How To Use Twitter For Trading

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[Music] hello it's Anthony Chang here from amplify trading in London and do - I would say popular demand our pin asked to do a lecture or a conversation about how I use Twitter for the benefit of trading and monitoring the news now it's a question I get asked a lot from a number of different people all the way from kind of institutional level traders desks bond desks FX desks hedge funds down to retail traders everyone will kind of wants to know what's the kind of secret sauce that I use for monitoring Twitter and and really once I go through this session it's very much a case of a logical and quite a structured process in how to use that tool effectively to get the most out of it and so there's a couple things I can go over and explore and share with you I think I've been using Twitter now for the best part of perhaps eight nine years always until more recently joining amplify just for the purpose of monitoring now obviously I tweet a little bit more myself a little bit about my background I'm the head of market analysis here amplify trading I was in the same position previously for a company called ran squawk which is one of the world's leading squawk companies my job then is to monitor financial news and give insight analysis in a real-time fashion upon things in which I'm seeing so that can be things that are coming out off of traditional news wires like your normal terminal systems or can be things like Twitter for example where you can capture things like rumors and so on which we're going to discuss so that's what we're going to talk about and going straight into things why do we use Twitter now let's just build the scene first of why exactly use Twitter when you can use a Bloomberg or Reuters these kind of professional systems which people will pay thousands and thousands of dollars for every month now the point being here is that the guys that the big institutions will be using those platforms but those who are not familiar with it a Bloomberg's news function it's just one small part of that that terminal I mean it's quite a powerful tool in terms of its analytics its historical data sets that you can look at as well as things like a chat function pricing functions and so on and so forth the point being is let's say Bloomberg has around 3,000 financial journalists worldwide and they're releasing these news stories all the time waters might be doing the same Wall Street Journal the FT these are your traditional financial news services now one of the restrictions that they can have is that they can only really report authenticated in genuine news which means then by default they can be quite slow on certain things for example what I've tried to do here is give you a kind of overview of why Twitter can kind of fill that gap and how it does so first of all speed now one of the things here and it kind of fits in lockstep really with the one on the right which is rumors let's say brexit has been a massive issue ever since it was initiated in the summer of 2016 and every time we get these kind of roadmaps of when there's a political event that's happening like a vote in Parliament for example you see this big spike in traffic and and the pound becomes much more sensitive to movement and responsive to headlines when they come out now one of the things there is is that these journalists and if you think about a journalist by default what is their singular objective as a journalist now what they want is basically to break stories first if the guy at BBC or can beat the girl at the ITV or Channel four and so on they become much more famous for that they become much more well followed more respected it's kind of the first out with the scoop is the king in that world and a new format of delivering that now that news dissemination has evolved so much over the period of the last decade is Twitter so I remember when I started in markets in 2006 literally you have to wait for the truck drop-off to pick up your newspapers fresh in the morning and read them and enter finds what was the important headline of the day markets were then open and react but markets in 2020 now move radically different now it's the case of as soon as Jerome Powell the Fed chair says something a journalist is on it and tweets it immediately in financial news now in a way of which prices or trades are executed it's not just humans point click anymore there's algorithms there's other systems automated that can respond to these types of keywords for example and that means then the underlying story now is almost redundant what actually moves markets in a very short term intraday environment is a piece of news a headline comes out and the market spikes and so on so speed is critical the ability for Twitter being unauthenticated in a way means that it can circumvent the restrictions of the editorial sign-off process meaning the news comes rap it now obviously one of the key things which we can discuss later is also authenticity is key how do you know what you're seeing is genuine is one of the things you'll need to tackle when using Twitter but what it does offer is great access to speed and rumors so with that breakfast example I was suggesting when there's whispers in the halls of Westminster you're going to hear it directly from your Laura Coons Burks your Robert Peston as your Paul brands for my TV for example they will be tweeting it way before then it becomes on the 6 o'clock news for example the other thing that Twitter is is so good is accessibility that's why I put access there is the idea that you can just have this on your mobile so when you're going about your business when you're for me on the commute into the city of London every morning I can just jump on my my phone I can look at who I follow because who I follow is a curated feed of bespoke individuals hand-picked that talk about the things that are relevant for me now for me I monitor global macro so I'm looking out for people commenting on these big top-level things like the trade war or brexit and Trump and so on now by the time I can say that I get into the office which is about 20 minutes on the train then I'm pretty much ready to go I haven't looked at a Bloomberg I've not looked at Reuters I've not even looked at the charts and already pretty much know what they're going to look like that's how powerful it can become and and certainly if you're a student perhaps watching this video what a great way to be able to just learn on the fly between lectures between traveling on a train or on the bus it's a great way where you don't have to go through that arduous process of reading the FT back to you know back to back cover to cover it's just a case of you're seeing every tweet is adding value to your understanding and your awareness of what's going on in the market in a real-time sense another thing then that as I've described as to the knowledge the accumulation of knowledge and that's one of the things where for me someone if you watch our morning briefings that we deliver on our YouTube channel and do subscribe to them because they'll really help enhance your fundamental understanding of the market so the overall global macro approach that we have here at amplify trading but people often look at me and go out you know why do you know about you know labor strikes and South Africa and how that impacts say platinum prices but then how do you know about the copper mines in Chile in Escondida but then what how do you know about UK politics now these things aren't you know I haven't just magic them up out of thin air I I know these things through having gone through years of experience and Twitter definitely helps accelerate that that kind of knowledge bank that I think you need to be an effective global macro trade or to have a enhance understanding of market fundamentals but bear in mind I have been doing this since you know 2006 so my ability to maintain and absorb information has certainly be improved by the way I've been trained and developed over time a few other things then here and one of the things I wanted to show you is this and some of you may have be familiar with this it's a story I often tell because it's one that resonates for me very clearly in my mind because I remember that day very vividly so I used to run as I said a real-time news and analysis service so my clients were these guys who were trading large-sized in the market and they were paying us for real-time coverage now this was back in 2012 I think was when I first started to table the idea to my colleagues about we should be looking at Twitter more with more focus we should have a designated person looking at Twitter full-time with a kind of fullscreen setup all organized into monitoring different things because what I had I had seen through kind of back testing was that over the course of 12 months it was yielding very good results for finding things from rumors about single stock information to potential terrorism alerts things like that it was coming away before traditional news was so we got the go-ahead and we had a chap sat there and he was his job was to just look at Twitter now arguably back then there wasn't anywhere near as much activity perhaps or quality as there is today in 2019 2020 but there were elements of you could see where this was going and and what happened in mid-april 2013 you might remember is when those two brothers conductors that horrific Boston Marathon bombing and what typically happens after a high terrorist event of that nature is that terrorist statuses kind of go on high alert and literally just a week later we had this tweet and that's a bit small to see but let me read it out to you this was the Associated Press AP news they basically tweeted breaking news two explosions in the White House and Barack Obama is injured this was the genuine Associated Press Twitter account it has around 11 million odd followers so this was legit as far as we can see so we obviously reported the information but the beauty of this was is that not everyone was looking at Twitter at the time and obviously we had a designated guy who was just there looking at Twitter and he immediately was able to comment on this and capture what you can see here which was an immediate spike in US equities to the downside and then what transpired and this event was actually The Associated Press it was the actual account but it had been hacked and by hacking it then they had put out illegitimate tweet the tweet got removed the market reversed but I remember it quite clearly it was several minutes before Bloomberg even mentioned this piece of news they were so far behind the curve it was unreal now for our clients at the time when I was in my previous job it was a it was great opportunity to trade if you were an aggressive type of trader and you're willing to commit get into the market and that type of volatility then he had a massive time arbitrage to be able to execute those trades and what happened here though was because this one singular event Twitter then became no longer this kind of thing that a few people looked at to an absolute common mainstay of a set up of nearly every proprietary trader in the world if you were looking at trading intraday in that fashion one of the big things then gets asked then is credibility of these news sources so people like Bloomberg Reuters ft BBC and so on all the national newspapers most of those journalists are in fact encouraged to tweet now there get me wrong people like Bloomberg are not gonna release the scoop on Twitter because that would be counter to the whole reason that people pay tens of thousands of dollars for a Bloomberg terminal but things like Times Telegraph definitely can offer some insight because other than just the publication every once and a while perhaps on a weekly basis in the weekend press journalists can be quite active throughout the day so definitely these are a good sources of credible information most credible ones then Twitter blog sites another blog site a very infamous one you might be aware of in the financial community is one called Zero Hedge now Zero Hedge I think their work is absolute quality obviously you need to take it a little bit with an awareness of their overall kind of spin on markets being somewhat you know sensationalist or quite bearish but ultimately they're putting out some really insightful information information from different bank notes from different Economist's analysts things that otherwise mirrored from a retail traders point of view could be quite difficult to get your hands on and also helps give you quite a high level an intellectual level of looking at how markets are viewed by seasoned professionals how to verify then a Twitter account and this is the kind of checklist that generally I would go through in order to have that process of can I trust and rely on what this Twitter account is saying and here you've got who do they work for how many followers do they have have their has the account being officially verified as per the logo you can see on the right-hand side what type of content has been tweeted previously who follows the account in question and what is the context of the tweet now one of the things I wanted to show you to put the checklist almost into action is this some of you might remember this certainly if you're watching in the UK you you probably will but you know this was December of 2016 I think it was and I remember it because we have a bit of a shutdown here at amplify trading between Christmas and New Year so I was hanging out with some friends it was it was shortly after Christmas so I wasn't in the office but markets were open I get this frantic phone call off one of my former colleagues and he's going Antony Antony the queen is dead I'm going to short the pound how much should I short the pound and I was kind of like well well well just hold on hold on a second why would you want to short the pound was my first question you know quite frankly if the if the queen is dead that's not gonna have any impact on the pound was my initial view and he was arguing that yeah but consumer confidence will be hit and I'm spending will be down and I was like look you're talking ways to smaller value and too long a period of time for traders to be hitting that in an intraday kind of move so I wouldn't even worry about it he puts the phone down I then go on my phone I go on Twitter and I just type in the queen is dead to see what is happening now stay with me this is a genuine example so I find this tweet this was actually the tweet that I found now let me talk you through two things one is what is wrong with this Twitter account what to you looking at it makes you think there's something not quite right about it so let me walk you through it for one they're following two hundred and twenty five accounts and two they've got just over one thousand followers so remember this is trying to suggest that this is the main BBC news UK Twitter account and it's got a thousand followers that to me is alarm bells a media the other thing is they've made a typo they've put UK with a lowercase K they've also gotten a random I after the UK in the actual handle of the account and the context of the tweets we've actually looked at the context of the tweets although you can see this really high res image of the Queen with a very legitimate sounding title the other tweets were of this person's dog what they had for breakfast so it was immediately obvious to me that this was this was fake now though how you can kind of read between the lines here and eliminate this type of illegitimate news is people were literally no one was clicking on the profile all that was happening was the tweet in itself so if you were just to imagine the bottom half of this page there were a whole load of people just re sharing retweet retweet retweet and so when you look at it it's almost validated that it's genuine by the fact that it was getting thousands of three tweets per second so it had gone like wildfire and people just took it for what it was that it was genuine so this is where again a little bit of understanding of knowing when markets can be manipulated by these types of things but then also having the foresight to be able to verify the account not believe just what you're seeing it's kind of one of those things like when I talk to our traders about data for example never take a piece of data in isolation you've got to put it into context because otherwise it can be misleading if it's just a singular piece of information and it's the same thing here with Twitter so again all I did then to carry that and conclude the story is I just basically said the Queen's not dead this is a fake account and as you can see here I woke up the next morning on the morning of the 30th of December and I was literally the front page of every national newspaper in the world the Washington Post The Huffington Post the Sun newspaper the most widely read newspaper in in Britain and this wasn't because you know I'm anyone particularly unique and how this is transferable to to trading is that you know I've seen the head of the German Bundesbank Twitter account falsified and someone's tried to tweet to move the market and in fact it did move the euro this is one important thing to be aware of just because it's fake if enough people believe it it can move the market the idea then is about the longevity you'd want to be in a position of risk in a trade on the back of that type of information what happened with the Bundesbank one was that the actual central bank had to come out and issue a formal press statement to say that that was not actually them it was a made-up hoax account so hopefully that makes a little bit more sense about the authenticity process of this this is pretty much the most important slide that I'm going to share with you and this is my my process how do I find the best people to follow on Twitter and these are my kind of key bullet points that I've spent many years kind of refining and so I'm going to share them with you and hopefully you can learn to develop a listen to a really powerful tool for yourself so one explore your community now what I mean by this is when you when I follow someone on Twitter let's say there's a guy called James Smith he's one of the developed FX market strategists a European bank I think his work is very good I really like his analysis I think he's right on point so what I will do is I will find him on Twitter and I will follow him that's great that's step one step two then is if he works at a big financial institution he is very much on point he's got his finger on the pulse and he provides timely and useful information for me my question then is when I go on his Twitter account who does he follow who does he feel is good enough to make his shortlist of the people he would want to follow and then I start unlock this kind of spider's web of who's connected to who and then who people who I've never even heard of start blipping up on the radar and I start looking at the context of their tweets and they're tweeting useful information all of the time so who's connected to who in your network is it a real important one it's kind of the number one step that I would take the other thing then is you're obviously going to start following quite a few people so you've got to get organized now I'm going to share with you a free service called TweetDeck which allows you to organize them by columns into structures and different lists so basically you categorize who you're following to make it much more orderly so you can you can look at it and utilize it more effectively so creating lists is quite quite key a common question I get is how many Twitter accounts can you follow and say one list I would say maximum you want to do is about 450 500 I think if you go beyond that then TweetDeck which streams these tweets in real time gets too fast and so that's about optimum I'd say feel more experienced than you can manage looking at more things than perhaps you can go a little higher but then I think it's about them breaking it up into more subject areas rather than having one list with everything that's quite hard to manage so how we used to do it was that each column had a specific purpose one might be the transportation hubs within central London to identify there any terror alerts or suspect packages and so on another might be people explicitly commenting on US stocks another one might be someone talking specifically about footsie companies so these are all how you would you would organize it understand what type of news you were looking for you know one thing again to be crystal clear you're not using Twitter to capture say economic data when it's released you know that's where you go to investing calm or Forex factory you can get that anywhere what you're looking for are rumors that's what's really powerful when it to Twitter now with rumors things like brexit again would be a perfect one when you know that there's a big meeting or let's say the china-us trade war there's a phase one meeting a signing happening at X time when do you think potential rumors might occur without surprise they occur right in the build-up and run-up to the meeting not a week before but day before kind of the same thing can happen with central bank sources so when Bloomberg release something like an ECB source comment which is basically an informed person with closed thinking of the central bank they will drop that in usually in the 24-48 hours before the event in itself that's when the market is most susceptible to that type of information so again I know kind of just through experience when I need to look for Twitter and when rumors might occur so say with economic data yes I'm not looking for the release but if there was going to be a leak of data for example like is M ADP non-farm payrolls if it is gonna come it's gonna come just before and so therefore I'd have a search criteria set up so I could see then if there's any leaks and rumors before things come out Chicago PMI being a case in point anyone who does trade will know Chicago PMI comes out to subscribers a few minutes before the official public release and you can get it on Twitter way before the likes of financial news wives will be releasing it look at who writes articles so again I'm spending a bit of time going through these points because these are the key ones who writes these articles I mean always say this to people when you read The Wall Street Journal for example and you read a really interesting article how often do you actually pay note to who wrote it what's the person's name and then cross-check it do they tweet and low behold they do and fairly frequently and of high-quality information so get in a habit of opening your mind to capturing you know this information people you know used to pay me a lot of money in my previous job as clients for me to think this I'm constantly thinking of how can I get information and how can I get it as quickly as possible and how can I be more informed and how can I keep my clients more informed all the traders more informed so every time you read something you know are sure self that question who is writing this piece do they tweet are they worth following next is back test and fact fight I used to do this religiously every month you know and again this is sounds like it's a lot of work right but you know don't forget this is what my job was and so again I'm kind of giving you the trade secrets a little bit but here what I would do is if someone if it became well-known that Twitter was the first port of call to break a piece of information what I would do is I'd make a note of that and at the end of the day I'd go on to the advanced search filters on Twitter and I would put in this exact kind of timeframe of when the initial the event happened I'd then look back chronologically and identify who is the first person to break this information and more often or not it were people who perhaps I've never even come across before but then I would look at the context of their tweets how often do they tweet I'll put everything together to then see whether or not they're someone worth adding into my list of people to follow so it's not you know nothing and I say this with full belief there's no such thing as luck it's all in the preparation you've got to put yourself in Luck's way for it to materialize and for you to benefit from it you know I spent a whole career doing that working silly hours doing this type of thing because I had to be that edge for the traders and so you know a lot of this back testing and doing the hard yards pays dividend in the end the other thing is continuously update and review the people you follow people often and I get this I normally talk to traders when they're quite junior they get quite excited about the prospects of what Twitter can bring as you can tell by the things that I'm talking about your potential edge can be huge from a time perspective and execution point of view but then they kind of add all these people and then they leave it and that's not what I'm saying it's an evolving thing people are you know there's new people coming into the market adding value there's people who are already there who are not tweeting enough who are just cluttering your feed subject matter in the market is changing you know whether it's turkey whether it's a version of the yield curve whether it's the repo rate spike that we had in 2019 you know you want to be altering the feed to reflect the macro hierarchy of the subjects than a moving markets so change constantly quality over quantity is what matters when it comes to this and then this is another thing I always used to do and maybe not everyone's actually aware of this but news in its local language comes out way quicker than it does in English now if you were looking at Chinese press and Russian press I'm gonna pick those two because of the trade war that's been going on most recently in 2019 2020 and then also Russia Ukraine remember the annexation of Crimea and 2014 what I used to do was my first thought path was what are all the major newspapers in Russia and Ukraine now that's an easy Google search once they go on there then I then look at the actual websites in Russian and what I used to see was when I cut the Russian website and then it's English trans is English version of the website the Russian website was updating infinitely quicker so it's almost like it would go up there and then get translated by an english-speaking team to then go on the English version and the same thing happens in China so what I'm saying is I used to just rely on translation tools and read literally news in its local language and I used to find massive time edge to get into stories way before their markets would react in terms of US UK and European markets so on TweetDeck one of the systems I'll show you shortly there is a Auto translation function where you can look at tweets so I always recommend if the subject matter is in a different language to English then you should always follow it in its local language if you want to be quick and react to things in that manner now with all this being said they'll sound a lot of I like a lot of work but this is how you can really take advantage and use Twitter if you're going to use it for training purposes the other way of doing this of course the shortcut is to get a squawk service like a new squawk for example and there they have designated people doing this for you 24 hours a day the other key thing I mentioned this briefly earlier so I won't spend too much time but improving your fundamental knowledge what your what I find is when the traders here do have it up they spend a little lot at a time they've got their trade set up they've got their fundamental buyers their technical set up they're just waiting for the trade now while they're waiting for the trades just having this kind of scrolling newsfeed of really quite relevant information about the broader macro environment subconsciously almost they've they're developing their understanding of markets they're reading about things that perhaps they didn't know about and to be an effective headline trader in the intraday environment which is a hard skill to master you've got to have a real breadth of knowledge to be able to action very quickly and have high conviction and so having that awareness of your finger on the pulses is very key and Twitter's very good at that Trump tweets you know hopefully by now you can see it's not all about Donald Trump although it is and will continue to be so when it comes to Twitter in 2020 as a main feature and we know why is because Trump likes to use the platform of Twitter as his medium of communication for these four different points you know the kind of preemptive framing diversion we've seen this actually there was one day in December of 2019 just before Trump got impeached by the House where he tweeted over a hundred and forty times in one day that's just mind-blowing but he's been tweeting and you can see every time he's in the press whether it's for you know Russian relationships or election interference or for dealings with you know Joe Biden and Ukraine and so on his tweets go up if oil prices get too low or too high his tweet go up so it's almost like you can almost predict a bit of a pattern as to the way in which the president operates and certainly with the timeline with the us-china trade war now phase one looks seemingly complete phase two is quite key and what I wanted to show you is this this is the u.s. election 2020 timeframe so this is looking at from left to right January 2020 all the way up to the end of the year so the entire 12 months now as you can see here we in Feb 2 June you have the primaries in the US you then have the Democratic National Convention in mid July of 2020 and then you've already got penciled in the presidential debates which will happen in SEP and - in October of 2020 before Election Day on the 3rd of November so if you're thinking about it ahead of time all of these dates will be key and they'll all be key overlaid then with the meetings between the US and China officials because it's into these meetings where you start to see the tweet activity pick up and accelerate from the likes of Trump and his tweets are market-moving so again it's a bit of a science it's about using maths and back testing and identification of patterns it's not guesswork what to be an effective news trader it's definitely not about being reactive it should be about being proactive scenario building anticipating think of a hundred meter runner in the blocks and then think of just a guy standing there a completely unaware the guy in the blocks bang the gun goes he's off whereas the guy here is in shock looks around then starts to react sees the other guy running off and tries to chase after him meanwhile the other guy is finished that's what it's like when I tried to express what it's like raining the news and that's why most retail traders can't do it because they don't spend enough time planning the preparation is just crucial in terms of being able to exercise a trade in that type of environment execute a trade so let's move on and a quick run-through of setting up Twitter so just go to you know I know I sound like a bit of a Salesman for Twitter so I can assure you that's not the case but set it up and then as you can see here this is this is my account I'll get onto that later but once you have set it up you then want to go to something called TweetDeck now that is a system which basically streams live tweets rather than you have to interact with the platform so it allowed you to monitor the tweets live at people that you follow an easy way of doing this to get your Twitter account up and running if you look interested in a macro overview just go on my Twitter account and follow the people that I follow that generally will give you a nice flavor although you know rest assured this is not my definitive a full list but it's enough to get you going if you go on TweetDeck then what you need to do is basically organize your columns when you go onto TweetDeck you'll see in the top right-hand corner of each column is little settings bar I would eliminate all columns and then start fresh so when you click on the plus sign here when you're on tweet deck which is on the left hand side click on home select your account and that will show you everyone you follow then if you have any organized lists you can then select that list and as I said depending on what you trade and what you're interested in you can have different lists showcasing different information and you can build it out from there here are a couple of other things to be aware of here at the bottom delta-1 at forex insight at sea underscore borrowed and at noir hamari these are for people on on twitter that have a slightly different purpose so rather than in journalists or analysts or people like me putting our insight and opinion these guys typically copy a lot of information that comes out on major news terminals and then re share it in an almost instantaneous fashion so if you are interested in getting news quickly into the headline news and you didn't have let's say things like a squawk service with the audio coming out then this can be a quite a good option and a good way of organizing this would be to bolt them into their own separate category to bound to monitor I know we have a lot of us followers so I just wanted to go through and talk about individual us single stock information so in my previous job I did spend a couple of years working on a an equities desk so you know talking of single equities was was some common sort resources that we use stock twits was one if your based in the States you're probably very familiar if not you probably never heard of them but stock twits is basically the largest social network for investors and traders they've got about two million registered members four million monthly messages and what do they talk about well individual stock discussions kind of the stocks in play or in focus of the day prices market sentiment it is quite good to derive determine from the amount of traffic going through people's commentary on certain individual stocks so stopped tweets or twits is particularly good if you're looking at that otherwise a couple of other Twitter accounts that are worth is shoutout which are particularly good at breaking us single stop news so really this is much more base for the guys in New York perhaps stateside rather than the guys in in Europe who are more trading probably the currency market but open outcry err and earnings whispers is particularly good in earnings season gives you nice clarity about the options implied volatility price moves on the back of earnings reports looks ahead for technical setups the day ahead what's coming out in terms of corporate earnings for the week and so on so they're particularly good for real time stock and option trading headlines breaking news open outcry is particularly good at rumors as well and hearsay on the street which you can often get a good time advantage on before small cap stocks will see a bit of a pop in price there are more sophisticated services out there and I just wanted to give these a quick mention these are the types of services that people would pay a lot of money for so normally would be used by investment banks or hedge funds in particular rather than your prop trader or your retail trader but if you were interested is one called celerity and another one called Data Miner both do start to go into the realms of AI intelligence looking at real time event and risk detection so again if you're a hedge fund and you've got literally hundreds of millions or billions at risk in the market then be able to be an alerted to a certain type of event that is unfolding before it becomes mainstream information you would pay a lot of money for so data miner is one of those types of services it's used by Goldman's Morgan Stanley Credit Suisse fidelity all the big boys will be using this type of system but again you're talking about tens of thousands of dollars per month in subscription fees if you were using it so it's a slightly different level of investor that would have that okay just to finish up them on Twitter don't forget to follow the the key members of the amplified team so those being Sam North Sam North is one of our senior traders he oversees as well the live trading and the risk for the guys on our trading floor and acts as a bit of a mentor for them he's much more based his trading decisions on the technical side of things so if you do watch our market briefings on our YouTube channel remember do subscribe to the channel you'll see Sam talking about his setups for the day then there's me as I said on the head of market analysis and I put out you know useful infographics thoughts about things that are occurring fed decisions Bank of England trade war these types of things the market fundamentals are really key for me so that's my handle at the bottom then our head of trading peers current he started trading in 2001 he used to be a HSBC you then worked for Goldenberg hey Maya in a trading division a u.s. proprietary trading firm back in early noughties before then founding amplify trading in 2009 he absolutely is one of the people I trust the most when it comes to views on the market and so he's also worth of follow when you get time so hopefully that was insightful I've had a lot of requests to do this video over the years so hopefully it's gonna be useful for you and you've enjoyed it and it's open your mind to a little bit of the way to view an approach using Twitter to trade and to monitor news any questions at all please do feel free to leave a comment and I'll be happy to to help further alright I'll see you next time thanks very much guys [Music]
Channel: AmplifyME
Views: 15,476
Rating: 4.9566789 out of 5
Keywords: Anthony Cheung, How to use Twitter for trading, Twitter, trading, trading the news, fundamentals, Amplify Trading, macro, Trump tweets, Bloomberg, trading tools, How to trade the news, how to trade, macro trader, trading headlines, who to follow on Twitter
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 50sec (2570 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2019
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