How to Use Pipe Networks in Autodesk Civil 3D

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so today's webinar will be on pipe networks and just a note about the focus of this it's it's common use of pipette works and touching on some fundamental customization the configuration some tips and tricks in that area so in a half hour or 45 minutes we're gonna have time for in-depth part builder customizations that we will dabble in there a little bit some common tweaks here and there and the skill level this is maybe intermediate to maybe even novice so we'll start out with kind of some basic use and common use of pipe that works perhaps there's a few tools there some of you have missed over the years those of you who use these tools longer so just a small agenda we're going to start with an intro for practical use of pipe networks from there that will lead into some parts catalog modification so we'll jump in the part builder for that and we'll kind of do that on the fly we'll see kind of odd things that show up we'll be starting with an out-of-the-box catalog and talk about common ways to kind of manage that stuff and what we'll find is a lot of that stuff ties back to the catalog itself and we'll define what that is a little more as well we'll get into parts list set up that's basically the link between your catalog and what you're drawing on the screen we'll talk about some tweaks and customization they are including roll sets and qto manager well touch on part mapping with storm and sanitary analysis so that's Autodesk SSA that's the analysis pipe sizing program and pond sizing program for example we're not going to spend any time in there and how to use that application but we'll make sure you're aware of the Parden mapping that's required to do that round-tripping in it and it's really a very nice process to round-trip through the storm and sanitary analysis so a lot of folks use hydro cad for this these days or perhaps an Excel spreadsheet storm and sanitary analysis is something that comes free with civil Treviso if you're looking at perhaps including that application it's there for you to to check out and I turn off my Snagit there we go and finally well touch on staking pipe networks how do you go about staking them there'll be a couple options there so first thing practical use is we're going to touch on design in with pipe networks we're going to spend a ton of time fine-tuning it but we're gonna put in a pipe network a storm network and perhaps a sanitary Network I'm going to talk about a few concepts including flow direction okay this is the direction you're dropping parts and pipes into the drawing you get a choice on flow direction and the pipes themselves have a property in that is flow direction and they default a certain way we'll talk about parts swapping you dropped in a store manhole you wanted a catch basin instead how do you swap that and what isn't what's implied with that it's a very powerful tool and it should be used in any kind of modifications in your in your pipe network that you're creating so we'll talk some about that we'll talk about remembering and renaming them again this is a tool it's very powerful but it requires certain setup parts list parts catalog have to be set up in a certain way to enable this tool to work well and and I see a lot of firms use this well other times firms it doesn't quite work from they might have some real specifics about how things need to be labeled or how they appear and it doesn't work and so we'll talk about some of those ramifications as well well touch on object layers and then just some tips or tips and tricks about editing slopes and inverts there's a number of ways to do it it's not always the most straightforward which one to choose they kind of have their pros and cons and so we'll talk about two or three different ways to be modifying your actual design finally we'll throw that pipe Network into into a profile of you and so we'll discuss a pipe Network alignment as well as a profile let's discuss a couple topics including sump and crossing pipes of few styles tweaks will we'll look at there and how to handle that so let me jump into civil 3d and I'm working in civil 3d 2015 fairly recently it came out a lot of great new features in it there's actually a ton of auto cad graphics enhancements those of you who might be wondering what's performance like graphically it's a little slower but otherwise it seems to be about the same so you notice it's got a nice charcoal interface you can go back to that gray interface if you like but no I kind of like this new interface so we're going to start we're gonna throw a pipe Network in here and we're just going to drop in some manholes and some catch basins and what kind of talk about things as we go so like I had said this is a fairly out-of-the-box setup and we'll kind of tweak things and modify things as we go along pointing out a few different tips and tricks along the way so I'm going to start with pipe network creation tools and we're going to create a storm network and when I do this what happens well this lands on a certain layer right it lands on these layers okay there's something to point out here and that is the object layers okay when you create pipes and structures they land on certain layers and those are defined in your object layers so if I go up here to drawing settings I have my object layers a pipe numbers are one that I am a big fan of turning on the wild card here so this is the modifier where I say add a suffix and putting in - asterisk the wild card there is the asterisks and down here it means include the name of the object in a new layer that's generated so this is gonna make a layer called C - pipe - whatever my pipe network name is this is handy with pipe networks because it doesn't make a new layer for every single pipe rather it adds every single pipe on the same layer okay so we could put all pipes and structures on the same layer or we could do C - pipe - storm and see - structure - storms so that's what we'll end up with when we create this pipe Network and the objects in there now there's some other their structural labels there's pipe labels there's more control as well but pipe numbers are one of the places that in my opinion it's nice to have that wild card turned on so if we go and create a sanitary Network in the same drawing all those will land on a sanitary layer or a set of sanitary layers in the storm stuff will land on a set of storm layers nice freeze thaw control to keep our drawing clean while we're working in it so object layers let's go back let's make that pipe Network we'll call it storm will grab the storm sewer parts list okay for the surface name we're gonna grab the FG another little trick here I'm not gonna go through it in detail but it's to take your existing and your proposed and make a combined surface so make an F G + eg and paste FG ii and what you'll get is a composite surface now you're not going to turn that on but it's handy when you happen to have a structure that is just outside your finished grade surface perhaps where you're tying into a sanitary manhole or something like that it can be nice to have that surface data and if you make that composite you'll know if I never have to worry about it all that surface data will be there in our case we're gonna draw right on the finished grade surface on alignments I'm gonna grab this this east-west one it's called main here and to start with we're going to leave the structural labels and pipe labels off I'm going to start by dropping in some pipes and structures here I'm going to grab a 48 concentric manhole and some concrete pipe will start with 18 inch okay another thing I want to point out a lot of folks seem to miss this this is the flow direction there so right now it's the arrows pointing down that means as I click along the slope of the pipes is in the order that I click so the first click will be upriver or the high invert if I toggle this like this it will be the low invert so the arrow pointing up that's more typical for drawing drawing and sanitary perhaps the other way more typical for strong and storm so we're going to leave it starting that high in vert you know it always depends on the project calls for different things but that's what this option is here I'm going to drop in some pipes and structures here and of course everywhere I click is where it drops a manhole it's when you're adding perhaps connections here this is a main line running down the center or perhaps slightly off site offset from the center you want to drop in another piece here ok I can drop this in and again you got to be aware of this slope direction here or this flow direction so if it's pointing down and I draw this in again I need to be sure to click here and then connect to that manhole I could have gone the other way I just would need to flip my flow direction there so I'll do the same thing over here drop in another one and perhaps one more down here ok so those are all manholes we want catch basins here so even though it's the same barrel we need something to look differently so I'm going to go into my storm sewer parts list that's that fourth button and we're going to start diving into the parts list a little bit and some of the modifications there I go to my structures and I go to my concentric structures you'll see I have a 48 inch and a 72 inch okay I can drop in another size I'll throw in another 48 inch and this one perhaps we'll call it CBM H so catch basin manhole and then of course the style here so let's go in and change this style catch basin so the parts list if you haven't Dovan to it much it's basically Maps everything what should be assigned to that part when you drop it in the drawing ok so let's take a step back we had the parts catalog that sits outside of ours outside of our drawing when we drop parts in a pulls from that catalog and how it styles those parts that's what the parts list is for so it says assigned this style to it it says assign this rule said ok we'll touch on a few of these others few other ones in a bit here so when I add that in there and I hit OK a great way to be managing this is to use a swap part ok so I pick on that manhole and say swap part and now that catch basin is in there and that's style with a catch basin structure style is associated with it ok ok it's also up as well now that's EB mhm so that I could draw this in on a fly like so and drop in the catch base in there okay so some very calm fairly common use of pipes we'll swap a few other parts here so the same parts right if I grab this manhole the same that's catch basin when we look at it an object viewer those you're not quite as familiar with this these are both 48 inch manholes okay it's just the grate that's different right and of course we need to call that out differently we want to look at it differently in plan view that's where that structure style comes into play and really the only difference if I go and pick on this and look at the Edit structure style option is that in the plan view I'm assigning a simple AutoCAD block called catch basin and this is just out of the box settings here let's look at labeling a little bit let's put some labels on here and what kind of ramifications we have there it's not going to appear the way we want so let's see what we come up with let's pick on a structure here we have add labels and we have add pipe Network labels I get a little floating window here and we're gonna say entire network plan and for the pipe label we'll say length description and slope and for the structure label say data in connected pipes storm and I'll add that in there and for the moment I'm going to pick my pipe labels actually and just delete these and there's our label as they come in so out-of-the-box these are common things we run into it says reinforced concrete pipe why doesn't say RCP or something else that I might want okay all this information the way this is labeled the way this has appeared by the way this appears comes from our parts catalog so all the information here so not the fact that it says sta for station that's a label style thing okay but the fact that it calls a reinforced concrete pipe those are the connected pipes those are these objects right here so let's take a look at the parts catalog some of these kinds of tweaks you don't necessarily have to build custom parts and part catalog and the part builder to be able to go in there you can go in there and make minor tweaks like this so let's do that once and I go up here to create design let's go to part builder and if I go to pipe and I have circular pipes I'm gonna grab my concrete pipe that's one part with multiple sizes launch right in a part builder that opens with in civil3d okay and there's my structure or excuse me my pipe and all I'm going to here is the size parameters and if I click here where it says m84 material I can right-click on that and select edit and here is the culprit okay the way this is label in here reinforced concrete pipe it's too wordy right might sound picky but this is an important thing when it comes to fitting a lot of labels on the plan so let's hit OK save this part and close out a part builder right here okay so by the way when you're kind of playing around with the stuff be sure to go to your pipe catalog and perhaps save a copy of it before you just might have start modifying it and for those of you don't know let me just open it up and I'll show you where that's located see program data Autodesk civil 3d and you pipes Catalan okay that's the entire pipe Network catalogue okay so you can make a copy of that entire thing there that whole folder and make a test one for example so to refresh this if I make a change or swap apart for example let me grab this pipe and if I swap this part to perhaps a 15 inch it's gonna reread that catalogue and now that our CP value will come through there okay so the pipe was fine the way it appeared was fine it was just the way we were labeling it so but you know a common thing is to go right into your label styles and try to modify a lot of this stuff okay try to get it at the source try to go to the part catalogue through part builder and modify that source when applicable the one of the main things about pipe networks is you know they're fairly easy to use for the end-user but it's the customization and it's setup that makes that possible it's almost more than any other tool set and civil3d the setup is key with it and it comes down to customization of that catalog in many cases duplication of it a second one or a third one and in cases and we'll touch on that in a bit it's open my I make sure I didn't miss anything here so we'll put this into a line on a profile we'll edit some slopes in invert and also do some of this renaming and renumber in okay let's jump back in here so rename or renumber what does that look like okay that tool if you pick on a structure let's let's grab the structures we want to rename and let's pick them in that order so I'm gonna pick I'm gonna grab just these manholes right down the center line here so I'm picking them in this order and once those four are selected I can come up here to modify and I have renamed parts and I can rename structures or rename pipes let's rename just structures at this point and I have different ways I can name this okay I could say just type in text STM h-space and the next counter or perhaps a - a space - space and then next counter put my counter at one and here's the key you have to say rename existing parts so that it starts the count over again so it's a little tough to see but this structure down here is something other than one right now up at the top here it says four structures and zero pipes selected when I hit ok now it renames that structure and I'll see that right in the structure properties information tab STM h1 ok so you can rename these in any way you want now there's other ways we can handle this ok let's go back there again what if I want to rename the catch basins and the structures right well if I did in the way I just did it there this would be called a storm manhole when in fact it's a catch basin right so while we can come into the structure properties and we can just simply say CB mh5 for example then we'll label accordingly there's more streamlined ways to do this and you might have noticed it when we went into that rename option so let's do this one so let's pick a few of these structures again so in this order I started catch basin manhole structure if I now go to rename parts again we'll do rename structures only and I can go into this name template here this is button right here and instead of just typing in text I can instead put in part size name and insert that and then put - next counter okay so that's the name template there and by the way these can all be saved in their DWT file you're civil3d templates so that as users bring this up like you noticed the first time we did it it automatically put part size name in there okay so we're going to rename the existing parts again we're gonna start at one again and I hit OK and rename them so it's got the numbering the way we want but now it's pulling this variable called concrete cylindrical structure and it's calling it the same for both of these so not very right well when you start to see text like that that means part Catalan you know options in the part catalogue to make this this change so let me go make one change in there I'll call this part St mhm so that when we rename it it automatically pulls it okay so let's go to part builder again this time we're looking at structure we're looking at junk pictures with frames and concrete cylindrical structure an open part builder again if I go in two parts size name so that's the value right down here again you don't need to be an expert in part builder to make some of these tweaks you can come in here and other times it's just tweaking the appearance of the size parameters values so pick on part size name select edit and right there is the name that it has okay and there's a few other options here so we have parameter configuration up here we need to set this to a table instead of a calculation so that's the type of parameter it is and just give it a second there it's hanging up so so different value types have different options in this case we just want to set it to table for this demonstration and then I can go back to my values and that can perhaps call this STM h-hit okay let's save this and then close out of this again and so to pull from that part catalog again we got to do a swap part or if we drop in another structure so this has an example I will swap this to the 72 inch size and when I have that actually let's swap it back let's swap it back to the 48 so we got the same size I have that now that part size name is st MH except the structure name itself is a different value okay so structure name is still that that was automatically populated by the renamed renumber tool okay but now that the value where the parameter part size name has st MH and we can harness that in our renamed renumber to them so let's do that again pick a couple structures rename parts and again I'll say part size name - next counter rename the existing structures and we'll say one for the starting point I hit okay and now it pulls through St mhm okay so what does that mean for this catch basin down here you want to have it say CB mhm okay it has to be a different part in the catalog itself okay right now this thing is gonna pull st mhm how to rename it because it's still the same part so I'd have to go in there and modify them so a lot of what you will do in part builder is to do a simple save as as a part of a part that cylindrical structure will edit this and I can do a save part family as right up at the top here and save this as not the manholes but the catch basins for example all the values and parameters will be the same as far as the geometry but it's just those few values that I want to use for labeling like part size name so we do have some other parameters in here that can be used for labeling it depends on what you want into show on your plan but this is just kind of a kind of touching on what you can do in your part catalog to get things to label properly so I'm going to close out of that a nice little trick I saw so recently about editing pipes you know there's a number of ways we can edit the slopes on our pipes we pick on this and I have pipe properties okay and another part properties I have pipe slope pipe slope for holding start and end okay that ends in which end I want to move up and down and I have start elevation for invert and end invert elevation as well okay you can modify things through there okay we can also pick on any one of the network parts so we can go to edit Network and on the far right here you have pipe network vistas this opens up your panorama down here and here we're gonna find pipes and structures okay I also have the events I'm just gonna dismiss that set that's that some messages and then here we can make changes as well to the pipes but this gets fairly tedious so what I tell people use that Vista for doing things like setting the reference surface for all the pipes or all the structures at once perhaps you set the wrong alignment or you didn't set the alignment initially and now all of these are set in improperly so I could come up here and set all the reference alignments to second to have all at once okay and so use the pipe network vistas for these masts changes like this you can there's a ton of columns in here and you can of course click right click on the header and change any of these turn them off and on there's plenty in there that you likely won't care about so you can turn those off okay the third way a trick I saw the other as a while back actually is using quick properties and maybe some of you have used this before quick properties is an auto cad function where you pick on something and it brings up a little floating dialog box I pick on a surface and I get this thing okay a lot of us see it and we're really annoyed by it and we just turn that off right this is one of the places where it can decent so let me show it to you and you guys can try it on your own sometime if I pick on a pipe I get some properties in here okay and as you notice I've got start invert elevation I've got slope and things like that out of the box yours won't quite say it like this but it's in the cui in fact so if you turn on quick properties pick on your pipe and click the cui button here I kind of look slightly different in 2014 and 13 but anyway it's a cui button and it launches you into the custom customize user interface the cui and it throws you right to the quick properties options for that pipe and here's where we can decide what to display input properties in here and also I've got slope invert elevation unfortunately doesn't have the the two slope options or you say hold start and hold end but you do it you do have some nice options there so another thing to consider when editing your pipes so that's quick properties and that's down here the icons on the left side in 2014 in previous they they took all these icons and they flipped them over the right side it's a significant change but I think it's for the better actually what how they've reorganized this stuff down there it gives us a little more drawing space alright let's put some of these structures in a profile view in fact we're going to take this centerline alignment and we're going to project those right to that profile view so that profile is right up here and it works a number of ways okay what I'm going to do is I'm going to pick the structures I want to draw in profile view in that case I'm going to grab this storm line just the main line here grab it all and you're gonna see why in a second I just grabbed the two manholes in the pipe there and then up here I'll have draw parts in profile view so I'll click that and then I'm gonna go click my profile view and now these show up in profile view okay once you have a single part in your profile view you can go to profile view properties and you get a pipe network stem so this won't show up until you get at least one part in there and what we can do now is we can check on and off different pieces different parts right so I can turn on different structures and add them to my profile view so I'm going to turn on all the structures and all the pipes and it gets a little messy so depending on the project you know if you have those those stub lines I see many people they will keep that in there like that other times depending on the project you don't want to show that okay so to get them out of profile view you can just go back to the properties or you can just pick on them when you pick on them here and you delete them that's just unchecking them in the profile view properties so if I'm just show those ones that are in line there I can delete the ones that are not part of it okay so the pipes we have here got three pipes in that line a couple other things here how do you get that to show up right out of the box it doesn't come in and there's there's a catch to this if you go to the structure style and on the display tab in this in the profile view you have to turn on structure pipe outlines and that's simple enough but the other part to it is that that pipe that you want to see that one coming out of the page that has to not be turned on in the profile view so that's the catch you have to turn it on here so that it shows it but also have it not be in the profile view so that's explains why we're not seeing some of these other pipes here so if I go back in here let's turn off all pipes so no pipes are showing now I just see the manholes but I'm gonna see those those crossing pipes and it's actually showing the ones in plain and the ones coming out of the page so a lot of different ways to handle this but I could just come back here now grab the ones I want to see one two and three say draw parts and profile view and now just those three pipes are in there and there's the single crossing or out of page pipe is showing up right there okay another thing box the pipe networks or the structures default to a two-foot sump okay you can go into part builder and modify that and reduce that sum to zero but you can also go right into structure properties okay and this is governed by a rule so when you drop in your part there's a rule set that governs how it comes in initially okay the out-of-the-box rule set doesn't have this one here this set some depth so let me open that up and show you that so out-of-the-box doesn't have set summed up so I would come in here add rule and grab these set some depth and set it to zero okay maybe some of your aware I'd you know I I think that two-foot some depth for storm it comes from when we used to collect sediment and our manholes so most of what we do these days it doesn't have that sump and storm but I think that's a holdover and you know whoever's putting these tools together that's where that came from that two-foot sump but it's it's easy enough to zero out because most of time we're not trying to trap that sediment oops add rule set some depth okay and okay apply rules and pull that inward down so I still have a floor to my catch basin there or to my manhole and that's what that depth is there but if I pick on the structure and I pick on the pipe those grips right there they have the same invert the pipe is right there that's the diamond grip the structure is the triangle grip same invert that rule set is governing that so use rule sets a bit to define default kind of ballpark starting parameters right a some depth of zero okay and what other kind of things would you say well let's let's dive into that parts list again look at those rule sets okay if it's pipes for example okay larger pipe can go in at flatter slopes okay so we can have instead of just one we'll set here we're gonna have multiple rule sets and we can set perhaps a different minimum slope for a 48 inch RCP or a 60 inch RCP that's that can be a lot flatter whereas the 12 inch RCP needs more slope on it okay so a fully set up parts list will likely have a whole different a lot of different rule sets for different pipes sizes okay and the structures we talked about that a little bit we've got the sump depths there's other values in there as well you can set to govern the invert drop across the structure a number of things like that okay and all that stuff is specified again in your parts list this is where you set it so that when you swap part it pulls that new rule set it pulls this new style and so forth so that's that's a good thing to shoot for here okay when you're modifying things in your drawing in your pipes or your structures if that's supposed to be something different notice I didn't go to structure properties here and simply change the style on it okay you don't want to do that you want to have part swapping govern all the properties and styles assigned to that part okay so the kind of modifications you would do in here maybe part properties changing inverts and that sort of thing but this type of stuff the name of it the description the styles let this the parts lists govern that one other structure here excuse me one other network I'm just gonna throw in a sanitary Network so we're gonna look at crossing pipes for a second this one I'll call sanitary we'll grab our sanitary parts list surface will be FG will hit okay and I'm gonna grab again a 48 inch structure with an 8 inch PVC and we'll drop this in I'm just gonna put in a couple structures just so we can look at the crossing pipes okay we want to see this crossing pipe show up in our profile view pick on the pipe pick draw parts and profile and then go pick your profile view and what we'll see is that that pipe shows up here but what we're actually seeing is that pipe coming in and out of the page or in and out of the screen okay and so that what I've seen many folks do is to grab that pipe go to pipe properties and change the style to pipe crossing sanitary and when I do that now we get that crossing style okay but what it does is it turns off my pipe and plan view here okay so the pipe crossing style is only showing in that way okay so the way this is meant to set up and you can kind of do all sorts of styles chasing okay you want to leave that pipe style the same leave it at I think it was single line sanitary leave it like that instead what we want is we want a style override in this profile view you go to profile view properties and now in here I see that sanitary Network okay you scroll over to the right here you have style override this is specific to this profile view they want to turn that on and in here and only in here are we grabbing the crossing pipe style and when I do that it gives me the nice ellipse like I expect to see and it also keeps my pipe intact down there so a nice workflow for this if you have a ton of entangled pipes crossing all over the place grab all the crossing pipes project all of them to the profile view and then come into the profile view properties and set all of them to a pipe crossing override and then those ones that don't cross won't show up it's a nice foolproof way if you're in real kind of dense urban situations we've got lots of underground pipe crossings some of you might know the the way this appears here why is that looking like that and I'm gonna have to email you guys because there's this really odd system very well and it escapes me at the moment but you're not stuck with that is the point I want to make there's a system variable it's really goofy I got to look it up again that dictates the tessellation of that pipe crossing okay so I'll be sure to get that to you guys and what we're actually seeing here is is it's showing both inside and outside wall of pipe so if I go in here go to display in the section view and show perhaps just inside I won't try that one more time at pipe style section sorry profile view crossing outside wall there it is a region okay so when you want more detail than that it's this system variable and I should have written it down it's there I promise it's there let me go back to my slide here so we talked about a number of designing options with pipe networks editing in slopes alignments and profiles the sump and crossing pipes how you handle that stuff then we went into we dabble in parts catalog and parts lists okay so parts catalog modifications we looked at pipe material changing that so it reads something different okay we talked about structure part sides name there's quite a bit to that and we don't have time to deep dive into everything on that but that's a nice parameter in the structure that you can use CID label and table things the way you want and the parts list okay so this is that go between the parts list is like a style it sits in your template okay and it's really just kind of a mapping it's telling civil3d what catalog parts to grab and and what to map in there and someone sent in they sent me that system variable let me go back there we got to do it now the yeah face I can draw variable down it was at 0.5 okay I put it 2.1 let's even go 0.05 for example you can really see the difference here okay so we get much more of an ellipse there okay so do it to the extent you need it right do a test plot how detailed does it need to be and in little and go with it there you know because once you get line weights plotting on this it's gonna you know it's doesn't need to be perfect the parts of this again set it up so it it is controlling everything and what that means is that you have to do part catalog of modifications okay when you bring parts into the parts list when I'm in here and I'm editing my parts list and I bring in another size all right I'm on my structures here and I say add part size that's now diving into the catalog okay so all this stuff the way this is named in your parts lists you don't want concrete structure or concentric structure 4824 all that stuff is coming from the part catalog itself okay that that happens to be as large formula in the part catalog itself telling it to call out the diameter that the frame size all that sort of stuff couple other things on parts lists style assignment it's key that you assign those styles in there and multiple parts catalog I just want to touch on this a little bit I know some of my clients out there do this and it's um it's uh it's a little tedious to set up but once you get it in place it makes it very useful in a situation as what about when I have an existing structure and I want that to show up in profile view right an existing sanitary you want to tie into okay in order to have that be controlled through the parts list we need to be able to swap part well if you want it the same size as perhaps it's proposed structure counterparts you can't have two sizes in the parts list under the same family okay so what it would it what it means is you make duplicate catalogs okay you make these modifications the way you want then you duplicate them okay and you change some of those material values in there the part size name and such and then you can pull information through you can assign different styles than you can assign different different options different rule sets all sorts of things in there and then in it's sounds like a little bit of a pain but that that is the answer to having you know existing structures and to be able to access those just through the Swap part option so you could even have a third catalogue in that that might be a future catalog so proposed existing and future I want to touch on a couple other things then we do have a couple questions showing up that we'll try to touch on and if and if we can't address them right in the webinar here we will definitely reach out to you and send you e-mail or give you a ring and and help you out with them so a few other things the part mapping to storm and sanitary analysis I just want to touch on that and also staking of pipe networks how do you handle that so three D here when you grabbed a pipe Network and you want to run an analysis on it in storm and sanitary analysis okay you pick on a structure you have that option right here edit in storm and sanitary analysis I'll just click this and I'll just let it push it right to SSA so it automatically opens SSA we'll see that show up in a second here and it basically does an overlay or like an xref of our drawing and then it takes our pipe network and it converts it into storm and sanitary analysis pipe in structure objects and so looking over here Izu min i'll see that same DWG basically referenced back there and now I have a SSA catalog here okay and so here's that catch basin that Inlet okay what dictates what kind of structure it gets in there cuz this is different it's it's not the exact same structure we have these are mapped to different parts but to make this fairly seamless you have to say what what is mapped to what and so what that looks like back in civil 3d if you go to your settings tab and you go to your pipe Network feature settings you have storm sewers migration defaults and if I have I click here part matching defaults I get a part matchup settings dialog box and with two tabs import and export so the import this is when I'm excuse me the export this is when I'm going from civil3d to SSA and I have a list of all the parts and my catalog here the part types and what storm sewers partners what SSA parts it would go to then I have the reverse when I'm coming back from SSA what civil 3d structure does it go to okay so these are saved in your template once again what about staking pipe networks okay if it's just the structure Center you're after okay if you just want to be able to stake that Center a barrel okay on toolbox tab you have reports you have pipes and you have structures in CSV okay and I can push these out and it'll spit it out to a CSV and I can delete some columns and things like that and I'll have a point for like and then steak but what it takes is it takes the barrel center in northern a nice tea and then it takes the rim invert elevation or excuse me the rim elevation not the invert elevation okay excuse me that also gives you the sump elevation so you do have the invert there but what if you need a stake more than that what if you need to be staking along the pipe for example okay you could take these and you could create you know a line in your data collector for example between the two parts but what what may work a little nicer is for you to draw that profile in so I see a number of people doing this and what this is is to create a design profile so profile creation tools we'll call it storm invert I'm going to drop this in here so can be a tedious but it's nice and that you do the work right in here okay and at this point I'm just picking on the edge of the pipe as it comes into the structure okay and then you kind of need to tweak it a little bit more so you may you know you have to connect to those pipes so that you can stake anywhere along that that profile but if you want to be staking at it invert on that structure well I got to put in another pbi here okay and kind of a trick here is if you pick on the structure and pick on the layout profile I have the two grips here so there's my bottom invert and I can use that grips there to snap to that okay now as the surveyor I can toggle through those three locations there and I can stake in rid of the structure and I can also go anywhere along that profile okay so I can export this to XML okay with the Trimble link add-on for example I can export to an R excel file that'll take an alignment and a profile and it's fairly foolproof for that that surveyor is taking this then so there's there's a couple of questions about object and neighbors and they get fairly involved there they're a little bit off topic so we'll address those after the fact but there was a question about is there a civil 3d scheme and that documents how these tables and catalogs interact kind of sorta not really there's some documentation out there but there isn't anything all that extensive or necessarily up-to-date so it's now what I say it is it depends on how much modification you need to do in there the you know the basics of it is you have a part catalogue that sits in your C program data folder okay when you draw in a structure or a pipe that's coming from a parts list that parts list just Maps it to the part catalogue okay now part catalog can sit on the net work it can sit anywhere in fact if I jump back to civil 3d here here's my set pipe Network catalog option right here okay so that sits in C program data but obviously we could put that on a network for all to use the same customized catalog the interaction you want to go for like I say as much as possible you want to be able to swap parts from one item in the parts list to another item because that parts list is always retrieving from the catalog when you're doing changes like I said just picking on the structure and going to the structure properties that's not pulling from the catalog and anyone got that stuff to pull from the source it's um another question is there a way to raise lower an entire pipe Network at once and I assume you mean keep the rims at the same location but lower the entire thing down or maybe it's lower than absolutely everything down there is no raise lower option for all that it's it's a little more tedious of course you could you know if it was just rims you were trying to bring down you could of course create a different surface paste in the original surface into it and do a raise lower on that surface and then he could change the reference surface on all those structures and that would push the rims down if you reapplied rules to pipes and such it would push those down but it wouldn't be an even thing so there's unfortunately there's no easy button there that I know of I got one more question here that so much is sent in is there a way to use the apply rules button or option to keep the point one in over drop by modifying the uphill pipe no it's kind of messy if I follow what you're asking it's a little tricky but but go ahead and email in and let's um let me look at your specific situation and maybe we can figure out a better way to do it thanks everyone for watching again this stuff will be recorded it's on YouTube in it you know these are meant to be just kind of a little where we dabble into things here and there give you guys tips and tricks maybe bring a few things your attention you weren't aware of but yeah so will be posted on YouTube that you can share with some of your co-workers otherwise let us know about some more in-depth information we do training and all sorts of support on this stuff at all different levels so let us know how we can all we can help you guys with that thanks a lot for tuning in and we'll see you guys next time
Channel: ATG USA
Views: 24,451
Rating: 4.9160838 out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Civil 3D, High Quality Designs, Coordinated Designs, Architecture, MEP, Structural, Detailing, Engineering, AEC, AEC Industry, Construction, Integrated Tools, Infrastructure, Projects, Design, Competitive, BIM, CAD, Workflows, Faster Site Layout, Documentation, Software, Civil, Drafting, Integrated Features, Powerful Reporting, Design Driven Documentation, Respond Faster, Adjust Gradings Quickly
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 54sec (3414 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 29 2018
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