How to Use the GoXLR

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hey everyone what we'd like to do in this video is show you the go XLR this is an audio interface it's a sampler some mixer it's a de-esser ii pacer it's going to EQ it's got a noise gate it's another one device which is primarily aimed towards games demos and twitch streamers and that kind of thing now I go guv my overall opinion on this and a separate video but in this video I would like to do is show you how this works show you what it offers and give you a better understanding as to what you could use this for so right now I'm actually recording via a separate audio interface a different one which is over there but I will switch to the go XLR and then you can see everything being controlled from here now I just want to show you the back of the go axle out first like get outlined okay so you can see that there is an XLR and put there's only one unfortunately I really do think this should have a d2 but you can add different makes the there's our Lanen and put there's a make and put so this 3.5 milimeter connections for your line and make and your phones and is elena port as well there's a Kensington lock then as a USB cable there's an optical end cable which they have designed for plugging the audio went from a ps4 program and Xbox one but you could use it to bring an audio from any audio interface and then at the end there that as dcn so this has to be powered from a plug or wall adapter but then you also have to connect it to your computer now I did do a separate video yes there's quite a long video showing you how you can connect other microphones such as the blue Yeti you can connect additional makes using audio interfaces using the Macon and person using the line and port and all that so I'll leave a link to that if you want to find out more about how you can expand this and connect more than one microphone but what we like to do as I see it as show you thus know why will do as I'll connect my other make first and then I will connect USB but obviously at this point I have not power that so I'm gonna put on and you'll see so that's what it does and it then it should a one point switch to my profile there you go so it switch to my profile no which is why the feeders have all went to my possession but you can obviously mute me at them and things of that as well so one want to do is switch headphones I'm going to switch to this microphone on here and I'll show you what it will be like via them if I can get picked the right one yeah and I'll show you what the recording is like through the go XLR so you may have held me in stereo there for a second and really I can feel my audios a lot law so I'm gonna bring up a lot higher so get audio up higher now now though he was at a good level just now I've spent a couple of days tweaking many different things with us there gave me a better understanding is as to how this works and you know what it can do and all that and it takes time to actually get there to get your make your phone at the rate level but when you get it there yeah things generally what cool key now what I'd like to do is just give you an overall impression as to what this is about but with regards like for example just quickly do a rundown what you've got here you've got maker phone headphone game and I've got Firefox but basically these can all be changed and I'll show you this via the app very soon but essentially these four ports here can all be changed these can all be changed and you can put them to whatever you want and as soon as it gives you four feeders so I can change my headphones there like make it loads or in quiet are you can change the game audio that was I've set up is Firefox so that for example if I was lessening audio listening to audio via YouTube video I could have turned the up or down or simply muted that that as an option up here you've got all these presets for different samples etc and if i zoom down maybe also a little bit better and and then you've got pre-made ones here hard turn Robo megaphone now you can see the top here page that's the one I've been using a lot so for example petrol the weight the left will be a deep voice but it's no one told you had their effects button that actually makes your voice deep so if I push light no and that's deep again now if I go all the way to the other side there's gonna be the complete opposite yeah thus as a little bit syllabic you know imagine that's being popular with streamers really wanting us so some of the features like that are pretty cool I would say if you want to make your aim if you want to for example there's lots of different things that you can do I've kind of just you know messed around with us and there's all I definitely kind of apply to your voice in that respect um one of the things I really like is the beep I think that it's a simple one but I think if you're doing a call when someone starts sweating you can and do that some perfect but it does work quite well and that one does that one do oh that was me it might make that that was I was forgetting where that was doing yeah so that that big a large a purple one just quickly mutes the microphone I was one thing why that was the earlier for a second because I was double-checking because it does always also have the the then we get button for the microphone for the gain level but yeah that will make a mute your make button so that's quite useful if you're you know during a streaming and someone wants to speak to you you can and you can hear me again when I release it so that's like quite a useful button aim I think I used that during extreme villainy I think of that aim at one point I can't remember why about that I was second-guessing that for a second because I covered the microphone I'm like why is that button ear again and but yeah down the bottom you've got a sampler and for example here I've just been a couple of Homer Simpson things so I've set it up so that if you place the button again it stops but you can change it so that it'll keep looping Jirka who's dead so there's definite things you can do that which you know you can say up whatever you want whatever you think would be funny during a stream now you've got three different ones here so essentially you've got 12 buttons you can do and you can clear them at any time they'll sit up so that red means that there's nothing near but what you can do is basically hold on to the button and you can sample something that's how it works that you know you hold the button or sample whatever you're seeing and know that it's blue ball go into the barn board onto the button and you can hold on to old old old old old onto the button and I've cleared that now by pushing clear and then going into it now obviously that would have got very annoying very quickly but you can see you know how this could work because someone for example your friend could be falling you you could connect your phone to the back of the go XLR you could connect it and then you could sample them when you're talking and then create a sample from what they said so there's always things like that and that you can do but really this breaks down into three different areas you've got the the mixer and the feeders here the feeders here so you can control for and cuts essentially here then you've got your sampler here you've got your beep and your make button and up here everything here is about controlling your voice and modifying your voice so when you first look at this you know you're like what does all of us mean but let's play some pool and well I mean I was seeing the other it's a three different things but you can see with outline they've they've simply did these two as a separate so they've got the four faders the voice modification the sampler and then of course the the beep and the make button separate but I would say these are the three main areas these are just kind of extra things so it does it does work okay it takes a while to get used to it you know you're gonna have to spend a D kind of messing about with things and getting your settings clicked and all that but the one thing you do need to do is use the app now this doesn't require a phone where you actually have to install the app the app it's not just a driver you need to install the app and the app has to be running all times and it's not something I agree with but there you go M F I will record it here here we go so this is the app and this is the windows up there that you can download and and you can see up the stand a lotta different ways you don't need to spend time messing about with us and you know that's really as how this is controlled this is really you know once you've got it set up you used us to control everything but the app is how you change everything now at the top left here you can see I've got different profiles these the main profile was the one I've set up but the other ones are the ones that are set up by the go XLR itself and when you install it they'll install these profiles for you sleep you can see it put everything everything to sleep there no sleep is something that was our deed because this doesn't don't have it before there's no on/off switch at the back of us you need to keep it plugged in and there was nothing like to put it to sleep there's nothing to turn the lights off which is why the body does sleep profile they've added a few other profiles there as well and you can see the colors are changing at the same time when I change those I've just kinda made I'm not saying means the base color scheme not by a longshot but you can see that there's a lotta different things going on there I'm on main I was just messing about with the colors now there's all things that you need to kind of say up here that one of the most important things is a make know in the Sun if I jump over to my Samsung monitor I'm minimize some of these windows here and right okay so I slap a better knife so I forget that so the way you can see the sand fill so you've got make say up here right you can mix it up and you can choose between a dynamic make a condensed or make and a 3.5 millimeter know the microphone that I'm using is actually dynamic but because I'm using a fit head which requires phantom power I have to select a condenser but you can see that I can put this up or down like so and it tells you when you're clapping so when it goes red you'll be clapping and the label I've got itself just now seems okay it's not too bad so just keep it said that but that's where you would change your make no you can't have this is important to recognize you can't have an XLR and put an to make and put at the same time it has to be one or the other you can't have both you just can't have both so you need to have one or the other so you know bring us out like that so what I mean by that as that F you for example plugged in your blue Yeti and you plug that into the make and put you couldn't use that and thus microphone the blue Yeti would have to go to the the liner and put if you wanted to use it and that way but then you've got here you've got which I think most people would say is the main part of the of the that makes it up you've got the gate you've got equalizer you've got the compressor and you've got the DSR and I I'm not claiming to be an expert on this but go accel are of course really good tutorial about this it's like 20 minutes long or something like that and the guy goes through every aspect of this and telling you what each part of it does but you know the basis over as the gate will determine how much will a be allowed to come come through your microphone and so right now I've got it 44 but if I put it 2-0 you'll hear a lot more background noise so I'm gonna set up a level we are and this is what you want to do you want to say that's up at a level where most of your background noise is gone then you buddy equalizer this is an area we are I'm really scared to mess about because it starts affecting how your voice sounds which is what some people want some people want a more BC voice some people want you know a definite style I've just left that alone because I like the way my voice sounds through this microphones I'm happy with that if IDs are as well a but the compressor is probably the biggest thing and the compressor order will stop you from peaking and what it will do here as you've got a phase hold and I wouldn't probably change their target release I would probably keep those you know the same but the threshold factor what that means as everything over on - 5 decibels will be compressed ratio of 8 to 1 which makes it not impossible to peak at that level because everything above a the -5 decibel level will be compressed to such a level that it will only go up to like four decibels or something like that it won't make your voice really it changes that lob at the very very very high end but effectively what it's there for is if there was anything a load buying a noise or anything that shouldn't be there at all not peak it will not clap and cause any problems and but again don't listen to me on this aspect or that wife done is followed their guide and I've messed about with the settings enough so that I've got it working from my environment and it does the paint on what you know you need to do if you're in a warm country if the air-conditioning going you'd probably say the gate a lot higher than I would but I don't have that running in the room but today interesting way I've got a man outside sawing and he's got a drow or something and he's making up a hell of a noise so I would maybe have to set the gate a little bit higher today than normally so there's all I definitely a options here which you can see I think that Darkrai a your so as far as changing your recording and changing how your environment as an older and changing em but really what it's doing is allowing you to use the making a lot of different environments because if you don't have a can place that if you don't have all these extra little tools then you're going to pick up a lot a background noise or you're gonna you know clap and you're gonna do all these different things and this is where the go XLR comes in and it helps you adjust your audio now along here I've got the mixer know the mixer refers to these four feeders so you can see them they are one two three four you can see I can I can mute those and the feed that goes up and down but if you look down here you can see there's channel one two three and four now a forward I've got it set as music great now but I can change it to voice chops so if you're playing a game you want to put the voice chat and you can change it to that you can change the game audio from the from the optical one cable you've got a Lena and you've got system sounds you've got sample you'll get headphones you can say that you know there's like a octane definitely those I one two three four five six seven eight nine nine different things I think there and you can pack four of them and put them onto the feeder so you have to pack what was the most important thing to you and then dictate it there as far as what your control there and for each of these you can control the the icon at the top you can control the description so for example if I look at the top one here aim I've got the option at the bottom near a mute all mute to stream you to voice chat mute the phones and then you can change the actual settings for each of the aim for each of these line and ports as far as what's the level of the make was the level of a chat the level of music was the level of game so despite the fact the you know the go Excellus setup is that you've got four feet doesn't you control everything here but you can see here through the app you can still go in and tweak the lane and you can start going to make the beep sound less load you know you can bring that volume down as well and you really just want to set up the four most important ones here but the sound things that I would always put here such as the microphone and the headphones know I've set up game and and Firefox there but the bonus once I've got the game audio at a particular level I'd probably keep it on all the time in a way but some people would like to put the volume up and down I would probably put lane in there if I was using it and you know on a daily basis the player have maker for and headphones laying man and then maybe system sound so that if there's any allowed system stones I can't Onam don't but the good thing is you can you can change this at any time you've then got your headphones level at the end there as well so that's all that different audio levels that you can control and you can control them or when I will change how you actually use this now the lighting as this is all really related to their statics of the go XLR and if I jump over to my overhead camera and oh trying through the window again can I show you the window here we go right so I'll put this over here and that's may give you a better understanding as to what's going on here so I think I don't know but maybe you can see that lower barrel is that the break color you can't really see that here because the break color but yeah it does seem microphone now but aim F like let's change number four for example here is Firefox right but I can change this to green red pink white blue like to orange and you can change the icon you can upload any icon you wine I've uploaded an icon of Firefox you can see I've picked Mario a there which you can't see just now but yeah you can see I've got different things here you can drag and drop your all in one zone or you can pack from headphones in lightbulb and Duff and things this preset 1 0 that you can pack and for example I could put that so I've got a musical symbol No so now I've got the musical symbol and you know that's what's going to be displayed here I've got text like you can write any text that you want you can see they're renamed and you can't see that sorry because it's not showing any pop-ups there but yeah you can see that can rename it there and yeah you know everything gets changed on the fly that's the the important thing to note there they all gets changed on the fly as soon as you make a change there it's showing on your go Excel are your jeans take size and all that and then you can change the color of the feeder so well that's talking about it's a fire that's orange down in the bottom there but I can make it blue part pull anything and then it goes up like that and and what it will do is is essentially a gradient and it surgery a gradient between em it's really a gradient between the color if you pack for the bottom and the color each you pack at the top so that's going from pop all the way to yellow and it's really really nice the way that it works it it's a really nice display I know these colors are not for everyone some people might not like that but you can set up in a very basic way if you want as far as colors go and yeah then you've got dem color and other as well so there's a lot of different options there as far as lighting goes you can set us up as funky as you want or as plain as you want but that's who's a area here that's really about I'm setting up your feeders your channels and setting up your audio levels and how it sounds through the headphones etc and then how you control it through these beetles and the next section here you've got a fix and these are all a and just to show you again I've done point a so earlier but see the top left you've got the profiles which are soo Jayla samples and all that these are the audio files I've uploaded then you get presets how to inuvik et cetera but the good thing is that if you click up here it will default to the correct setting so whenever I click on anything like that they are all default to the the kalaxian at the bottom so see them I want to know how they just are no I want to know how to adjust that I would just automatically change so they're calling that part in your system up here's the effects then here's a sampler and yeah you just click on it so that's something to note as well you can't just click on at the top and it will change to whatever you're you're a modifying so play your song that I would see ya just change it like that so that's jump me to the preset stay out if I go back I go to that and then there we go so we've got all these preset grips back verb comms radio and what does referring to is is these lights and you can see them changing in color there and it's just pieces you know you've got reverb patch echo and gender and these are just presets that you can change to switch to your favorite sex settings between them all so I can do that [Music] [Music] and then I can just keep changing to the ones that I want this is an idiot we had a kind of masturbate with a little bit but yeah it's not like I've spent ages on that I've just been messing about with it more than anything just playing about with that like a toy but you can see there's all kind of aim stales here library music club real plate chapel and so see number one here and it says so that's a that's called a few got a big veil you've got revealed say hockey arena like I said at the chapel bring up the effect and then now there the patch because the patch is set up there not oh I could bring the surrounding you can see it's changing there and I can bring it all the way out oh my god I can just leave it as zero and now I sound like a man a chapel and I don't have a deep voice so you can set these up any way you want and you know I could say here for arrows basically going through each part here but you can set it up any way you want you just have to go through each of these and see what suits you you can see there are reverb echo patch and gender all refers to these four dials and when you change it here it will change the lates Thea and it would just that accordingly so you can change it there or there you can see both go up it doesn't matter which one you use and yeah you need to mess about with it until you get this sex presets that you want but you can change it just on the fly enemy if you want and you've got presets as well and hard tuned robot and all that and you can change how those ones are set up so those ones are referring to megaphone robot and hard Trin and you can you can change those as well as far as what was the best setting here it really is up to you I've seen a lot of people set these up in a very different way but there's gonna be a sweet spot as far as which ones sound really good together but there's enough presets there's enough things set out for you're ready to get you started to help you get going with us once again you can go into each of these change the color so there's number one a and I can change out the yellow at the top they'll see the very top I'm King got to yellow so change out the red no so that one's changed to red maybe not coming through it's more kind of orange there but um yeah maybe that's that's red no but you can go through and change all the colors but you know the color when it's all in the color when it's off and all that there's lots and lots and lots of effects there and then we've got the sampler so the sampler is referring to this part down at the bottom and this is what I was showing you earlier on so what I've set them up just now I've got top left top right bottom left bottom right Blaine Gore EBC so it gives you 12 then I've got the function please stop which means that I can go and that just stops it but why I can do as you can put on a look I'm sorry a plea next you want Ori pain please feed me this so you can aim change what happens there like before oh sorry I'm changing that on one that's why I'm pressing the wrong button here so bottom right my wager cast so the other way if you do please stop it just stops but you can do and blip and and really it comes down to whether you want it to keep placing the button go and Brewer or whether you want the feed feed on release know you know feed and Dustin's I've been doing the play stops look for the longer ones so that if it's a longer I'm a longer one you can you can stop it because that obviously does that's a long clap you don't want to keep repeating but this is the you know you do and you can just upload the sample the error will bring up a box you upload your your sample in this area and then yeah you can upload as many as you want and again with the lighting do 100% what you want with the rating a with the lighting very very easier once you get all sore teeth in once you understand how it works it's same it really has good hope works but these are the ones I've set up so that from a lighting point of view I've set up so that if the sample is empty I've got it red so I can see here right away or this is red there's nothing there but I can hold the end I can record the sample and now it's blue I can hold it and I can hope I okay I can hold it up and then I can create a sample and obviously that's not a very good sample to use there but it just shows you how you you use it you just hold down the button then you can clear your sample and then you can come back and refer to any time pretty cool herb works I'll jump ahead to this system just don't go back to rating but system is just there the beat button and and you've got the the mute button there as well so you can't hear me there so yeah those are the the system sends quick useful and again you can change the colors and all that as well no problems here pretty cool so the last part here down at the bottom here as rating no this is where it gets a little bit more confusing but it's really related to the end puts and how they had actually been activated Percy no I've done I've just stuck with the defaults now I'd look at the tutorial I'd look how the routing works but the rating seems to work in a very specific way as far as if you for example are connecting something into the lane and that's when you would go on and make sure that the lane and put is going to the right output and all that I think that most people wouldn't mess about with that too much they want to have the headphones activity the whole time you want to have the broadcast stream activate the whole time but the line now maybe they want to deactivate for certain aspects and with a chart make maybe you want the chart make lame' teeth to sit on outputs as well I don't claim to be an expert on that Syria because I messed about with a little bit and then I realized that I was kind of doing something wrong so I went back to the default settings I think for most people what you'd want to do is just keep other default settings but there are examples in the manual that says if you want to wrote that's cable enter it using anna-lena and port and then rotate to the that's open then you set up this way and that's when you need to mess about with that again I'm not an expert on this but that they do have like a breakdown as to which ones you have to select for which setup if you're connecting a blue Yeti or if you're connecting that I find that the default settings that have got seems to work for all of my recording in situations but if for example you want to capture chart from your PlayStation 4 or something like that you may have to mess about with that I don't know it's not something I've dive deep into that much but for my recording setup the default set with rating seems to work really well so yeah I would look I would check the manual and only really mase about with that if there's something not working then you refer to the manual and see ok why is this laying on cable not routing to the connect output so yeah I would look into that so as you can see I just want to quickly summarize the Sofia again you've got the profiles at the top left there you've got the samples that you've uploaded these are just you know that's the sample recorded please select the example that's Hall myself that's warmer scene boobies we've got champion and these are all saved at the top you've nobody presets as well these are the ones were saved from the presets they were designed with the breath interface itself these are all at the top left here and then it's all just down in the bottom at the top the damage so they're just really helps you get to the the setting that you want most of the settings are at the bottom so at the bomb you've got your mixer up and that's obviously one of the most important things then you've got your mixer which is your feeder here then you've got your fix a donor or the top plate so they ask for their voice then you get the sampler in the bottom you've got your routing and puts a note first then your system no as far as importance goes I would say right off the bat the first thing you really want to get going is your microphone and you you don't need to try and mess about with us and and find out which is the best way to set up I would say generally speaking follow the guidelines of the video like of Cana followed with he said but the same things I would recommend to people I would say don't mess about with the DSR too much at the start I would say don't mess about with the EQ too much at the start I would say get your threshold -5 on or something I mean is 3 minus 10 or something whatever you want and then say your ratio from between 41 AE 1 8 to 1 M but you need to tweak that yourself that depends on what you're recording the hardest thing at the start you need to get is the gate that's the part you want to get going and the attenuation will be like you know how much is you can hear more background noise so the attenuation and the attenuation and the threshold or through the the main ones that you want to aim to the mean once you want to try and mess about what to get the settings that you want the really the release refers to how much it kind of feeds back and as far as letting that background noise back and by again referred to their facial tutorial whether the first real video tutorial but I was really good just sat back watch at 15-20 minutes or something and just go through the gate as to Hoagy setup I've got mine set up for the most part exactly how I want doesn't seem to be picking up any background noise seems to be compressing your audio walky which means I don't clap and most things do seem to be okay and regarde but it does record it does depend on a your recording environment because if I use this somewhere else if I use this an apartment and a city that's busy with more noise I might have to start putting the threshold and different things up and if I go to a country house somewhere but not a lot of noise they are I can I can bring a lot of these levels down so really does depend on your recording setup also does depend on the microphone condenser or dynamic this is a dynamic microphone so does the paint on the equipment that you're using and the environment that you're recording and so yeah just mess about with that you should be able to get it the way that you want it at first that you know the first name a few minutes I was using and I'm like this doesn't sound right but when you you really want to say that to the point where you're removing the background noise and then just put it up a little bit more and then just kind of leave it you don't wanna miss a bit too much in that regard now they up the app I would see that works quite well the problem I've got with that app is clean of a personal thing whether the it just pops up at the start there's no way to minimize the window well you can minimize it to your render but when when you can't not start on Windows which is a lot about no and it just pops up in the middle of your screen as soon as you started windows boom go XLR that there's no setting inside the moment to allow you to you only start it when you see you can minimize it if I show you this here if I click on eggs there's an option to minimize an excerpt and this will minimize it to my tree but when it starts when my computer stops it when it starts up that's just pops up immediately right and your face before anything else is loaded up thus loads up a lot of annoying that it's a lab that we but you know it's not a deal breaker because you just have to plug out the USB cable I'm but even if you plug out the USB cable that's this will still pop up you'd have to actually uninstall it which yeah this is that that's it clearly are setting that annoys me as I'm trying not to harsh but it does annoy me and as far as you know changing things and not though they give you a few options with the profiles and all that and once you once you start off with that just use that as a template and then you can start changing things and if I come over here or Tumnus window of just now so just want to give you a quick overview finally as to what this is all about and I've cleaned about this back to front here we go so you've got your XLR and put and XLR and the make and put you can use either or it will default to one of these you cannot use both you can have two things plugged in but you need to select either the dynamic or condenser from here or the 3.5 mummy you cannot do both at the same time you can do a Lanen at the same time is these two you can send the signal out with laying out and you can use the optical and so you do have some options that eyes some amount of flexibility there as far as how you set things up but Tim yeah just you just can't use it to make and puts at the same time once you get all these going you know when you get the Mexico's going when you get the colors going you start to realize that this has quite a flexible that all the vase but whether this as that the device for you it depends on what you're doing it depends on what you're doing what you're doing during your stream and all that but I hope I've shown that that says a device that is fairly easy to understand I'm not an expert on the rating system yet you probably got that impression when I was talking about to have I'm a stop to say things when I miss you know collecting things on and off and then I went back to the default settings I think that for most people the routing settings and when you're talking about you know stretching inputs to wretch outputs and all that I think for most people you really should just leave at the default settings and tell you run into any problems but something isn't working but then what would also see as well dive not covered yet is that when you're in Windows you've got the option for a broadcast stream but you can also write audio for the sampler and for the game audio and different things there's like four or five different things you can do like music so you've got like five open sources that it saves you from having to use something like voice Mia but on the whole I would say that that's once you've you know when you first use that's the first minute or two of using this the first couple a lot about perplex by someone to say things but when you actually play around with us it's a very easy device to use once you've got it set up once your maker set up when several thing is connected you've got your color setup actually using it during a stream is very very simple the compressor seems to work quite well I'm not able to peak like I could show right now oh and I can't change my audio levels I can't go above and peak and clap which is good that's what you want that means that the compressor is working so the compressor works there I've kept a DSO to a minimum then the noise gate is something that I've been tweaking this year things I don't know I seem to have our level no but it doesn't pick up a noise level so for example just think can I go over the the noise gate again just for one last thing F for example I put a noise gate to law you hear that it starts picking up noise from the table starts picking up noise you know from different things on the table aim enemy this is where that is it starts making mine make it a forward and sailing through the headphones sound elaborate strange because it's it's picking up the background noise and emphasizing it and all that but that's just means into city the gate the amount and the attenuation attenuation line you need to adjust those and told you that a point where those things aren't getting picked up once you get those set up the way that you want it yeah it's so good so thanks for watching guys I hope you guys have a better understanding as to what this is all about how it works it's quite a big device um which is good in some ways one of the things I would say is that it doesn't sub too high but that's okay that I also coming up with a stand so that people can adjust it so that's something they are chasing but there's always things I like about us is all the things I don't like about her and I will cover those in the next video and my overall review but I hope you guys have got a bit understanding as to how this works now let's as an audio interface it's a max out as a sampler I've been finding it hard to you know quantify what this actually is because it's so many things and one I can see why this is so popular worth streamers because it affects these so many different problems so stay tuned for my final review but I hope you find us but you know you're so please do refer to the official tutorials refer to the official manual if there's something that you're not sure of when you're using this the manual covers most things and the video tutorials covers the rest as far as writing and all these things so do check those out play around with that have fun with that and I'm sure you'll figure out how to get it se out for your setup thanks for watching guys and stay tuned for the next one until then take care [Music] you
Channel: Kevin Muldoon
Views: 158,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: goxlr, go xlr, go xlr audio interface, goxlr audio routing, goxlr mixer, goxlr sampler, goxlr setup, goxlr mic setup, goxlr microphone setup, goxlr configuration, goxlr mixer setup, go xlr sampler, how to use goxlr, goxlr inputs, go xlr mic input, audio interface, twitch streaming, twitch equipment, audio interface obs, audio sampler, live streaming equipment, goxlr mini, goxlr compressor, goxlr deesser, goxlr gate, goxlr lighting, goxlr settings, goxlr voice effects
Id: gAE4Cq_aawk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 8sec (2348 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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