How to use the Eurail Pass App: Tips I wish I knew (Interrail 2023 Guide)

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hello everybody I don't know if I'm happy or sad to make this video I'm coming to the end of my four in one backpacking trip across Europe and for three months of my trip I use the intrail pass which is basically gave me access to Europe's fantastic rail service and today I want to show you how to use it because honestly when I was looking up things I was a little bit confused so basically whether you're using the intro or the URL they're basically the exact same system just interrail is for those who are from Europe and then your rail is for anyone International who wants to use the rail system you use the same exact same app and that app is called rail planner so basically in this video I'm gonna screen share my mobile phone and I'm going to walk you through the steps on how to use the app because it can be pretty confusing when it is your first time using it so anyway let's kick in with the video so basically there are five different sections of the app there's the planner stations my trip my path and the more button I'm gonna walk you through these five sections and and how you use it and Walker uses are while you're entering across Europe so the first one is as a planner again I will share this on the screen so that's a lot easier to follow along with so the planner basically allows you to pick what destination you're going to go to next so for example I am currently in AMC France and my next stop is Paris so for that I've popped an odyssey that I'm leaving from and then Paris is the destination I'm going to and then I have selected my date as 22nd of August at 7 00 a.m so just to kind of give myself a reference on how many different times that I have I'm gonna hit that search button and then it brings up all the different trains that I possibly can get if you notice here all the trains are saying that you need to reserve a reservation and that is something I realize that you don't actually always have to do and that the interval pass will show you a reservation option but you can go into the options in the right hand corner there and then filter it to have no reservation seat reservation needed hit that update button and then interrail app will refresh and show you alternative ways to get your destination without having to pay anything at all I wish I knew this a lot sooner because during Italy I paid for all the reservations and I quickly learned that I didn't need to do that so basically if I'm willing to spend seven hours and 30 minutes getting to France or to Paris which I am and I can get a train at nine o'clock to Leon and then I have a 10 minute transfer to Leon to Paris now 10 minutes on European trains is not ideal because they can be delayed basically all the time so what you're going to want to do is go back into that option button and then you're going to filter the transfer time which is normally five minutes and I'm going to filter that all the way to 30 minutes and then hit the update button and see what options entrail gives you so as you can see there I now have nine o'clock to 6 30 if I click into that it's still bringing me to amazing to Leon and then it is saying transfer buy public transport but usually you can walk in between the two stations they're usually right beside each other but obviously double check that and then it's given me 30 minutes to get in between both stations which is a lot more time and ideal exactly what you're looking for so once I'm happy with that Journey I'm gonna hit save Journey down in the bottom and then that's going to be saved to your planner the station section right beside the planner I'm not 100 sure what that's used for and I have never used it on my trip so I think it's kind of just it's not necessary I don't think you need to know what it does if you do know what it does please comment down below because it's always useful to know and but if you head on to my trip which is the middle button section and then you're gonna hop on to your planner scroll all the way down and you're gonna see that train that you just saved onto your journey which is honesty to Paris you're going to hit that little QR code or that little slider over on the right hand corner to turn it on so that means that you've now activated that pass and you now have that as a train ticket so never gonna head to the my past section and it's going to open your Global path you're gonna hit show tickets it is not going to allow me to show you what it looks like here on the screen recording because it blurs it out but basically it shows a QR code and that was your ticket to get onto the train my best advice that I can give you is screenshot that ticket as soon as you get it because the app can be quite fiddly and sometimes it just doesn't work and the training doctor comes around and asks for your ticket and you're sitting there on uh I can't activate it or I can't get it on my screen and you know that's not ideal so my advice is screenshot both the QR code and then the information the whole page that just stays have a screenshot of it and then that's all you really need because they scan it the information comes up and they go yeah you're good to go so that's my tips and advice let's go back to the planner okay so say you were not willing to travel for seven hours and 30 minutes and you want to get the high speed train that has a reservation so we're going to go back into the planner we're going to get rid of the reservation required and we're going to hit that update button so now we have an option for 9 30 to 1 o'clock it's a 3 hour and 40 minute train so significantly less I'm going to change to Jake back to the 20 seconds just because I can't get reservations at the moment so you can see from that that it's either 12 Euro 29 12 12 12. so I'm gonna hit the 9 30 one and then it says seat reservation required so if you just put the down arrow it's going to say how do I book and when do I book so I'm going to click that and then it redirects you to the interrail website so you're going to say yes you're going to ask to redirect so once it brings you to the interrail website you're going to search it again like you did on the app and it's going to prompt you to log in so and then once you have logged in it should give you the option to take your interrail information hit done and then you will be shown the options you have to reserve that train so the 930 to the 113 Train to Paris is actually sold out at this moment in time good thing I checked this and did this video um so I'm gonna go for the 1051 to the three o'clock train I'm gonna head on that it's going to bring it up and then it is now saying that the reservation is 22 Euro so you're going to tap that you're going to add it to your cars view your cart and then hit the checkout button I'm not going to do that right now because I'm actually just going to use the free service it's going to take me seven hours to get to Paris but I actually quite enjoy the Jays just sitting on the train and you know just relaxing listening to music getting some work done admiring the beautiful views so it's really up to you like if you want to pay extra for the train reservations that option is there and you can do a kind of within the app it would be great eventual brought it all inside the app you have to go to their website but it is an option to do I will say if you are going to reserve trains it is cheaper to do it at the train station itself you still get the intrail discount but you just don't have like admin fees so that's also an option that you can pop into the train station and ask them to reserve the ticket for you and sometimes if you don't do I think it's 24 hours in advance interrail will not allow you to do it online and you do have to go to the train stations the queues can be insanely long on the train station so just have that prepared if you have forgot to reserve your seat ticket and yeah sometimes they're sold out so I always try to find free Alternatives because I don't want to pay any extra money for transport since I have paid a fair amount for this trip already so far the more button on your interior pass is a section that people do not use on the app and they really really really should especially this little section here that says benefits so if you click into the benefits it's going to tell you all the different types of discounts that you can get with your intrael pass I found this so helpful particularly get your guide I've used get your guide for my whole trip you get 10 off so for example going to Disneyland which I'm gonna do in in Paris it costs 120 Euro on the Disney website for one day ticket get your guide to sell them for 90. I get 10 off that so that's taking nine Euro away major savings major discount 100 worth checking out these discounts that you can get also in Switzerland we got discounts on nearly every single Gondola that we hopped on which was amazing and you know just so good to see so definitely have a browse and check out those benefits because to be honest it's worth it especially when you're on a Backpacker budget another section of the app that I want to talk about is the map function this is probably a part of the app that you might not necessarily find but it is so valuable and it just became so handy for me to create my trip so to find the map section you're gonna go back to the planner which is the main area of the app and then you're going to type in in your final destination and then instead of hitting or typing in where you want to go hit view on map so then you're going to zoom in so let's zoom into Pirates I'm actually just going to send it to where I am right now in honestly and say I wanted to go on a day trip from here I can have a look at all the train stations that are included in the area so for example Geneva and Switzerland is a very popular place to go so I could have a look and see if I could get a train top on that train station that is not Geneva but bringing and I could say oh is that a good option to go on a day trip and it just kind of allows me to explore more with my past another way that this feature is Handy is if sometimes the train stations are called something different or they're called something in their native language they don't they don't have a translated into English I found this very common with Austria and Germany and I couldn't find the train station I was looking for but it was included in the past Network it just involved a little bit more research so the map was obviously handy because I could zoom in exactly to where that was pick that station and then you know save my journey so that was really handy another math feature that I really really like about the interrel app and to be honest it's not that handy of a feature but it's just kind of a cool one to do is when you head to the my trip button which is in the middle you can enter your trip there and then hit view on map it's gonna zoom out a map of Europe and just show you all the places that you've been so far I really like that I like to see kind of the journey that I've taken and yeah it just makes me happy to view and just kind of know that this is the Fantastic route that I've had around Europe okay so the next thing I want to talk about it's not so much about the past it's what past should you get so intra has continuous passes and then it also has a select amount of number of days between a number of time passes I've used both in 2015 I used one where I had 10 days within a month and now I'm currently on a continuous path if you were to get any pass I definitely recommend the continuous pass just because you can use it for day trips and you know anytime you please for example I used it in Singletary when I was in Salzburg I used it for day trips to The Sound of Music Trail I went to British Garden National Park these are all things that add up the money really just add up with this and with the continuous pass it's an extra few Euro but it is worth every single penny so I do recommend that I really hope that this video was helpful and that yeah you enjoyed it and I hope you have an amazing time on your intrael trip thank you so much for following Along on this journey and I will see you in the next video bye
Channel: Laura Grace - Live Adventure Travel
Views: 56,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Interrail, Eurail, Interrail Pass, Eurail Pass, Interrail Tips, Interrailing, Interrailing Europe, Interrail Europe, Eurail Europe, Interrailing Tips, Eurail Tips, Interrail App, Eurail App, Interrail How Does It Work, Eurail Seat Reservations, Eurail Mobile Pass, Eurail Pass 2022, Eurrail Travel, Interrail Pass 2022, Interrail Mobile Pass, Interrail Mobile Pass How to Use, How to Interrail, How to Eurail, Interrail Guide
Id: UK_VawZG6xU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2022
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