How To Use The FUTURE TENSES In ENGLISH (Will, Won't, Going to & -ING)

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hey everybody how's it going Chiago here and welcome to another episode of the podcast this is episode 4 how have you been hope you're doing well and in case you're new here welcome to the show Welcome to the channel I created this podcast and this channel once again to help intermediate and advanced Learners of English Polish their skills so you can communicate with more confidence more accuracy more clarity and of course more awareness if this sounds like something you want for yourself and your English don't forget to follow the show here if you are on Apple podcast or Spotify just hit the follow button so you don't miss a single new episode and of course if you are on YouTube subscribe to the channel and keep following the videos here week after week today I'm super excited because we are going to talk a little bit today about grammar yes my friends grammar I love grammar as opposed to some people out there who hate grammar I actually love grammar I think grammar is absolutely essential especially if you started learning English older as an adult and today I'm going to talk to you a little bit about the future tenses in English hopefully by the end of this episode today you will have learned all the possible ways you have in English to communicate ideas in the future well not all of them because there are a couple of more Advanced structures that we're not going to go into in this episode like the future continuous and the future perfect we're not going to talk about those today I'm going to leave those for a future episode but today we're going to be focusing on the simple future tense and all the possibilities will and won't going to and of course present continuous for the future let me tell you right now that if you are the type of person who always says will or won't won whenever you want to talk about the future I hate to tell you this but you're not really using the future tenses correctly okay there's more to it than that so hopefully by the end of this episode you will stop using just will and want to talk about the future and use other structures as well so you can communicate with more accuracy with more Precision okay so without further Ado let's get started here with our EP so today consider this a Class A full class that you're going to have today about the future tenses okay I want to start actually by talking about the present tenses because I don't know if you know but it is possible for you to use the present tenses to talk about the future it's true so first of all let's talk about the present continuous you know the present continuous structure right for example right now I am talking to you you are watching me or you are listening to me right now this is present continuous I am doing this I am doing that we usually use this structure to talk about things that are happening at the moment we speak them or we say them these are things in progress all right but if you change the time at the end of the structure or the sentence and if you add a future time the sentence becomes future for example I am meeting a friend tomorrow I am meeting a friend tomorrow now simply because I'm using tomorrow the meaning is future so take a look at this example here think of a guy named Ben okay and Ben has a plan for the week check it out he is playing tennis on Monday afternoon he is going to the dentist on Tuesday morning and and he is meeting Kate on Friday you see I'm using present continuous in all these examples here what that means is that ban has already decided and arranged to do these things so we use present continuous with future meaning whenever you talk about a plan that not only has been decided in the past but also has been arranged you have taken care of all the details for example if I tell you that I am traveling to Canada next year okay I am traveling to Canada next year it means that this is a plan and it is a definite Arrangement probably I've already bought the tickets I've already booked my hotel reservations and I know exactly the day and time I'm going to go and the day and time I'm going to come back you see all the details have been arranged because of that I use present continuous is okay I am traveling to Canada next year let me read some more examples here for you look what are you doing on Saturday evening you see I want to know what your arrangements for Saturday evening are and then the person can respond I'm going to the cinema you see it's been arranged by the way Cinema is more of a British word in American English we tend to hear movies more often I'm going to the movies all right so I'm going to the movies I'm going to the cinema what time is Catherine arriving tomorrow half past 10 we're meeting her at the station you see simply because we are using present continuous here we understand that these are all definite Arrangements all right what are you doing tonight what are you doing tonight you see another example or Alex is getting married next month usually when we talk about events like a wedding for example there's a lot of arrangement going on here right so if you say that Alex is getting married the next month you mean that it is happening for sure it is happening it's set there's a date everything has been taken care of or most or most things have been taken care of and the wedding is happening not the wedding will happen okay now it's also possible for you to use the present simple for future guys it's true the present simple the difference here is that we use present simple to talk about the future when we want to talk about schedules you know uh events like maybe a a movie that starts a play that starts what time does it start what time does it end okay usually for timetables schedules here are some examples here I have to go my train leaves at 11:30 you see that's the schedule of the train my train leaves at 11:30 the whole situation is in the future but I'm using the present simple structure to communicate that what about this one what time does the film start tonight okay oh the film starts at 9: or the meeting is at 9:00 tomorrow this is simple present with verb to be right the meeting is at 9:00 tomorrow amazing right or I start my new job on Monday what time do you finish work tomorrow so all these examples are focusing on timetables schedules the time for things the time of events all right now let's compare here present continuous and present simple for example what time are you arriving tomorrow versus what time does the train arrive so when you want to ask about a person's Arrangements a person's personal plans and arrang ments you use present continuous okay what time are you arriving tomorrow now if you want to talk about the schedule the timetable of events in general like the Train the train schedule what time does the train arrive not what time is the train arriving okay another example I'm going to the movies this evening I'm going to the movies this evening my personal Arrangement versus the movie starts at :15 the schedule of the movie got it so starting here it's possible to use present tenses with future meaning remember just recapping present continuous we use for personal plans and Arrangements things that have already been decided and arranged you are 100% that they are are happening okay and we also use present simple to talk about the schedule the timetable of events in general like the time something ends the time something begins all right so far so good great now let's move on to the next future possibility here which is going to yes going to I know you know going to or gonna right so take a look at some phrases here I'm going to do something if you say this I'm going to do something it means that you have already decided to do it you intend to do it it's your intention it's your plan you decided to do that in the past the difference here is that maybe you haven't arranged the details yet you have made up your mind you have decided to do it but maybe you haven't arranged yet it's just a plan it's just an intention for now okay for example are you going to eat anything no I'm not hungry or I hear Sarah won the lottery what is she going to do with the money in other words what are her plans or intentions about the money she's going to buy a new car you see maybe she's already decided to do that she doesn't know exactly when but it's been decided or I'm just going to make a quick phone call can you wait for me this is a good one guys this cheese smells horrible I'm not going to eat it all right so these are some examples now let's compare I am doing present continuous with I am going to do going to okay remember I am doing this means that it uh the event or the plan is fixed it's arranged all the details have been taken care of I'm going to do something I've I've decided to do it I don't know exactly when I'm going to do it I haven't really taken care of the details yet but I'm going to do it so going back to my uh first example related to Canada about Canada right if I say I am traveling to Canada next year everything has been arranged if I say I'm going to travel to Canada next year I've made up my mind I've decided to do it but I don't know exactly when yet where I haven't taken care of all the details yet I haven't bought the tickets yet I have to check that I have to check Visa okay hotel that kind of stuff that's the difference between present continuous I am doing and going to I am going to do okay we have some more examples here um your shoes are dirty yes I know I'm going to clean them all right or I don't want to stay here tomorrow I'm going to look for somewhere else to stay all right pronunciation it's important to talk about the pronunciation here as you know going to is often reduced to GH so for example I'm going to travel often gets reduced to I'm gonna I'm goingon to travel I'm going to travel to Canada next year okay I'm going to but it is possible to reduce this even more many times when you watch movies in English especially American uh movies you hear some actor saying am I'm it's true guys I'm not kidding okay so instead of I'm gonna you hear can you repeat that with me I'm i'mna travel i'mna travel all right so we have I'm going to travel which gets reduced to I'm going to travel which gets even more reduced to I'm going to travel to Canada next year okay and there there's another reduction that happen sometimes which is amama Amma I'm a travel I'm a travel this is the most reduced version of going to that I've heard okay I'm a travel I'm a travel I'mma travel to Canada next year just uh be careful with when or with whom you use this because um it is really informal all right so depending on the situation on who you're talking to saying I'mma do something I'mma do this I'mma do that might not be so appropriate okay personally I never say I'm myself okay uh I tend to say I'm gonna which is more you know Common I'm gonna do this I'm going to do that if I'm feeling inspired and if I want to speak even a little bit faster I might say I'm GNA do this or I'm gonna travel but that's it all right but if you ever hear this I'mma go I'mma do I'mma eat you know what it means it means I'm going to okay so recapping here I'm going to I'm GNA all right remember this another common use we have for going to is to talk about predictions in the future when you make a prediction for example imagine you look at the sky and the sky is gray and full of clouds you can say ooh it's going to rain all right or it's going to rain okay this is a prediction that I'm making also it tends to be a prediction that is kind of obvious you can see the evidence in the present moment in this case the evidence is the the sky the Cloudy Sky I can see it right I can see the Cloudy sky and then I say h it's going to rain all right now there's something really cool about going to you can use it in the past instead of I am going to do something you can say I was going to do something in that case it means that you intended to do it you had the intention to do it but for some reason you didn't do it for example we were going to travel by train but then we decided to drive instead you see that was our plan Our intention but it didn't happen you can say we were going to travel or you can contract we were going to travel oh yeah we were going to travel by train but we decided to drive instead all right or another example here I was just going to cross the road when somebody how it stop all right so I was just going to cross I was about to cross that was my intention but then somebody shouted stop okay or one final example about this could be I thought it was going to rain but it didn't or I thought it was going to rain but he didn't so far so good here so this is going to for the future just to cap we can use going to to talk about plans and intentions things that we have already decided to do but not necessarily have been arranged yet and we don't know necessarily when we're going to do them when they will happen all right and we can also use going to to talk about predictions to make predictions about the future usually obvious predictions things things that you can see in the present moment and these things lead you to predict something and then you can use going to oh this is going to happen this is not going to happen all right now let's move on to will finally will you see guys I deliberately laugh will as the last one because I know that many pre intermediate and intermediate Learners of English they tend to use will all the time when they want to talk about the future I will do this I will do that I won't do this right so I left it you know as the last item to talk about here on purpose because will yes it is used for the future but in very specific situations all right so let's talk a little bit about that will all right we use will when we have just decided to do something in other words when you make a decision in the present moment about what you will do in the future you just decided going to you decided before okay will you just decided in the present moment for example imagine I am talking to you right now uh recording this podcast and then I can say guys excuse me I will have some water I'll be right back you see I just decided to stop the recording stand up and go have some water so I can say I will have some water got it some more examples here oh I left the door open I'll go and shut it by the way when you shut the door you close the door all right or what would you like to drink I'll have orange juice please this is a common situation we see in restaurants think about it when you go to a restaurant when you sit down when how do you usually decide what you will eat usually you deciding the present moment right you walk in a restaurant you sit down you open the menu and you you really have no idea you don't know what you're going to order or what you're going to eat so you flip through the pages of the menual and then in that present moment you decide so normally we tend to order food in a restaurant with will the waiter comes and you can say yes please I'll have a beer I'll have a salad I'll have the meat okay unless you go to the restaurant already knowing exactly what you're going to have maybe you know you know the restaurant you know uh the dish that they offer there and you already go with that decision then that's okay you don't even have to look at the menu you sit down and tell the waiter yes I'm going to have the burger I don't need the menu I'm going to have it because you see I decided already before I'm going to have the burger that is okay but most times we don't do that yeah we look at the menu and then we choose so I will I'll have okay some more examples here did you call Bob oh no I forgot I'll call him now you see I forgot I'll call him now I just decided in the moment to call him so I'll call him all right you can also use I think or I don't think for example I'm a little hungry I think I'll have something to eat you see just decided that or I'm tired I don't think I'll go out tonight you see so you can also say I think I will or I don't think I will in spoken English will not as you probably know is usually contracted to won't so we say I can see you're busy but I won't stay long okay so I won't stay long instead of I will not stay long another example imagine you see your neighbor arriving home and your neighbor is full of bags and your neighbor is really having trouble difficulty carrying all those bags in that moment you can decide to help your neighbor and then you can say will oh here I'll help you I'll help you with with their bags okay it was a present decision also you can use will to make promises all right for example thanks for Lending me the money I'll pay you back on Friday you see I'll pay you back that's a promise I will pay you back or uh I remember when I used to teach in schools my my students sometimes they would promise me that they will do the homework yeah chle I promise I will do the homework next time all right so when you make a promise I will that actually reminds me of that song by Whitney Houston you know that song Right Whitney Houston I Will Always Love You right that is the part of the soundtrack for The Bodyguard with Kevin Cosner great movie but you see the song is called I Will Always Love You Because probably if you read the lyrics that's more of a promise the person is making to the other yeah I promise I will always love you you see not I'm going to always love you okay got that so to make promises we use will as well all right finally you can also use shell okay shell is a more formal variation of Will and usually we you we we use it with I and we shall I shall we okay for example shall I open the window shall I open the window in other words do you want me to open it all right or I've got no money what shall I do it's almost like you're asking for a suggestion what shall I do all right shall we go just a minute so by the way in case you you didn't know this shall we is the question form for lets okay usually lets we we tend to use lets with more of affirmative tone not a question tone affirmative tone like hey let's go let's go now all right now if you want to ask shall we go shall we go again Let's Dance come on let's dance versus shall we dance yeah so we are asking a question by the way there is a very nice movie with Richard Gear called shall we dance I Believe very nice comedy about dancing and it's really cool you guys should check it out it's a fun movie okay but yeah shall we dance you see you are asking a question or where shall we have lunch again asking for a suggestion okay look at these comparisons too shall I shut the door shall I shut the door in other words do you want me to shut it almost like we're asking for permission versus will you shut the door it means I want you to shut it so if you tell somebody will you do this for me will you close the window it sounds more imperative like I want you to do it I can picture myself talking to my kid for example you know hey would you do your homework now or will you stop will you stop shouting you see it's more imperative now shall I or shall you it's a little bit different all right also keep in mind that shall tends to be more formal even more old-fashioned so in conversation we tend to use will most of the time okay and that's pretty much how it goes here still talking about Will and shall look at these examples I shall be late this evening which is the same as I will be late this evening but I will be late is more common in conversation we shall probably go to France in June meaning we will probably go to France in June okay also remember that in spoken English we tend to use will more contracted okay using the abbreviation sometimes I see students they they read something and it is written the tax is written with the abbreviation but they don't pronounce the abbreviation it is written Al but they say I will it is written they they but they say they will so be careful with that make sure you respect the contraction the abbreviation if you see on a text that the sentence with Will is abbreviated you have to pronounce it with the abbreviated version the contracted version by the way let's practice this right now listen and repeat I will becomes I'll I'll o with the L okay like I'll go I'll go there I'll help you you will becomes you you you you'll talk to him okay he will heal he'll be there he'll be there she will becomes she again the L right she she'll go there she'll be at the party not she will be at the party she'll be she'll be at the party now this one is a tricky one it will right it will be sunny tomorrow for example it will be sunny the contracted version here is it it plus the o it'll it'll it'll be it'll be sunny tomorrow it'll be sunny tomorrow it'll be it'll be it'll it'll that's the sound you make for the it will contracted version okay we will becomes will will'll travel will travel and they will becomes they they they'll cook for us they'll cook for us got it so make sure you pronounce the abbreviated versions whenever you see them okay one last point about sha is the negative form the negative form for sha is shunt okay shun so I shant be here tomorrow this sounds extremely formal and extremely oldfashioned normally we would just say won't I won't be here tomorrow but it's good that you know this variation as well finally you can also use will to make predictions about the future just like going to so I can say it'll rain tomorrow that's a prediction or I can say it's going to rain tomorrow the difference here remember is that if you have the evidence if you can see the evidence it's more obvious you tend to use going to like if you see the sky but imagine for example the sky is beautiful today it's nice and clean and sunny and blue you can look up and you can say well I think it will rain tomorrow I think it will rain tomorrow this is just a random prediction but you don't really have the obvious evidence in front of you okay to predict with going to that's the only difference between predicting with Will versus predicting with going to but both are used for predictions as well so notice that we don't usually use will to talk about plans and intentions or Arrangements you see so most of the time when you want to talk about your plans for the weekend your intentions for next month for your next vacation use going to or present continuous not will all right so just to recap I'm going to travel to Canada that's a plan it's an intention I've already decided the details haven't been arranged yet I don't know exactly when I'm going but I'm going to go I'm traveling to Canada next year everything is set everything is defined this is a definite Arrangement now imagine I'm talking to you here right now I wasn't thinking about Canada before but now because I'm talking about Canada so much I decide right now at this moment and and then I say you know what guys I think I will travel to Canada next year okay so definite Arrangements present continuous plans or intentions things that you decided in the past going to finally will you can use for present decisions you decide in the moment that you will do something in the future also you use will to make promises okay and to make predictions just like going to but you have that difference in evidence all right and that's it about the future tenses guys so notice that we have will going to present continuous and present simple to talk about the future in English I hope you found it useful I hope this episode clarified some aspects of the future tenses for you and I hope that you uh now from now on stop using will and won't all the time whenever you talk about the future all right and didn't know guys just to conclude this episode I think I saw a comment on my channel here the other day a user of Euro was asking if learning grammar is necessary well um as you can see it is necessary I as a teacher and as a learner I find it necessary because the cool thing about grammar is that you get to understand the language better you get to understand how to structure the language better and if you have the knowledge on how something works you tend to perform better with that thing all right so think of grammar as kind of like a manual you know for example imagine you just bought a washing machine a new washing machine okay usually the washing machine comes with the manual okay the instruction manual can you set up the washing machine without looking at the manual yes you can but probably you're going to you know if you don't have much experience with stalling or setting up a washing machine you're going to struggle a little bit and you're going to waste more time than you would have if you just stopped and looked at the manual the manual excuse me for a little while and learned the basic instructions on how to operate that washing machine okay so similar principle here applies to language learning in English Okay view grammar as that moment when you are looking at the manual you are taking a look at the manual and learning a little bit about the rules of the game the rules of the language how the language works okay and then after that yes you can go out there you can talk to people you can listen to music you can watch movies all that fun stuff but do set aside some time in your week to study grammar okay especially if you have the ambition to be more of a high-end upper level user of the language if your ambition is to get to a a solid B2 level C1 or even C2 level you're going to need to be more accurate more precise in your language use and grammar helps you with this grammar studying grammar helps to be more accurate in your communication all right here in the description of the video I left a bunch of uh links to books and one of the links include grammar books you have three uh grammar books here in the description uh a grammar book for beginners one for intermediate that's the one I actually recommend for you and one for advanced grammar so depending on your level you can choose uh either one of them all right but at least the intermediate one I recommend you get it because you can use it as reference I have a grammar book here at home and I use it as reference until today sometimes I want to remember a specific grammar rule or grammar structure I just grab the book you know take a look at that unit and that's it so I use it for reference nowadays and I recommend you also have a grammar book at home for reference all right guys that's it for this episode I hope you found it useful I hope you liked it thank you so much for listening until now and be proud of yourself because you just listened or watched a guy talking about English grammar for what 35 40 minutes at least so great job you made it it's not that boring is it of course it's not all right guys keep following the show here the great way or the best way excuse me for you to support the show again is by leaving a five star review on Spotify or apple podcasts follow the show and here on YouTube subscribe like the video share the video with friends and and of course leave a comment I'm always curious to know to see what you thought about the episode if you have any questions as well so share your thoughts your ideas or questions here in the comment section Below on YouTube all right and if you want to have private classes with me there's a link to that as well here in the description of the video you can apply just go to the page read everything there apply and I'll see if it makes sense to take you to accept you as my private student all right I'm signing off thank you so much and I'm talking to you or I'll be talking to you very soon all right take care
Channel: English with Thiago
Views: 25,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english, english learning, speak english, how to speak english, english fluency, how to learn english, advanced english, intermediate english, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, connected speech, esl, listening, writing, reading, future tenses, will, won't, going to, present continuous, english podcast, grammar lesson, english with thiago
Id: Htl7TuSu02o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 34sec (2254 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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