How to use the Pico pocket projector for cookies

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alright I'm gonna attempt my first instructional video on how to use the pico projector so this is the projector that I've been using to put images and words on to my cookies and I've been showing the videos of me using it on Instagram lately so this is it let me show you first of all how I hook it out it doesn't come with these cables you have to buy them extra so you need a mini HDMI goes down to a normal size HDMI and then buy this Apple connector to the Lightning okay and then it's got another hole in here to another spot and this is just if I need to plug it in charge my iPad while I'm working on it then the Pico battery is not very good at all I find that it always runs out halfway through my projects so I usually have it plugged in so this is just the power cord and it's just down and around and plugged into my kitchen I'll in there so I have it plugged in all the time it's a little finicky you can see the red button so I kind of have to wiggle it back and forth okay so that's the setup this is a phone holder off of Amazon and it just clamps down onto my kitchen counter and then it also stretches wide enough that I'll hold my great big note 8 phone and then I can turn it sideways when I'm doing my videos and I'm not using my Pico so I can put it out flat and I can video what I'm doing okay so I'm going to turn the Pico on so I just hold this button for a minute to spread the green light up on the top will come on you'll see it come down on here you need to have a white surface so you can see it so I usually have parchment on my counter the images always come up it comes up reverse when you first load it up you need to get over to this setting box so you just use these little up-and-down arrows so I'm going to scroll over to the settings gearbox push the center button to select it and then use the arrow scroll down to projection you don't have very long here I stopped doing anything it only takes a couple seconds and it goes back to your main screen you can also see what can you see yeah you can see where it's highlighted so I highlight the gear again go down to projection Center click and then I click it four times and it says invert front and then click the center box and that brings you to this page you scroll down to your cable selection and over to HDMI and I'm just using the arrows and the center to move into select okay so now it's all selected now you'll see it's mirroring mirrors what is on my iPad now we're connected so when I'm trying to put words like if I wanted special words like this I usually use a program on my iPad called font o pH o n t o font o and you would go let's get rid of this guy here reset it took me a bit to figure this out even though it seems like a pretty basic thing but I'm not good at this stuff so okay plain image I just select basically a black box you go up to the button in the corner use okay now I've got just a blank screen so now if I want to add some text you just tap on the screen I always Center what I'm doing fonts I've downloaded all these fonts from you just hit the download button onto font and it'll tell you oh do you want to down download it to font oh and it'll open right up in font oh that's it's pretty lickety-split it works pretty pretty good okay let's use this guy here so let's type in mrs. oops sorry font click OK why is my oh oh I see where it is it's over on the right-hand side okay okay mrs. Miller okay and then just hit done now it doesn't really matter the size too much because I'm going to manipulate it in the next program when I'm gonna put it on the cookie but if you wanted to you can just use your little slide bar here and do it you as soon as you touch the screen then it's it's set okay so then I would screenshot it and it would save to my gallery then I go and I open up this other app called camera lucida this is the app that I use when I'm using anything like what I'm trying to put images on or fonts on to my cookies you can manipulate it you can turn it around you can resize it really good you know you can get down really small it's a handy really handy app to have and you'll notice in the background like it's it's a camera app of some sort I haven't really played with it that much other than to do this but yeah anyways it goes away it it goes opaque when you're done touching it when you're playing with it you can see behind it okay so let's go and find that mrs. Miller there it is loaded out okay so then I can just manipulate you know if I'm trying to put it on to my now it's projecting onto my cookie and I would just manipulate it where I want it so these thank-you cookies that I'm doing we can load that up so go to my gallery find my thank-you there's my thank-you image and then I just play with it until I get it the size that I want okay that's probably maybe just a tad bigger okay and then get my son to hang on to the camera and then I will show you when you are working with the with the projector you have to learn how to kind of keep the icing bag off to the side as you're working with it my eyes scene it takes a while icing is definitely the key to ooh text to get the right consistency so that it flows nice but it doesn't flow too much it is just a matter of playing with it it's taken me quite a few months to kind of get it figured out okay so you just go through your cookie and work your way around it now the other thing I do doo doo doo the other thing I do is if I'm doing a lot of images I find it much easier to use the sugar bow light brown pins you get them at Michael's and I use those to trace the images and I'll go through and I'll do them all on my cookies and then I'll shut all the gadgets off and I'll just go through and copy over the edible marker it's a lot easier to do that especially with images than trying to have be working with the projector I find it way easier ok I'm not I can't remember exactly how many cookies I could get through before the battery would die but I got really tired of my pico projector always dying right in the middle of doing a cookie so I just started plugging it in all the time okay so that's that so that's how you would use it okay now the other thing so if you are going to if I wanted to load up an image I already have it up so I've pulled this up in clipart now you can see like if I try to use it right from a clipart you can't really make it small enough to fit on a cookie I mean it's it's huge so that's why I would screenshot it so I've already screen took a screenshot of this heart so I would go back to my Lucita app go to my camera roll and there's my heart and then you can see there I can like I can make it reduce it down inside a lot okay so then you can see how tiny it would be on there okay the other thing I would do when I first got my Pico and then trying to get used to it as I would just lay down parchment paper and I would just practice I would put a whole bunch of words on my screen and I would just practice tracing in it it took quite a while before you know your words don't look so wobbly and most of that is just finding the right consistency you find when the when the icing is flowing just right even if you wobble a bit it tends to even itself out so all right so that is the pico projector or in the apps I use all wrapped up in a nutshell so I hope that helps and thank you for watching
Channel: Sweet Sugar Laine
Views: 203,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pico projector, royal icing, decorating cookies, sugar cookies, Phonto app
Id: vcMlmJpomJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 14 2018
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