How To Use Your Collage Masterboard

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hello everyone I'm back to share my days as to how we can use the master boards that we created to earn last Sunday these are the master boards that I created vintage collage style I'll leave the link to the video where I shared how I made these in the description box below I'm collaborating with Kylie Koo this year we're co-hosting the Facebook group which we've renamed from Nina Robinho's our channel prompts and more to the mixed media Emporium if you would like to join in with our prompts I'll leave the link to the Facebook group in the description box below there are three entry questions which you will need to complete otherwise your request will just be automatically declined so please be aware of that if you've tried to join the group already and your request hasn't been accepted then it may be because you haven't answered the questions now I said last week that I would be taking these off to my local printers and I've done just that so let me just show you what I've come back with these are just two photocopies of those master boards just done on regular 100 GSM photocopier paper I think this is a photo paper it's got sort of like an a satin finish these have turned out absolutely beautifully and so those are those and I've also had a few blown up onto a three size as well these are UK 8 4 size letter size and as I say I've had these blown up onto a three size as well let me just see if I can lift my camera up to fit the whole of these on that's a little bit better and so again this is just the 100 M GSM paper I've also had each of them printed out onto a heavier weight paper this is 200 GSM and I also took em along some sheets serve my own mixed media paper most printers are more than happy to do this for you and you can see that I've taken them out of the spiral binding rather than tear it out just so that it's easier to get through their printers but these have just printed out absolutely beautifully and you can see that it's more of a muted effect than the satin paper that they do provide so those are just absolutely lovely to work with many of you that have followed me for a while have seen me do this before and of course I've had the other one who's the other design of the master board done in exactly the same formats now I also said that I was going to attempt to have the master boards printed out onto rice paper um and this is it so let me just go and grab at my rice paper so that I can share with you how I did it so this is the rice paper the term I use to print on this is what it looks like I got this on pretty short from Amazon I've had this in my stash for quite a while I bought it originally to use for jelly printing and I've only ever used a few sheets it's relatively inexpensive I think this is about six pounds for about sixty sheets it's also known as Chinese calligraphy paper so let me just take a sheet at attack just so that you can see what it looks like I've torn it it's got stuck on the sticky at the top but it's really translucent and and and thin these and pages here measure 15 and a half by ten and a half inches or 39 by 26 and a half centimeters so not quite ma3 size but larger than ma four and you can see here that all I've done before I took it to my printers is I've taped it using some washi tape to an a3 sheet of my mixed media paper so I just popped it on like this and you can see that I've just used some washi tape which will hopefully peel off really easily we'll have a look at that in a second and but it just allowed the printers to pop it through their printing machine without it's and clogging clogging up so I popped one piece off the rice paper on each side of my a three piece of mixed media paper so I'm just going to try and peel this off so they've just run it through and they've just firm as you can see just printed over the whole of the sheet now of course washi tape is relatively low tax so it should peel off nice and easily and you can see it is so I'm just going to try and take this apart without tearing it and you can see you just look how beautifully and that has printed out and I just think this will just be absolutely wonderful thought using for decoupage so I've peeled the daily paper away and let me just put a piece of book paper underneath here just so that you can see how beautifully translucent and it is I mean you can just see that lovely book paper underneath and by the time you've added matte medium or you know some kind of glue Mod Podge or what-have-you it would become even more translucent I love that and now let me just show you how this compares to a commercial piece of rice paper it's not exactly the same this is a stumper ear piece of rice paper and you can see here that um if I turn it over you can see all the fibers of this one on the back where is mine you you can't it's much much plainer so very different when you turn them over but you know if you look at them on the front you know there wasn't a great deal of difference and this is just a brilliant way I think of using your own designs for decoupage and so that's how they compare so I'll be using the rice paper for an up-and-coming project and maybe even next weekend but I'm just going to make a start on some of the other papers first now I've decided I'm going to start off with this piece of mixed media paper here I want to start off by making a couple of artists trading cards now of course artists trading cards are two and a half by three and half inches which is absolutely perfect I can use this section here width wise and then maybe go down to about seven inches here and so she'll cut at the bottom of this part here and as soon as I've done that I'll be back so I've cut some of the pieces up into artists trading cards sighs and I am just going to take them together on the back you'll see why I'm doing this in a second so I'm just using some scotch tape because it will peel off really easily and then I've got and one of these stickers that I used in the original background this is from in love arts and I just thought that that would go really nicely across the center of both of these it's got the post mark on it and I just think the style of this sticker goes really well so I'm going to go off screen now and try and peel this apart and you've just got to get your nail in these these are ultra ultra and sticky but a bit of a pain I must admit to peel apart so there we go you can see I've done it let me be careful with these because they're so sticky they have a tendency to peel upon themselves curl up on themselves and I'm just going to stick that in the middle of both of these and there we go I've got a bit of overhang on that on there so I can just quickly trim trim that off there you go and then I can peel this scotch tape off and just run my scissors down the center to cut them apart again just quickly do this there we go and now I've got some half of the sticker on either side of the artist trading card I love how that looks so we just need to earn some kind of focal image to go on these now and I've chosen two butterfly stickers again and these are semi-transparent vellum stickers and I just need to go off camera now and fit all around oh there we go that wasn't too too bad I think I I'm going to have that one there about that how do I want that to go there I think don't overthink it it doesn't really matter and let's see if I can get this one apart you've just got to get your nail into these and don't peel them apart at one of the corners there we go and we can have that one there like like that really like those I've got some memento ink and this is in espresso truffle let me just grab a sponge so I just want to ink around the edges of these now although this is printed on mixed media paper you can see that I've got some a fair rigidness about it it needs stabilizing even more in my opinion I don't like artists trading cards that are too flimsy so I will eventually mount these onto another piece of heavier card stock but I want to do something else and to these so before I start the next step I just want to apply some clear gesso over these artists trading card so I've got some clear gesso here and you could use a matte medium or Mod Podge even you'll see why I'm doing this in a second so I just want to term a thin layer of that over both of of these I've chosen clear just so because it dries really really quickly so and this will just hopefully give me something for the next layer to stick to so I'm back a couple of hours later I glued a couple of pieces of craft cardstock onto the back of each of these artists trading cards so it was just a piece of scratch craft cardstock this is either 250 or 300 GSM and it's got two pieces layered on top of one another so that now these are really stiff and resemble chipboard I've glued the pieces on with both a regular Scotch glue stick and also Fabri tack as well to make sure that they're glued down nice and firmly and then I've waited them under a heavy book and just to make sure that they're nice and flat ready for the next stage now I want to apply some ultra thick embossing powder and it's really important when you're using embossing powder that your surface is you know rigid enough and flat enough so that the embossing powder doesn't crack I'm using ultra thick but you could we use just normal clear embossing powder and I'm hoping that by using clear embossing powder it would just show all those beautiful layers that I've got going on underneath so I am going to use a piece of scratch paper here I've got my clear embossing stamp pad let's do one at a time let's do this one this one first and I'm just going to make sure that I apply plenty of the embossing ink so we'll make sure we've got plenty on there I'm going to go over that three or four times bring back the other one and do the same I should have done them one at a time so that you could have seen the difference but but there we go I just can't wait to see what this looks like so so that's that done and then I'm going to transfer this and to a fresh piece of cardstock a fat one because I want to add another layer of the embossing powder I'm going to give this a shake to break up any clumps that might be there and just pour a layer over each of the trading cards there we go so that's some that's that done I've got a pair of tweezers here somewhere what have I done with them I was prepared here we go isn't it funny how things just seem to vanish from your your desk so I'm just going to tip off the excess here we go just pop some more on where I've just used the tweezers I'll do the same with this one here tip off the excess and then I'm just going to pour this back into the tub and then I'm just going to heat set this with my heat tool I'm going to put it on low to start off with just to avoid all of the embossing powder blowing off and then once that started to melt slightly I shall put it onto a higher heat and I'll put this onto silent just to save your is you so this is how the artist trading cards look like after one layer of UT and you can see that it's really pitted and bumpy and that's quite normal I'm going to repeat the process with a clear embossing pad applying more UT two more times and then I'll be left with a really beautiful gloss like finish so here are my finished artists trading cards I flatten them out by just putting a heavy book down on these just to flatten them out slightly I'll probably do it overnight as well once I'm finished but you can see that for some reason and I have absolutely no idea why and I've still got some of the pitting showing from the UT whether it's had a reaction to the clear gesso that I put down initially I have no idea but I am going to use that hopefully to my advantage let me just doesn't make any difference it's got marks on either side I've got some of my treasure gold and what I'm going to do is I'm just going to put some over the whole of the background trying to focus on getting the gold into those little Dinks this may turn out to be a happy accident we'll we'll see nothing ventured nothing gained I'll do it with just one to start off with just in case this idea it doesn't work but I'm just trying to get that gold and into all of these little pits like like that so we'll pop that to one side and what should I use I've got a piece of kitchen towel here and I've got some linseed oil and if you want to do this kind of technique I am pretty sure that any kind of oil olive oil would probably work and coconut oil baby oil anything that you've got and I'm just going to rub it all over that's the top just to get rid of the gold from the top layer and hopefully it would just leave it in those little Dinks and that's exactly what it is doing do yousee so I'm just going to make sure that I wipe all of this off I just absolutely love that woohoo and I haven't sports and my background either there we go oh that looks fabulous I might need to ink around the edges again I'm just going to go over with a bit more oil I just love this linseed oil as well it smells absolutely gorgeous and it is taking the ink from around the edges away but that's that's okay I just love that right okay I'm going to do exactly the same with this one here what I'm calling that a happy accident I just really like the way that the gold has settled into those little and crevasses really like that and I think what I'm going to do as well just to finish it off is just apply a small amount of the gold around the edge as well and now instead of it looking as if that was them a mistake in something that's gone wrong it looks as if it was some done on purpose so there we go a way to fix your mistakes and things that happen that we weren't expecting along the way absolutely love that so I just want to work on a postcard next so that's this strip that are used for the artist trading cards and I've just cut this postcard piece out from this corner here and so let me just move that to one side I've trimmed this down to six by four inches which is postcard size and I'm just going to pull out a few bits and pieces to decorate it with now so I pulled out a few bits and pieces that I can use just to decorate my postcard now I've got this piece here that was cut off the bottom of the postcard when I trimmed it to size and I'm thinking that I can maybe add there that here something like that just to add a bit more interest on the right hand side I've also cut out another one of the birds that Eugene sent me and which I think goes really nicely I've got a postage stamp sticker so I'm thinking that I can maybe add that something like that and I've got one of the Tim Holtz flowers as well from one of his ephemera sets that I thought would look quite nice there and then I've got a postage stamp that I've just peeled off an envelope that I thought might add a little bit of vibrancy and goes with the red that's them in the birds so what I want to do first is I want to ink around all of these pieces just to frame them and just you know add to that vintage vintage look also I've done exactly the same thing with the feet of the bird because they're just so fiddly I've just trimmed very loosely so if I ink those up it just disguises it I'm just going to ink just to get rid of the white that's on there on the corner as well and I'll do that to all of these pieces here and then I shall just glue everything down so I think around the edge of all of my pieces and I'm just going to add a bit of shading here just with a charcoal pencil just along the lines of this as well just so that it doesn't look as if it's um just you know in the background it just looks as if it's um another additional piece like the other collage and elements so we'll just smudge that smudge that there there we go liking liking that so maybe I can do the same to this piece here so that's all blended and now I'm ready to start gluing everything down so you can see that it's giving me a nice shadow around all of these elements as well so that it just you know blends in better now I'm going to use a mixture of different types of glues this is a sticker so that will just peel off I'm just going to use some regular glue stick to glue the postage stamp on and then the same with the bird because that's really thin and then these are heavier items here I shall use some fabric because people are always interested in what types of glue I use so I'm going to glue these down as soon as I've done that I'll be back so here's my finished postcard I've done exactly the same thing to the back as I did with the artist trading cards and I've just glued two pieces of the craft card stock just to stabilize it so that that's nice and and firm and I don't know it just makes it feel better better quality now I also want to do some artists trading coins I have got some chipboard artists trading coins these measure two and a half by two and a half inches but I also have a two and a half inch punch as well so I have punched a hole you think that whole punch here what make is this ek and I'm going to use this as sort of like a guide so that I can see which parts I want to cut out she said I really like that area there I was also thinking that I could maybe have this part here and what else did I like I also liked maybe maybe that there I want to keep these fairly plain and so I'm going to punch these areas using my hole punch so let's just start off with with this one here so again I can just don't in fact what I need to do is just trim a little part and away just so that I can get into the area that I want let's just trim that off there we go and so I'm just going to trim and punch out the areas that that I showed you so that they're like that analysis a which it was this this part here so I'm just going to need to trim trim these down so I've ended up cutting out these three pieces here let me just get rid of these well show you where they came from I decided to go close to the edge ileum because I just didn't want to waste any of my paper so I've cut them out from from these areas here and that was the one that term I originally showed you and so I'm just going to stick these down to these chipboard bases I get these from the motorcycle museum after fair that I talk about and they're about 10 pence each I just want to show you how I'm gluing these I'm just using glue stick on the trading card first and then I'm applying a very thin layer of fabric tack the glue stick helps it slide around a lot more easier so which helps placement and then the fabric is just strong enough to make sure that it stays in place and it isn't going anywhere of course because this is specular it doesn't matter where I place it and I'm just using my fingers there to make sure that's in the right place and then I'm just using a microfiber cloth just to rub over that just to make sure that we've got good good contact so these are glued on and I've just used a nail file just to smooth around the edges as well which helps to burnish it and just get rid of any slight overhang I just wanted to ink around the edges because that just draws your eye to the center and also adds to the the vintage feel and of course it keeps them in keeping with the ones that I've already done as well so I'll do this to all three of them and then we can start adding the very simple implements that I've got planned so I've just got some very simple embellishments to add to these more butterflies because again it keeps them all in keeping I've matched the colors up to the various trading coins and for those of you that take part in regular swaps if you've got a master board already prepared just look how quick and easy it was just to prepare all of these and each time you do it if you take a different part of your master board it's always going to be different so I'm just going to peel these apart and stick them down so here are my finished artists trading coins now you can see that I changed my mind regarding the butterfly for this one here I just decided that this butterfly was more in keeping with the butterflies on the other - both size-wise and with the style so I decided to go with this one here and because these are on chipboard I'm going to share another video with you in in a few days I've been promising for some time to tackle and caustic art I've already done one project already using the master board and I'm absolutely thrilled to bits with it and I think all to do the same thing with the artists trading coins as well so I shall be adding some encaustic wax to these I may even use my muster boards as well and add encaustic to those we'll see if I'm brave enough and of course here on my artists trading cards I'm thrilled to bits with how the treasure gold has transformed the pitting in these definitely a happy accident I just think that's gorgeous and I just love the addition of the Inca gold around the edges as well and of course my postcard I'm thrilled to bits with this it just makes it so much more sturdy when you add some thicker cardstock this feels like chipboard now and it just gives it an a much better quality feel so I hope that's given you some ideas as to how you can use your master boards as I said to you earlier if you take part in regular challenges with other Facebook groups or share with your friends having a master board in your arsenal just makes life so much easier because you can just chop out small pieces and it just gives you a springboard somewhere to start and of course it's a great way to carry on practicing your collage skills as well so I hope you enjoyed today's video I'm going to leave the link to the video showing how I created the original master boards and also the link to Kylie's video because I know that she's done a video as well sharing ideas as to how she's used her master board I will be back as I've said a middle of next week I would think with my ideas for encaustic and I also want to share a project next Sunday using the rice paper as well which I will be using to cover a journal that I'll be doing more scrap projects in so until then take care everyone if you enjoyed the video as always I'd really appreciate a thumbs up do let me know what you think in the comments below and I'll see you all again soon thanks for watching bye for now [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Nina Ribena
Views: 33,428
Rating: 4.9642015 out of 5
Keywords: nina ribena, art journal prompts, the mixed media emporium, mixed media emporium, mixed media, how to make a masterboard, how to make a master board, masterboard, master board ideas, masterboard ideas, mixed media master board ideas, mixed media masterboard ideas, collage, mixed media collage, ATC, ATC coins, artist trading coins, mixed media postcards, collage postcards, vintage themed mixed media postcards
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 6sec (1626 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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