How To Use Spacescape - Creating A Space Skybox Material

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[Music] thank you hey everybody and welcome back to ue5 BP gurus tutorials uh today we're looking away from the Unreal Engine to a side application that you can download completely for free I'll put the link in the description and what it does is this allows you to create Sky boxes for any form of space game I've seen a few tutorials but not many that kind of show you the process start to finish they kind of mainly use um the some of the prefixes and then they kind of just edit them to their own needs it's a simple thing which you can do so it's not like it's a bad thing it's just um but I thought for the tutorials it doesn't actually show you the full extent of the process um so I'm going to be doing that I'm going to start a new project and we're going to try and recreate this purple nebula uh ourselves so um without further Ado Let's uh switch to a blank project okay so we have our Black Project here um you'll be able to look around this in a minute but the minute is just a complete and utter black void so the bottom left if you click new layer uh it will create a spacecape it'll just call be called layer zero we're going to start by creating a we're going to call it like uh pink purple nebula and we want this to be a layer type noise we're not going to mess with any of the first few bits but we are going to change the color first off and we're going to change it to possibly like a kind of sort of pinkish color bright pink color like that then we want to change um we'll change the octaves to about eight like that we want to give it an outer color that's possibly slightly darker maybe let's go for a purple whoa um and then I think we're gonna probably look at leaving the rest of that alone for a second okay and then we're going to add a new layer we'll call this [Music] um black ridged nebula and this is also going to be noise we're going to change this to we want it to be an alpha so 1 minus SRC Alpha I'm gonna mess around with this and see what this does apparently nothing okay what about the gain if I change that up a point what does that do nothing okay we want the upper color to be black anyway this Maybe Might weigh where it has an effect I don't know uh it's a lot darker ass bit more of a purple kind of color okay I can dig that um I want the noise type to be ridged oh that's there we go we're kind of breaking into this space color now cool and what if I put the octaves also up to eight whoa that's okay we're getting some more intricate gassy patterns now that's kind of cool okay um the other one's gonna stay black power I'm gonna knock down the power a little bit yeah that's semi better I guess uh and then we're gonna go to a 0.4 maybe yeah there we go bring out those Purple colors wow that looks very bright vibrant now okay now I want to do a second is I want to bring in a little bit more black now so let's um do another noise uh we're gonna call this black smooth nebula and of course this is going to be the colors also going to be black so we also want this to be um another Alpha again um I'm not going to put as many octaves in this one I don't think this time and we want a threshold of okay cool brilliant so you're getting like all these kind of differences coming through now while also sort of maintaining that gassy effect so I really like that that's really cool okay um let's add in a few Styles now let's add a new layering this time we're going to change it now it's going to stay as points this time we're going to make some large purple Stars oh like so um I'm going to change I want to change the amount of points we've got definitely to about twenty thousand wow that's a lot more uh I'm Gonna Leave the far colors black but I'm going to change the nearer color so as they get closer to us they're kind of like a purplish color wow whoa okay yeah that's cool um I think I'm Gonna Leave some of this I might change this the points actually so they're a little bit bigger okay yeah yeah yeah I like that so you can actually see them that's really cool um I also want to offset that with some small ones so you kind of get slight differences in that so let's create another one it's going to pretty much be the same but this one's going to be a small purple Stars the reason I'm naming these by the way is just so I can keep track of everything um as we do it I'm going to pretty much leave all of this uh the same I'm going to up the amount of points we have though to about five oh is that 50 or five no it was five thousand um now you've got kind of like a little bit of offset with the big and the little uh next I want to add in some uh kind of I'm going to change up the color I think a bit maybe add a bit of blue in there uh we're already getting a similar pattern to what we we've just seen already which is kind of cool small uh we'll call this uh small blue we're gonna go for some billboard stars now they're a lot bigger uh you'll see the difference in a minute there we go whoa uh I'm gonna change things up with a random C there you go seven why not um and then I want to I want to leave the color the fire color is white uh I'm gonna make the near color darker though I'm gonna make it something like that no no let's make it like that yes it's not quite um it's not quite as um in your face then uh I am gonna up this by a little bit see what that does not a lot apparently okay but we're gonna make these ridged so they're a little bit sharper and we're gonna up the octaves as well um let's give it a random seed down there too hmm let's up the threshold a bit and I'm going to change the billboard size because I don't want them as in your face like that's a little bit better um and let's do the far billboard to 0.02 wow okay that looks a little bit better not as in your face now so you've got these kind of real big little uh stars real little big stars these little these bigger stars now coming through and that really does make such a difference wow okay um and I want to up the amount I'm gonna double the amount so we've got a few extras in there okay the next thing I'm gonna add in is now some larger ones uh add a new layering go down to here oh open it up first and we'll call this uh large Blue billboard Stars and this time the only thing we're going to change in terms of color is this one we're going to give it a more I'm going to give it um I'm going to give it something like this um I like I like that one that's kind of cool uh it's gonna go back to Billboards this time um I'm gonna give it another random seed because that's kind of cool there you go five why not um I'm gonna up the gain to 0.6 again and I'm going to also make this the same as the other one I'm going to give it again seven on the octaves uh we're also going to make this one ridged as well I am gonna change that to a two and I'm gonna make this to a 9.10 as you can kind of see it's starting to slowly look [Music] um better as we kind of amend things wow there you go we've got a slightly bigger ones Uh Oh I thought I'd change the near color I I did oops I've messed that haven't I I thought I'd change the near color I clearly didn't accept that there we go so you've got this little few blue hints coming through now on the further white away ones uh and we're gonna I'm gonna reduce [Music] the number of big ones I don't want as many coming through I don't think cool so that's large Billboards um we're also now going to blend in a blue nebula on top of this purple one I think just to um give it a something a little bit just something a little bit different I think give it a little bit of contrast so of course um this needs to be noise like so uh I'll give it a random seed because we didn't give one to the first one really uh 0.6 I'm going to change the inner color to a nice I'm gonna give it a slightly darker blue than the the stars and then I'm going to keep that as as black I'm gonna give it a seven on the octaves I'm also gonna make this rigid as well um I'm going to now just change the threshold to 0.8 whoa what a difference oh my God wow you can just see all of these cool you can see the purple still behind and the blue is just sitting on it lovely that's really really nice already uh what can we do now I think we should add [Music] um let's get some more color in this do a couple of green let's do the same thing we did with the blue the Billboards but do some green ones instead um so change that to billboard straight away and call this uh we'll do large green billboard Stars uh no I shouldn't want to do Billboards I'm going to keep it large green um I'm blue we'll we'll Chuck some gluey Bluey green point stars actually in there I think large green blue point stars let's change that to points to see how this looks that once we've done this um okay so I'm gonna give it I'll keep changing it I think if you keep giving the same the overlap so you want to keep them as different as you can and I'm thinking this song like a Bluey greeny color like something like that maybe um and then we'll change the Luminosity to the same as the other one 2.2 2.2.25 will make them rigid so they uh they look a lot better we'll give them a seven I like the octave seven clearly because I do it a lot we'll do a random two and we'll make that threshold 0.80 uh and then I'm gonna give it a 30 000 point there wow that's really filled up the Stars Now isn't it um we'll make the point stars two so they look a lot bigger were they come through a lot better don't they wow okay that's that's looking good I'll leave that as is for a second let's I might come back and change a few things but uh let's do small green blue point stars this time um we're gonna give it a random seed of one again because I kind of want a little bit of overlap I think with this um I'm gonna do oh no I want to keep that true I'm trying to do the color uh let's do I'm gonna do black for some of this I think and then I'm gonna add in the near color as sort of like a hmm should I do a light green I'll show you like a minty kind of light blue color something like that maybe okay yeah that's fine we'll do that uh then I'm gonna change the Luminosity to 2.5 oh again uh we'll leave the max gain as it was and we want to make it rigid uh octaves I'm gonna go for my favorite number number seven we'll leave all the noise scale and stuff like that as the same and then we'll do random seed as two and for the points I'm gonna do 30 000 again I think there we go and we'll leave that as one because these are the smaller stars now we've got a load of stars coming through all different colors uh mixing in with our blue you can still see the purple just about but it's definitely um a lot less now you can it's not as like sort of in your face as much I guess um to finish off I'm gonna do let's add in um it's adding a yellow inner nebula this is obviously gonna be noise again uh it's gonna be a random seed that's two we're gonna put the gain to 1.6 we're going to pick a nice vibrant yellow I think there you go whoa that's a bit much let's up the new uh lacreneurity whatever it's called The Ridge octaves is going to be our lucky number seven we're gonna leave all that but we're gonna drop the power down to 0.3 on this one and we'll drop the threshold up to 0.9 whoa I got rid of a lot of it but it just adds in a little bit of cool as you can see like a little bit of yellow is left and it just brings that nebula that's running through space um alive a bit by just giving it that second a little bit of color um it's just really really cool and we're gonna do put the texture on that uh okay cool I think that's good enough but as you can see just just by adding in layer after layer now obviously I've done this in order for this reason so we've started with that pink purple nebula because that's the very back of the scene and we've brought everything forward so you but you can move that up and down and it will take over compared to everything else if you want that so you can push stars back behind nebulas and things like that if that's what you want to do but we've got this cool looking scene um that we can use down the line um I've already got one ready to go for the project The Haven project our tutorial series but um I just wanted to show off uh space gate uh because I think it's a brilliant app if you're thinking of ever doing anything to do with space I think it is really really handy to have um if you ever need it but thanks so much guys for watching uh if you have any questions please leave them in the comments and if you've enjoyed this hit like And subscribe thank you so much bye
Channel: UE5 BP GURU
Views: 6,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: UE5, Unreal Engine, Unreal Engine 5, Unreal Engine 4, UE4, Tutorial, FPS, Making A, creating, how to make a game, fps tutorial, Unreal Engine Tutorial, UE5 Tutorial, UE4 Tutorial, Creating A Video Game, FPS Tutorial, First Person Tutorial, horror tutorial, Unreal Adventure, Video Game, Video Game Creator, Game Development, Video Game Development, spacescape tutorial, spacescape download, spacescape skybox, unreal engine 5 beginner tutorial, How To use, skyblock, material
Id: UHPzrbGyiYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 02 2022
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