HOW TO: Use your Jayco Caravan - Toilet, Hot Water, Water Tank, Fridge, Electrical, Awning & Pop-top

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g'day guys welcome back to another video so today we've pulled up here at the iconic 2 up ring in Calgary and today I wanted to do a video on all the systems and appliances in our Jayco journey Outback and how they all work and how to use them both on mains power and water and also an off-grid camping so I hang around to find out more [Music] see here we go guys today's video is gonna be all about the appliances and systems that we use inside and Jayco journey out back so a lot of these systems are similar to a lot of other vans on the market and we were talking about everything today from water tanks to hot water systems fridges electronic control panels awnings the pop top mechanism and how to use and operate the toilet this video is designed for those who are just starting out and caravanning or maybe looking at buying their first Caravan it's gonna be all over the basics on this year of the van that we've got here today so look it's gonna be mainly how to use your van and those who are do you have a van and use it on a day-to-day basis aren't gonna need to watch something like this so also this video is a little bit long so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put a time stamp on all the different topics I talk about so if you just want to look at one specific topic and how to use that particular item look at the time stamp in the description below and you get to skip straight okay so the first system we're gonna talk about other water tanks how to fill up and how to use your water on both off-grid camping and when plugged into mains pressure so most vans on the driver side have some sort of flap or some sort of input where you can fill up the water tanks so on the jakers you just get this lockable cover here which is provided with a key you unlock this flap here and it provides you access to your water tank if filler areas so in our particular van we have two water tanks but sometimes vans will come up with only one and all they've come out of three or four now if you know a Jayco for example if you do get more than two tanks they'll just add another one of these little storage compartments next to either behind or in front of this area here and it'll have another couple of fill points okay so when you're off grid can't begin and need some water in your water tanks now super easy to fill your water tanks on Jake oh I'm doing these two caps here will expose access to each of the water tanks as simple as grabbing your hose chucking it in there and filling it up just immediately above these two Philip points are some mesh guards and these guards here adjust for the breather pipes for each of the water tanks okay so just underneath the Philippine area is a few pipes and a tank selector so let's go into how that works here we are on the driver side of the chassis rail just underneath those filler points then you can see here you've got two pipes coming into a single pipe with a small switch in between this switch has a small error which at the moment is pointing straight down so this is the water coming in from the rear tank which is the rear of the van and then pipe coming in from the front tank this selector switch here will determine which tank the water is brought from through the 12-volt pump so when it is pointed straight down at the moment it will attempt to bring in water from both tanks coming down into the van now if for example you wanted to draw from only one tank for example the rear tank you would grab that selector and make the arrow point towards the rear of the van and that's vice-versa for the front so if you wanted to draw a dress from the front van turn around to the arrow faces the front and I'll only draw from this front tank now if you do turn it up sir selector switches up then it will shut off the tanks and now the 12-volt pump will not be able to source any water from those tanks for me personally I do prefer to draw from one tank at a time I do find that when the selector switch is drawing from both it will draw unevenly and you end up not knowing how much water you've got left and you always end up with one tank empty and one with some left in them okay so when you are free camp you're gonna have to turn your 12-volt water pump on so that's done by central control system in 2018 jql we're using the J control which is what we have here so ours are just located on the side of our fridge and let's go 302 another water pump on from this screen we can see that the water pump is currently off so to activate the water pump it is literally as simple as pressing the little water droplet the water pump will turn on it may or may not need to prime and then you're ready to go and from here as well you can see that those two tanks are full so for off-grid camping once those tanks are full you've just selected the tank that you want to draw from turn the water pump on and you have water throughout your van okay so they've gone over how to use your water tanks when you're camping off-grid when you're connected to a caravan park or your house pressure water as simple as opening up this hatch here and in between those two fuller points is a small garden hose type connector you grab your hose from your caravan park or your house plug that in there you close this cap pulling out this insert in a center here and then you can lock that hatch back up again from a keeping it nice and secure okay so just a couple of tips in relation to your water tanks first one is always make sure your 12-volt pump is off when you're traveling so you have traveling over bumpy roads or even corrugations offroad and one of your taps inside gets not done it's going to cycle through all the remaining water in your tanks and you can end up pulling it a camp with no water left and potentially a flooded van with a whole lot of water damage second tip is well always carry a spare hose fittings okay so especially these plastic ones they tend to break and wear and tear over time quite quickly nothing worse than pulling up to a caravan park when you've got no water and not being able to fill up so also these ones here the ones used to go into the taps of the caravan parks try and make sure you buy some Universal ones so that they can fit a multitude of different types of taps and also make sure you carry spares because these ones here it's only a matter of time before you screw on one of the caravan park when you get a leave you leave it behind my third tip as well these pumps sometimes do turn on and don't turn off which means they're not priming correctly so a couple of reasons this might happen the first one is some air getting into your system through some of those water pipes underneath especially with these jakers which are built in numbers the quality is not always 100% so go through check all your pipes make sure all the fittings are tight and there's no air getting in causing that system to continually run the second reason it might also run as well it's just the diaphragm within the prod that pump may not be pushing the sensitive to switch the the pump off so that's an easy fix as well as instruction manuals online it's a quick nip up of a small grub screw and that will tighten the diaphragm off a little bit and make sure that pump turns off immediately after using the water okay so the next system we're going to talk about today is the hot water system Jayco use this suburban hot water system which is located at the front side front driver's side of our van on our Jayco and this system here is a 240 volt and a gas system combined so let's start with off grid operations in that case when you go into the front of the van and turn the gas on okay so turn the gas on these fans is super easy all vans that come with a hot water system and plumbing or have two gas bottles coming from Jayco and so do most fans as well in that case so first you need to check these out which gas water unit turn on that's indicated by this blue valve up here so you can just switch that from side to side depending on which bottle you want to use so if we want to use this one here on the right it's as simple as just opening that valve up all the way up and then pushing down this release valve here to allow gas to flow in through the pipes and up into the appliances okay so once you turn the gas on it is simple as finding this switch inside your van which is your hot water switch and turning it on okay so one thing you noticed when you first switch to switch on this red light is illuminated so that's on for a short period of time while the system gets ready to ignite and once it ignites that red light will switch off and remain off there we go there and is turned off now see if for whatever reason that red light does come back on will stays on there might be something wrong with the system I just need a bit of a fix enough before it works but for now that system is on and we should have hot water in no time okay so when you add a caravan park will have access to 240 volts even if you wanted to use that for the hot water system to save gas and I'll be wasting that so to do that it's just simply undoing this button here dropping that down and the bottom left-hand corner there's a small switch within the unit just a matter of flicking that switch to on here 240 volt we now be running your hot water system and the advantage of running the 240 volt is that it's a lot quieter than the gas system and it remains on at all times as well so you won't even know it's on and the hot water is always gonna be nice and primed and ready to use okay so a couple of tips for the hot water system when using aqua system on 240 volt you do not need to use the gas as well it's just gonna be wasting your gas and there's just no need for having both systems at the same time so when you plugged in this switch here on switch inside the van off okay so the second tip as well these systems especially when traveling off-road can get a little bit dirty and the way in which the gas comes through this tube here can be interrupted by a bit of dust and it's inevitable that's going to get in there Anoka location it is in most vans - look sometimes when you activate that switch inside the van that red light will turn off the system will light and it only stays lit for maybe five to ten seconds and then go out and only do this two or three times before the system stops it's one thing I found that that becomes this is just by lowering this flap it's cover on the outside just down when it is dirty and it sometimes will allow a little bit of extra oxygen to get in there and keep that flame alive and it's systems can be cleaned just by using a bit of water just make sure you dry it up and get all that water out of there when you're done okay so these hot water systems do require a little bit of ongoing maintenance in the form of an anode rod and an iron rod is a sacrificial blood that is screwed into the bottom here of the water tank and it's a rod that absorbs all the elements within the water they as a tank to rust and make sure the tank itself doesn't rust now these do need replacing depending on how much you use the van depending how much water flows through it and a quality of the water that you're using but anywhere between six and twelve months is a good idea for a placement time so moving on to the electrical system in the van this year is a Dre control system like I pointed out earlier this system here allows us to see what's going on in the van the status of the battery and our power input so at the moment we're just off grid out camping and we've got the solar panel here which is bringing in a bit of power so these bands are all wired up to 12-volt power and everything in this van from lights to water pumps stove ignition all draws off the 12-volt battery and then it is replenished through whatever power input whether it be solar or 240 volts through the charging system and all of that is located underneath the rear bunk bed in our van and the only two things that you can't use when you're off grid is the microwave and the air conditioning and these both required 240 volt and that goes along with the 240 volt GPOs as well so you can't use them while you're off-grid so when you've pulled up to camp it is simple as to just switch your accessories you need ok so let's go have a couple of the features of day control here so the top-left corner you can see the battery status and obviously they're running a little bit low here at the moment and it does have other nice charging because we are bringing in some power from the solar panels underneath that you've got your tank gauges now we don't have a third tank or a waste tank so they're just empty and then just above that you have your amps being brought in and the vaults of the battery as you can see we're running a 12 point 4 to 0.3 volts at the moment and we're bringing in 3 amps so in this section over here we do have our input as well so we can see here that the solar panel alone is bringing in 5 amps now the reason it's same 2.9 over here is because we do have the lights on and some other accessories on at the moment which must be drawing 2.1 amps therefore we are getting a charge state of three amps in total now there are the revisions here to wire an auxilary charging I don't use that function so therefore it's not being displayed on this panel so also in here is where you activate your pump like I showed earlier by using the pump on an off switch and that will tell you whether it's on or off and at the top corner here we have a battery isolation switch if you were to hit that that will connect the battery from all 12 valve and all power accessories inside the van and this is used for storage if you wish to isolate the battery from any drain and if you were to plug into AC power as well that will also be shown here on the screen saying AC connected so once the batteries finish charging that charging label there will disappear and the van will just float in a state of full charge so one thing to keep in mind as well if you are going to add accessories like fans or diesel heaters if you wire them straight to the battery it's not going to be showing here through the system you're not going to get an accurate reading in regards to how many amps are coming out and the length of time left on your battery so the way to overcome this is to wire your negative terminals through the j35 charging system this will allow to pick up how many amps as drawing and include that power draw into the amps being used in the van and that will give you an accurate time remaining why you can't be off-grid so what I'll do now is I'll chuck the diesel heater on it and you'll see those amps rise and you'll see that the charging there goes to a state of discharge and I'll also give you a time remaining in regards to an estimate of how long the batteries are going to last with the current power use okay so we can see here I've just turn the diesel heater on now and you'll see on startup this diesel heater does use it between eight and ten M plus first minute or two so you can see here that we've got now got a label saying the battery is discharging and the amps here is showing how many amp hours it's discharging even with that 4.5 amps of solar input and next to that when that does happen you also get a time remaining so if we were to continue using this current amount of power we'll only have enough battery power for another five hours of operation so one thing I mentioned as well that these are the obviously the levels that you have in your water tanks at present one thing I have found with these Jayco tanks and the sensors they use is they are not accurate at all so you end up finding that you can use about half a tank before it even starts registering on these sensors and the half of the tank will just disappear very quickly so over time you get used to how much water you have in the tank but definitely don't go off these sensors alone ok so the next system we got talked about today is the fridge so in this van we're running a 164 litre 3-way Thetford fridge so this is where it might vary a little bit from a van to van here it's a lot of different fridges out there on the market including a lot of automatic fridges which will automatically detect the best power source and also as lithium batteries become more popular as well a lot of people are switching to compressor fridges but anyway this fan here 3-way fridge with manual select so let's go over how to use this okay so the top of the fridge here if you pull down this piece of plastic here you have your control panel although it may look like a little bit complicated it really isn't that hard so the left knob here is the knob that selects which power source the fridge will be drawing from so there's a water drop symbol which is the gas this is a plug which indicates 240 volt and there's a battery to indicates a 12 volt so in this case just a matter of turning that knob to whichever power source is appropriate and going from there and we'll show you how to activate each of those the next number here is your temperature gauge although it doesn't tell you exactly what temperature the fridge or freezer will run out it just allows you to choose between sort of a low medium and high setting in the center here we have this small gauge here so to your white and green gauge with a small red needle this refers to the gas system and again I'll show you how to use it in just a moment along with the gas system here you have your ignition so by pressing that will attempt to light that gas when it's turned on on this fridges well we have fans that are run behind it a try and keep it cooler so these fans are just activated by a small green switch here and they're linked up to a thermo so even though I switched it on now the fans are not on they'll turn on when it gets to a certain certain temperature and over here on the right hand side the last knob this knob is your temperature gradient us like this one here but this one refers to the gas at level at which the flame burns so why you counted a caravan park or plug into your house power you're going to be wanting to use 240 volts so as simple as turning that control knob there to the plug symbol and then turning this temperature knob here to whatever temperature you want your fridge to run out now I do fire normally run it at the coldest and that seems to be the best for this particular model of fridge so if we turn a control to the battery symbol here the fridge will not run off the van battery itself this is only used for transporting the van when attached to the rear of car so note as well when we are using the battery and the 12-volt you're not going to have any control over your temperature these fridges the three way fridges do draw a lot of power and they do not run like a compressor fridge would that you have in the back of your car and all that's going to do is use the safe mana power to keep the fridge as cool as possible in between camps so if you are driving for a long period of time in hot weather your fridge is definitely not going to remain at that nice chilled to 3 degrees so last thing we have here which is the one you use for free camping is your gas setting so to do that you turn your control knob onto the gas on the right knob here you want to turn the gas to the hot between the height and the on button here and it's knob here as well also can be pressed in and that is what there activates the gas coming through the line to the back of the fridge so obviously ensuring that you gas bottles are on you want to hold down that one there while pressing the spark button now this does take some time and sometimes it can take quite a few presses that spike button to get that flame lit but you will hear it light in the background if it's nice and quiet so once if I do have as well is it's always a good idea to try and bleed the line especially if your van hasn't been used for a while so I use a stove which is directed to the left here and I try and get the gas through those lines to get them as close to the fridge as possible and then I'll try it again so once I know gas is near those lines press and hold that knob and there you go you can hear that gas start up and you need to hold that knob on the right hand side until this little needle comes across into that green area you see that needles moving across now so I can let go of that right hand control knob and there we go the fridge is now running off gas so now the gas is activated use this control knob on the right hand side to control the temperature of your fridge and that will just determine how hot at that flame burns ok so the first thing you need to know about using the fridge never ever ever use gas while you're driving well that might seem like a good idea and it's going to keep your fridge cooler than it would on battery which is true you're putting yourself and all other road users at risk those gas bottles need to be switched off at the valves while you're driving this is simply due to an ignition point if you were to have a crash if those gas lines are damaged either at the front of the van or anywhere along the van it's just going to be exposing LPG into the air and if you're involved in a crash that's likely going to be heat Sparks and that LPG is going to ignite causing two gas wells in the front of your van to explode obviously that's going to endanger a lot of people around the area of the dam and including yourself so always make sure that there's gas bottles off while traveling the next thing as well when you're traveling with the 12 ball system and you drive me along in your car just make sure you're aware of how your car is wired up sometimes autumn electricians will wire up just a permanent positive and negative to the fridge from straight from the battery now although that sounds like a reasonable idea give him one when you turn the vehicle off that means that power is still going to be coming to the fridge now like I said earlier these fujas are very power hungry on 12 volt give it an hour or two and you come back to your car and start your car your car's not going to start so make sure when you get your trailer plug wired up on the back of your car you get those power inputs to be switched off when the vehicle is off otherwise you are going to end up with drain batteries and keeping that in mind as well if you are gonna leave the van for an hour or two it might be an idea just to switch the gas on for that short time and turn the fridge on that way just to keep it cool otherwise it's just going to be increasing in temperature so it doesn't matter whether you're camping at a caravan park or free camping out in the bush you are going to have to get the roof up on these pop-top vans so let's go through the best way to get that done so the first thing you need to do is open up the door and put it into the locking position this will allow the air to come through the reason we do that first is once the awning comes out which I'll show you in just a moment you're not going to be able to open that door so open this up and lock it to the side of the van so the next thing we need to do is get this awning to come out from the side of the van only a short distance that will just avoid putting any uneven tension on the barrel when we lift the roof up and also you can't open the latches on this side of the van without having an awning away from the side of the van anyway so the way we do that is just by releasing these locking tabs on each of the arms we then switch the awning to the open position and pull it out this is as far as the owner needs to come out just to open the roof anyway and now we can go around and undo each of the four latches holding the roof down so once we've got those latches unlocked we can now move inside the van and get that roof up so once inside the van the simple is grabbing these lifting mechanisms and pulling them up once it's locked into place there you just use a locking clip here you're all done at the front do the same for the back here without locking flipping and again all done so as you can see here it wasn't too hard sometimes the first one can be a little bit stiff in a bit hard to lift but there are four gas struts on the outside of the van that will assist in lifting and lowering the roof down up and down now that the roof is up we can now just put the awning back up against the side of the van so you go that is how you expand the roof on this van now a couple of tips when operating the pop top mechanism first one you really do need to keep that door locked open if it is closed or even ajar it will just get sucked in and it's gonna make your life really difficult trying to get those up when there's no air coming into the van the second thing as well I have noticed with our van I have heard a couple of other people talk about it as well when lowering the roof sometimes the roof settles better when you lower the front or rear first and it's going to be depending on your van so I have found we do start from the rear when packing away and lower the rear down first the roof does settle down in a better position where all those latches line up a little bit easier and like I said previously one of my other videos the best thing about a pop top is when the roof is up like it is here you've got all these extra windows and do open up with flyscreen mesh mind them and you've got all this extra table space and bench shelf space around the van as well which is just awesome okay it's really great tip with this popped up windows as well as this flyscreen can wear over time and sometimes it can get damaged as well best thing about it is that Jayco do just use a velcro system so this whole entire mesh section here can be velcroed off and replaced it quite easily is that very handy they ever do get damaged to keep that in mind okay so you pulled up a camp you got your roof up you're ready to go and you want the awning up so this is one of the carefree awnings that Jacob put on their vans and look they're fairly simple to put up but there are a set of instructions that you've got to follow in a specific order to get them out so let's go through that now I get to the first thing you need to do is to release the locking tabs that hold the arms to the side of the van so you do that by just simply undoing the cliff tackling those arms up the other thing you want to do is well while you're there it's just under the locking nut on the back of the arm as well so do that for both arms okay so once those are free you can now switch your awning to the open position using the switch up on the rear of the barrel there switch that to off and you can grab it this black strap here and just pull the Ordnung all the way up until the barrel ends just like that so once that's out the next thing you want to do is just to push these supports out to the end of the arms there is a small locking tab on the end and they will just lock into position there so go ahead and do that on both so once these supports are up and the handle just on the inside of the arm here you open that handle up and you can lift these arms up until the height that you want once those arms are out next thing want to do is just gently pull down on the arm and then tight up this locking nut in the center this will pull the material tight and prevent the awning from going back into the van with a bit of window the last thing you need to do is grab the black strap on the barrel pull it across to the end and then you can just wrap that up around the barrel keep it from blowing around and keep out of the way okay so a couple of tips with the awnings a couple of things need to know as well while the awnings out you can actually remove these lower leg support from the side of the van this is to click down here you push out and you can swing them out to the van as well if you do swing them out though the awning really does need to be either pegged down here as well as tied up at the top to prevent it from getting caught by wind and blowing over the van another thing that we use as well which I'll show in another video sometime is an anti flap you know these things are really great they're worth in my weight in gold they go between the body of the van and the end of the barrel and just locks it and provides a much straighter stronger structure of the awning and prevents any flapping of that material which not only reduces noise but gives you the comfort that you know that deepen into stronger winds that they've warning is not gonna be flipping over the van and causing a whole lot of damage these awnings are worth a lot of money see if they do come loose and they do break they are going to cost a fair bit to repair they often aren't covered by warranty if they're not used correctly now another thing that I do with our awning as well as I carry spares of these are black brace knobs down the bottom here which you can just buy from most caravan stores as well and the reason I do that is without these small knobs especially if you're not using at your flat keep the awning does become very hard to use and really it's gonna be pretty much impossible to support out there without putting a whole lot of straps down and tying it down so carrying a few spares is definitely gonna help another quick note as well when you're puttin that awning away just to make sure you hold that rope and gently let it in you don't want that only slapping against the side of the van if these braces do have finish to fall down they come sámi against it you probably going to break one of these braces and not only that as well but you want to make sure you look it up that spring mechanism in that barrel and and that's also why you want them to be a nice even pressure when opening and closing it as well so perhaps the most asked about but the least talked about facility in a caravan is the toilet and how to use it so let's get into how to use it how to clean it how to maintain your chemical toilet okay so all toilets you don't look different different types of ends on this particular 17.5 8-3 we have a combined toilet and shower ensuite which means we get this setup here so is it quite a compact unit and now let's go through how to use it so on the left here you have your controls and indicator light so this blue button here is your flush button and then there's a little red light up here which doesn't indicate one tank is full and then you've got your main flap as well which controls the opening and closing of a flat between the inside of the toilet and the canister below so when you go that toilet simply lift up the lid open up this flap here which will then open up access into the canister do we need to do and he just press the flush button here that's all that's really needed for a chemical toilet you don't need to do a big flush like your toilets at home so once it's finished there simply close that flap close our lid and you're all done now when that canister does fill up there is a sensor within the canister that will activate a little red light on the side of the toilet here which means it is now time to empty that canister okay so you have a toilet like you carry them there's gonna be a hatch somewhere on the exterior where you access the canister all the business goes into so this one what's at the rear of the band so if we open up we can see there the canister now with this particular system being the combined shower and toilet ensuite it does also come with a dedicated flush tank and that is filled using this tab here at the top they simply undo this cap here and you can fill up your flush tank through there now level of the flush tank can be monitored using this tube here at the mount we can see the flash tank is quite low but it is quite a significant act about 10 or so liters so he's going to last you quite a long time if you just do small flushes like I said earlier and to get the canister out simple as lifting up the leave at the bottom of the canister and just pulling the unit of yourself it's on the caster here itself it's fairly simple in the way it's works it's got a couple of wheels on here and also a handle the top side of the well so if it is full being to simply walk that along to the nearest Dunn point or you can just carry it using the handle when it's closed down they aim to the unit out all you do is simply turn the pipe under the cap remove that little funnel and you can grab the unit here and press the button on the bottom of the unit just press and empty it all out so this year is also where if you wanted to you can also add your chemical as well just simply pour it down the tube there and fill it up with the required amount of water what I wanted to you could add at the chemical through the main flap in the center here and it's just simply opened by pressing it there and you can pour your stuff down into the toilet there so there is just a rubber ring on the inside here that seals against this cap here every now and then just adding a tiny bit of rubber grease will just help prevent that rubber from wearing and cracking and provide a good seal against the lid as you push to get it into the hatch there this lid will just open up and remain in a position like that when you open that flap up from the inside is essentially turning it here which will open up and you can do business into the unit when you are handling the containers when they have been used it's always a good idea just to make sure you check some gloves on and make sure you thoroughly wash your hands when you're finished one thing I do do is I just carry some disinfectant wipes and I'll just wipe down the entire unit along with all the inside of this area here and we give the inside the bathroom a bit quick clean as well before we put it in so put it back in simply just place it push it back in until it locks in and now it's all ready to go okay so in terms of chemicals you are getting some chemicals to run your canister toilets so the main one you're gonna need is one of these so this is a liquid form of the chemical that you use in conjunction with some water in preparation for use so on here will tell you how much you need a standard dose for example is 150 mil mixed with 2 to 3 liters of water and that will help break down all the bacteria the substance in there this hero is essentially the same however these are just such a z' so these are my preferences as they are a lot easier and cleaner to deal with you're always gonna get the right dose there and you can simply drop one of these in a sachet around them into the powder here breaks down and then you add that with some water again and you're ready to do it needs to be done now in addition to those chemicals I also run a couple of extras so like I said before this man does have a dedicated rinse tank so therefore I do use a rinsing agent which I add to the water and just helps again keep the cat toilet clean and break down some of that bacteria just note as well don't use this in your main tanks if you're flushing water is coming from your main van tanks it is designed only for toilets okay now the chemical got here is just like your set cleaner so every few trips I'll fill the cassette are they cuz it up with some water and check a whole lot of this in so the recommended dose is 300 mil of this with five litres of water if you do that before you leave your camp as well it will flush around while you're driving along and help clean up and break down some of that to you it's nice and clean for when you get home just remember to make sure you empty it and I let it dry out and have your all ready and cleaner for your next trip so a couple of tips for using the toilet I carry just a washed-out empty 2-liter milk container somewhere in the van as well and in order to set the toilet up I won't set up until absolutely have to wherever that is so if I use the sachets here I can simply go inside the van open up the the flat there drop one of them in fill this up from the water they tap inside the van and I've got two litres of water mixed with one sachet very quick and easy don't have to get to the exterior hatch and a toilet is set up and ready to go okay so another tip I have for the toilet as well is these chemicals here do have a bit of a strong odor and in order to make sure that doesn't get all through the vamp I just keep these in a small gap between the canister and the hatch here so I push them into there like that Stahl's still keep cleaned and this area here is much more sealed off from inside the van and making sure none of those odors get inside and it's all clean okay guys so that's it for today thanks for watching so I hope you have found some of this information helpful and hope it makes it your journey with your Caravan or looking at buying a caravan at that little bit easier so today we covered off on all the systems that our Jayco journey has how we use them and a few of the tips and tricks that we've picked up along the way just to make it that a little bit easier so remember to make sure that if you like this video that you hit the like and subscribe button down below and I'll check a few links in as well to some of the products and some of the things that we use in the band that we bought online so if you want to pick them up for yourself you can as well so again thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next video cheers guys
Channel: XploringOz
Views: 70,223
Rating: 4.9653845 out of 5
Keywords: jayco, caravan, how to:, how to, guide, journey, outback, ob
Id: msYrOR8-v1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 5sec (1925 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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