HOW to USE the Galaxy SmartTag 2 - LESSONS LEARNED!

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Samsung were ahead of the curve they weren't first to the tracker game but they could see it would become an important part of a devices ecosystem first attempt was rough but their second attempt seems to be Lessons Learned this is your Ultimate Guide to the Samsung smart tag 2 let's go you know the pain if you've ever lost your keys or a device or something that is kind of key to how you live your life you know what it feels like with the ever expanding Samsung device ecosystem they are trying to make it harder for that experience to occur so you don't lose the things that you need first before we look at the smart tag 2 I think we should take a bit of a look at the thing that powers Samsung's network of finding these devices and making sure you don't lose them it's the smart things find network and it's quite extensive now in how it operates so let's break it down a little bit so we can understand what it does so you've lost the Samsung device how do you get it back Samsung with the smart things F network has been built out so it actually effectively uses other people's Samsung devices to find yours let's explain other people's devices effectively act as beacons and when they walk past your device that's in a in a bush in a ditch somewhere where it shouldn't be it will effectively pick up that it's walked past it and ping that location back to you as the owner now you might be wondering do they get access to see that there's a device missing no do you see who found it no as well Samsung has made sure that it's basically just people walking past everyday life and they'll never even know that they've done it it's meant to be automated the whole process is meant to be private and secure as well the whole point is to just pick up on a signal and then pass the information over to the device's rightful owner you do have to opt in it's not something that I think just works automatically in terms of of making it be foundable in the smart things fine network but you can effectively turn it on for all of your devices your buds your watch your phone of course and your tablet they all can be sort of be integrated into the smart things fine Network it's part of the smart things app and that is where you can access the smart things find service the smart tag 2 can also be integrated into the smart things find network and this can be attached to anything so not only can you find your devices but you can also attach it to things that AR AR smart that way you can expand the network of smart things that you've got looking at the device itself overall it's quite Compact and I want to say cute in the sense that it's very uniform it's not bulgy I threw the last one down if we take a look at the last one in this b-roll that I'm shot and prepared earlier it's quite bulgy uh in certain areas which makes a little bit awkward to sort of fit and uniform alongside different things this is Slim this is no bigger than probably your car key or it's definitely not bigger than your car ke key meaning that it's not going to be intrusive in your pocket and be in the way to carry certain things around in addition to this sleeker design it's also water resistant and dust resistant so it's got IP67 which we know is a meter for 30 minutes in terms of submersion but that's not really its purpose the whole point is if you lose something outdoors in the elements this is protected and it gives you that peace of mind to know that when you are attaching it to things when you first need to set this up it is incredibly simple you literally just have to pull the tab I did shoot that footage but like some things it just went missing no smart tag attached to it when the phone recognizes that this is on and it's in proximity a popup will appear on your phone screen you hit add now and then after a few more prompts later it's done you basically just have to press the button to Showcase that it's that tag that's connecting to your phone once that's done it can even process it in the background and you've got your smart tag connected to your phone but also integrated into your smart things account the notification will appear to let you know it's connected and then you press that and it takes you into the setting screen for the tag itself in this setting screen there is some really cool functions that Samsung have enabled that ties into the button that is located centrally on the smart tag 2 firstly you can use it to find your phone so in this menu here you you can effectively choose any Samsung device that's tied into your Samsung account ideally you'd want to connect it to your phone but you obviously can choose whichever one you like of course if you ever lost your phone down the back of the couch under your bed if you've left it in the kitchen and forgot you put it there this is great a double press of this smart tag to and your phone will start ringing providing you're in sort of with proximity of the connection range but it does have an extended range thanks to its Bluetooth low energy support so it's not like the watch which loses distance about between 10 and 20 M this can go a lot lot longer than that so if you live in a mansion for example must be very nice you can do that and find it it also can be used for home automation now obviously we know smart things is a very powerful home automation service one that ties in not just Samsung devices but a whole ecosystem of third party providers as well with this you can control your devices currently myself I have it set up for a single press to launch my bedroom air conditioner and a double press to launch my loung room air conditioner in some of this is going to be invaluable because all I need to do is on the way home press the button once and because it's paired to my phone that will trigger the action of turning the bedroom air conditioner on as you saw from that footage I shot it also has a speaker on board not to blare your favorite Spotify tracks but more if you ever lost the tag itself again within vicinity of you you can ring it that way you can pick up on its sound it's got two volume options low and and high I didn't really notice much of a difference and if I'm honest low whilst there is no real theable difference just keep it on high you're not going to annoy anyone if you say you've lost something and you're trying to find it in this settings menu as well you can see the battery settings by now we know that Samsung has increased the battery life 500 Days in just normal mode and then in power saving mode it can be extended up to 700 days crazy that this little thing can last Almost 2 years without needing to change the battery there's a battery indicator underneath the low the power saving modor option yeah sure I wish it was a bit more precise the sufficient battery indicator goes from 16% up to 100 that is an incredibly high range where do you sit in that who knows you have to wait until it goes to 16% before you can think about changing it which I guess is fine Samsung are pretty confident that it'll last from 16% for a while but I just wish there was maybe one step in between that as well but Samsung has made it incredibly easy to change the the battery last year's one was I don't even want to know what I did to open it but it was hard whereas this year's one it's got a little s pin very very convenient pop it out and it'll pop out the battery from here as well you can see the rubber ring that surrounds the battery cover that again lends itself to the IP67 water and dust resistance Samsung has made that process a whole lot easier to make sure this can keep running but today's sponsor aoi has made it even easier to keep your devices all charged up ready to go a sent me out the mag Cube 140 W Gan plus 3port charger to check out coming in a Sleek package and in this eye-catching yellow color the first thing you notice is the small size of this powerful charger compared to Samsung's 45 W charger and 100 W charger considering it can charge up to three devices at once the aohe mag Cube form factor is very impressive featuring two USBC ports both of which can pump out 140 WS of charge individually this is the perfect charging for your Galaxy book or MacBook Pro with all that power comes great responsibility and the mag Cube has a low temperature design and has passed over 1 million overload tests meaning long-term longevity and safety for your charger and devices guaranteed to support Samsung's 45w fast charging standard this is the perfect charger to keep your entire ecosystem at 100% And with a Nifty charging light indicator you will know when it's ready to go grab yours from the link in the description and thank you toi for sponsoring this video [Music] the Nifty settings and the Smart Control that this thing can do is like the icing on the cake because ultimately what you're buying this smart tag for is to tag items so you don't lose them let's see how it does that in the view on map button in that settings it takes you through to the smart things fine screen for this particular device down the bottom you have the current or last location listed for the tag or the item that the tag is attached to as well as a couple other functions and buttons that you can see first you've got to ring it which when you're in vicinity or close to it you press this button and it'll make that sound from before I should have highlighted that you can actually choose a bunch of different ringtones so you can make it sort of be bit more customizable to how you like it then you've got location history which is the previous 7 Days of history of where it's been I guess it's a balance you know you might want to see an extended location history if this thing has been lost for longer than 30 days but at the same same time if it's being used to track an item you only really need to know it's most recent so I think Samsung has struck a balance here in 7 days is probably enough you can also refresh the location if you need to I don't think you'll need to do this too much its location pinging is quite frequent so you won't necessarily need to activate this too much in the more button well you can you can do more we'll leave the search function till last or the functions in general for search Until the End let's go through first what you need to do to set up some things so when you do lose it I'm not like it's not inevitable you're not going to lose it but if if let's go with that if you do lose it you can find it easier first one there it's a no-brainer for me notify when you've left it behind now what you might want to do here is add in your safe places CU what you don't want is if you leave let's say you got two sets of car keys you're taking one car out for the day leaving the other ones at home what you don't want is the one that gets left behind to be pinging every time you leave the house you can add in a safe place which could be your home could be your workplace so if you've left something there you might want not to be notified all the time there is a lost mode that you can also activate this one this will be up to you the way this works is if you turn this on and someone picks up your smart tag and makes it really close to their device they will be pined with your information phone number email and a little message that you can set obviously you've got to opt in for this this is not on by default the whole purpose is if you do leave something there someone can get in touch with you if they pick it up and find it could be something you might want to think about if it's something that's really important that you've attached it to Samsung in a Labs feature within the smart things find setting in general has actually added in an unknown tag detection feature whole purpose of this is so if someone places a tag in your backpack or your handbag or something and you don't want it there cuz let's face it you don't want to be tracked by strangers it can ping you and let you know that there's a tag on you you can add in safe tags so let's say for example you're part of a household and your tag is attached to one Samson account you can make sure that tag get added in to the other one through this feature that way if you've got a set of car keys that you're carrying around with you that's your partners it's not saying unknown tag all the time it's clever that that allows that for this next part I've stepped outside just to talk to you through the process of finding something there's two ways the first way is to to navigate to it so if it's not within your vicinity you press the navigate button and it'll show you on the map and navigate to where it is so you can go pick it up and find it the second way is search nearby so let's say you have navigated to where it is and you're in the vicinity of the the item you can hit search nearby and using the ultrawide band connectivity it will pick up on its exact precise location and allow you to navigate to it so an example of that is you press this button and it'll start to point you to where it is when you get a little bit closer you can activate the camera meaning that you can actually turn the camera on and get a visual for it and you walk all the way to it it's got this nice little graphic that it creates and you go all the way to it and then you can actually ring it as well so if you can't see it make it ring that way you pick it up and you take it back what is rightfully yours one thing I forgot to mention earlier is you can rename the tag and sort of set its purpose with icons and customize it in a little bit of way it's back in the normal settings in the three dots at the top you just hit edit device and you can go through here rename it add it to different rooms so within smart things you can create rooms let me know if you want sometime in the future a full breakdown on Samsung smart things because it's very extensive and covers a lot and be ke to know if anyone wants to know about that let me know in the comments Samsung also mentioned a pet mode where you can track walks or how many walks you've gone on with your dog and I don't have a dog so I think we'll just leave it for now overall this is an impressive part of Samsung's ecosystem one that I'm glad that they introduced not just because it keeps on par with what others are doing but more because it's important because Samsung does have an extensive network of smartphones that are out in the world and if you do lose something everyone's just being a responsible citizen in helping you find it knowingly or not let me know if you've grabbed a smart tag to for yourself let me know what you've attached it to in the comments below thanks for watching uh make sure you subscribe obviously of course if you're a Samsung fan you know why you're here there's plenty more go check out all the videos on my channel between now and the next video I upload you can always come hang out with me on my socials Twitter SLX and also on Instagram very active on Twitter come hang out and have a conversation I'll see you in the next one you
Channel: Tech with Benefits
Views: 182,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smartphones, tech tips, tech with benefits, features, camera, samsung, samsung galaxy, samsung mobile, how to, upgrade, comparison, review, tech review, update, compare, galaxy, hands on, settings, guide, setup guide, instructions, phone, performance, watch review, wearable, smarttag 2, galaxy smart tag, smarttag, air tag, s23 ultra
Id: o52rLwMw_bU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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