How To Wire A Generator To an Electrical Panel 120 V or 240V Basics

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Allu everybody in this video I'm going to show you how to wire generator to an electrical panel whether it's 120 vote generator or 240 vote in writer I'm going to show you how to wire both of them up let's get started before I cut the power off I want to show you they seen a lot that I made and I got a feeling it woke my heart make this and I figured out the easy way so you can make a pattern but anyway I've got that on my channel okay here's my power I got it cut on and I want you to notice I sleep this in lockers I'm off pull my main power off I got an inverter over and I'm using for life and see that's got my power what I can't cut that on but I can cut my generator on this is where my generator is coming in and the generator room and only after I move this back see that only after I move this back can I sign this up and cut my main power back on if you're gonna be using 120 you're gonna be just using just a single breaker like this if you're gonna be running 240 you're gonna need a double breaker like it's right here that's something to know about the 120 and 240 if you use it or 120 half for your panel box won't work and I don't mean half this side and half that side I'm gonna have to show you about that on piece of paper in a second man this is a breaker box that I found online it's a small box but I can show you the idea now the two hots come in right up here on the top which is the way they are almost even when I've ever seen you see this side right here is the B side this side right here is the ASA if you got a 120 generator this side and this side we'll share the same prong right here so they'll both be on be your generator will be energizing this whole side it won't energize this side you've got to have a 220 to energize both sides so if you got a 220 breaker it'll sit on both of these one one part of the breaker will sit on this and one part of the breakup said on this and you'll have two hot wires coming in from your generator and in or it'll energize both sides of your panel box where like I say again if you got a 110 it'll only energize just this one side and see with a 120 generator you will only have one hot wire coming in so see it's impossible to energize both sides with a 120 volt generator and y'all is just a simple is put all your breakers on this one side right here the B side then you know they can be across from one another it will cause they'll both of this side in this side or both be on the same prong right here I've got an inverter on right there then say this right here for my generator wildly coming in in this in this is on the B and C this is on the big I'm gonna pull that out and show you it's sharing the prong so I can show you like exactly what I'm talking about they say there's prong right here that's but both of these breakers is sharing that beef tongue right there they on G this thing these is video I ever explain see both of these right here is B and then these are running off the eighth you see right here this right here jumps back to be in this side right here is shared that B but when you do this you got to make sure you cut off absolutely every breaker because see this side can't be on why I can't have these breakers on when I cut this on so trying to make a long story short i the the the breakers just got the red tape on there is the ones I'll be using and this nail here it ain't got no tape on it but this right here is a 110 air-conditioned so I'll be using it and this uh this break the right here was over here on this side you know you know it's got four wires so I had some different color tape I like put a piece of white tape on this and then I put a piece of white tape on the wire because when you move it to the other side of the box they either flip books at them and don't trust you see if could remember what goes why just do it like the way it is and then see this right here it's got a piece of green tape on there see I put bringing tape on the wire and well here's some blue but I actually took the tape off but anyway I put a deeper color a tape on naver wire and I put of the tape on where it went now if you need your appliances or your whale or anything that runs on for 220 going get you a generator then a run that now I just fan with the 110 and one half of my Bob forking so if you've got a small generator don't be discouraged what say all I had to do was just move my breakers around I've got on my last I got a microwave I got the refrigerator oh here's my 110 air-conditioner down here and I can say I got all my lives yeah I'm good to go as far as that I just ain't running no 220 and in I don't think with no favorite boxes like yes but you can get these little single breakers and I don't oh I don't know if yours has got this 10 for these little singles like this but no this is pretty neat because and see this wire right here it was up here yeah I got the breaker cut off this is the bedroom lights and I took that wire and I moved it down here to Anitra spot I had so we'll have bedroom lights and you know you won't have even if you got even if I cut it on every breaker that I got for the 120 you won't be using them all at one time if you when you go out of rooms you cut that light off it that level it'll burn all that crazy when that light switches off if you cook everything off in your house being still got morning kind of meters it's been that meat will stop and it won't move so you ain't gotta worry too much about that but just got to make sure that see this right say this brick right here it's on here with the stove I had to make damn sure that I don't cut that right there own because uh I've read a lot about this but uh they say the little they'll tear it up but I mean it won't work anyway your up your hot wire this can be coming in on you 1:20 you'll have a you'll have a a bare wire it'll go here and then your usual are going inside if you got a 220 breaker in there you don't see it right it'll sit in both of these spots and you'll have one hot wire coming hearing one Hotwire coming in here in the same you know you know what I don't know if I said but it'll have four wires and the neutral go here in the ground over here I wouldn't attempt this for that this you know off and you also can get a trance first week and I think the transfer switches is pretty good but they seem like they meet a ton of high seemed like leaning in lots kind of hide too but you know why they are its it something's hard to just to look at that box and tell how to put an interlock on there that'll work because there's so many things that had to happen at the same time but like I say I got a video Mahalo make one I figured out how to make a pattern where you can take that pattern out there and lay it on piece of metal cut it out to a fit I want to let y'all know I'm not electrician I just talked to a couple of my buddies and he is late accretions and then I study just trying to hear pretty hard now the generator that I'm gonna be using is a 30 amp generator but uh like ah if you got like a 2000 watt generator you won't be R to be miss somebody they 20 amp breakers too much I thank the one of these right at one of these twenties one of them is the frig trading one of them to microwave and that microwave I think today about 2000 watts or 2,500 watts so even though I've got it on there probably not better to use it with with the air conditioned on my hair so you kind of just want to be reading more about you about what you use it the main thing for me is I want my air-conditioned work and then even like you they say you got you a knish you know you can cut you a knish off every once in a while in term you lick your refrigerator run you know maybe an hour I'm Internet we're gonna be cutting off and on and make it gonna get colder than what you want it to get in you could undo undo that and book that condition back in or turn the breaker back on hey y'all I only got to cook more things to say there's my inverter that I was using and here's my life like when I was cutting my power off I don't I don't miss for that box right there when it's when it's on you know wind up with the pyro I'm not even for a second you don't neither just wanted kid whatever size generator you got yo your wires coming coming in match your breaker up to whatever it is if it's 2000 was you can Google how many amps is 2000 was so that takes care of that now probably more than likely you'll be putting a plug the outside where you can just plug your your Oh generator wire into the plug on the side the house I'm not gonna be doing that I'm gonna show you what I'm gonna do I've got some barrier wire this right here is uh is 8 2 and I'm gonna make put mine in the ground permanent so I'm just gonna park my wire directly into my box I'm not gonna have a box outside Oh put a plug outside where I'm plugging in and unplug it it's gonna run straight to my generator he said man that's dangerous gnarly because you can't have the power on in the generator on the generator power and the electricity power on at the same time that's the beauty of the interlock you see I got a 30 amp plug right here that I'll be using if you got 2000 watt generator you won't have one of these but it actually works the same way Kyle say one of these prongs right here I don't know which one it is but one of them is only one of them is hot I thank you uh well I ain't sure but it it's got the directions in the box you might want to LIKE and subscribe I'm gonna show you the generator right here that I'm gonna be using I'm gonna be trying that out and see what they're to do you know one caution you then if you get one of them big generators one of them 240 generators it's gonna be loud and they ain't got no problem about them about the 220 generator I just don't want no loud generator that you can hear all over the neighborhood man I'm not sure if I said it but see I got solar hot water I had got no whale and I've got gas heat oh so that's the reason that that the just a 120 volt generator or suit my needs okay y'all peace we'll see y'all on the next video you
Channel: Southern Ideas
Views: 173,893
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Keywords: How To Wire A Generator To an Electrical Panel 120 volt or 240 volt Basics, How to wire a generator to an electrical panel, How to install a manual transfer switch, Power cord from Generator to Panel, HOOK-UP Generator to Home Main Breaker Box, Wiring up my generator from a 120v to a 240v plug to power my house ., How To Add a 120V 240V Circuit Breaker, BACKUP POWER: Easiest Way to Connect Generator to House, How to hook up a generator to your house wiring
Id: e-zF1YxOA1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 27 2018
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