How to use Roblox Chat Tags? | Tutorial

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today I'm going to teach you how to make chat tags so if you have a game pass and a player buys it then they can have a custom chat pag displayed okay so first of all um we will start with a local script inside of the started player scripts so insert a local script okay and we need a few things first so local text chat service game get service then um text chat service okay next thing we need is a remote event so in the replicated storage insert a remote event and we can call it game game start okay and then game start equals game get service replicate storage now game start okay so basically what we'll do um because you can't access the uh the chat inside of the server script so we need to use a local script so we'll just uh use a remote event to basically send data and stuff okay and then local player e game. service layers and local player okay so before we continue in this we need to make a script that actually sends data uh to this local script so in the Ser script service insert a normal script and we can rename it uh chat [Music] Handler okay and then inside of this let's say game not players player added so when a player joins the game connect to the function and put player inside of these then local owner ID game. Creator ID so um what this is is basically it gives a custom chat tag to the owner of the game so I will just show you how to do that too game get service then I can replicate storage um game start fire client player comma home ID so then we'll check inside of this local script if the player is an owner of the game or if he has a um a game pass so game start do on even connect function and also put owner ID and we only need to put the owner ID because the local script obviously gets the player without us needing to send it okay I'm going type uh text chat service on incoming message so this is basically uh when we when you send a message then function message and text chat message so down here we'll write local properties use instance new then text chat messes message properties okay so if message text Source then uh if player so basically if it's a player sending data then what you want to do is make local chat tag because uh and you can leave this empty or uh let's say if you want your players uh for all of them to display like a member or I don't know some type of rank that's like starting rank then you can type it in here but in this case I will not put anything because I want it to be empty unless a player has a game pass or is a owner so if player. user ID equal owner ID this is the owner ID uh we sent from the server script and then chat tag [Music] equal owner and then here if chat tag okay so now you need to type a tile and then eus so what this does is basically if it's not empty or something you put inside of this then properties with prefix text E and then just um watch close to what I type because this will get kind of complicated so font color which I'll put # z0 FF okay so that's that part then chat tag so this is basically the chat tag [Music] part oh and then actually this and then again [Music] font message perefect okay and then go below uh three ends and here we need to return perfect [Music] things okay so let's just test this okay I'm hello oh okay seems we done something wrong let's see okay so I see where I made a mistake um so we need to delete that zero and let's TR now okay so type hello and yeah as you can see we have a kind of blue color and it says owner so yeah that's basically how you make it so you have a chat tag for the owner and now I will show you how to make it for a game pass so uh first of all you need to publish the game you can go to game settings to publish it I already did that so I don't need to okay so now that we're in this window um of the uh the game experience uh you have overview and all these configurations you got to scroll down and find where is it um oh okay it's passes okay so just create a new pass um let's say VIP okay VIP CH okay we can of course copy this and let's say it costs 10 and save changes okay so now back in the studio um here you need to make a local Game Pass ID e this so this is basically the ID of The Game Pass we made okay and then add another one so local market game get service um Marketplace service okay and then uh what you want to add is let's say here um and we can make this a comment for now so it doesn't interfere with this with the game pass and then if Market user owns Game Pass async and then player. user ID comma and then just uh copy this game pass ID or just put the ID here and then chat tag equal VIP okay so this is this will basically give the player a VIP chat tag if the player has the Game Pass okay so obviously I'm the owner of the game so I already own all the game passes I make so let's say hello and as you can see we have the VIP thingy the chat tag so yeah that's basically it for this video and that's how you make a simple chat tag you could of course add like a Rolls value into your game and then make it like for example when a player joins they get a random roll and then you can add that to this script but yeah that's it for now and hope you enjoyed of course join the Discord down below if you want some free models or want to support me or if if you need a help with the scripts and leave a like And subscribe thanks for watching
Channel: ErExx
Views: 413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, Roblox, gaming, Gaming, Roblox Studio, Devlog, Building, Coding, Scripting, Showcase, Roblox Showcase, game, roblox game, roblox roleplay, update, roblox update, roblox exploring game, adventure game developer, npcs, roblox girlfriend, roblox tutorial, tutorial, howto, npc, roblox scripting, roblox scripting tutorial, roblox coding tutorial, coding, coding tutorial, scripting tutorial, main menu, game menu, roblox menu, roblox main menu, Chat, chat tag, roblox chat, roblox chat tags
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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