How To Wash A Fleece (Jacob) the EASY Way for Longdraw/Woollen Spinning!

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[Music] hi and welcome to fiber love diary if we haven't met I'm Trish and if we have Matt welcome back probably pardon my tribe and you've already subscribed if you want to be part of the tribe hit subscribe down below you can also follow it Instagram and Facebook if you want to hey whatever you want to do this is the channel we're back document my fiber obsession of prepping washing spinning weaving knitting crocheting once in a while in fact I'm looking at a crochet project right now gosh there's probably more I don't know a couple months ago during lockdown I bought some bargain jacob places about two weeks ago i skirted them in a video they were pretty disgusting and this is the box just in case you don't remember this is the fleece I don't keep English I'm gonna start washing today and I thought I would take you guys on the process so disclaimer before I start just two little quick things to say number one this is my washing process for a fleece that is not super dirty not super greasy so what I would think of as like a great beginner please and this Jacob is a great beginner please you might have your own way of washing please I respect that that's cool with me I don't have a problem with that I think one of the best things about crafting and art is that everybody can do things the same way this is just my way do you alright I got to wash some of this it's disgusting I'm gonna go through the entire process I'm also gonna card at least one bat so you can see how it looks prepped and probably spin a small sample so I hope you hang out so you can see the finished yarn I'm pretty excited the reason I bought this giant box is because number one it was a good deal or it sounded like a good deal it wasn't there was some risk involved but it turned out to be a good deal and I love Jacob please and I spun up the last that was in my stash so I had to replace with brief leases I didn't have to but I did we're gonna do this outside just because it's nice enough to do it outside sometimes I do it in but I'll have to voice over because you never know what's going to go on in my neighborhood okay as it gets we do have our hot-water heater turned up all the way because we don't have any little kids but please don't do that if you have small kids they could get scalded so I believe it's 140 on the hot water heater so by the time it gets to the tap it may not be quite that hot but anyways I'm gonna use this tap to fill up this old wash tub I've been using for I don't know the whole time I've been washing fleas I'll be using classic dawn I have tried other things I've tried that expensive thing that I'm not gonna mention I do not think it works better again you should just do what makes you happy and I put it enough to make the water nice and blue then I'm gonna add some fleece I just try to make sure it's not packed in here I found that if I pack too much fleece in everything doesn't really get as clean in the center or in the middle it gets just kind of compacted and the soap and water can't get in but I just want to press it under the water I do not want to move it around I don't want to felt it this is what I will use to drain the fleece without agitating it so my husband did this for me he cut the bottom out of this bucket it's had police on him and this is actually just a laundry bag from like a dollar store so it comes with this drawstring that has the little it's not a toggle but it's like a little lock so I just put it on and then I drawstring it closed as tightly as I can and it's around the rim and it hangs down in there so I'll just pour it through this kind of like a giant colander it's actually not too bad so I just pour it in and that way the extra water pouring over it kind of rinses it too not as much in the first wash but later on and now I'm gonna repeat that whole process again this is a tub full of water and I'm gonna do another 20 minutes so con this fleece with this dawn and again I'm only gonna press the police under the water I am NOT going to agitate it around twenty more minutes and I'm ready to rinse I'm gonna go through two ten-minute rinses in just plain water also just hop straight out of the tap so I'm actually just my left is drained for a little bit and then I will lay it on this towel and roll it up so it's a really hot day I'm sorry I didn't have this in the right frame but I'm gonna let this dry on these old sweater racks I bought at a garage sale and you can see here I think you can see anyway it is just there is no felt saying this fleece actually turned out beautiful so I know it looks gross right now but I think it's good to show people that some of the phases of a really beautiful prep will look kind of weird and gross so I'm just gonna pick this place really well I'm picking out those short cuts as I go you can actually see me pick a few out and I'm gonna run it through the drum Carter for the first time and you can see that first pass on the bat this is also normal and it's why I often pick fleece outside so I know it doesn't look that great right just hang on you gotta see it at the end for the second pass I actually split this bat and choose six pieces lengthwise you can do all kinds of different things but six is sort of my go-to for a bat that's not that big I will do eight if it's a bigger thicker bat but this one wasn't too huge I just like to take each strip and pull it out kind of thin like you can see and then I will actually just super gently hold it and guide it in so that the liquor in doesn't grab it and just like pull it all in at once I don't usually have that problem with this Carter but I do like to control every little thing because I'm a control freak okay a lot of people will spin it after the second pass I definitely don't think that's wrong but I'm gonna go one more pass this time I only separated the baton to four strips lengthwise I just didn't think it needed anything finer and again I'm gonna pull it out into a thin layer and guide it into the Carter I do like to burnish after each strip I don't really know if it helps to organize the fibers but I think it helps to like kind of swish them down and make them fit better on the drum Carter okay so now this is gonna make me happy as far as prep goes a really good prep goes a long way so I've discussed this before but I haven't done it for a while I'm gonna pull this baton to roving I have dis roving off my Carter but I don't think it's any easier and I don't think it does a better job so I just do this I think it's simpler once it's all into a big long strip I'll actually attenuate each joint a little bit I just like it better while I'm spinning this is the perfect fiber and the perfect prep for a long draw I do do modified long draw I feel more comfortable kind of controlling the twist as it goes in there's that word again controlling the twist is traveling straight into my fiber supply I just like to be able to feel how it's going in as I draft so I'm just gonna make an anti implying bracelet it is not the same as you use an Indian plying tool for I think this is easier and I've always liked it better I can't even tell you where I learned it because I don't remember now it was such a long time ago so here's the finished sample I ended up with eighty yards and I'm gonna wait to do the rest because I have a big sari silk order coming but it is very squishy and I am kind of in love with it so I will definitely be spending this up pretty soon thanks for watching guys bye
Channel: Fiber Love Diary - YarnTube and Weaving
Views: 9,523
Rating: 4.9744682 out of 5
Keywords: How to wash a wool fleece, how to wash raw wool fleece, washing a fleece the easy way, washing raw wool, washing wool in preparation for hand spinning, wool washing, cleaning wool, scouring wool, youtube washing raw wool, scouring wool at home, washing wool, wool processing, how to clean raw wool, bammerkt, fiber love diary
Id: OZnq-500grc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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