How To Use Synty Base Locomotion Animations with Polygon Pack Characters

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hello so in today's video I wanted to go through the new cinti animation asset and how you can add it into your project and how you can actually use it with all of their other packs as well so the first thing you're going to want to do before you even import the um Unity package is you want to make sure you've got a project that's on Unity 2021 or above and has the new input system uh installed and available so I've got a project here this is just a blank um 3D urp template and I'm going to go over to the unity registry and search for input system and we'll let that install and it will need to restart the project once it's installed so I'm going to go ahead and do that okay so the editor has restarted and that's uh all installed so now we're going to drag in The Locomotion asset so we've got our animation base Locomotion here so let's just drop that into the project and you can see here um it comes with quite a lot of animations both masculine and feminine um as well as two demo scenes so I'm just going to hit import so now that's imported you can see that we've got a cinti folder here so let's uh find the demo scene so under samples uh scenes and demo1 we can open this up and this is all pink because I'm using the universal render pipeline so we're going to want to come over here and we can select these pink materials in the material folder we'll go up to edit rendering materials and convert select built-in materials to urp and we'll hit uh proceed and you see that that's fixed that pink issue and because we installed the input system they actually have uh a third person controller set up already um on this player so if we hit play you see just like that we can run around the scene and we've got an animated uh character here with with all the correct collisions see it can we can strafe we can run left and right we got the jump so that's the first step and you see we've got this character kind of out of the box ready to go it's all set up um so that in itself having a working third person controller uh is quite just handy and just extra value added let's have a look at the actual animations included in the pack so if we just come out of play mode and we go over to our scenes and we've got Gallery 01 and it's saying we're going to need to import tnp Essentials so I'll do that shrink that it looks like we might have some pink here so what's this default material okay so this is a built-in uh Unity material we I can't there's no way to select this in the project to actually you know come up here and go to rendering uh we can't convert that so let's try window rendering uh render pipeline converter we'll turn on the readon material converter and we can initialize and convert and there we go that has solved that issue so D that so we can see the kind of range of animations here so we've got a uh walk animation both on flat ground and on a ramp going up and down and we've missed that doesn't look like it looping but that's a Sprint to crouch you got stop running stop walking strafe strafing start walking turns while standing but how do we use this with another character that isn't a um test dummy how do we actually use one of the ciny packs and integrate these animations with the cinty pack so I'm going to come out of play here and we'll drag up the project window and I've downloaded the apocalypse uh Unity package so I'll drag this into my assets folder okay so that has uh installed we've got a polygon apocalypse pack here I'm going to need to extract the urp um materials so we could just do that now with that if we go over to scenes and we've got um let's have a look we have our demo City here this nice big Wide Open City um but there's no character or player in this so we're going to go back over to our demo scene in our um Locomotion pack and we're going to select our player here and we're going to want to hit uh overrides and apply all to this PF player and then now if we go back to our polygon apocalypse scene and we go to the uh demo Dem Mo City and we go to our PF player prefabs we can drag our player in and you see that we've got our player and the cinty camera here and that's set up with all of the relevant fields and references and if we hit play we've got our uh character running around the city but we want to get it away from this crash test dummy and use one of the uh characters so we've got our PF player here and it's quite an involved process but bear with me I can walk you through it so if we go over to our prefabs for polygon apocalypse into characters um there's a range of different ones here I'm going to use the Scout so I can drag that in here just underneath our PF player prefab and you're going to see that this has an animator but it's got some extra stuff as well and this is our uh test dummy one from the animations but our character Scout just has the animator so we're going to need to copy some things over so uh I'm going to click on um cinty player look at and Target lock on pause so I'm just going to get these and I'm going to right click copy and I'm going to select our character Scout female and contrl V to paste them and we'll drag them onto our Scout female so they are now here um you can see the CTI player look at is a game object that's up here and the target lock on PA is one down here and then we can close up our prefab for the Scout and I'm now going to uh I'm just going to deactivate the cinti character um which is the test of me and I'm going to click on the three dots here and I'm going to um click on properties so that's going to bring up uh a locked version of this uh polygon Cent character panel the test Dy I'm going to click back over to our Scout and you can see now we've got um our Scouts inspector loaded up here so we're going to want to copy that these over and we need to be careful that some of these fields get reassigned so if I come to our character controller I can click copy on the cinti character and click paste component is new over here on our Scout and with the input reader I'm going to copy and click paste component as new and if you notice you can't rightclick anywhere below add component um you have to click on uh sort of the title of a different component and then click on paste component is new so we've got our input reader there and the next one the main one for the actual controller is this sample player animation controller so if we right click copy component paste component as new and you'll see this is copied over but it's copied the references for um our test dummy which we don't want um so we need to drag input reader here into input reader and you can see that's now uh our Scout uh character controller down to uh controller here and the animator can go down to animator here rear aray and front Ray um they're not actually attached to this character here they are here front Ray paw and rear Ray paw so that's fine um so we should be able to delete this deactivated test dummy now and then if we click on PF cinti camera you can see that our CN character is now missing and we just have to rrag our Scout over to this cinti character now player Target and lock on Target they're found automatically in the code um by using find cinti player look at and Target lock on pause which we have here so that's why we copied them over um and the last thing we want to do before we hit play is on the animator for our Scout if we um click this button here and then we can search for our feminine um animation controller and fingers crossed if we hit play that should all be working and there we have it we've got our Scout she's got the feminine um controller on makes her run a little bit uh daintily with her arms like this maybe we want the masculine one um we can try that one so masculin and if we hit play again now got our masculine uh controller working here as well and we can see that you know we can interact with the environment so that's how you can get the uh basic Locomotion cnti pack working with a cinti character uh using their built-in character controller obviously if you've got your own animation controller you won't need to do that sort of last step with the copy and the components over um but yeah that there we have it we have our controller working and we can run around the city yeah that is everything for this video I hope it was useful uh if you're getting into the basic Locomotion pack and you've got some of the other cinti assets that is how you can um integrate it into your other characters yeah thanks for watching and I will catch you in the next one bye
Channel: Dan Pos
Views: 1,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unity tutorial, game dev, indie dev, game design, unity 3d, made with unity
Id: 4vbFskIqDCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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