how to wire up a 3 phase unit and disconnect

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i get asked a lot what exactly it is that i do and all i can really say is i'm an electrician that's the company um so i'm gonna record a part of what we do and that's uh hooking up a three-phase i think it's a 25 ton unit not 100 sure i'm an electrician so all i need to know is how many phases and how many amps and where my power supply is all that i already know so first things first power comes from this pitch pocket that i've already removed the cover from got my wire uh plenty long enough to go to this disconnect once we get to the disconnect which i'll show you all about we're going to go through that hole right there that's the other side of it and uh come up through here make up to our terminal block right there phase one two three which they got these you know you these are just not really of any importance what you want to look at is this here uh that l1 l2 and l3 that's your first second third phase so first phase is red in this situation so this will be our brown orange and yellow from our high voltage so the next part here i'm going to do is i'm going to take this seal tight it's inch and a quarter this wire and i'm going to size it to run here with a strut strap and come up into this hole here so we can bypass and come in with our line side a b and c phase so our load will come out here a b and c phase through this whole engine quarter as well we'll go that way so let me size my wire real quick and then i'll pick up okay so this is my seal type i've already put a connector on one end and i'll show you the next little snippet here in a minute how to insert one of those but the way that i cut it there's many ways but this one works take a knife paul's right here think we're messing with it we'll be in good shape so we're going to score it all the way around another pause the video to put my gloves on i just got back from break a minute ago so once you score it there'll be a crack in the uh still tight i'm gonna break it now there's a hole it's gonna be a little piece of metal right here and a strain that connects himself stick them down in here give them a little snip should pull right out take the piece you're gonna use that throw it out of the way so you're left with this a little contraption here it's no good so you want to go around to where it goes back in perfectly snip it right there that piece of fall just trying to off off cut off that little tip otherwise you'll cut yourself on it later this is a quarter cell type category this part right here is what goes into whatever you're connecting to and this will lock it in place so what i'm about to show you is already done this is for later i just wanted to show you kind of what's going on the other half of it goes on to your cell type it's three pieces that go to make it to like still tight for a reason i'll show you that now down here in the bottom of my disconnect i haven't already pre-assembled so we'll remove the lower half make sure you get all the pieces there's three of them like i said that piece is locked on already it's hard to do with one hand by the way so first thing you're gonna do you're gonna take your tension ring threaded when it's threaded slide it on first you know that's an important step you can tell this has got a smaller end and a thicker end thicker and goes on first they're a pain sometimes to beat on the whole point of these is to make a water tight connection so once you get it on you want it to be flush with the top and what happens is when this let me tighten this this locks it all in by the way nice and tight when this goes into the connector and threads this little rubber piece right here will get sucked in and cause it to tighten down and make it watertight so i'm gonna go ahead and insert my wire we're gonna take our wire here all together i'm going to fish it into my cell type and then i'll uh pick up after this okay so we got one in secure tightly to our lb coming out of our pitch pocket just going to run across we'll get strapped here with a strut strap later and now i'm going to take this wire feed it through and start connecting power here we go wire in now keep in mind this is aluminum feeding this disconnect so this is my line side as long as you refer to line then finding out where it goes becomes relatively easy it's written right here in the disconnect line side is on top so what happens for those of you that don't know what a disconnect does it literally disconnects power so when you throw this down these fingers remove themselves and break the circuit so power is no longer feeding the load which is the bottom half of these blocks which would in return be this unit so people can work in here safely by killing the power here most of you don't know what that is but for those that don't that's what it is so because this is aluminum to aluminum we will have to use no locks and it tells you right here it's an antioxidant joint compound and what it does is aluminum as it gets hot and cold will swell and shrink a little so to be sure we keep a great con connection we add no locks which is a conductive liquid that coats the tip of these wires and we'll show you how that works in just a minute let me go ahead and get the uh the ground so that's the green one and it will go into our ground lug which we have mounted here and yes it does tell you exactly where to put it it's pretty easy folks okay so i went ahead and stripped the ground i leave a little bit of a loop on the load side just in case it needs to move later it has a little bit of room in here and what you do is you dry fit first so you want it to preferably stick out on the other side just a little bit so you can quickly and easily tell that when this is all the way tight that you have a good connection if it's hidden then you're questioning yourself and whether or not it's actually seated well and also it could potentially push this out as you tighten and lose connection so my video got cut off somebody called my phone and i didn't know that it would end the video but it did so no big deal so we dry fit first like i already said that just you don't want your wire to get pushed out when you're tightening the screw so you want it to be just enough like this and then take your flat head if you don't put it in crazy places and uh you'll tighten this after you put your no locks on it so let me show you how that works so what i do this one because it's busted up and this ground is small to fit i'll just stick it in give her a good little bath in it stick it right back and tighten it now i'm gonna put my phone down for this because i need to hold the wire to make sure it seats properly okay ground is in set like i said i like to leave a little bit of extra on it um next what we're going to do is we're going to dry fit our a b and c phase wires our brown orange and yellow typically i start from the far right and work backwards so first phase is brown second phase is orange so that's first phase second phase third phase is yellow so boy brown orange yellow so yellow would be the first wire that i start with i like to make sure that they're all coming out of the connector properly to where when i run them they'll be not so crossed up and i'll bend this around and size it so let me get that size and i'll show you what it looks like so this is third phase or c phase drive fitted so it's loose still i got to put no locks on it but what i'll do is i'll keep it in and i'll drive i'll drop it all my wires up here first and then i'll take them out one by one yeah with the no locks and tighten them up so let me get the rest faced okay there we go i've got all three phases a b and c one two and three brown orange and yellow and the line side of my disconnect dry fitted so what i like to do now is i'll take them out one at a time like this and i'll coat them in no blocks so i'll go ahead and coat one come back and show you this is what it'll look like after you have coated it properly and you'll just take it and sit it right in take your fly head tighten it up all right i'm gonna do the other two and uh we'll get on to something else all right once you've got line side connected with no locks on it if it is aluminum you want to put your safety shield back in it just clips in this little uh let's see if i can focus on it there's these little clips right in here just hold it in so there we go and that is line side this isn't super out of focus there we go all right so next load side our load side will be copper to these units so let me go get my copper wire okay so went so you know our material is on the other side of this building back there where you see that fella walking um don't know how far it is way over there so i had to go get some uh if you tape the tip your wires it makes fishing so you're so tight a lot easier so what we're to do is now that we're on the load side we're going to take our reducing washers which i've got here what they do is they reduce this hole is an inch and a half and i need it to be inch and a quarter so the inside diameter of this is inch and a quarter the outside diameter is inch and a half or two inches i haven't looked at it yet two inches so it'll cover the outside and keep our pipe from falling through so let me install them real quick in case i confused anybody on exactly what i was talking about the ring [Music] fits over this hole [Music] and then you take the other one on the bottom half and then you put your connector through it and it no longer falls through so i'm gonna try this with one hand go ahead and put it on uh here [Music] and then we tighten the spring okay the ring is tight so as you can see here our connector will not come out all right so we're going to connect another so tight end there's a little too much sticking out here so i'm going to trim that back a little bit [Music] [Music] that'll just help with everything else seating properly so like i said before threaded and goes off first so you can put this on this will sit on flush once you have it on you will thread in your connector you can use channel locks to tighten these but i've found that if you get a pair of linemen pliers and pinch right here they will twist and tight just fine so that's one last tool you have to bring up for this stage of course you'll need one to tighten the rings so you got to keep that in mind as well this part i don't think i've shown you yet so when you insert these in here you'll see just like this it's hard to watch both then you'll take the ring all the way up and tighten it so this takes two hands though so i'm gonna go for a minute okay let this refocus for me all right once you got that connected you want to size the other end to your disconnect leaving enough room to strap here to meet code so we'll exit the unit leave a little loop here and just like that so what i'll do is i'll get it right the way i like it and i'll set my thumb where i want to cut and then i'll take my knife and i'll cut it here michelle i'll do this one more time in case they're all coming in late to this video a bandsaw is my preferred method however sometimes when you're on a roof you want to carry a few amount of tools as possible especially big ones like a band saw and just focus on uh bare minimum because when it's hot it's getting hotter every single second and two bandsaw isn't the lightest tool and it's not absolutely necessary so once you cut it pop it once you pop it get your dice snip it some of you all probably already know that pay attention on this one the metal sticks up a little higher and that's typical sometimes so you just cut an extra ring off and it'll thread out and then you cut the tip so you don't put yourself on it now she is ready for the other end red ring red ones are always harder than the yellow ones so bear with me get it on all right and it would connect here on the bottom side of this let me get my ugly mug out of this video [Music] and i'll tighten that with channel locks here a little while so with the taped end of the wire i showed you earlier i'm going to come back to the unit and i'm going to push this down if it's so tight [Music] this part is always harder especially one-handed but uh what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna push this all the way in after fighting with it for probably 15 minutes and it's going to come out over here and i'll show you what to do after we get that okay the wire is in i went ahead and hooked up the ground to the ground lug back here um it's really hard to miss those they're usually green um always bolted to the end and you can always identify them with other grounds attached to the same thing so pretty simple it's got a ground symbol there that's where it goes hooked up like i said in the beginning of the video l1 is a phase l2 is b phase and l3 is c phase or first second and third phase these colors don't matter this is what the hvsc manufacturer uses so what matters to us is that we do a b and c phase and all this lug here that's mine power and you can usually verify that on the one line diagrams written on these panels but i'm not going to bore you all with that it's another day but it'll clearly tell you right there that 1l2 in ground and l3 so anyway let's get these attached and like i said these are copper one being brown orange yellow sequins like this and a copper is a little harder to bend in here so i'm not going to record my struggle if you're experienced then you understand it so i want to insert these tighten them up and then i'll show you all the after but uh these are copper so they do not need no locks this will just be stripped and shoved right in okay brown orange yellow one two three abc high voltage there you go we are terminated ready to juice close that it's got some magnets in here that hold that kind pipe however we're going to take this 5 16 shout out to dewalt that's all i use some of my people watching are probably milwaukee fans and i'll be the first to say there's nothing wrong with milwaukee they're awesome too however i'm committed to the walk so we'll attach this little fastener screw that kind of keeps this secure a little better and then this door it'll slide in and it'll get two four five screws which are located right here so let me get this door on real quick all right door's on now it's time for the load side of our disconnect here and what i'll do is uh since i've already finished the line side and the pitch pocket i'm gonna go ahead and put this on [Music] and just know that i'll put the screws hold that down at the end of the video y'all need to know how to do that it's pretty simple hydration one of my favorite drinks in the entire world berry lemonade okay so first thing we're going to do is take our ground that's copper by the way size it it's going to go to the top half of my ground lug once i cut it i'll flat head tighten the screw here no no locks because it's copper then i'm going to take brown i'm gonna dry fit it then i'll take orange dry fit it into the second phase and then yellow to my third face okay i'm gonna do that real quick and then uh i'll be right back okay there she is we are grounded our a b and c phase is terminated tightened safety clip is in place no locks is installed onto the aluminum line side of my three conductors and she is ready we'll keep her off until we verify voltage after we turn on the breakers downstairs after our transformer are set uh these will get strut straps on them to secure them in legal strapping codes this is our gfi for later gotta have one within 25 feet of the unit here um other than that now yeah know something that you probably didn't and that's a little bit of insight of what i do in the company sometimes it's kind of different every day now i get to do that 37 more times see y'all there
Views: 18,453
Rating: 4.891892 out of 5
Id: DmgbIGIOrAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 6sec (1506 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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