HOW TO USE TEAMWORK | Free Project Management Software for Small Teams

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to maximize productivity in a small business it's important to leverage a user-friendly project management software like teamwork which allows you to collaborate with up to five users and engage on two project workflows completely for free hey guys welcome back to this channel and if you're a new visitor here then my name's stuart and i'm excited you could join us today now in this project management tutorial for beginners i'm going to guide you through how to use and make the most of teamwork which is an easy to use project management software that is completely free for small teams okay now just quickly before we launch into teamwork consider subscribing if you haven't done so already and that way you'll stay updated with actionable videos and tutorials designed to equip you with the skills knowledge and tools to grow your small business online and with that quick note out the way let's go ahead and get started with this small business project management software called teamwork [Music] okay so first things first what we need to do is head over to and you'll arrive at this page then what we want to do is navigate up to pricing now like i mentioned at the beginning of this tutorial we're going to focus on teamwork's free plan as this is sufficient enough for small businesses and small teams especially if you're looking to get started with project management and you don't have too much experience the reason we recommend teamwork is because what we've found is teamwork has the most straightforward user interface making it ideal for beginners that don't know too much about project workflows and project management it's a great place to get started if you're looking to better manage your teams and enhance collaboration and engagement for your small teams project so what we're going to do is go ahead and get started with the free plan then here all we need to do to simply create an account is add our information in here now you also have the option to sign up with google and for us we prefer to keep everything in one place under our google account so what we're going to do is sign up with our google account however if your organization does not use google for example they do not use google workspace formerly known as g suite then you can go ahead and fill out this information and then just come down and click get started for free so what we're going to do is sign up with google and here what we're going to do is select our google account and then enter our company name and phone number and i'm happy with my information you can see that i have my work email address here full name company name and business phone number then i'm just going to select get started for free here you just want to simply select the best option that represents your business for us we're going to select web development agency and then come down and click next and here you have the option to select a sample project to get started with but for now what we're going to do is click skip and then skip again because we're going to show you how to invite team members within the teamwork dashboard and here we are within teamwork now you have the option to navigate through these helpful tabs if you like but for us we're going to exit out of that one and then navigate up to home so as you can see we're currently on our first project which is a default project so what we're going to do is navigate up to home and then come down here and click dismiss and within your home section of your teamwork account and before we go ahead and actually invite your other team members to join you on teamwork and before we create projects and tasks within teamwork what we want to do is actually navigate through these important elements on the left hand side so firstly on the left hand side you can see that we have my work and this is already selected basically this is where you can see up-to-date information in regards to activity that have been happening on certain tasks that are relevant to you then below my work we have my projects and this is basically where you can manage all your projects that you're a part of now within the free plan that we're currently using you only have access to create two projects so if you want to upgrade and create additional projects then you will have to upgrade to a paid plan then we can also navigate over here and create a new project or we can simply click up here to create a new project and other elements up here which will navigate through shortly then below my projects we have activity and this is basically your activity feed these are up-to-date activities that are relevant to you then below activity we have dashboards and this is just a beautiful visual overview of what's happening within your account you can see basic metrics over here and you can see active tasks within your projects you can also go ahead and customize your dashboard if you like then below dashboards we have unread comments essentially if there are any unread comments that are relevant to you within your projects then you will see those comments in here then we have unread messages again similar to unread comments this is where you're going to see unread messages then we have events and under events this is basically where you can go ahead and add a new event or you can manage your events if there are any coming up so that is a brief overview of your home section of your teamwork account basically this is where you can manage and see all the activity that is happening within your teamwork account all right now the next vital step is to invite your team members to join you on teamwork because what is a project management tool if you can't collaborate with other team members so what we're going to do is go ahead and select people and navigate across to invite users now you can also navigate up to this plus icon and come down to this quick ad and invite here now you also have access to companies and teams and this is where you can also manage all the people that are part of your teamwork account and as you can see i am the only user that is part of this account so what i'm going to do is navigate up to invite users and then enter the first name of a team member that i want to invite and then their last name and then just simply add their email address here and then once you've added your first user you'll notice that you can add additional users if you like then once you've added all your users come down and select which company they belong to so for us this is going to be a team member so we're going to go ahead and select cindio media because they are part of our team and we want them to engage on our projects with us you also have the option to add a new company then you can select if they are a standard user or if they are a collaborator this individual is going to be a collaborator because they are going to work on projects with us then come down and select next select projects here you can come across and simply add this user or users to specific projects so for example i could go ahead and add this user to all projects or i could select all projects within cindio media which is the only company that we have that's connected to this account so all of the projects under cindio media or i could just select a specific project i can also come down here and select none or add a new project so for now i'm going to go ahead and select next write a message here you have the option to send a message to your new users but i'm going to leave that for now and come down and click send invite to one person and as you can see sending invite to sam smith and that is how you can simply invite users and team members to join you on your teamwork account and also invite these users to collaborate with you on specific projects within your account and again you can manage your users here so what i'm going to do now is head back to home and guide you through how to create and manage projects task lists and tasks again under projects we can go ahead and add a project over here or we can navigate up to this plus icon and select project however we also have projects up above next to our home section again similar to my projects under the home section you have access to your active projects here and you can also go ahead and add a project so what we're going to do is go ahead and create a new project here you want to simply name your project and then down here you want to add a simple description about your new project you can also see we have formatting options available up here so i'm going to go ahead and quickly add a brief description and once you've gone ahead and added a brief description again you can use these formatting options if you like then come down and click add project now projects within teamwork can be broken down into three areas we have the project itself within the project we have task lists and then within task lists we have tasks so again this project layout or structure is very similar to the project management tools that we've discussed on this channel before however what you'll find is a lot of these project management tools just have different names for the different stages within their projects so what we're going to do is go ahead and create a task list so first think about your task list name and think about the tasks that need to be completed within that task list so for example for the purpose of this tutorial our project is called web design client a so this is for a specific client now this is a complete web design project so this task list could be for example website pages then i can come down here and add notes if i like again i have the formatting options available up here so if i want to add any notes regarding this task list i can do that down here then we have privacy this is where you can select who can view this task list so for example everybody on the project is already selected if i select this i can choose everyone within cindio media or i can go everybody on the project i can also select teams if i have any teams now as you can see i'm the only individual that is part of this project and because i can't see my other team member here that i added earlier what i'm going to do is navigate back to people once i exit out of this one so before i go ahead and add this task list we also have milestone and defaults but we're not going to talk too much about these two components within task lists because this is just a beginner's tutorial so i'm going to go ahead and add this task list and as you can see just to quickly break it down you can see that with incendio media which is the company that's associated with this teamwork account we have two projects now we have web design client a selected and we've just gone ahead and created a task list called web pages so within our task list we have zero tasks now what we need to do is go ahead and actually create a task but before we do that what we're going to do is navigate back up to people and navigate down to sam's profile so select sam this is the new user that we added earlier remember we added them to one project they're currently part of this project here but what we want to do is add them to our new project called web design so what i'm going to do is navigate over to edit sam and then navigate across to permissions and then come down to give automatic access to all future projects and then i'm going to come down here to projects and click edit and select web design client a the new project we just created and then come down and select finished then again select update and you can see that our new user that we added earlier is now part of two projects so now i can simply click projects to head back to my projects or i can select one of these two so i want to go back to web design client a and then navigate back to tasks and as you can see we're back to where we are we have one task list with zero tasks so to create a task all we need to do is select add task and think about all the tasks that need to be done within your task list so for us website pages need to be completed so what pages do we have in this website well we have a contact page and i'm going to come down here to who should do this and i'm going to select sam smith this is going to be his task and then i can select a start date and a due date if i like so i'm going to go ahead and select seven days so this task starts in seven days then i can navigate over to due date and select due date and now i can go another week from the start date so modify the dates based on each task now i can also notify this individual by email i'm going to go ahead and do that and then we have other options up here for example i can add a description i can add attachments i can also change the privacy so who can see this task again i can select all of us so it would even be easier to select everybody on the project now if you're working with clients then you might not want them to see the entire project and every single task so what you can do is select different tasks to be viewed by different people so basically you're adjusting the permission based on the task level or the task list level then we have priority low medium high and then we have more advanced elements that we're not going to discuss in this tutorial but you can play around if you have the time so you can set a reminder and you can set tags if you like then once you've finished adding your tasks come down and select save changes and up here you can see that we now have our task list and one task under our website pages our task list which is allocated to sam now you can come down here and add another task if you like by simply adding your new tasks just like we showed you up here or you can come down and select cancel so breaking down projects one last time you can see that we have this project selected web design client a then we have one task list called website pages and within this task list we have one task and you can see all the information about this task here and we can simply add another task within this task list or we can go ahead and add a new task list now with your project you can also navigate up to list over here and this just shows that we are currently viewing our project in a list layout we can select down to board and with board basically you can choose to view your projects with a board layout this is for those that prefer a more visual representation of their projects we can also navigate back up here and come down to gant and you can see that our project is now in a guard layout so if i navigate back and head back to a list view okay now just quickly before we finish up i just want to navigate through the important elements for each project so currently we're on the tasks tab this is where you're going to spend most of your time when it comes to constructing and putting projects together creating task lists and tasks then we have overview this is an overview of your activity this gives you a more visual overview then we have milestones if you've set up any milestones with your tasks then you're going to see those here then we have messages you can create messages and see your messages regarding this project then we have files if you have uploaded any files or anyone else that is part of this project and they've uploaded files you can access the files here then we have time again this is for your time entries we have notebooks if you want to add notes regarding this project then we have links again these are links that are associated to this project then we have comments people and settings with settings you can come down and enable or disable some of the features within your projects so for example we don't have milestones and we also don't want messages and we also don't want to track time we just want to have basic tasks files notes if people have notes to leave behind links and comments then you have general settings over here and we have integrations for if you want to integrate important apps with your teamwork account and then we have notifications and you can enable or disable the settings regarding notifications people will get when specific activities have been done for this particular project so remember with the free plan you can create up to two project workflows and you can add up to five users to collaborate and engage with you on your teamwork account and you have the option to upgrade to a paid plan at any time if you decide that this is a great project management tool for your team however you do need to access more capabilities and more features and functions within teamwork or maybe you need access to more projects or you need more team members to join your teamwork so take the time to go through the plans if you need to upgrade to a paid plan but that is a basic overview of teamwork and how you can make the most and get started with teamwork for your small business and there we have it guys that is it for this comprehensive overview of teamwork's free plan for small teams now if you have any questions about this teamwork tutorial make sure to pop them down below i'll get back to you as soon as possible and with that said thank you so much for watching this video all the way through to the end if you got value make sure you leave a like and subscribe if you haven't done so already and that way i'll see you in the next video take care guys
Channel: Stewart Gauld
Views: 44,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project management, project management software, project manager, how to use teamwork projects, how to use teamwork software, teamwork tutorial, teamwork project management, teamwork project management tutorial, teamwork software, free project management software, best project management software, project management tutorial for beginners
Id: KkAMdrjjt-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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