How To Use Robinhood - Step by Step Tutorial

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hey guys my name is Andre Jake and I'm so excited for this video because in this one I'm gonna teach you how to use the Robin Hood app it's gonna allow you to buy and sell stocks for free and I'm gonna show you how to sign up how to use the app with all the swiping features it's like tinder but for things that make you money if you follow all the instructions in this video you and I are gonna get one free stock at random it can be worth a few dollars or something like Apple or Tesla which is worth a couple hundred dollars it's all random that's why I'm excited so pull your phones out let's get started [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] who pulls their phone out like that I do for your entertainment so hit smash or whatever you do to that like and subscribe button for the finest phone twirling videos seriously that that took a lot of effort show some love let's get back to the video okay for this one I'm gonna use my friend Angelo and he is actually standing right there awkwardly [Music] you go ahead and open up your phone go to the App Store and by the way this works on iOS or Android and type in Robin Hood and that is the app with the green icon and the white feather go ahead and download the app and wait for that to finish okay so once the app has been downloaded and installed into your phone this next part is the most important part because if you don't do this we're not gonna get our free stocks and that makes us both very sad pandas so if you're watching this on your phone right now make sure to expand the description below this video and click that invite code if you don't do that we're not going to get the free stock and that just tells the app that this is a referral code if you don't know what it is it should be displayed right here it is HTTP forward slash share dot robin hood' dot dot-com forward slash andre j you should see it right here once you click that sweet link it's gonna launch the app for you and from then on we can just continue on with the registration process so let's hop back into the app alright once you've hit the link go ahead and get your free stock now it's gonna ask you what your email address is so go ahead and put that in Angelo is like my little brother he's a little depressed so go ahead and send him some love guys and make up a password make sure it's something hard but something you'll remember and go ahead hit continue put in your legal name as opposed to your a legal name which in his case is and gigolos it says Nightcrawler name and hit continue at this point it's gonna ask us for our phone number starting with the area codes go ahead and fill that in and hit continue next up date of birth go ahead and fill that in as well and hit continue the next one is residential address it's gonna try to guess but go ahead and put in your full address in anyway and hit continue next up is your citizenship can you guys guess what Angelo is he is Indonesian none of you guys guessed that go ahead and smash continue and hit continue right here it's gonna ask for your social security number go ahead and put that in and how much investment experience do you have Angelo has none so we're gonna hit none are you employed yes we are I hope you are too making some money and go ahead and put in your employer and your job description or title and after you're done with that go ahead and hit continue are you or a family member a trust fund baby hit no most of us are not and does your family work front of the brokerage no at this point I'm just gonna ask you to verify your first name go ahead and hit continue if au looks correct along through last name and scroll down through this really important information that you should probably read and hit submit your application at this point it's gonna ask you to fund the account so go ahead and click continue okay so at this point they're gonna ask to connect to your bank account and whoever you bank with it's gonna ask for the username and the password and I know I know it's a weird thing but I promise you in the five years that I've had this app and I've trusted them with my money everything's been alright and they will never move money without your permission and without your say-so they just need to know just in case you want to move money from the bank to the app or vice versa when you buy and sell stocks it's super standard practices and you can trust them I have for many many years now so connects your bank account and let's get back to the other all right this might take a minute to connect to your bank but once it does I'm gonna hit checking's for Angelo and put in just ten dollars you guys don't actually have to put in anything but I just put something in for him just in case and once you're done and you're happy go ahead and click got it and that is it for the registration process and now let's take a deeper look inside the app and I'm gonna show you guys the little ins and outs of how to use the app it's pretty easy to use easy to understand but there are still some features I want you to be aware of and I want to show you an example of me actually buying a stock so you can see what that looks like and how to do it and I'm gonna buy a dividend stock right in front of you so let's dive in right now okay so I'm gonna go ahead and open up the Robin Hood app and I'm gonna search for M o which is Altria and you can see this is all the price action history we could see it in one week terms and you can even trace your finger over this line to see in real time what the price has done you can see that in one month and three month even one year and up to five years what the price has done it's super interesting if I go back to one year you'll see that the stock has kind of trended towards the lower amount and below that you'll see the statistics for the stock like the dividend yield and the p/e ratio which is super important and below that you'll see the news which if you hit show more it'll show you even more news from lots of different news sources if we go back you'll see lots of different analyst ratings cell ratings etc which is lots of noise in the industry that I don't really pay attention to now below that you'll see the earnings for the quarters and even the earnings per share it says 95 cents for each stock for one stock that you buy now below that you'll see other companies that people have bought like Philip Morris AT&T General Mills Exxon Mobil British American Tobacco and Verizon I have all of these companies in my portfolio and if you scroll lower you'll see a little bit about the company when it was founded and pretty important stuff if you hit the Buy button you'll actually be able to buy the stock so I'm gonna go ahead and put in right here one share and at this point I can actually hit review and if I swipe up I'll actually buy the stock but I'm not gonna do that right now so I'm gonna hit edit go back and click on market price if you guys hit market price it'll show you the last sale the bid and the ask so I'm gonna dismiss that and I'm gonna show you something else if we go back and start from new we hit buy and go to the upper right you'll see order types so see that in the upper right hand corner hit order types you'll see market limit stop-loss all of these other ones I'm gonna hit limit now in this one I can set my price to whatever it is I want now in this case the last known sale price was forty eight dollars and thirty cents but let's say I want to buy it at forty eight dollars and twenty-nine cents right I'm gonna hit continue and yes market ours only looks good this is the option I always go for I hit continue now in this one it says 1:00 p.m. tomorrow which means if my stock gets filled at forty eight dollars and twenty-nine cents it's just gonna automatically purchase it if it doesn't the order gets automatically cancelled while the second option has the same thing but it's going to be pending for the next 90 days and if it doesn't get filled at my 48:29 then it's just going to cancel so 1:00 p.m. tomorrow looks good and I'm gonna hit continue now I am going to hit one and click review and at this point if I swipe up I can buy it but I have just one more thing to show you so if I go back and I hit order types again you'll see all the different order types and I use limit 99% of the time but sometimes I'm in a rush and I'll use market right there but those are the two that I use the most so for this one I am going to hit limit and the reason I use market is again when I'm in a rush but limit really protects me because I can see the last known price and that way the app doesn't scalp me for pennies or something I'm sure it doesn't do that but just in case so again I'm gonna hit the last known price hit continue yes this looks good 1:00 p.m. tomorrow and that's pretty much it if I hit review and swipe up the stock has been purchased it's now pending and it'll be fulfilled at the next business power hello how's my girlfriend so that's it that's pretty much it the stock has been filled but I have a little other thing I want to show you and that is the in the bottom left you'll see this main hub you'll see all the crypto currencies here that I have and all the stocks that I own they're all highlighted in white as you can see but if I scroll lower you'll see all of these grayed out stocks but you can see them and that's actually on my watch list so if I hit the search bar and I type in let's say McDonald's MCD you'll see there's a check mark next to the name and if I click it I've just removed it from my watch list so I'm going to check it back and that way I have easy access to it so I'll show you in the bottom left again it'll be somewhere along these stocks but basically it prevents you from having to go to the center bottom tab there and having to look up every stock every time so that's what a watchlist does it's just for convenience if you hit the bottom right you'll actually see account summary if I click on that it'll show you your with drawable cash your stocks your purchasing power all kinds of important little statistics and if you scroll a little bit below that you'll actually see the view pending orders and mo that's the stock that we are going to purchase and that's pending right there if we hit back we're going to see below that the account statements which you can click and that's really important because every month it generates an account statement and mine date back all the way to 2015 which is kind of when I started this whole thing and I'm gonna show you guys my most recent one and that's for December 31st 2018 and it'll show you all of my dividends that I've generated that past month how much cash I have and etc that's pretty much all the features that I like to use now once I signed up Angelo took exactly five days before we got our free stock and the stock that we got was fit which were the creators of the Fitbit and at this point in time it is worth $6 and 41 cents which hey I know isn't much but I'll take six dollars and 41 cents for free any day of the week yes please just a few years ago you could not buy and sell stocks for free like that was not a thing like my parents my parents didn't know what investing was but had they known they would have to go through a broker through like a dude that they would have to pay a set fee to and that would immediately put them in the negative the moment that they invested it over the long term those little fees add up to tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars when they're compounded over thirty or forty years so the fact that you are able to land on this channel and watch this is going to potentially change the course of your life come back every single Monday because every Monday I share with you guys exactly which dividend stock I buy now a dividend stock is a stock that pays me money either every month or every quarter to just own and sleep and do nothing it's amazing and I promise you now that you found these videos if you take the time to invest and watch this series I promise you that the you of tomorrow in the future is gonna be so grateful that the you of today had the foresight to start taking their finances seriously and just to invest over the long term this makes a difference in our lives so thanks again for tuning in show me some love so click hit smash do whatever it is that people do to the like and the subscribe button and I'll see you guys next Monday thanks again [Music]
Channel: Andrei Jikh
Views: 1,059,863
Rating: 4.8927975 out of 5
Keywords: Robinhood, how to buy stocks, dividends, investing, debt, finance, stock, market, how to get started investing, stock market for beginners, frugal, financial freedom, free money, budget, entrepreneur, minimalist, how to get out of debt, credit card, profit, financial education, how to invest, growth, side jobs, NASDAQ, stock exchange, andrei Jikh, cardistry, how to invest money, dividend stocks, what to invest in, what to invest in 2019, what to invest money in, should I invest
Id: 9XjD0cNg4WY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 18 2019
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