How to Wake Up Early | Robin Sharma

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hi this is Robin Sharma the author of the leader who had no title and I'm in this uh very special Island Paradise uh just off the coast of Africa I've been on this tour and I've come here to write I've come here to think I've come here to refuel I've come here to share a video with you on how to wake up early um you know in all my books whether it's the leader who had no title or my YouTube videos or as I travel around the world talking to people at different events people always love this idea of the 5 a.m. Club they always love this idea of winning the battle of the bed uh putting Mind Over mattress and I guess you know we do live in a world of dramatic distraction and there's something very special about 5 to six every single morning very creative people many of them whether it's Ernest Hemingway some of the great States people uh many of the great writers painters they just love this holy hour from 5:00 to 6:00 every single day and so I'm going to to dive right into it I mean this is a very high content video there's some real hard-hitting tactics that have um helped hundreds of thousands of people that I've worked with or that have read my material uh or um heard me talk about this idea and it's really helped them get some traction on integrating the 5 a.m. Club into their lives and that's my great wish for you because you know this is a complete Game Cher uh you know when I started my career um I I was getting up at 5:00 I still get up at 5 clock but it was the thing that one of the best things that I ever learned how to do one of the best habits that allowed me to be really really productive and same with all the people that I've worked with whether it's my coaching clients or other people as well so let me get right into it why should you get up at 5:00 every single morning well the first thing I want to say is um let's go to what the Spartan warriors taught us and they said he who sweats more in training bleeds Less in war and my point is you need five to six every morning while the rest of the world is asleep to train to practice to prepare prepare your mind prepare your heart prepare your character prepare your spirit so that at 6:00 or whenever the time is you walk out into the world you are not being reactive you have actually taken control of your mindset and your heart set you've reconnected with your values you reconnected with your mission and you walk out in the world and you are literally Unstoppable um second reason that I think you should get up or I encourage you to get up at 5:00 and join the 5:00 Club is science has shown us that willpower is a lot like a muscle and as you go through the day and flex that willpower muscle by making new choices and uh achieving new little wins your your willpower muscle starts to deplete so what I'm suggesting to you is when you first get up your willpower is at the strongest and by getting up at 5:00 you can do the things I'm going to encourage you to do much more easily than you could later on in the the day another reason why you should get up at 5:00 or why I invite you or encourage you to get up at 5:00 is the hour from 5: to 6:00 is just an extraordinary hour and as a matter of fact I believe 5 to 8:00 every single morning is prime time I mean you do have the most willpower you do have the most mental focus and you do have the most energy and I know you might not believe me on energy please just let me get to it but 5:00 to 8:00 if you use those Prime Time hours call them the three golden hours if you use them well you will get more done in a day that most people get done in a month you will get your Fitness to world class you will get your mind set to world class you will really tap in to The Well of Elite Performance that is it it's a gift for you if you know how to get to it and then the final reason I would encourage you to get up at 5:00 and spend that one hour in training or practice or personal development preparing yourself for an incredible day because as you know your days are your life in miniature as you live your days so you live your life so the final reason I would encourage you to do it is you know the rest of the world is asleep and getting up at 5:00 gives you just an enormous psychological Edge uh you know it's it's it's a primary win you get up in the morning you do win the battle of the bed you get out and you start your day while the rest of the world is sleeping it gives you this incredible mental confidence it gives you an extraordinary point of differentiation from the mass of people in the world you just feel Brave you feel strong you don't feel like a like a like a victim you feel like a leader okay so let me get into some quick tips for you to apply to integrate the 5 a.m. Club habit and the first is really all about habits according to the University College of London they have found through their research it takes 66 days to install a new habit not 21 days I know I've written about that not 40 days which some research confirms the latest research that I've read says it takes 66 days of practice to hardwire in a new mental pathway known as a habit in other words 66 days of trying to get up early every single day going through the difficulty and the discomfort of installing that new habit until it becomes part of your neural architecture and what do most people do they give up after two days they give up when they first meet a little bit of discomfort and please remember the key idea that I've shared with you before on previous videos on YouTube which is change is hard at the beginning it's messy in the middle and it's gorgeous at the end and you just have to go through that messiness and the discomfort to hardwire in that new neural pathway of getting up at 5:00 until it becomes your new normal until it becomes a mental Highway until literally and here's a key idea until literally you've practiced getting up at 5:00 in the morning so many times 66 days so that you literally cannot not get up at 5:00 in the morning so first idea 66 days practicing getting up at 5:00 in the morning secondly if you're really want to get some traction and build this 5 a.m. habit get up at the same time every single day so that doesn't mean you know :05 one day 515 and another day every single morning or maybe if you're going to do it 5 days a week that's cool with me whatever works best for you maybe it's 5 days a week but set your alarm clock for 5:00 every single morning so again you build consistent and a ritual into your mornings which brings me to the third tip I want to share with you the 202020 rule so you literally want to build a morning ritual around the 500 a.m. Club first this is so important please please try it the first 20 minutes 5 to 520 on exercise exercise is a complete GameChanger you know please remember that the way you feel when you first wake up isn't necessarily the way you're going to feel 20 minutes later not even even 10 minutes later so when you get up at 5:00 the first thing you want to do is you want to run on the spot or you want to invest $5 in a skipping rope and Skip or get to the gym or go for a swim or start running by having your running shoes right by the bed so you run out the door pretty quickly without any excuses what I'm suggesting to you first 20 minutes in exercise why because it'll release dopamine the motivational neurotransmitter so even if you don't feel like getting up out of bed you will take control of your neurochemistry and you will feel strong it will release serotonin which makes you feel happy I mean you know because you're exercising you'll feel much happier it'll shift your mood pretty much automatically why else should you exercise you'll boost your metabolic rate you'll have more energy even if you don't feel like it then the second 20 minutes remember the rule is the morning ritual is the 202020 rule second 20 minutes this is 520 to 540 you review your plan you review your daily schedule you review your goals that will give you focus it'll give you inspiration it will give you passion because the secret of passion is knowing your daily and yearly purpose and even your lifetime purpose and then from 5:40 to 6:00 this is the final 20 in the 202020 rule from 5 to 6:00 you learn because as you know education is inoculation against disruption the world belongs to the Learners as you know more you can achieve more as you invest I'll put it to you this way to double your income triple your rate of learning so that final 20 read ebooks listen to audiob books watch TED Talks watch inspirational videos or training videos you know pull out a hard copy of a book and study it and read it because as you know more you can literally start to see round corners okay the next execution tip is a great one and like all good tips it's a simple one you want to plan rising at 5:00 on your daily schedule if you've watched my other YouTube videos or you're on my list you know I've taught you how to build a weekly schedule but what you want to do is literally let's say it's six days a week or 5 days a week whatever it is Monday to Friday or Monday to Sunday right on that 5:00 to 6:00 chunk of time on your written 7day schedule 5 to 6 my holy hour 5 to 6 202020 20 minutes exercise 20 minutes reviewing your game plan 20 minutes and learning because here's why when you write things down you literally deepen your commitment it just deepens it in your awareness it gives you that discipline that we're all looking for writing is really very powerful to do that um writing also creates Precision of thought which gives you more focus and I guess what I'm suggesting to you with great respect as always is the things that get scheduled are the things that get done I'm going to repeat that again because it's so important the things that you schedule are the things that you get done because vague goals lead to vague results but with a clear plan 5:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. 7 days a week it's right in front of you you look at it every morning that will allow you to have greater self-discipline greater commitment greater Focus around getting up at 5:00 so what else I'm joining this this eccentric 5:00 club that so many of us around the world have joined well you absolutely have to get a great night's sleep um you know it's obvious but if you're fatigued if you're exhausted it's going to be very very difficult to get up at 5:00 a.m. so a couple of um ideas to get to get a deeper night's sleep is first of all remember that it's not the qual quantity of sleep it's the quality of sleep I would rather get 5 hours of really rich deep sleep than 10 hours where I'm getting up interrupted can't really sleep messing around um and so to help you get a deeper sleep remember not to use your computer in bed before you go to sleep sleep so many people in the world right now in this age of traumatic distraction they're addicted to their computer they're addicted to their Twitter feed they're addicted to Facebook they're addicted to their smartphone do not bring that into the bedroom uh you know I I would suggest create a a bedroom where it's like a bubble of tight focus a bedroom where it's stimulation free don't watch the news before you go to sleep don't even watch TV before you go to sleep in bed I me people wonder why they can't get up and yet they're not doing the kinds of things that you need to do in order to get up early and you've heard me say this before but to get the results only 5% of the population has you have to have the guts to do what only 5% of the population are willing to do and one of those things is before you go to sleep prepare yourself for a rich sleep no computer no internet surfing no TV no checking your Twitter feed no newspapers maybe it's going to be a cup of chamomile tea but you want to have a nonstimulation or a low stimulation environment to help you sleep better next idea next execution tip put your alarm clock away from the bed this really works if your alarm clock is right next to your bed when you wake up at 5:00 you're going to hit the snooze button if you're like most people you literally want to put it on the other side of your bedroom or you want to put it in another room the very fact you get out of bed to turn off your alarm clock will help you get up at 5:00 because then you can say you know what I'm not going to go back to bed you do it for 66 days and again getting up at 5:00 becomes your absolutely new normal like I said earlier in this video you simply want to get to a place where it becomes hardwired in as a habit so that you cannot not get up at 5:00 a.m. and the final idea I'll offer to you in terms of an execution tactic is you literally want to jump out of bed as soon as you get up and again this works just develop a mindset where as soon as your alarm clock gets up it's a ritual because you know what willpower doesn't really work rituals work you look at the Elite athletes many who of whom that i' I've worked with or they follow my material these people are not exercising willpower to get their world class results they are creating rituals and once you create a ritual then you create the habit and my habit or what my encouragement for you is when you get up at 5:00 make it a ritual to jump out of bed then you might just want to do your affirmations Splash your face with some cold water and then get into the 202020 morning routine so you know again getting up at 5: joining the 5 a.m. club like so many of us are now doing around the world if you follow me on Twitter you follow me on Facebook just look what people are doing when they get up at 5:00 I mean it is a complete Game Cher and this is my great wish for you because once you get up at 5:00 a.m. the rest of the world relatively speaking is asleep and when you do the things that I've suggested by 6 o' you just have to experience this you will feel so much Focus so much energy so much motivation so inspired you'll get so much done by 7 or 8:00 that you won't know what to do with yourself you will become super productive you will transform your mindset you will truly become an extreme achiever
Channel: Robin Sharma
Views: 2,340,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: productivity, waking, robin sharma, wake up early, motivation, elite performance, Robin Sharma (Author), Sleeping, Business, How-to (Website Category), robinsharma, lwt, Robin Sharma Nation, how to wake up early, 5am club, 5am club book
Id: -xC_DbgpPAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2013
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