How to Use Strong's Concordance

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and hello my name is Jonathan Wilkins and today I would like to talk to you about how to use a Strong's Concordance now first of all we need a word to look up so we are going to open this Bible this one's a used one and we're gonna pick a passage let's see what's a good passage how about Exodus 16 1 I like that passage see and it's the word I prepared earlier ok X is 16 so you're going along you're studying the Bible and you come across as Exodus 16 1 you read when they took their journey from Elim and you're thinking journey I wonder what the original word for journey is so you turn to your Strong's Concordance and remembering we are in Exodus chapter 16 first one and we want to look up the word journey so we are going to get out our Strong's Concordance of the Bible there we go and make sure yours is keyed to the same version of the Bible you're using that was a King James Bible so this is going to be strongest gordon's of the Bible for the King James they also make them for the NIV in the various other translations if you get a mismatch of your version your Bible your study and the version of the strong concordance that can cause some issues because some of the words are different alright what is a Strong's Concordance well James strong the author went through and he listed all the words in the Bible and grouped them together let's see if you open it up here's the main concordance for example here's the word Aaron that's a little hard to see but they make these to fit all this information and they make this text a little small anyway there's Aaron and at list if reverse with the word Aaron in it and there are quite a few air talked a lot about ok but we want the work journey now alongside mine and most other strong concordance is you have these markings that's for the letter a the next spots b c d e and so on just like some bibles and some dictionaries used to have sees a b c d e f g h i that should be j uh and it is now once you get further on in the alphabet you can't early seek use line believe that's that's our right there and cues summer yeah so once you get toward the end it's harder to use it but let's see we want the work shiny how do you spell journey j o you about there's journey Inge there's journeyed up hears during our okay so now you found the word you want to look up so how do I find the word I want to look up well you'll see here here is a partial quote from the from the verse in question he had made his J prosperous or not typically and well in every version of Strong's I've looked up they take the word and they reduce it to its first first letter its initial letter so he had made his journey prosperous or not and you have a bunch of dots then you have a verse of scripture reference here Genesis 24 21 then you have a number off to the side okay both first up we need to find Exodus 61 see Genesis Exodus Exodus 16 one and two verified make sure I got the right first we can read and they took their J or journey from Elam Elam okay so yep that's it that's the gent Exodus 16 one we're looking for now this number off to the sides important 5265 I'm going to write that down let's see 52 sixty-five that's the number we want to look up okay so exodus is in the Old Testament the Old Testament was originally written primarily innkeeper there are few air make spots but primarily in Hebrew so we need to look up in the Hebrew dictionary what or was it is it what number fifty to sixty five it's alright so if you go to the back you have all your letters in the continuation up here then you have these three three dots here so that was out of frame that one's an appendix we'll get there this one is a Hebrew dictionary yep Strong's our news this is the new Strong's the new Strong's concise dictionary of the words of the Hebrew Bible because we're in the Old Testament we want to use the Hebrew dictionary in when we go to the New Testament we'll use the Greek dictionary it's a important thing to remember when you're looking up words and you can't find it or doesn't match up you might be in the wrong dictionary anyway our number a fifty to sixty five so open here's information on how to read it special symbols and some of the abbreviations that we start off with the letter Aleph which is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet and it starts with one you see two three four five well we need 5265 there's five hundred there's 14:23 ah we're getting there 51 let's see we need fifty to sixty five euros 54 I've passed it there's 50 to the page ends on 52 24 would lets off frame so you can't see that other it is 50 to 64 you read that 50 to 64 now it's going to give you the word in Hebrew and follow that font so small I can't read it sitting here northren be able to make that out on the camera but trust me it's there and Hebrew letters then it has a pronunciation guide then it has it does spell out like food pronounce it in English the word is NASA NASA now saw no subs are in the sauce thus nice ass nice ass there we go Wow that the funds to swallow my vert I read that all right but it's not SAS and then it can give you a little information assess a prim route or primary route to gleam from afar that's wrong because I'm looking for 50 to 65 there we go 50 to 65 NASA a sack not sack there we go I figured I was pronouncing it wrong because I was on the wrong word always check your words because once you get here and since that doesn't make sense you probably picked the wrong number like I did we need 50 to 65 not sack this one's also a primary root properly to pull up especially the tent ends ie flatten it asked that is start on a journey caused a blow bring get make go go go forth go on go on word out take it take a journey March remove set aside forward still beyond or go their way now general rule of thumb when looking at dictionaries and lexicons and things of that nature the further down you get the more derived senses you get so try to get your definition from the first from the first liner to or the early portion of this we call them articles off times this little definition try to get it from the top because that's more the root meaning of the word properly to pull up especially the tent patterns so when Moses and the children of Israel began their journey and the idea of the journey are there is to to pull up so they pulled up their tent pens and went and that gives it just a little more flavor than our English word journeyed so that's one way you can help to study just get a little more depth of the of the meaning of the words so we've looked up by a Greek word a great word Hebrew word less put away our concordance for a moment and bring back our Bible let's look up a Greek word plus C first degree the New Testament was written in Greek handful of Latin isms on there but it's it's Greek I see hmm how about we look up Matthew chapter 9 verse 1 and he entered into a ship and passed over and came into his own City I want to know more about that work ship ship Shi P so I'm going to go and get my Strong's Concordance out and I'm going to look up the word ship plus CD CD f g h i j k l m n o p q r s ah and it was and there's ship I see but if you're curious ship i er shy he was the father of zaza in first chronicles 437 okay let's see ah here we go ship that was easy sometimes you'll open it right up to it sometimes you'll search for awhile for the words it's much like using a dictionary or encyclopedia if you've ever used a paper one I know that's becoming rarer alright ship what was the the passage we wanted Matthew 9 1 okay so you know here there's disputes and proverbs and Jonah Matthew Matthew 4 21 Matthew 4 22 8 8 9 1 and he entered into a ship and passed Matthew 9 1 and it's number is 41 43 I'm going to write that one down as well anyone 43 41 43 alright ship there so I don't confuse myself later on I recommend you write down the numbers and and the words so once you get looking up you remember so 31:43 or 41:34 you can look up the OP the 41 43 alright so now we're going to go to the back once again see can I open it oh I can close this time because it were in the New Testament we want to use Strong's concise dictionary of the words in the Greek Testament with their renderings in the King James Version that's gonna vary depending on what version you're working from and once again like the Hebrew portion it gives you how to how to use this dictionary it gives an example there has give some previews and here's the Greek alphabet let's see special symbols and notes and just like in the Greek or Greek the Hebrew we start off with the first letter one well alpha but we also start off with the number one except we need 4143 so we're going to be flipping for a little while it's a thousand there's 2633 see where am i 538 there's 4100 but we need 41 43 the page ends at 40 108 so it's going to be on this page I imagine 41 41 41 43 there we go 41 43 and as your Greek word there it has a a pronunciation help and explains all that in the front of the dictionary then it has a easier pronunciation help play on play on for those of you who have been following along by learning New Testament Greek at least their chapter 7 vocabulary you should know the work play on play on it's from 41 26 which means a sailor that is it's related to the sword so the word sailor in the word ship are related which kind of makes sense let's see ie that is there it is vessel a ship and also say pain so apparently the word play on can be used in the idea of shipping or possibly a shipping vessel be careful when they have these little inserts they don't mean sailor that is a vessel they mean the little Commodores telling you we're going back to the main point here so it related to 4126 a sailor but the primary meaning of play on is vessel or a ship all right so we got play on a vessel or a ship and that makes sense because he went into a play on a ship okay let's see puts it up I want one more word before we we call it it a I want to look up the word and and a indeed as I imagine they're going to be a handful of uses the word and amen amirite angel angel okay on a kiemce on a Keens so ends going to be in here somewhere and and see appendix and it doesn't give me any numbers or scriptures or anything because then go straight into andrew appendix okay's where's the appendix somewhere near the near the colon I believe knocked up by the appendix of the book indices are pinned X's are usually in the back and here we go right after Z and our our words we have the appendix of articles conjunctions prepositions etc and you see we have a word or like so that's a letter one word and you have a whole bunch of tiny littles text we're looking for and is an and there we go all right where's it used well see all these here all these are all the verses the word end and the King James Version of the Bible is found Genesis 1:1 - is found four times three is found - the little parenthesis tell you how many times in the verse and that is some tiny text to get all this and I doubt you'll be able to read it at all okay let's see so you got Genesis down here you see Exodus so from here to here including all this all those are the uses of the word and in Genesis and strong sat down I imagine with a team of researchers and record it every time the word end was used and it goes on for a couple pages okay yep oh no that would lend or just a song a Solomon now there's Hagee I there's Mark occasionally you'll see a couple letters are abbreviation and bold it's easier to pick out your me looking at it than it is in the camera I think but yeah there's there's Romans and revelation Jude doesn't use them many times at all it'll I gotta what align and a quarter but these are all the uses of the word and so if you're thinking well I can't remember if they used and in Romans 1:4 well if you go look up Romans 1:4 they did so put words in here this is a debatable usage fertilis see no okay and that the tiny words little words so if you see in appendix that means you there's a lot of them lots of uses and Strong's Concordance might not be particularly useful in in that case if you're doing a word study alright so we looked up our we saw how to look up a word in Hebrew or in the Old Testament in the Hebrew dictionary we looked up one in the New Testament in the Greek dictionary and we looked up the word and in the appendix which I'll leave that up to you to determine its value so now you know how to use a Strong's Concordance and it's one of the most valuable tools you'll have in your study of the scriptures alright have a good one you
Channel: Jonathan Wilkins
Views: 54,002
Rating: 4.7564826 out of 5
Keywords: Bible, New Testament, Language, Education, Biblical, Strong's Concordance (Book), Lesson, Religion (TV Genre), Learn, How To, Strong's, Strongs, word study
Id: djkVSxEd7us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2015
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