How to Walk Out of a Thrift Store with High ASP Items to Sell on Poshmark! Poshmark Selling Tips

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so as you may know if you've watched my Channel or if you follow me on Instagram I don't really go to a lot of thrift stores anymore because for me my thrift stores aren't that great and online sourcing for me has really been a blessing in so many ways it kind of started with the pandemic and it really took off after that and I really never went back so I used to shop at the bins I used to shop at my Goodwill retail and I just don't do it anymore because I do so much better with purchasing boxes and purchasing p pets and online sourcing one by one or going to different websites so for me online sourcing really is the key but I do go in to a regular thrift store from time to time and I know many of you don't Source like me you still go into a regular thrift store you like it you enjoy it that's your U time you get your coffee and you go or whatever or your thrift stores are just way better than mine so what I'd like to do for those of you that are newer or for those of you that just maybe never came up with a strategy I want to give you the high ASP thrift store strategy that I have used in the past and that if I were going to thrift stores right now for my main source of inventory I would do it this way and so I'll kind of really just list off the sections of the thrift store that I would go to in what priority order and then kind of explain my thinking so this isn't a crazy video where I've got lots of really nitty-gritty strategies this is going to be really basic but if you don't have a thrift store strategy you may want to adopt this and I hope that you do so let's go ahead and dive into the tips thank you to vendue for sponsoring today's video I have talked in the past about how much I love vendue but I wanted to give you a quick rundown of all the benefits I get by being a vendue user vendue more than pays for itself with the added productivity I get from its growing list of tools obviously we know that it is way faster to cross post on multiple platforms with vendue than doing it on your own manually but the tools that save me the most time and effort are the bulk deist relist feature the auto sales detection feature which delists your items from all platforms when it sells on one and the vendue app because I can list and manage my business from literally anywhere use the link below to get 30% off your first paid month of vendue okay so I am not a big handbag or shoe seller but I know that many people are and so if I was probably the two most important places I would go to First that I feel like would have the most value would be to go to Handbags and then shoes first foremost not getting you know distracted by anything else in the thrift store I would head straight to where they keep the handbags whether it's the ones that are out or the ones that are maybe like locked behind glass doors of some kind that's how my Goodwill does it they have like the Kate Spade and the Michael Kors and things like that you know all beh and any designer behind lock glass doors so I would go there first I'm not a big shoe seller but I would go to the shoes next if I was because I do feel like many people that know shoes which I don't and that have the patience to clean shoes which I don't have can do really well with shoes shoes are good sellers people are going on there they're items of value and so I would start with Handbags and shoes hands down if I were you cuz I don't do that but now here's where we get into what I actually do so the next place I would go after Handbags and shoes is I would go to dresses I really do love selling dresses there may be a point in time where I only sell dresses really with the thrifted items that I have like the Zara and the torid the Le Pulitzer Bowden you know all the brands that I love to sell I'm really only concentrating on dresses from those Brands I'm not looking for tops from those Brands I'm not even looking for pants from those Brands I'm really focused on dresses because I feel like it is a one garment so people will pay a higher amount for it it's just generally an item of more value than other types of items let's say a tank top and so dresses I feel like have such a wide range of brands that you could find at your thrift store that could would have I don't want to say mistakes but you know like thrift stores they'll mark up Lauren Ralph Lauren or at least mine does or tal bits but then they won't mark up a higher-end brand because they may not know it and it may not be as well known so I feel like there's more opportunity to kind of find some gold in dresses now at my thrift store going through dresses could take my whole entire thrift store time budget so I don't know about you um we can talk talk about that maybe at the end like if I could only have an hour where would I go or something like that so we'll do that at the end but so I would do handbag shoes and then dresses for sure because I just feel like there's so much opportunity with dresses and the ASP can be really great with dresses so th those are my top three the next one after that that I go to is sweaters now sweaters can be tricky because you might think well it's not the right time of year so I'm going to skip sweaters or like with sweaters there you have to sweater shave sometimes things so you may not want to deal with sweaters as much but for me I find that that's where I find cashmere and I can literally rub my hand down the line of the tops of the hangers sticking out from the racks and I'll stop when I feel it and I'll check and see if it's cashmere or not I get fooled sometimes but most of the time I could run my hand down and find a handful of cashmere items now that doesn't mean that they're in good enough condition to buy or whatever but for the most part I'll pick up any brand of cashmere as long as it doesn't have a flaw I'm not into flawed cashmir I'm not dealing with that so I can do that trick whether I'm at a buy sell trade store or at like a Goodwill and I can easily find the cashmere quickly without having to go through every single sweater that's a skill that has come with time in my you know Elder years of reselling now but you know for you you don't have that yet and you need to go through the whole rack I do think it's worth it to go through the rack because you could find that cashmere which is really what I'm looking for with sweaters but then you could find the good brands of sweaters that have you know the oversized boxy slouchy kind of sweater that you're looking for or just you know like a good J crew chunky knit oversized camel color sweater and like that would be something I would want you may find some good Cardigans so I feel like sweaters is the next best one that I would go to because there are those really good home runs that can be found I can usually find them pretty timey efficiently and so you're going to find some good stuff there so I would go handbag shoes dresses sweaters then next I would go to jackets now I don't love jackets because in mine they're high up and low so either I'm bending down it hurts my back or I'm high and it hurts I can't really see so it's not my favorite place to go and so I do skip skip it sometimes but jackets are where it's at as far as ASP because you can sell a jacket for a lot more money than you can sell a skirt in most cases and so for me I'm looking for leather jackets genuine leather I'm looking for you know like the good North Face type things and you know if anything else kind of strikes my fancy sometimes I'll find a Blazer where I feel like this is something I want to deal with most of the time I don't deal with blazers I just would rather not but leather jackets and then like the good sports jackets you know active jackets those kinds of things winter weather that type of stuff would be what I'm looking for you never know what gets mistakenly put in jackets too I have found some cashmere items in with the jackets because it's a sweater but like so so that can be good so I feel like jackets is kind of a no-brainer one we're looking for high ASP items and then I would follow that up with jeans now some people jeans it's like their favorite thing to sell and like that might be the first place that they go to because they're familiar with it they love selling jeans they know exactly what they're looking for it's easy to kind of go through and find exactly what you're looking for so I do think that jeans is a really good section and I do like selling jeans but I have not found in my thrift stores the kinds of jeans that I want to be selling it's a lot of the nonsense and so for me I know that I'm not going to come away with much from having gone through the very large Jean section that we have so I kind of put jeans you know a little bit further down you might say I like jeans better I do better with jeans and I get good jeans so I'm going to swap jeans for sweaters and so you could do that so I would encourage you as we're going through this video to like take this down make a phone note or something and this is based off of what I do and what I say for me and the thrift stores that I come in contact with but for you it might be a little bit different and you can kind of swap slots with things and then make like a really good list for you and if you're someone that does get off track and distracted at thrift stores going through in this way may help you speed up your trip and make it more efficient find the most valuable items that you can in the little bit of time that you have if you're pressed for time or just have a strategy in general so next I would go to swim and this may not be something that you're into but I love selling pre-owned swim or new swim I love selling plus-size swimsuits mostly one piece now you could love to sell separates you might also like selling regular size for me I'm going to go into a swim section looking for new a tags of course and for the most part if it's new a tags I would be more lenient on what I pick up but I'm mostly looking for plus siiz pre-owned all the miracle suit that you can find and then just plus-size swimsuits so that's what I really like to sell from that kind of section and so I would just kind of scan scan scan and kind of look for the items that look like they're plus- siiz and of course one piece so my eye if they're all mixed up not separated my ey is going to go to the longest things because a one piece would be longer than you know just the top or just the bottom and I'm going to look at those and I'm going to keep my eyes scanned on the bottom area to identify the plus size and then I'll pick that one and look and see what it is and that's how I kind of go through that section so for me it can be very quick also I'm in Florida so there's swim all year round it's plentiful and so I can get to it so for you if you know that you don't get a lot of that often or it's not very good swap it out with a different category the next area that I would go to is athletic wear we do have that separated out so I can easily go and find all the sports bras and all of the leggings and that works pretty well I have not been to that section in a while I will add because I'm just not as up lately I've been kind of really dialed into the brands that I know and love and I haven't really been looking for a lot of new things to add and test out like I like tried and true stuff I like replicating the same thing over and over again so while I do my you know bolo videos it's good to know about things but that doesn't mean I'm actively sourcing them so for me active wear has hasn't really been something that's top of mind lately but I know in the area that I live in I can go through the active War section and I should be able to come away with two or three Lululemon items I don't know that they're going to be in sellable condition or something that I want to sell but I know that I will find them because in my area there's a lot of Lululemon wearing going on and so I can easily find that if that's not true for you and you find like all the Kohl's brand gam gum and like tech gear you know but if you find all of that then you may not want to bother going to that section but I would put athletic wear next because I do feel like that would be my next best bet following athletic wear would be bras and Intimates and in this section the only thing I'm looking for is plus-sized bras that's the only thing I'm looking for I really don't do a lot of pajamas and things like that I know some people have found some good things with that but that's not it's not really my favorite so I would be looking for plus-sized bras and that's about it uh sleepware you could go to that again I put it here I don't go to it but that's what I would recommend someone go to next if they were going down the list now I'll tell you at the end at the end of this list kind of where I stop as well so bras and Intimates then sleepwear then scrubs if you have a separate section for scrubs I do think it's worth it to go through I have not sold scrubs in quite some time but I remember I used to love selling scrubs I used to love all the fun prints things would go really well early Poshmark days now I don't really know what the scrub Market is like but I do know like gry's Anatomy used to sell really well maybe not the case anymore fig used to sell really well or figs or whatever it's called used to sell I don't know if that's the case anymore I haven't checked comps in quite some time but whatever the hot brand of Scrubs is if you found it that would make going to that section in this order order worth it so if you are a scrub seller and you know what the hot brand is you may want to make sure that you quickly check into that section before you move on to some of the other things because if you find the big hitter that's going to make it really worthwhile next is pants I really hate going through pants it's just so much limited and so much loft and so much an tailor and so much tal bits and so much so many things DK and Y and you know I if you sell those Brands great and good for you for me I just don't anymore and then that's the brand name ones then you got all the white stag and Cold Water Creek and Gloria Vanderbilt and Liz Clayborn and just so much that is on my noo list these days because it's very common and it doesn't go for a lot of money in in relation to where I'm at right now with my reselling business so for me you know I'm trying to list things for $50 and I'm trying to sell them anywhere from 25 to 35 and so there might be some that you could get away with that on those kinds of Brands but most of the time not and so I just don't find based on my pants section that it's fruitful for me to go through and do all that shuffling through and probably not Come Away with any pants of note so for me I feel like pants is a tough category in general to sell I've never been good at it I have sold many pants but I feel like I've sold more jeans than pants I've definitely sold more than any other category than pants except for maybe skirts CU I don't like skirts either and so pants is just hard because there's so much to a pant that I feel like is fit and so I'm sure people sell pants all the time but I've just never felt confident in my pants selling abilities that it was a good category for for me so I've just always kind of shied away from it when sourcing if you rock at it you know all the keywords you know all the measurements you sell pants all the time like it's your job then yes go to your pants section and maybe you bump that for sleepwear and scrubs but for me I'd rather go to Scrubs than pants for sure the next one I did put is skirts skirts I don't love I think that it depends on the stuff style it depends on the like there's so many things and so there will be and there has been times where I'll just run through the skirt section look for anything that seems midy or Maxi by what's hanging low on the rack and handpick that out and see like okay there's a low skirt okay what's that okay there's a low skirt okay what's that and I will just look at the midi maxi skirts because I feel like those could potentially be more valuable or it's the right kind of brand or that's kind of what the style was but the only other thing I might look for in skirts is maybe of a true genuine leather or faux leather skirt because those can do well and that would go the same for pants like if I really wanted to go through those sections I would definitely be looking for leather or faux leather but that's about it that's about it for pants and skirts they're not my favorite now going down the list I'm just going to go quick because I don't think I need to explain everything is long sleeve tops short sleeve tops shorts tank tops and I would do it in that order because I feel like I have the better opportunity to find something of value in long sleeve tops like maybe a silk long sleeve blouse or maybe a sweater that got mixed up in there by accident or something like that than going through tank tops like tank tops is always the end for me because I just don't want to sell tank tops even if it's a high-end tank top I still just don't want to deal with it it's just not enough money I mean I guess if it was designer perhaps but I don't even really sell designer that much I sell bread and butter things but the most valuable things from the bread and butter brands that's my like go-to so for me there's just not enough value in tank tops for it to be worth it for me and then I would put after this again this is based on me for you it might be different but I would put hard Goods or any other areas that your thrift store offers like if they have a boutique section you might want to bump that up because that's going to have the better stuff I don't have that at my Goodwill so for me you know that doesn't apply but I don't really do a lot of hard Goods selling I'll swing through hard Goods just to see if there's anything like I need for the house or something but mostly I'm not selling that stuff so hard goods for me is all the way down on the bottom and for you if you're a big seller of hard Goods you might put that at the very top before Handbags and shoes but for me not so much so where I typically get through is handbag shoes dresses sweaters jackets jeans swim that's as far as I go I really don't even get to the athletic wear the bras the sleepwear the scrubs the pants the skirts the tops tops long sleeve short sleeve shorts or tanks because I don't have the stamina in a thrift store like many of you do to be there for hours and hours I don't usually have the time to to do it like I don't have that chunk of time I'm usually in there for an hour or two and then I'm just like I just feel like there's so many better things that I can do with my time there's just so much more that I can do with my time for my business then go through racks at my thrift store and that's why I'm mostly an online sorcer that's why I order from the places I order from because I just get more value that way but but like I said I wanted to do this video for you guys because I do get a lot of comments and questions related to like people aren't as good with time management people aren't as good with coming up with logistical strategies and so they ask for my help of like how do I get through a thrift store that's going to make me the most money I don't have a lot of time how where can I go what is the best way and so that's why I wanted to do this video so real quick rundown again Handbags and shoes dresses sweaters jacket ET jeans swim athletic wear bras and Intimates sleepwear scrubs pants skirts long sleeve tops short sleeve tops shorts tanks hard goods and other areas that's my high ASP thrift store strategy I hope that this is helpful for you make it your own and I appreciate you thank you again to vendue for sponsoring today's video be sure to use the link below to get started with five free listings per month to try it out and get 30% off your first paid month of vendue
Channel: Rebecca The Reseller
Views: 1,921
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Keywords: full time reseller, full time reseller poshmark, how to make daily sales on poshmark, how to make money flipping stuff on poshmark, how to make money selling on poshmark, how to make money selling stuff from goodwill, how to sell on poshmark, make more money on poshmark, make more sales on poshmark, poshmark seller, poshmark selling tips, poshmark tips, poshmark tips 2023, poshmark tips and tricks, what sold on poshmark, increase poshmark sales, more poshmark sales, reseller
Id: aadvR2UP-Ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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