How to Use Prepositions At, On, In - Visual Vocabulary Lesson

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Hi, I’m Daniel. Welcome to Oxford Online English! In this lesson, you can learn how to use the prepositions ‘at’, ‘on’ and ‘in’ to talk about where something is. Before we start, don’t forget to check out our website: Oxford Online English dot com. You can find links in the video description. Why not start with the full version of this lesson, where you can test your skills with a quiz! Also, do you want to watch this video with subtitles? You can turn them on now; just click the CC button in the bottom right of your video player. They’re in the kitchen. She’s putting the lettuce in a bowl. Use ‘in’ for rooms and indoor spaces. For example: ‘in the living room’, ‘in the apartment’, ‘in my bedroom’. Also, use ‘in’ for containers and enclosed spaces. For example: ‘in the bowl’, ‘in the box’, ‘in your pocket’. I live in Seattle, in the north west of the USA. Use ‘in’ for cities and countries: ‘in Brazil’, ‘in Paris’, ‘in China’, and so on. Also, use ‘in’ plus ‘north’, ‘south’, ‘east’ or ‘west’. For example: ‘She lives in the south of Spain.’ ‘Thailand is in Southeast Asia.’ We stayed in a small hotel in the centre of Venice. Use ‘in’ with establishments and businesses. For example: ‘in the shop’, ‘in a restaurant’, or ‘in the supermarket’. Sometimes, ‘at’ is also possible here, with a similar meaning. You’ll see the exact difference in part three, when we talk about using ‘at’. You also say ‘in the centre’ or ‘in the middle’. Here’s another example. In the picture, there are three purple flowers in the middle. Use ‘in’ to talk about media. For example: ‘in a picture’, ‘in this photograph’, ‘in the film’. Luckily, there was no one in the car when it sank in the water. Use ‘in’ with cars and taxis. With most other transport, use ‘on’. You also use ‘in’ to mean ‘surrounded by a material’. For example: ‘in the air’, ‘in the sea’, ‘in a thick sauce’. She goes running in the park every morning. We went for a walk in the countryside. You use ‘in’ to talk about many outdoor spaces. You can use ‘in’ for smaller, enclosed spaces. For example: ‘in the park’, ‘in a field’ or ‘in the garden’. You can also use ‘in’ for larger, more open spaces. For example: ‘in the countryside’, ‘in the sky’, or ‘in the world’. While eating breakfast, he felt a pain in his stomach. Use ‘in’ to talk about things which are enclosed by part of your body. You can hold something *in* your hand. If you eat too much sugar, you’ll get toothache – a pain *in* your tooth. She had to stay in hospital for a few days after the operation. There are some fixed phrases with ‘in’ that don’t follow a clear pattern. The most useful are ‘in bed’, ‘in hospital’ and ‘in prison’. Try to remember these three! I was waiting in the queue for over an hour. Finally, use ‘in’ to talk about things which are in a line For example: ‘We sat on the floor in a row.’ ‘He arranged his tools in a neat line.’ This also works if you arrange things into a shape. For example: ‘We set out the chairs in a circle.’ Now, you’ve seen all the common ways to use ‘in’ as a preposition of place. Next, what about ‘on’? He took the fruit and arranged it on the tray. Use ‘on’ when something is on top of a surface. For example: ‘on the floor’, ‘on the shelf’, or ‘on the kitchen counter’. He hung his jacket on the wall. You can use ‘on’ with all kinds of surfaces – not just horizontal ones. For example: ‘She has a small spot on her nose.’ ‘He spilled coffee on his shirt.’ He’s sitting on the sofa, on the right. Use ‘on’ with furniture. For example: ‘on the bed’, ‘on my desk’, or ‘on a chair’. The book had a blue cover, with nothing written on it. Use ‘on’ with print media. For example: ‘on page one’, ‘on the menu’, or ‘on the map’. We stayed on a small island. You use ‘on’ with many geographical features, like islands, mountains, beaches and so on. I went there on my motorbike. Use ‘on’ with transport which you sit on top of: bicycles, motorbikes and horses. You also use ‘on’ with public transport and boats. So, you say ‘on the plane’, ‘on the bus’, ‘on the boat’ and ‘on the ferry’. Here’s one more example: He’s sitting on the train and talking on the phone. Here, there’s another use of ‘on’. Do you know why you say ‘on the phone’? Use ‘on’ to talk about using devices. You say ‘on the phone’, ‘on the internet’, or ‘on the Xbox’. The restaurant is on the top floor, overlooking the river. Finally, use ‘on’ with floors. You say ‘on the ground floor’, ‘on the second floor’, ‘on the fifth floor’, and so on. Finally, let’s see how you can use ‘at’. “I’m at the airport, just waiting to board.” ‘At’ is often used with public places. For example, you can say ‘at the cinema’ or ‘at the mall’. ‘At’ in this case can mean that you’re inside the place, or just near it. Often, in these cases it’s possible to use ‘in’ or ‘at’ with no difference in meaning. You can say ‘I’m in the supermarket’ or ‘I’m at the supermarket’; both are correct and commonly used. There might be a small difference. If you want to emphasise that you’re inside a building, then use ‘in’. If you’re outdoors, then use ‘at’. They sat at the table and discussed what to do next. ‘At’ can mean ‘next to’. Let’s see a couple more examples: ‘Someone’s at the door. Can you answer it?’ ‘I was waiting at the bus stop for half an hour’. I was at a conference for most of last week. Use ‘at’ with events. You can say ‘at a meeting’, ‘at their wedding’ or ‘at his birthday party’. She’s at the dentist’s for a cleaning. Use ‘at’ with people’s homes or offices. You can say ‘I was at Tim’s house yesterday’ or ‘We’ll be at Sasha’s place for dinner tonight’. My brother’s at university, studying history. There are a few fixed phrases with ‘at’ that it’s better just to memorise. The most important ones are ‘at home’, ‘at work’, ‘at school’, ‘at college’ and ‘at university’. Note that you *never* use an article, like ‘a’ or ‘the’, in the phrases ‘at home’ and ‘at work’, and you generally don’t use an article when you say ‘at school’, ‘at college’ or ‘at university’. At the end of her presentation, they gave her a round of applause. Use ‘at’ to talk about position or time with phrases like ‘at the end of’, ‘at the beginning of’, ‘at the top of’ or ‘at the bottom of’. For example: ‘Please read and follow the instructions at the top of the page.’ There’s one exception here: if you’re talking about two separate objects, then use ‘on top of’. For example: ‘My suitcase is on top of the wardrobe’. I live at 13 Crinklewell Crescent. Finally, use ‘at’ with house numbers, for example if you’re giving your address. Now, you know many ways to use ‘in’, ‘on’ and ‘at’ as prepositions of place. Don’t forget to visit our website and test your skills with the quiz! There are a few less common uses of ‘in’, ‘on’ and ‘at’ – and a few exceptions – which we haven’t mentioned in this video. Do you know any? Share your ideas in the comments! See you next time!
Channel: Oxford Online English
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Keywords: how to use prepositions at on in, prepositions at on in in english, prepositions of place at on in, how to use at on in prepositions correctly, how to use in on at prepositions, at on in preposition, english vocabulary with pictures, in on at use in english, in on at prepositions, in on at english, at on in english grammar, on in at english grammar, use of in on at english grammar, oxford online english visual vocabulary, oxford online english, oxford online english vocabulary
Id: FIM2dEjmzJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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