How to water bull your boots/ shoes for parade

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hello again gentlemen this is just to show you how to water bull your boots or your shoes after you prepare them to queried standard and this gets rid of the oil and any excess polish grease this left on the surface of issues and it brings it up to a really high standard really deep shine what you need is three things very very simple you need a tap that contains a cold water I'm sure you can find one of those you need your shiny shoe okay that's a little bit greasy but not looking bad and you need not a duster nothing else you need some cotton more balls okay I would juggle them it's just not going to work switch step on okay and what you're looking for is a very fine stream of water but it is a constant stream of water where not let me just show you it's not drip in okay like this you see this now once you strip in there not like that okay and it's not a philosophy but this is very fine and as fine as you can get it which is a constant stream of water now get your cotton bud soaking wet get your shoe okay and all you're doing shoe under the water okay collars you off and you rub it in the Polish rubbing the cold water all over the shoe checking it make sure there's nothing on it okay no bits of grit or grime on the surface there all over the shoe you always do the toe cap separately never do it with the rest of the shoe and I'll show you why in a second okay and when you do the rest of the shoe guarantee you you'll get bits of polish off why not actually know something yeah it's cut me a little bit said yes where you got to be careful so if you see a tiny tiny little bits of grit on there okay but they will scratch the shoe so you've got to turn it over and just go all over the surface of the shoe they cover the whole shoe thank you see like there now you see that it's a polish on there that will scratch the shoe if you're not careful now the key to it now use the water to get rid of the water I know you do that you see water on it there if you just drag it off slowly it takes any excess water with it and you've now got a dry towel cap squeeze out your piece of cotton rut bud and use it just to dab off any excess water Deb it all off from inside the welts down here get rid of it all any excess water on there and then let me show you the finish result okay this still shoes on to my standard but they're still very good you can see there that is a lovely shiny shoe that will pass any parade see that a nice Kiwi polish elbow grease and a silver and that's it okay guys simple as that shouldnt be any more complicated than that once you get to a good standard once you've laid them up should take you literally about 10 minutes to finish your shoes up again okay if you want to spend a good half hour on them you can have them looking awesome okay they will crack on parade that polish will come off but you brush it all off you layer them all up again half hour later okay let let your polish dry on polish it all off again rub it all off of your off brush and give them another good polish again would be seal about Devon and Keary polishing up come up like that in loads on right now it's my son's Tim I'm for that we're doing it for enjoy guys bye now
Channel: Steve King
Views: 23,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: I0wZLGrxuKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 53sec (233 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 21 2018
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