How To Use ToneNet ||| ToneX (Step-by-Step Tutorial)

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Hi! My name is Piotr Galiński from Galtone Studio and  in today's video I wanted to show you how to use   a ToneNet to get the most out of your ToneX. Enjoy! Okay, first things first - you need to download an   IK multimedia product manager from their website.  Once you download and install it you'll have your   tonex pedal (you need to register it) using a serial  number that kind of stuff, or if you are using only   an application we need to you need to use a serial  number from the software. Once you go to the   software top there should be a toneX. Okay, in my  case it's an already downloaded installed you need   to install, it should be here uh okay something  like that. You need to install it and authorize. Okay - next you should go to the ToneNet, go  to login and login into ToneNet with your IK multimedia account. Next up you should create  an account (in my case I already have it done) so   create an account add a username add some kind  of like profile picture and you're good to go. Okay - so let's open a tonex application  in my case it will be a standalone one so   right now we have a basic preset or like  tone model what IK multimedia gives us I'm not really a huge fan of it but you know what  you can do. You can't really change it you know   because it will always start with that Black Angus.  Okay first thing that I'm doing always. I'm always   going to change everything (you can basically do it here) uh  to around noon at least parameters like presence   gain, bass, middle, treble and that kind of stuff. Why? Because when you're changing any tone model the EQ   and other stuff, reverbs will stay the same. Let's  say I have something like that. Maxed gain, right? Maxed gain, maxed gain, maxed gain, maxed gain - that kind  of stuff and you know when we will be downloading   um tone models from telenet a lot of people (at  least me) I am always like creating a profile   or like Tone Model with everything at noon  in mind right? I'm not really doing it to   have something like this because it makes  no sense right? Of course you can use it   but you know when you're creating tone model  everything should be around this area right Okay, so right now we're going  to the tone net. Clicking here and if you get any kind of error try  either reauthorizing your software   in IK multimedia tab (manager*) something like that  authorized reauthorized because you know   in my case I had the same problem I couldn't  open tonet and the only thing that helped me   was unauthorize it and reauthorize again. Yeah,  I know what's weird but it happened unluckily. Okay. So right now we are in a ToneNet. Basically  it's like a big uh preset sharing platform that you can use to download any kind of models that  other users created and think that I usually   start with is go to most popular. Right? Or at  least I started at the very beginning right and   this like probably one of my favorites actually  it's uh by Studio rats Matchless Independence right now you can change anything  for example I can add more gain yeah sounds great. right. Okay moving  on let's go to the dream 65 clean okay as you can see. Everything stayed  the same you know the gain was maxed   so it stayed the same okay. Let's go  to the Bad Cat Club (CUB! sorry!) Okay another one and let's say... I really enjoy it. and I want to save it. And what you have to  do - you need to go here and right now we're   downloading tone model to our library and this  is annoying but you need to do it. Click here   and voila! We're in our in our tone model  we have Bad Cat Club. Right? Simple. Okay. But let's say I really enjoyed another one. For example Tone Junkie. Okay why not? uh let's go   to Tone Junkie. Well too much mids - for example. Whatever. You know? Okay I really really like   it or let's let's say I'm adding more reverb  you know, whatever. oh I really really like it   okay I'm downloading and oh... okay... so it stayed the  same. But if I would like to return to Bad Cat oh... EQ stayed the same. and it's really annoying because for example  some people made tone models in mind to have   like you know more gain or reverb or anything else. or maybe you prefer less reverb or more reverb or   more mids you have a Stratocaster and you prefer  to have less presence. And thing that can help you   are presets. Okay so go let's go to ToneNet once again and open my tone models  (Galtone Studio) why not? and here we go let's say let's open my most  popular one. Van Halen Pack, Modern Van Halen. Okay. Okay let's say... let's make a noise gate a little less annoying. I'll add a reverb  of course I'll download it, yes. and right now - here is my modern Van Halen, right? And let's say I really enjoy  it. What I can do - click this one. And right now I can save my own presets from  tone models that I downloaded from tonet. Okay let's call it Van Halen uh 21.07  because it's today. Okay. And that's it voila   And right now when I go to the preset  tab, I have my preset with my settings   from that tone model that i downloaded in my preset tab okay so  let's say I had other like other presets recently. Or anything else. Right? This is great, because right now you're not  forced to like change settings every single   time which is absolutely annoying, right? So you  can for example download I don't know one or   two or three models and create variations  right for example let's say I have my own   was like pretty popular one Matchless Dirt  right and I want to create something that's   like edge of breakup tone with a reverb uh  More Gain, maybe let's say with a room Reverb right Okay - so I'm downloading it going back to presets and I'll save it as  like Matchless Edge for example okay and right   now there's like a Matchless Edge in my presets with  that with the settings that I already made. Once let's head back to ToneNet once again and let's say I want to find a jvm 410 because I really this amp    maybe I have it at home whatever. Okay so right  now we have something like this, let's try it. Okay - let's download it. And right now I'm not really a fan of this  cabinet right so I can go to the cab section   go to for example custom IR other  IRs but I really like this one - VIR. um it's a Greenback one. And what you can do.  You can for example change the microphone   change the position Yeah I really like it - so right now I can save  it with that custom IR right let's say jvm vir okay great! And right now. I have it saved. So why is it great? Basically you are  not forced to use a cabinet that a   user enjoys right? Because when I'm  for example making my own top models   I 'print' the IR that I really like or like I do  profiles on my cabinet which is like which has   like two v30s and another cabinet what is Marshall. And you know some people don't really like it. So   what you can do you can basically bypass what  the user created and add your own IR. which gives   unbelievable possibilities you know you can  basically download any of the amplifiers and   create your own presets so this is like the  best way for me to use a tone net. To download   profiles of arms amps you actually dig and if  there's something else, you need to tweak the   parameters out of the reverbs other stuff  and maybe change ir and that kind of stuff Okay - thanks a lot for watching! If you have any questions feel free  to leave a comment and if you enjoy   my tones go to my ToneNet and if you  want more you can download my paid packs. The link will be in the description  and... see you in the next video. Bye!
Channel: GalTone Studio
Views: 9,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #tonex #tonenet #howto, How to use tonenet, tonenet, tonex, tutorial
Id: EF5laINMoJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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