How to use OTT - OTT Tutorial - Ableton OTT, Xfer OTT - Multiband Compression - Ableton Live 10

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all right so hey everybody welcome to my channel off the beat my name's Fabian and I hope you stick around because today we're going to be talking about OTT OTT compression what does it do how can you use it in your own tracks we're gonna cover it a little bit in depth but I'm also gonna make it easy for you beginners so you can wrap your head around compression multiband and just OTT in general so with that said let's dive in and have a look alright so first image here you can see we've got this like a simple wave form and that's just me talking and that's represented by time because it goes over about 10 seconds and then on the left the y-axis the vertical axis we have DB which is volume and the blue line represents zero volume and then the highest peak at the top there is their loudest part of their audio signal so if we lower this this red line down and the red line is corresponds to the threshold setting on a compressor so if we lower the threshold level down you can see some of these Peaks starting to get poked up the top poked above the top of the threshold now what a compressor does is it lowers the volume of the peaks above the threshold this is called downwards compression so we can choose how much we want that volume to be reduced or gain to be reduced by the ratio setting having a ratio setting of say two to one means that every two decibels of signal that are above the ratio only one decibel gets let through or a ratio of 5 to 1 for every 5 decibels above the ratio only one gets through so you can use the ratio to determine how much compression you want now let's talk about upwards compression because there is upwards compression in multiband compression so what upwards compression is it works on the same manner except for any volume that is below the threshold gets turned up where before it was any volume above the threshold gets turned down so it works in the opposite over downwards compression so now on this second image I want to show you what mole and means now I took a snapshot of that of that um bocal that was recorded that you saw before and you can see that represented in this image here and you can see the Hertz so anywhere from 20 Hertz all the way up to 20 kilohertz and we have the decibel which is a volume on the y-axis and yeah the Hertz on the x-axis so you can see these these different colored bands here represented with numbers 1 2 3 4 now the 1 represents from 20 Hertz to 140 Hertz which is bass we have 2 Hertz and two sorry which is 142 2 K which is Mint's then we have 2 K 2 temperatures high mids and then 10 K to 20 which is highs now each one of these bands can be compressed differently now our normal compressor will compress the signal as a whole where a multiband compressor will compress individual frequency bands all right so let's drag in a multiband compressor and that is in audio effects multiband dynamics and then just click and drag it on here now you can see we have the highs means and lows now each one of these these are bands is controlled with the controls in that row so you can see we have the frequency range of each band the mids don't have the controls because it's just in between these two settings we have an input to control the input signal we have an output to control the output signal and then this section at the back here is the master output and a master attack control and a dry/wet knob now this is where it starts getting a little bit confusing but I'm going to try and clear it up a little bit and then we can move on to OTT so this section these boxes here represent the threshold of the downwards compression so now we can see we're lowering the threshold of the downwards compressor the compressor and then we're raising the threshold of the upwards compressor so if we click in and drag inside of this up or down now we're changing the ratio so this is probably going to be like a 6 to 1 ratio or something like that and we can check that by having a look 7 to 1 ratio and you can see it's changing there if you want to look above for downwards compression you can see we're changing it there like that now you can do this you can compress each individual band separately now when it comes to multi I sorry to OTT let's drag an OTT on here as well and get rid of this one you can see this preset has already compressed this sound so now let's load this onto a sound and see how it effects that sound okay so I've just loaded up the standard Ableton piano here and what I'm going to do I'm going to drag the OTT on it disable it and I'm going to show you what it sounds like before OTT you and thereafter OTT [Music] you as you can hear there is a lot more harmonics and a lot more excitement going on in that top end and that is basically because of all of this this compression that's happened in here it is really compressed the whole sound downwards compression and upwards compression so rather than get stuck into all of this stuff we can simply use these three knobs here to choose how much of that compression we want to use let's listen to this and adjust and lower the dry/wet knob until we find a sweet spot you [Music] okay so I've chosen three instruments here a piano are based on a super saw and I'm gonna show you each one with em without OTT [Music] [Music] okay so to summarize OTT is just compression on individual frequency bands now as a beginner I would just use the output the time and the amount knobs to your advantage and forget about everything else then experiment with using it on different different instruments like you can use this thing on everything and also if you want to emphasize your effects put the effects before the OTT alright guys well I hope this helps and I hope it's helped shed some knowledge on compression and on multiband dynamics and all that sort of stuff so if you like this video hit the thumbs up leave a comment hit the bowel notification and I'm gonna continue making them so I'll see you when I see you [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Off The Beat Music
Views: 23,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: OTT, what is ott, how to use ott, xfer ott, ableton ott, multiband compression, downward compression, upward compression, multiband dynamics, how to use compression, audio compression, compression tutorial, compression, parallel compression, compressor, mixing, compression ratio, music production, ableton live, ableton live 10, Ableton tutorial, edm, beginner ableton tutorials, ableton beginner, audio compression tutorial, off the beat music, how to produce music, ott tutorial
Id: TJPT8kJ6Kf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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