pets just can't have it when they start coming in this close so if we see it almost shoot it some dance wax won't we she did some dance fights you don't know about dance wax my granddad said that when we used to hunt granddad Chester he'd go hunting said boy we're gonna get him this year we're really gonna slam we're gonna shoot some dance wax at him I never knew what that meant until I found out that he him and his brother speed they stored their ammunition and a dance wax candle that same one I keep my shooters some dance wax all right thanks for watching we'll see you guys on the next part and I guess on the next video [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Wranglerstar
Views: 283,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wranglerstar, stihl, husqvarna, wood, saw, safety, how to, stihl chainsaw, tree, forestry, chain saw, stihl outdoor power tools, arborist, power tools, do it yourself, chain, how to sharpen a chainsaw, how to fell a tree, how to cut down a tree, sharpen a chainsaw, cutting down a tree, chainsaw trick, how to sharpen chainsaw, chainsaw grinder, chainsaw sharpening, chainsaw sharpener, chainsaw, homestead
Id: GmndPUfwFyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2017
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