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hey everyone and welcome back to VFX Vibe once again so in today's video we are going to see how we can use sequencer inside and rail Engine 5 and render out a sequence so today's video will be a very very basic video regarding sequencer and if you want to know more advanced thing about sequencer please don't forget to comment in comment box so without wasting any time let's jump to screen so here as you can see I have my scene set up probably you have seen this image on my Instagram page few days back I have posted that thing so also you want to know how I made this don't forget to comment in comment box very soon I'm going to make a video series of creating Landscapes so don't worry so here if I want to animate my camera suppose that I want to animate my camera I have few cameras over here so one is here and another one is here right so I'm not going to show any setting of camera today we are going to only concentrate on sequencer so if you want to see through your camera just you have to go to perspective and here you can select your camera right so this is what my camera is seeing and it's not animated so to add sequencer in your scene you have to go over here and just click that drop down menu and you have to add level sequencer we are not going to talk about master sequence what you are going to talk about level sequence so just click over here you need to set that thing right so I'm going to add a SQ underscore YouTube you have to give some name and you have to save it so as you can see over as I'm going to save it I have my sequence over here and I'm getting a new window right which is blank so if you want to add new things like you want to add audio track you want to add short track you want to add fade track anything you want to add you can add over here but if you want anything which is already in your scene to animate it just what you have to do I am going over here and I'm going to select my camera senior camera if you can see I have two cameras over here let me expand it two cameras over a cine camera Hector and cine camera actor one it will be good if you are going to rename it but I know my camera is this as I'm going to select it and probably I'm going to drag it in my sequencer pretty easy and what will happen my sequencer will show what your camera or what my camera is seeing right so suppose that I want to render my camera from frame number 0 to frame number might be 100 or 150 whatever frame rate you have decided so what you need to do I'm not going to do uh fancy things just I want to animate my camera and render my sequence right so I am going to frame number zero and here I have transform right by default it will be here if not then just you have to click over here and just you have to add that particular property but by default it will be there so I want to animate my transformation so I'm going to click over here so as you can see I am getting saying three dots means I have my location rotation scale animated on frame number zero right now I am going to frame number suppose at 150 and just what you have to do either you can uh change the value from here or you can go to perspective view you can go to perspective View and you can select your camera and you can animate it as per your requirement right suppose that I want to do something like that and just you have to click on this button and automatically what will happen your camera will be animated as you can see I when I'm going to pull back my timeline and as you can see my camera has been animated right pretty simple nothing fancy apart from that if you want to render it out what you have to do just you have to click over here render this movie to a video or image frame sequence what will happen this thing will come right so already I have few sequence but our sequence is sequence YouTube so you have to click on unsaved config right whenever you're going to click unsaved config this setting will come so by default you have jpg sequence deferred rendering and output so first thing first we are going to Output where we want to save our scene or save our render so output directory you can select it and you can choose whatever you want so I'm going to output and you can make one new folder like SQ underscore YouTube and just select that folder and if you want file name format sequence name you can have it or you can change it whatever you want I'm not going to change it so resolution should be 19201080 if you want to render 3K 2K 4K you can increase that rendering what should be your FPS you can decide over here 24 film per second you can uh overwrite or whatever you want use custom frame rate if you're going to click it you will be able to change your FPS but I am not going to do it so it will be good so I think more or less I am done with this setting if you want to render your jpg sequence or whatever you want you have to select from here suppose that you want to jpg sequence you can select it from here or you want to add a exr sequence you can add it so keep it in mind that if both will active what will happen both will render so if you want exert sequence you can do it if you want uh suppose that PNG secant you can do it if you want Apple Pro is 10 to 12 bit you can do it or you can uh do whatever you want over here you you can see it right so for this case I'm going to render a PNG sequence it will be good for me and I'm going to delete my exam sequence I am going to delete my jpg sequence and deferred rendering nothing much you can use a few passes like depth pass and you can use motion vector and Def pass you can render it out but for this example I don't need that so might be I can off it or on it it will be your choice if you want to work on intelizing what you have to do just click on settings one more time and here you can use a few things like antelizing and you can increase your uh special sample count might be to 28 or 56 and you have to use this thing overhead anti-living just click over here right so by doing this I am all set to render my PNG sequence right I don't need anything else so I am going to accept it and I am going to render local so what will happen a window will come a rendered preview will come and here you can see my total frames is 150 and here ellipse time it will start in low quality but don't worry it will render in high quality so let it render and I'll come back once it's done okay as you can see over here my sequence has been rendered but I haven't rendered the full sequence but it's 0 to 58 number frames and as I'm going to open it you can see my sequence has been rendered and if you want to do a little color correction or you want to render it as a mp4 file so what you need to do just you can use your nuke or whatever you can use your Premiere so let me open my Premiere and I'll let you know okay so here in uh Premiere I am going to double click and I'm going to uh navigate to my render and just you need to take care about image sequence should check on and just I'm going to open it so here I'm going to drag and drop it on my media and as you can see my sequence has been render so if you want to do some color grading you can do it or you can render as a video file from Premiere as well so I hope this very simple and a short video will help you to understand the workflow of sequencer if you want to render your sequence from unreal so it's a bit tricky but it's pretty simple so if you think that this video is going to help you in in terms of understanding sequencer in inside Unreal Engine please don't forget to like this video share this video and if you're new to the Channel please don't forget to subscribe with this said this is wave X5 signing off have a good day
Channel: VFX VIBE
Views: 3,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine 5, unreal engine, ue5, unreal sequencer, unreal sequencer tutorial, unreal tutorial, unreal tutorial for beginners, unreal beginner tutorial, unreal engine cinematic tutorial, unreal engine 5 cinematic tutorial, unreal engine level sequence, unreal engine 5 level sequence, tutorial, game engine tutorial, beginner tutorial, beginner game development unreal, visual scripting in unreal, how to, how to create cinematics, VFX VIBE
Id: 4DTjWz9Zf9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 09 2022
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