How to Win Set Champs with this Surprise Spicy Sapphire Steel Deck

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what's going on fellow Gamers we have lur con set for store championships starting this week and running all throughout July I know it's been a while since we posted a video here on the channel we've been a little bit busy expecting our first child in just over a month hopefully we can hold out in time to play at our local game store and with Pixel born shut down now officially it's been a little bit harder to come up with content since we need the physical cards but my wife and I have been playing non-stop throughout the little break we took and I'm very excited to show off one of the spicy spicy decks we're going to be taking to our store championships let's take a look I just want to start by saying that my meta at my local game store is very Ruby amethyst Ruby Sapphire heavy I have built the deck to deal with that but there are some modifications that I would make if I start seeing more Emerald steel popup in my area but as of right now it's pretty much exclusively Ruby amethyst Ruby Sapphire Sapphire steel and one or two steel songs and then we get like a ruby Amber player as well all right so to start off just like every good Sapphire steel deck we're going to be running four popsicles and four for Topher it's going to enable our card draw throughout the game and as you'll see in just a little bit we have more ways in the deck to draw cards using these One Drops very efficiently next up we are running four copies of Mr spe again very standard for Sapphire steel so nothing tooo surprising here SME is just a great early quester he puts a lot of pressure on the board for a lot of decks that want to get out those big threats early like your amethyst most likely you'll end up trading this card anyway so you'll get to maybe four lore with this and then it could take out a fox or a snake and prevent some future plays that your opponent has and then speaking of very standard Sapphire stero we have four herum cards herum is just a excellent card to continually draw from your items so nothing too spicy yet we do have one hollow here and I don't know if you can see that but it's got bad print lines it's just the way the card came out of the pack funny enough but we play it anyway and next up where we really start to deviate from the standard Sapphire seal I actually run four copies of the two drop Aurora with Ward she can survive things with to attack and she'll be untargetable to early game ping damage from like a fire the Cannons or baboom which is super important because on turn three we are trying to play Aurora dreaming Guardian this card is essential in Our Deck to protect our kums from the control of Ruby which is like I said very very prevalent in The Meta that I play in and if you're not familiar with how Aurora works when you put her on the field every other character on your side of the field will gain Ward she herself does not have Ward but she she has enough strength that the early gain removal can't really touch her and her biggest threat really unless she is exerted is going to be like a a came Zeus which can take out the five HP in one go I love this card being able to play Turn three allows you to safely bring in your herum they won't be able to Target the herum as long as Aurora is on the field and like I said with the five toughness Aurora is going to be able to survive any single spell and as long as you don't Quest her she'll be able to survive she'll survive baboom she'll survive fire of the Cannons she'll even be able to hold out through a Ursula deceiver of all singing a let the storm range on and then we can even use our popsicles to keep her on the field and keep that really powerful ability so that our herum can't be targeted and we're going to have ways further into the deck that are going to further prevent herum from leaving the field so because we're going to have this Aurora on turn three in most games I've loaded the deck up with a lot of five cost songs five cost or Le songs that we're going to be able to sing most likely I will be running three grab your swords I tried playing around with just two and I wouldn't find it enough to really make good use out of it early we'll run a Let It Go for the late game two copies of let the storm range on because like I said our Aurora will be able to sing it as well as our bodyguards that will show off later in the deck and I do have three copies of Smash here these are temporary right now I am just waiting on my long K Zeus cards to come in the mail but these three slots will be long ke Zeus so we'll change that now with some editing magic all right and our next line of cards is going to be all about keeping our herum on the board and safe while it quests and gets us more cards we've got the cogsworth that's going to give him resist one and we also are using a bodyguard in Cheno I've flipped a coin here on doing two or three of Cheno although it is devastating if we lose our herum the last half of the deck has some surprise ways to still draw cards so I don't think it's that big of a deal if he's not able to stay on the field for too long hopefully with a turn three Aurora turn four turn four herum and then turn five Chen po you'll be able to keep him on the field for a couple turns and'll get really good use out of them the only danger with running just to is that we might not find it we might have to play cogsworth instead or we might have to play some kind of removal and pay for it with our ink and then for our six drop we are going back to pretty standard Sapphire Steel in this meta we're running three copies of the thinkerbell card this is great to get a single damage out could be something to get all over the line to remove something like a Diablo you can combo this with getting rid of Bucky really easily and she has a really great ability of when she attacks and take something out she can deal two damage to something else which really helps with hitting the evasive cards and then for our late game cler an insanely fast lore game we're playing the new aerial card she herself has Ward so not a big deal if Aurora's on the field or not she's still going to have board and we have plenty of items in the deck the only thing that this deck might run into is if it's playing a mirror match or if it's playing a Ruby Sapphire deck you might be into an items race where this card is not as effective as it could be that's a risk we take to get the ward on this character we could run Bell instead but in my play tests I really like how Ariel plays out and then if you're playing against Ruby amethyst Sapphire Steel you're always going to have the item Advantage so you're always going to get the max benefit out of this and then wrapping up the last of our high cost cards we're going to be running two lucky dime this is usually more than enough to see at least one throughout the game with how many cards that we usually draw and then we play three to TOA just because in my experience drawing one early can be make or break because you have to end up using it for ink when you have three of them you've got at least one to spare it's not the end of the world getting rid of it early and late game if you lose another one due to a be prepared or some other removal like a Maleficent Dragon you still have another one in your deck somewhere hiding so this is another late change that I made adding another tatel to the deck but as long as I don't find it super early I'll usually pull it mid game which is where you want to see them and next up we have our specialized removal part of the deck for our one drop I personally Play Fire the Cannons because like I said I'm going up mostly against Ruby Sapphire Ruby amethyst usually there's no issue with Ward as of right now from what I've seen so I'm able to deal damage directly to characters I don't need to worry about someone evading my damage with a ward spell if I was playing in a really populated Emerald steel meta I would trade these out for Triton's decree I think this card is a sleeper hit you don't get to choose what character gets the two damage which is a gift and a curse when you're playing this game you want to play this when it's just Bucky on the field because your opponent has to choose Bucky and it has to get rid of it works the same way for us as be king Undisputed works and has been working same thing way as lady train works against this deck I think this is a very fun surprise card that a lot of emerald players are not really expecting and it catches them off guard because we do need to be prepared for Emerald evasivo Evas I do have magic room in here just something to get on the board as a little bit of presence to kind of persuade them not to play those cards and quest with them so recklessly because even if we're just doing two damage to something we have enough spot removal that we can pick off the last damages here there and be just fine and then last up I do run to Rise of the Titans to banish locations or items typically I'll banish the queen's castle against amethyst players and then against Ruby Sapphire we're going for the fishbone quills the lucky dimes and then against your players if they're not running Hidden Cove this usually will just turn into ink for us so it's not the best use of a card slot in that matchup which is why like I said we're not playing mostly against those cards so I kept that in here but if I was playing against more Emerald players and still needed the item removal I'd probably switch it out for the three cost or the five cost Beast hardheaded benj will allow us to get rid of an item but also will allow us to just sing let the storm rage on because he has that three cost and now on to the final part of the deck if you've been following along you probably are thinking where is the sapphire ramp I don't see any fishbone quills and that's because we do not run fishbone quill in this deck in my experience testing this deck so far fishbone quill gets me into more trouble with getting cards out of my hand that I could use later and I think the endless ramp of great Stone dragon is something that's very overlooked there's many games that I've played where I get my greatstone dragon out maybe on turn five turn six once things have started to be removed especially since we're using shift for Aurora if that Aurora gets removed I can start pulling an extra ink every single turn and still having the cars in my hand now the downside is you can't use this item on the turn that comes in and you can't use the ink on the turn that you use the item but with that being said once you get to turn seven turn turn 8 turn 9 and you've been using this every single turn I end up having 15 16 ink which is more than enough to cycle through my entire deck especially since we are going to be using extra ink with our last two cards Maurice's Workshop if you're not familiar with this card whenever you play an item you can pay an extra ink at any time after to draw an additional card so what that means is our popsicles and our photospheres instead of being a pay one and get one card it's pay one get one card if I don't like that and I have extra ink I can pay another one get another card when you get to the end of the game and you really need to find your lucky dimes you need to find a removal spell and you have a tamatoa on the board who's bringing these popsicles back you are able to continually draw now in an Ideal World at the end of the game if we get to this board State we're going to draw one for turn kum's going to Quest to remove a popsicle we'll draw two so now we're at three for the turn tomato too Quest and we'll bring the popsicle back to our hand paying one to get an additional card now we're at four cards and we'll use another ink with maa's Workshop to draw our fifth card for the turn which means for this turn we've drawn five cards for two ink and if we've ramped properly with great Stone Dragon we still have 15 14 12 whatever it is ink left to make the rest of our moves and with the amount of removal and control that's in this deck it's something that's super strong super overlooked and I can't recommend this card more for just late game hyper card draw and great Stone Dragon for just late game infinite Inc let me know what you guys think of the video like I said I've gone through a lot of testing with this deck this is my current favorite to bring to set Champs I'll post a video after our set Champs it is at the end of July and I'll let you know how we did I don't see a lot of people talking about these two cards in particular Maurice's workshop and grainstone dragon and I know for a fact I've seen zero content around Aurora so this is something that could really surprise your other players at your local store if you guys enjoyed this video please give it a like subscribe I do have one more deck that I'm currently testing it is using everyone's favorite squirrel Bucky so please don't hate me in the comments thank you guys again for watching and I'll see you guys next time see you
Channel: Ruunan Lorcana
Views: 1,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disney, disney lorcana, tcg, ursula's return, decks, card preview, cinderella, ursula, enchanted, set 4, sapphire, steel, set championship, store championship
Id: zDuHdxGTfrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2024
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