How to use SLAMTEC RPLidar in ROS?

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hi everyone this video will show you how to use slant Tech RP liar with rose this tutorial is divided into four parts firstly how to install Rose secondly how to download and compile RP liar Rose package thirdly how to connect to RP liar and finally how to run RP liar Rose package the system we're using would be Ubuntu 20.04 this is a freshly installed virtual machine on my PC with Oracle virtual box but you can choose any virtual machine you like there's no software installed on this VM yet now I'll show you step by step on how to install Rose first let's open a terminal and go to Rose official website then we can follow the instructions to install the rast noetic version package following the steps first we need to set up about source. list just copy this code and key in the password and then set up our keys but we need to install curl first input y here now we can get our key now we can run the installation first make sure our Debian package is up to date when installing make sure you choose desktop full install input y here it might take a while to download all the packages so I'll skip this part in this video after all the packages are downloaded the system will automatically start unpacking now we have successfully installed Rose we can proceed to the download of rpar Rose package we go to our P Liar's official repository on GitHub but before we clone this repository we need to install git key and the password input y here now we can start CL cling the repository let's open a new terminal always remember to Source the environment setup files when you open a new terminal let's first create a workspace then we use get clone to download the package after the repository is cloned we use cat can make to compile the package we can check if the package is compiled properly congratulations you have successfully compiled the package now we can try it on an actual RP liar let's do this in a new terminal remember each time you want to use rast in a bash terminal you need to Source the environment setup script first then enable the environmental variables now we can plug our RP liar into the computer's USB port and make sure the USB port is enabled on your virtual machine here the port with liar will be displayed as silicon lab cp2102 n we can run D message and see the kernel message it shows that the lar is already in the virtual machine and the port is TTY usb0 which is the same as the default port number we have set in the package now we modify the permission of the port to make it readable for the third party user now we can run the RP liar Rose package the liar I use is S2 so we rast launch our P liar Rose view our P liar Rose S2 launch now we can see the lar scan result as Point Cloud we can move the lar around and rotate the lar we can see the point cloud is changing accordingly now the installation and use of rpar roast package is finished thanks for watching
Channel: SLAMTEC
Views: 2,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Gwkt9ttHPCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 56sec (476 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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