How to use Netlify Identity and Netlify Functions (with Shawn Wang) — Learn With Jason

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- Hello, everyone, and welcome to another episode of Learn with Jason. Today we've got Shawn Wang. Shawn, thanks so much for coming on. - Hey, thanks for having me. - Yeah, so today, we are going to learn about Netlify and specifically, we're gonna learn about Netlify Functions and Identity. Is that right? - Yeah, hopefully, it's a lot to cover, but hopefully we'll get it done. - Okay, so um, do you wanna maybe, I guess as a start, like Netlify has a whole suite of products; and so I think the one that most of us would be familiar with is Netlify Build, right? This is how we're publishing our GitHub repos onto the web, using Netlify. - That's right. So actually, we never called it Netlify Build until probably about three or four months ago. And essentially Netlify, you know we rebranded our offerings into three different things: there's Netlify Dev, Build, and Edge. And that's on your screen right now. And so Build is, yeah and Edge, so Build is the primary thing that people know Netlify for, which is our a build bot. We help to run the build processors to outside generators, and then host them as static sites, on our CDN. So we're a CDN first hosting platform. And then we released Netlify Dev recently and that was the CLI developer net, we can talk about that, which is just running the local, well, taking your entire production environment and running it locally, so you can test before you actually push to production. And then finally, Edge, is something that we'll be talking more about in the future with sort of smart Edge, it's called Edge Logic, which is pretty similar to, I can't really go into much detail, mainly because I don't know that much detail about it. - That's how I, people are like, "What is Gatsby build?" And I'm like, "I would love to tell you, "but I swear I don't understand how the technology works." (laughing) - Basically, so you know that thing, so you and I were at Gatsby days, and people were asking about redirects and how complicated some redirect setups can be. Currently, in Netlify, it's a static file, where you define redirect from this to this with some status code or some other kind of. There's some flexibility in how you do the placeholders and stuff. - Okay. - But what we want to get into is programmatic redirection, so you can actually use code to direct people back and forth; and we're gonna be using some web assembly on the Edge. - Oh, well, that's pretty cool. - So we're hiring for that (chuckles). - So this is kind of, but today we're actually talking about add-ons, not products. And the first one that we're gonna look at is Functions. And so Functions is not like a unique to Netlify thing, but just the idea of serverless functions. Do you want to, actually, do you want to talk a little bit about how those work and then we can talk about how they work at Netlify specifically? - How Functions work? - Well yeah, just in general, because I feel like this is, when you start talking about serverless, it's a new mental head space to get into; because it isn't immediately intuitive. Because like of course there's a server, right? - Mm hmm. Sure, so the way, for total newbies, it's essentially, you know, compute on demand. Where previously you would have a virtual private server, or some sort of box, you know, sitting somewhere, like a digital ocean or something, and you're paying per month, like $5 or something; with Functions, it's essentially like compute on demand, whenever it's being used, you get charged, for example, per invocation. And so it scales up and scales down together with your usage. And it's pretty good for Speccy loads as well as stuff that, you know, it's a side project, you don't anticipate much usage. We have a pretty generous fee here, I think it's like a minute, or something. Actually no, it's like 100 thousand per month? Per week? It's on the pricing page. But I've never run into it. But it's actually stateless Functions to execute. It's really good, in particular, if you're hosting a Gatsby website and you have some API keys that you don't want to disclose to your front end. What you basically do, is your stick your API keys in a Function and then, from your front end, you just call the Function. And that basically hides your token and that's a really good first use of a service Function. - Interesting, yeah. So if we have, probably we'll do a proof of concept here, with something simple like newsletter option, or whatever, but that's kind of what you would want. So if you have a static site, like a Gatsby site, and you want to make it do something, on user interaction, that needs to get stored, or sent somewhere; you could just do that directly through like a fetch call, but that back end has to exist somewhere. And so some hosted platforms, you know, like if you're trying to sign somebody up for MailChimp, MailChimp's already got the server running, you just have to send something to that server; but if you were trying to save like your own database, like a good example of this is, Kyle Shevlin did something on his personal site that I think is really clever, where he did... Is it .com? He did a beard strokes. And so when you get to the end of the article, if you want to tell him that he did a good job, you can stroke his beard. - Stroke his beard! - Right? And so, in order to do this, he needed a way to store this information. Now I don't know how he built it, but I bet we could rip this feature off today and build our own beard stroking, or you know, whatever we want to make it, and we could do that through Netlify Functions. We'll be able to send it somewhere using a Function, right? - Yeah, totally. So one thing that is still not a super smooth part, it gets easier every year, but one thing that it doesn't do is have storage in it: so it's only serverless compute and it doesn't have serverless storage. For actual storage solutions, there are other options that we can discuss. And, in the Netlify world, that is primarily provided through add-ons. And we have a bunch of other add-ons that we can talk about. - Sure. - So yeah, it's not directly listed here, but I can talk about those, when we get there. - Okay. Well, so another thing that you can I talked about a little bit before, is Netlify Identity. And so we've done a handful of streams on here, about how Identity works. And so we've set it up with Auth0, we've set it up with Okta, and no matter how, and they've both done a good job of making this easy, but still there's a lot to think about. Because OAuth is a complicated thing, it requires like you gotta go to a server, and then you gotta come back, and then you gotta go back to the server, and then you end up with a token. Then you gotta store that token and make sure that you use it when you send calls. And it's just a lot of things, it's a lot of hoops to jump through, if you're not really familiar with that world. And you have been working on something that I thought was really cool, and so maybe, I thought, the first thing we could do is let's just build a site, and then let's hook that up: let's set up Netlify Identity so that we can log in to this website. - Yeah, totally. And I think, this is one thing about Netlify, which I didn't appreciate before I joined, but not I get more and more excited about it, is that it's not like that, you can absolutely use Auth0 and Okta, and whatever, with Netlify. And Netlify tries to stay technology agnostic, but it tries to iron the path, so to steam iron the path of, you know, of common user problems. And that's where I position Netlify Identity. It's not gonna be as full featured as Auth0 or Okta, because those are, I mean they're entire giant unicorn companies, dedicated to the problem of OAuth. But for most solutions, Netlify Identity's gonna be good enough. And for that trade off in complexity, we get a much easier set up experience: that's why I like Netlify. - Yeah, cool. So what I'm doing right now, is I'm just setting up a default Gatsby site. We're gonna use the default starter. I've got no major changes here. So what I figured we can do, is we can build a page that we want to be authenticated. Or even just some data that we want to be user gated, so maybe a profile widget or something. And we'll be able to use, like you built a package for this, right? - A package for? - For the wrapping Netlify Identity? - Yeah, yeah, it's called React Netlify Identity. A very creative name. - I think that's a good name for a package, it does what it says on the tin, right? - Yeah (chuckles). And my dream is to eventually make it into a generic thing: so React Identity. So this is just a React hook. So there's no UI bundle with this. And, obviously, I'm a super lazy guy, and when I wanna just throw off on something, I want the UI to come with it, so that I don't have to code it. So there's also React Netlify Identity Widget. And so those are two levels of extraction, depending on how much sugar you want. - Okay. Well so, just to give us a baseline of where we are, I'm gonna run Yarn Develop. And this is gonna get us, just kind of where the site is by default. And this, should be running at localhost:8000. Okay, we're waiting for the site to start up here, so it's just telling us to chill. Okay, here we go. Alright, so we've got a default starter. Let me make that a little bit smaller: that's kind of absurd. And this is pretty straightforward. So we've got a simple page, we've got a page two, and that's kind of what exists, in this starter. So the next thing that we want to do, is I want to install react-netlify-identity. I guess I have to actually add it. - Um so my question is, do you want the widget, or do you want the Identity, or just the React hook? - That's a great question, I don't know. What's the difference? - Let's do the React hook. Uh, sorry, let's do the widget, so you should have the widget at the end: -widget. - And do I still need this package? - Sorry? - Is it still the right? - No. It re-exports, yeah. - Okay, so I'm gonna install this. And then-- - No, uh. It re-exports, so. - Oh, not. Okay, so what am I installing? - So: yarn add react-netlify-identity-widget. - react-netlify-identity-widget. Oh, got it, I understand. - Yeah. - Okay. - I think we'll also need Identity page plugin, if that's what you want to do. For Gatsby. - So we've got a widget. And what's the page plugin? - Um, are you doing a dynamic page, or are you just, no, no, no, no. Not, this is a Gatsby thing. - Oh. - Are you doing a dynamic page or do you just wanna do a login on this form? On this static page? - I don't know, what do you think? (laughs) Like, we can go either way. - Yeah, you know what, let's keep it simple, and let's just do this page. So we got the Identity widget. - Yes, it is now installed. - Right. And so now we have to just, you know, import it somewhere. - Okay. Let's make the whole site, we'll have to login for the whole site. So I'm gonna put it in the layout. Okay. And so what am I, what do I want to import here? - Right, so you're importing, useNetlifyIdentity, that's the hook. Yeah, de-structured. - And is this de-structured? Okay. useNetlifyIdentity. - This is on the ReadMe, by the way, you can just copy and paste. - Oh cool, yeah, let's take a look at the ReadMe. So we're going to, oh, do I need to get all these? - Oh yeah! I forgot about that! I'm sorry. - No, no, no worries. That's what ReadMes are for. - There should peer dependency warning. - Honestly, there may have been, I totally wasn't reading. Um, yes there is. So we're going to add all of these. And then, so I'm gonna get the useNetlifyIdentity and the ContextProvider. - And the CSS. - And then the CSS. Okay. So I will just stick these up at the top. And, what don't you like? It's fine, it's fine. Okay. And then, once we get down in here. - So inside your layout component, you have to useNetlifyIdentity. - Okay, and am I doing this? - There's a hook, yeah, so you gotta change that into a one of those things, yup. - Okay. And what comes out of it? - Alright, so it's const identity = useNetlifyIdentity and then whatever your deployed site thing is. - Oh, so we need to deploy this before we can do anything with it? - Um, you don't have to, you just need to link up those sites. So if you open up your terminal, and you go netlify init. - Do I have Netlify? No, okay, do I install this with Brew? - Yeah, npm i -g netlify-cli. - netlify-cli. - Uh-huh. - Yeah so, I have to make a confession, I use Netlify all the time, but I literally only use one thing from Netlify. I've always just used it as like, it's kind of a CI. You know like, I set it up for a site and I let it rip. And then I haven't dug into any of the other features, which is why I'm so excited to have you on today, because I feel like I'm foolish for not using the Identity and the Functions; because they're just like sitting there, easy to be done, and I'm over here like messing with AWS Lambda, like a Luddite. (laughs) - The a thing about tech-- - I'm just kidding, Nader Dabit, if you're watching. - you know, once we know how to do a thing, and it's not a broken, like there's very little incentive to change your habits, so it's fine. Oh, and just to be clear, you don't have to use the CLI to do this. This is just the way I prefer to do it. It is really that much easier. - Okay, so now I have Netlify. - Okay, so now we're in the repo that you're working on. So all you just do is just netlify init. - Okay, netlify init. - Mm hmm. And it just walks you through... Whoa, oh, okay, it's asking you to login for the first time. - Okay, that makes sense. - Alright, just head back to your uh-- - Close this window, back to the terminal. - Um so, you're not linked to GitHub. So actually I'm not sure if, yeah. - Let's see what happens. - Let's link it up to GitHub. - Hit that button, oh and it wants me to do stuff now. Okay, so let me do... How does this command work? It's like, git create, and then I'm gonna call this netlify-gatsby, or wait, identity. I don't know, that's a bad name for a repo, but I'm rolling with it. (chuckles) - Is this the hub functionality? - Yeah. I love hub, like I don't know how I would exist without hub. Let me-- - You know how you're a bit guilty about not using this the CLI? I don't use hub to create my repos. I go onto the website. - I, oh my God, it's amazing, it's like, I added a couple of aliases for it, and like all the tab completion and stuff, and it legitimately changed my life as an open source maintainer; because so many things that you can do fast. Okay, so I have-- - Yeah, you can ping on PRs and just review PRs just by their PR number, which is awesome. - For sure. And so I have done almost all of this. So now if I do like a git remote, it'll show me that I have it. So it did that. Did I commit anything though? So let me just add everything. And let's figure out what's in here. Good. Good, good, good. And we will just git commit. I don't know, I forget what we were working on. We're just gonna commit as is. No, that's gonna break, I can't do that. We're gonna git reset. Git status. Okay, so we're not gonna commit that, so let me just push. Alright, so now, I've pushed code, so if I run netlify init again. It is already authorized. And I'm going to - So you're gonna create reconfigure on your site. - create reconfigure. Okay. And we will call this. - Now just the site name. Up to you, you can just hit enter if you want a random site name. - Uh, I feel like I'm gonna need to link to this from somewhere. I still don't know. - Alright, just name it the same thing. - netlify-identity-functions. That's bad, it's such a bad name, what have I done? I'll put it on my team. Um. What is this? What is it doing? - Why is it asking for your... Oh, it's asking so it can commit to Git for you. - Oh. - Why is it asking that? - I don't know. - This is new. I'm always logged in, so this new for me. - Yeah, maybe I need to do some kind of an Auth thing. Uh, whatever, let me pull it up. I'll just grab. Let's see, hold please. - Damn, this is the real, like first-timer experience right here. - Yeah, like I said, I come in completely unprepared for these. (laughing) - You know, obviously I started using this a long time ago, so I don't even remember. - Oh come on, what is. Or hold on, now I gotta look up my, Thank you for doing this through GitHub, - this is gonna be like a first time thing. - I am so upset. - I never run into this. - Alright, let's do this. And. - Okay, so this is yarn build. - Yarn build. - And for Gatsby, I think the directory you deploy is public. Mm hmm. Uh, yes. And just hit enter. - Yes. - So, you used to have to set up, manually set up Netlify tunnel, and now we just write, whatever you just wrote, into a Netlify tunnel. And now we create hooks for you so that whenever you push, it deploys to Netlify. - Cool. That's pretty awesome. And then if I just do netlify open. - Okay, so netlify open, yeah. Yeah, you knew about that. - Well I was just reading it. (laughs) it opened in my other browser, so let me open it here. - Okay, so now it's deploying for the first time. One thing that we should set up now. Well it's gonna be-- - But we don't have to watch, I just love, I just love seeing that: that like I didn't touch Netlify's site at all and that deploy's like already running. That always makes me happy. So now I need to set up Identity, right? - Now, so we're gonna go to Identity. Yeah, well it's just one click. So just Enable Identity. - Oh, I just Enable Identity. - Um, you know what, we're gonna do some extra stuff as well. So let's go to, actually no, let's just leave it at this. So the default Identity experience, is just username and pass, well email and password. And we set up email confirmation for people as well. So we're just gonna do that, but then Google Auth, and GitHub Auth later. - Okay. - So let's head back to the code. So we can grab this, yeah we can grab this site right. So - Do I want the whole thing, or? - No, just the .com. - Okay. - I should probably parse it so it's somewhat resilient. And stick that as a string into there. - Okay. So we're adding that. And now I have an identity. - Right. So you're gonna use the provider. IdentityContectProvider. Yep. - Okay. - And stick that around your layout or your children. Do you have a children, if you scroll down? - I do have a children. I'm actually wondering if I wanna do this as a, like wrapping the root element, cause other wise this is gonna un-mount and remount on every page navigation. Um. I mean I guess it doesn't really matter. - Let's see what happens, and we can fix it. - Yeah, it may matter, let's find out. Okay. And then do I need to pass the identity into it? - Uh-huh, value=identity. - Value=identity? - Yeah, that's just how React's context works. Okay, so now we've got it all set up, and now we can use this thing. - Somewhere. - We also need to, yeah we have to use it somewhere. (chuckles) - Oh wait, I wanna be able to use it in the header, so I'm gonna wrap more. I wanna put it up here. - Okay. - So I'm gonna use it instead of a fragment. Okay, and then there was something else? - And let's add in modals. So the extra thing that ships with React Netlify Identity Widget, is a modal. And that's the default export. - Default export. So I can just call it like Identity, I can call it whatever I want then? - Yeah, I call it IdentityModal, that's exactly what's in the docs. (chuckles) - Okay. And then? - And then, just stick it at the bottom. It's a portal, so it really doesn't matter where you put it. Just somewhere inside. - Alright, then I'll just throw it down at the bottom so that I don't have to do any, - IdentityModal - any stuff. Do I have to pass it anything? - I'm sorry? - Do I have to pass it anything or does it grab it out of the context? - Yeah, yeah. So if you look at the docs, what I have is a Boolean and so this, right, yeah okay. So if you look at the docs, what I have is a Boolean, and it's like, you just have true false. Oh I have a suspense in there as well, just cause why not, right? (chuckles) - Okay, so we've got this modal. - So it's, yeah showDialog=true or false. And then what happens when you want to close it, is you set it back to false again. Or you can do other commands. So here's a question of where do you want to put state? Do you want to put the state in the top level? Or do you want to control it somewhere lower down? My suggestion is, actually, we should probably implement this modal outside of this layout component and inside one of your pages, so that we can collocate the state. - Yeah, let's, you know what, let's toss it in the header, so let's do that. We will um... We won't grab it from here. And instead, we'll go into the header, and so now I'm going to import IdentityModal from react-netlify-identity-widget. And then here, I can, do I need to, do I need to get like the context consumer or something? Here I can just use state, right? Like I'm not doing anything magic? - I'm sorry, I'm a bit confused. You can use state, yeah you can use state. Yup. - Okay, so I'm just-- - Yup, there's no consumer, cause the hook wraps the consumer for you. - Okay. So I'm able to showDialogue and that needs to be a value, so the value that-- - You can copy and paste from the docs. - Yeah, I think, I try not to copy paste to much, because it's, like I have a hard time learning if I don't type something out; and I think just kinda stepping through it is also really helpful. So we're gonna set up a const of like showDialogue and setShowDialogue. And by default, we want this to be false, so we're gonna initialize a react state with false. And make sure that we import useState. - I always do the React.useState, cause I can't be bothered. - Oh, yeah yeah. Man, I remember I used to do that all the time and then at some point I stopped. And it left my brain so fast that that was even possible. It's really bazar how quickly I just forget how everything on the internet works. (laughs) So we have this showDialogue, so I can use this now, to say we've got the Identity Modal and we're not gonna show it. But, we do want to have some logic to show it. - Mm hmm. So this is closing it from inside. - So this is where we need like a login button. - Yep, you can take the button. - Got it. - And I call it setDialogue, but whatever you wanna do. - So here we have, I'm gonna have to do some gnarly inline styling here, but we're gonna do a button. Is this, wait, for accessibility, should this be a button or a link, to do a login home? - I think it's a button. - Is it, yeah? Yeah. - Cause you're not navigating anywhere. - That's right. - Just it does a thing. - Is Amberley in the chat still? Because she's our resident access-- - She was. - We need the accessibility chops here, Amberley. I'm gonna start writing this and then she's gonna tell me that we're wrong. - Is it a button? (laughs) Do you have a poll function on Twitch? - Uh, I don't know actually. That's a great question. - Oh no, I typed all caps and it warned me. (laughing) Message deleted by moderator. - I need to chill that moderator out. I thought that it would be helpful and it's just been a pain in the ass. I think I need to turn it off. So we're gonna setShowDialogue to false. - You're not the boss of me, Nightbot. (chuckling) - And then we're gonna say Log In. And so we wanna show the dialogue when you click that button. And I'm going to need... This is gonna look hideous. But we can stop and restart the server. So let's go yarn develop. And as this gets running, what we should see is an un-styled button, making our header all ugly. There it is. So now, if I click. - Oo. - That's pretty slick, that's pretty cool. Um, but, nothing happens, because we didn't set up the onClose dialogue. So here, I need. - What do you mean? - I just didn't add the prop. So on here, I got the onCloseDialogue and I'm just going to setShowDialogue to false when someone clicks that button. And so now. If I click, it goes away. - Yeah, hit Escape. Oo. - Nicely done. (chuckles) Okay, and then, if I, oh yeah, we've got keyboard nav. - That actually comes from Ryan Florence's React Reach Dialogue. So I didn't have to do any accessibility stuff, it just comes with it built in, which I really like. - Yeah, I think the only feedback that you're gonna get is there's no active state on these tabs. So yeah. This is super cool, man, this is great work. And to sign up, so can I just sign up? Like I can just pick a username and a password and roll? - Yeah. - Alright, let's do it, I'm gonna. - So it, by default, it asks you to confirm your email. Oh that, just like your first name. - Yeah, that's reading comprehension. Let's see. What password can I make up? - I don't know, doesn't matter. (chuckles) Just remember it. - Oh no, here's what I've learned: whenever I do something easy, somebody in this chat, is gonna start messing with me immediately, so I have to make sure that I'm like actually secure in here. I did one a while back, with Hasura, and we didn't immediately set up security on the database, because we were like, "Oh, let's look "at how some of this stuff works." And then somebody just kept changing all of our field values to "secure your database." Which (laughs). - Hey, that's, I mean, that's a friendly hacker right there. - Yup, yup I-- - So by default, Netlify sends you a confirmation email but you don't have to insist on a confirmation, you can actually opt out of it. I like that, because some people don't want to confirm, right? They'll just enter in a fake email. So inside of the Identity tab, if you go over to the Netlify page on the top right. You can go down to Settings and usage I guess. - Okay. - And if you scroll down, there's a way to opt out of the confirmation. Scroll down, scroll down, scroll down, down, down, down, down, down. So there's open invitation, right? Yeah, oh, um. No, if you scroll up I think. Oh, confirm, oh hang on. Sorry, I'm like looking at it through your screen, and I don't know where it is. - Do I want to autoconfirm yes? - Right, so, oh. So it just says no? - Is that what I'm doing? Well right now it's not auto. - So autoconfirm turns is off. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So "Allow users to sign up "without verifying their email address." So right now it's emailed you. And so it doesn't, it has a flag on user object, saying whether the user's confirmed or not so that you can choose to allow access or not, based on whether the user's confirmed. Or show like a reminder like, "Hey you haven't confirmed your email yet." - And does this show up in the, like I wanna just dump some context here. So let's go into the page. And I'm logged in now, so if I wanna access this user object, am I just calling useNetlifyIdentity or? - useNetlifyIdentity, yeah. - Okay, so I am going to import useNetlifyIdentity from Netlify here. And then, here, I want to just dump it out and see what we've got. So we'll do one of these: identity is useNetlifyIdentity, and I need to find that URL again, which was in here somewhere. What I should do, is make this into an environment variable, so that I can use it in multiple places. Then, in here, I'm just going to do a dump. So we'll just do a pre-tag. Then we'll do JSON.stringify. Set the identity in there, and then, because we want it to look okay, we're going to set the spacing. - Yeah, the null 2. Always the null 2. - Do you know what the null is for? I looked it up once, and I've never remembered it. And I don't think I've ever set anything other. - It's like your delimiter and all that. - Okay. Oh cool, alright. So we have, whether or not we're confirmed, which is awesome. And then, whether or not we're logged in, which apparently I'm not logged in. And that's because I, like am I, do I need to run a check to make sure that I'm logged in? Cause I did log in, but it looks like it doesn't believe me. - Are you logged in? I'm sorry. So you've reloaded - I thought I was. Right, but-- - But you haven't logged in yet. Oh. What is this? Let's see. So it's confirmed user. Is logged in. - So it says I'm logged in. But it's not. - Let me have a look at the code. So you should have an object called Identity.user. And you don't right now. - Yeah, it's almost like it's pulling a separate instance? But, actually let me double check. Did I? I didn't put this outside of the layout, no, it's inside the layout. But I called useNetlifyIdentity outside of the layout. So that's probably what happened, right? Cause it's outside of the provider? - Um. Sure. But it's lazy, it's lazy in initialize, so I don't feel like it matters. - No, I think it has something to do with hook's call order. - Okay. - Um, let's experiment here, because I'm pretty sure, pretty sure this is what's going on. So, when we do... Let's see, we're gonna grab this. And drop that in. And then I'm going to, Indentity is here. And then we can just, actually no, we need this. Okay. And then, we're going to return that pre-tag. - Faraz from the chat says we should just try refreshing. - I did. So here's my theory, my theory is, like providers in hooks, need to be called from the same level. And the layout is being called below, where we were initially calling that hook, so it was effectively getting a different instance of Identity. And so, by putting it in here, and then we'll import Identity, from components/identity. Then what I'll be able to do is, we'll initialize it within the hook. And so it will actually be showing the data. I hope. Okay, am I logged in? No, okay, so now I'm not logged in. Okay, so let me log in again. Oh, I hope I remember this. - Email not confirmed. Ah, so this was before we set the. You can just sign up a new email. (laughs) Cause now it's gonna autoconfirm. Or unless you-- - Actually I didn't, I didn't change that setting. Let me just go, um. It's Just gimme a second off screen while I confirm my email address. I am confirming. Okay, I am confirmed and now I am going to log in again. Maybe I need refresh the page. - So, yeah. And again, this is something that I recently coded, so there may be edge cases which I never thought about. - Email not confirmed, why don't you think I'm confirmed? - It, so what I think it's doing, so the confirmation step, basically it requires you to deploy this thing with the Netlify Identity, so that it captures the, cause we email you a link, you click the link, and it has some token to it for confirming; and then we parse that token and we parse the confirmation. So that logic is not done, because you haven't deployed this yet. - Okay. So now I am logged in. And if I log in. What, why, what? Okay, so now it's not finding my info. Um, so. Do I-- - So the second JSON. So the second JSON should not require log in. - Okay, I don't think I actually saved this. Allow users to sign up without verifying their email addresses. Okay. So then, I'm gonna refresh the page. Get a new one. Let's sign up again. This time we'll be test three. God, I don't know why I can't remember to not type an email into that first field. - I mean, that's good user feedback. Like, I should probably pop up something that says, yeah. - So now, I have this. And I'm just gonna navigate here and then back. It shows that I'm still not logged in. - Uh-oh. - And it's dumping that log in. So, will it let me? - So I wonder if this is because of the Gatsby SSR thing? Like, where's layout coming in? - It's being wrapped around each page. - Hmm. Okay. - Okay so, oh, oh, oh! No, it worked this time, it stuck this time. So now we've got user object. - Maybe it just took a while to update the page. I've never had this delay before. But yeah, you have a user object. It's got all the metadata that you need, including whether it's confirmed or not. Yeah, so we autoconfirmed you. So that's what happened, you see all the way down there? - Confirmed_at, yeah. isConfirmed true. - You can use the user metadata, like the full name, and then you can add extra metadata when you sign up. So if you have a bigger forum, if you want like, you know, where they're from, some other details about them, you can add more metadata onto there. But yeah, that's your basic Identity setup, and you can-- - Yeah, and so if I wanted to, in here, like instead of this, we could, well actually, let's in addition to this. - Like, Hello first name. - Yeah. We can do, identity.user.user_metadata. - - Is it full_name? - Just name. Is it full_name? I think it's just, oh it's full_name. Huh. - Full_name. And then, save that. And now we should see, there's me. Alright. So, that's super cool. Um, and let's see how we're doing on time. We have about 40-ish minutes to do a really whatever we want. - Functions? - Yeah, let's do some Functions. - I'm gonna ask you to do one more thing, because I'm pretty proud of this. Before we get to that. So head over to Identity, the top right, on the app page. - Okay. - So now we're gonna add extra providers. Right now we only have email. - Okay. - So if you scroll up, I think. All the way up, all the way, External providers. Um, so we have some default providers and you can configure your own with service functions. But let's just do like GitHub or Google, or, yeah, whatever you want to have. - GitHub's any easy one. We'll use default for now. - Right, but you can setup your own app. And you can add Google if you want to as well. Or whatever, it doesn't matter. - Yeah, let's roll here. And log in. - Alright, so you can log out. - Then I'm gonna log out. - Uh. - Oh yeah. That's, that's-- - This is a check that you have to run on your code, which is identity.user, if you're logged out, don't display it. (laughs) Uh, you probably want to put it at the P level. - Hmm? Oh, I was just gonna leave it. I was just gonna bail entirely. - Alright. - So that way it should just come back empty. Nothing was returned? Oh. - You gotta give it a null. - Oh, boo. Yeah. Alright. (chuckles) - React is too strict sometimes. Like, why not do undefined, right? If you're gonna do the null. - Actually, I thought that one was, I thought that one did work, but that, okay that makes sense. So we're returning null now, because we're not logged in. So if I go to log in. Um, testing providers on localhost, because it redirects your production site. - Oh, you have to deploy this. Okay, so you have to deploy, but you see that continue with GitHub section? - Yeah. - Oh, you wanna deploy it? - Well, yeah let's, why not? - Just push, yeah git push. - Let's git command -am, or, where am I at? I think there's stuff I need to add. git add, do I need ignore this .netlify/? - You don't have to ignore it. But I do, but you don't have to ignore it, it doesn't matter. People who don't have access, - What don't I, actually, this is a good question, - it basically contains a link - what's in this? - So it tells Netlify CLI what site is linked to this repo. It's just one siteID. - Okay. - So if people don't have access to your site anyway, they can't access it. So if you push it, it doesn't really matter. - Okay, and then is this like hooked up in the toml, or? - Um, no, the CLI reads it. - Oh, oh, I understand! Okay, cool. I'm just, in the interest in of getting this done quickly, I'm just going to add everything, and then we will commit and say add identity support. And then we'll push. And now, if we go back to the Netlify dashboard, I can go look at the deploys, and it should be rebuilding already. Which is awesome. And then, once this is done, we should be able to go play with this a, we should be able to play with this. And it looks like we've got a couple questions coming in in the chat. That first question was about doing something similar for stuff other than the user. Uh, Faraz, if you can rephrase that question, I'm not quite sure I understand. The follow-up question was about the React fragment shortcut, which is here. This is, yeah this is just shorthand for React.Fragment. And so, it just makes life a little bit easier. But this is a way to kind of wrap things in an element that doesn't render in the dom. So if avoids the div soup. Another question was... Let's see. Oh, so this is a question for you, Shawn, is there a data store we can use with Netlify? - Um, so straight answer is no. The longer answer is, there is an add-ons marketplace that we're launching, and the add-ons will enable you to add on basically any database that you want. Right now we are, our first partner is FaunaDB. And they've been really good, especially on the GraphQL side. In terms of spinning up a database, so we can definitely try that in this livestream, if we want to. - Uh-oh. - Oo, you, it looks like you've been logging out something. Oh, something happened with the server side rendering. - Building failed. - Uh-oh. Uh, this is one of those HTML snafus. - What? Import. - So does it need to be transpiled? Is that what's going on? - Feels like it shouldn't, but I guess we can. - It looks like it is transpiled. Cause it's not using JSX, it's using the createElement. - Hmm, okay. So what actually went wrong here? Is there an error message? - Um, no, it's trying to parse. - Testing providers won't work. (tongue clicking) Hmm. - Scroll up, scroll up, scroll up, scroll up. It's trying to parse something. Um, let's do a, yeah let's see our docs page. So what is this docs page, for Gatsby? - Um, well that one is about, like making sure that you're not trying to access the window. Um, let's run a build locally and see if we get the same error. - We should get the exact same error. If we don't, that's a problem. (laughing) Um, for what it's worth, I never tested this on Gatsby, I just did it Create React App. So this is probably something I should've looked at before this livestream. (chuckles) - Well that's okay. Do you know, does anything look at the, does anything try to look at the window? - Um. - Oh, oh, oh, okay. I know what's happening. So let's run the transpilers. We're gonna do gatsby compile es6, yeah. So this is a plugin that'll just run everything through Babbel. I'm wondering if it's because of the Babbel version or the node version. - Yeah. - Um, I will just, I don't think this is a long term solution, but this will hopefully solve our problem for now. So let me add that. - I'm also gonna volunteer that, yeah, I do have one thing that looks at the window, I should probably take that out. It's the provider's code. - The provider code looks at the window? - Yeah, ironically, to check if it's local host or not. - Okay, um, is it guarded? Do you know? - No, no, no, but I should guard it. - Okay, um. - If you wanna give me a sec, I'll just update the code and fix it. (laughs) - Hot patches on the livestream. - Yeah, why not? This is all happening live. Like yeah, okay so. I mean this makes sense, it's just that I didn't really test it on Gatsby, I should have. So do I check window === undefined? Something like that? - Ah-ha, yeah. So this would just need to check, like basically if window exists, and if not, just automatically return false or true, or whatever you want it to be as the default. - Okay. So window === undefined. That's awesome. - And while you're doing that I'm gonna set up-- - So I'm typing JS and the VS code is helping me with the thing. So I can refer to window, but I just can't refer any properties of window, right? - Yeah, so basically what you're doing, is during the build, window doesn't exist, so if you try to access any properties on it, during a server-side rendering phase, it will just fail with an undefined error. So, in your code, if you just guard and say, for server-side rendering, this thing that relies window will always be false, then you just short-circuit that check and it never tries. That means, then. - So I've made the code change and I'm about to publish it. - Okay great. And this was, react-netlify-- - But I mean, hopefully the compilation isn't needed, because that would be surprising if it does; and if it does, then I can make more changes. But I shouldn't have to, right? I'm basically just, like all I see is like ES modals code is knocking file down. - Yeah. - So that's been published. So it's version 0.27. - Let's do yarn add react-netlify-identity-widget@latest. And so right now, we are at, what's our version right now? We are currently looking at 0.26. So this should pull in 27. 27. - It's the little things. Yay! Alright, let's yarn build and see what happens. - Alright, let's build it again. I have now, this code is not running, so let's just try it without. - But your hypothesis was, what was your hypothesis? Or were you just like double checking a-- - So my worry is that it's trying to import modules and it's like expecting CJS. But I'm not 100% sure. So this looks like the same problem, so let's turn this on. And let's see what happens if I run a build. - Oh, so you need CJS build. I think I have that. - Well, I don't feel like we should need it, but I also, I feel like this is a problem that we've hit a couple times and it's one that's kinda hitting the whole landscape right now, because everybody is, that was it. Oh no, okay, so we're getting closer. Window is not defined. - I thought I, see I checked against that. Is this not the check? - Eh that looks. Hmm. Let's um. I thought that was the check. - How should I? Yeah so? - Gatsby html build. (laughs) - You have to get your own, you have to check your own. - Oh, typeof. - Oh typeof! Oh God. Why is it? Uh, okay, I know why it's typeof, but it's annoying that I have to remember it. (laughing) It's so annoying! - And I feel like it's one of those things that's like, you would have to look up if we had a utility. So writing a utility is not any easier than just like having to look this up. - And just to double check, if I use the short circuit and, I'm not sure if that, to me that makes sense that that's good enough, but usually you have an if statement around it, I just use the short circuit and. What do you think? - Yeah, that, so I like that. That seems like something that would be good. It is certainly not, apparently not doing what we need it to do. So um. - So you know what, I'm gonna do it the long way around. Net is local host, equals false, and then... Sorry, I'm doing all of this off screen, which is fantastic live streaming. I'm basically taking out the short circuit and, and making sure that I put anything that references the window inside of the guard. Which makes sense, right? Alright, so git@git-admit-fix-window (typing drowns out Shawn). And I'm publishing again. (laughs) - And so we're gonna get the 0.28. Let me know when that's ready. - I feel like the error messages in Gatsby should be better. Like, that was a very opaque-- - It's high on our list. Like, we know. We just published an update to the CLI to use Ink. Which Ink is a React library for writing CLIs, and kind of controlling CLI output. And it unlocks a bunch of work that we've done research for. - Yep, it's published. - Okay, so that's published, so let me install. And Shannon Soper, has done a bunch of research on this. She worked together with Kyle, and they just kind of reviewed all of the CLI experiences out there to figure out what are the really good ones and like how can we borrow to make sure. Uh, let's see, I'm still getting 27. Um. Wait, did you just go mute? - Just refresh I guess. I mean, retry again, cause it's definitely published. It says 28. - Okay. Um, yeah, somebody just asked about my terminal. This is iTerm, or iTerm2 I guess is the official one. And I customized it using an article that I definitely don't have a link to anymore. (laughs) Okay, so I'm still getting 27. - Why? - I don't know. - (typing) Oh, npm/react-netlify. - Netlify. - Like I got the confirmation email and everything. It's 28 on the npm site. - Yeah, what's going on? - Maybe it's not @latest? Yeah, cause I typically never, yeah okay sure. I typically never do the @latest, I just put the name of it and it knows what to do. - Yeah, I well-- - As far as I know, it's not @latest. - Okay, so now we've got 28, maybe the latest tag was just a little slow for us. So now we can build again and hopefully everything that we get works for us. So, we're gonna get through that html build. Come on. (chuckles) - Okay, well that was a little bit of a detour. We don't have to-- - It's alright. - Yeah, yeah it's awesome. Alright, so let's push. - Okay, we did it! - Yay! - Hey we did it! Uh, git push, or wait, we need to commit everything. So what're we at? Did that, so we're going to git commit, upgrade dependencies. Alright, so we are pushing, and we can go back to our deploys. We've got our new deploy and this one-- - It's gonna deploy that. - This one's totally gonna work. - So while we're waiting, we can start on the Functions. - Yeah, let's do it! What do you need me to do to start? Do I need to go to Functions? Or do it just start? - Nothing. Nothing. - Nothing? - Head to your terminal. - Okay. - Okay, oh sorry, well okay. I have my, I use my terminal inside of VS Code, so but whatever. - Yeah I mean, let's do it. Terminal. - Yeah, isn't that much better? That's so much better. (laughs) So right now, you have a secret functions folder and we define that for you in netlify.toml. So if you head over to netlify.toml, you can see that, over there, we call function sequels functions. It's stupid, but it's in the docs, whatever. But basically, it says, your function's stored inside a folder called functions. You don't have that right now, but we'll create that for you when we get there. - You'll create it for me? - Yeah, yeah. So Netlify Functions create. The command to run, netlify functions:create. - Create. - Mm hmm, and just hit enter. And this gives you a whole bunch of scaffolds, you may need to have a smaller font size to do... Yeah well okay, - Okay, so I have. - you're suppose to be able to type for somethings. So just do like a hello-world. Um, it's not working. - Okay, so I think this is, I'm gonna say this is probably not the Netlify CLI, it's the fact that I'm on a tiny window with my font blown way up for the livestream. So, yeah. - So you can do hello-world, and then we'll step through the other stuff. - Okay. I'll just name it hello-world. - You can name it whatever you want, we give you a default name. Yep, so it's created a functions folder, if you look on the left. And it just has your default standard syntax for a serverless function. For people who are new to this, basically it fits a certain signature, you have to export a function called handler, so it exports to handler. We're doing node style, cause we're not transpiled. We try to use it as much as a node here. And then it's async, event, context, and callback. But then we don't use callback, because we're returning a promise. Um, so there's a callback signature, and then there's a promise signature, so we're using the promise signature, so we don't need the callback. And so events has the-- - So there's something important to call out there, because you just said we're returning a promise, but there's no promise here. So the way that we're making this return a promise, is by using this async keyword. And so that was a really big tripping point for me, when I was first starting with async await: was understanding what happens under the hood, when you use async await. And understanding that any function marked async is going to return a promise. Learning that was one of of those things that I was like, "Oh, that's why nothing works anymore." (laughs) So, okay. We have, an async event, and that event is just gonna get, like where does this come from? Is this, just what comes in off of a-- - So that's uh, yeah, that just gets attached to you by the serverless backend. And it's got a whole bunch of other stuff as well, if you wanna look at the full list. Basically, it's the same thing as AWS, the AWS callback syntax, with some extra fields for Identity, that we'll talk about in the future. So if you run this, with Netlify Dev. If you just run, okay okay. So if you pull up your, do you still have the Gatsby server running? - Let's see, no. - Okay, cool. Do I wanna talk about Netlify Dev? Sure. So if you go to the, let me paste this in the channel and then we can talk about it. - Okay. - So, where's the channel? So I put that in the channel as well as my recent blog post. Yeah, just click the most recent one. - Here. - Yeah. Just the most recent one is fine. Okay, so if you scroll down, (laughs) yeah sure, so if you scroll down, so Netlify Dev is for local dev emulation of everything that you can do in Netlify. This is a beta, so we're not fully there yet, but this is just a, yeah, this exact image is what I want to show people. And you can obviously see the demo in the video up above. But basically, so you have your projects, so for us it's Gatsby, Gatsby hosts on localhost:8000 by default, right? So we need to tell Netlify Dev to list it on localhost:8000 and then we add in a while bunch of other functionality, like add-ons, functions, and redirects, to give you basically what's the entire Netlify production experience. And then we'll give you a new port, which is localhost, for example, :8888. And then you can view that port on the browser, in your local laptop. And that is suppose to represent your entire production like environment on your laptop. - So like this is our Gatsby site. And then that function that we just wrote is here. And then Netlify Dev is taking all of that and turning it into the full Netlify experience, which is then available to us at localhost:8888. - Yup, that's it. - That's cool. That's very cool - Pretty simple, right? - Yeah, so how do I do it? Like do I need to do anything? - So no, because for Gatsby, obviously one of our hugest partners, we have detectors. So usually there's some configuration to do, for Gatsby, we've already done that. So all you do is run Netlify Dev in your terminal. - For real? - Yeah, that's it. So it's listing to :8000. - Okay, so what happened here? - But it's redirecting on the Lambda server. Right? With port 34567. So we need to work on that output, I don't think that looks very nice. So now the final proxy is on localhost:8888. - Okay. - So if you click on that. It's the same exact thing. But now you have extra functions and stuff, right. That's the whole idea. So what we're gonna do, is we're gonna go to localhost:8888/.netlify/functions/hello-world. And that's the endpoint that we just set up. - And is there a trailing slash or anything? - No. No, no, no. No. - Okay. - And then if you do the, yeah exactly, you're way ahead of me. - Awesome. - Right, so that's the serverless function running along side of Gatsby in your local dev environment, you didn't have to deploy it. So previously... I mean honestly, - That's so cool. - as someone who works on it day-to-day, it's actually boring. So I would like to get some thoughts on like anything. - No, I mean, that's a good thing. Like boring is probably one of the best outcomes for technology: if something is exciting, that also probably means that it's pretty unstable. Right? Like you should be aiming for boring and I love that. When it's just like, oh it works exactly the way that you would expect it to work. (laughs) So this is really powerful, because like the debugging process, I mean serverless is pretty good at this. You can run your serverless site locally, but there's a little more setup to it than this. So being able to just run a couple CLI commands and it knows that it's a Gatsby site and it just kinda does the stuff is really cool. How much time do we have left? We've got about 25 minutes, so let's build, I would love to get this function to like do a thing. Like could we use that FaunaDB and maybe store something? - Uh, sure. Okay, so what we're gonna do with that, is netlify functions:create again. - Okay, netlify functions:create. - By the way, I have this alias to NFC, because it's a lot to type. You can also type NTL, for the CLI, but you know, just cause there's a lot of typing, I know. - Yeah, I'm gonna make this bigger, so that we can actually see the output this time. Okay, so type to search. - So if you wanna set up FaunaDB, you can set up CRUD Backend or you can set up a GraphQL Backend. And I know which one you want. - Yeah, let's do the GraphQL one. (laughing) Got it and we'll call this one, I don't know, let's call it high-fives. We'll do a high fives tracker. - Alright. This is way more than I originally thought we were gonna do. (laughing) So what you see here, is we're not just templating the code, we're also installing the add-on and injecting environment variable into your Netlify Dev environment. And so I'm just gonna ask you to go ahead and say yes to this one, cause your a first time user; but in the future, you may want to modify the Schema right before you push it up to life. So I think this is it. So now if you run Netlify Dev. - Like do I need to do something with this? - Nope. We should probably clarify that, this is just for information. So what happens with this, let me just show you, so under functions, if you go to your VS Code. So we now have a high-fives folder. And we have a Schema: schema.graphql. And this is Schema definition language for GraphQL, if anyone's watching that's like not familiar with GraphQL, this is gonna sound super alien right now. (laughs) So pause me if I need to go like explain stuff. This is Schema definition language, we push it and we use the sync-schema script: sync-schema.js. We use the sync-schema script to push it to Fauna GraphQL. So that's essentially all it does. And this is code that you own, we scaffold this for you, but you are absolutely encouraged or welcome to modify this to suit your needs. We just wanna show you, like I feel like this is better than Docs, because it's code that is literally pasted right into your thing and then you go fix it to whatever you need. And so what we just logged out, is the default response, from that endpoint after we post that Schema to the endpoint. - Okay. - Make sense? - Yes, I think. And all of my, these are all already set? I don't have to do anything? - Yep. - Where do those get set? Do they get put into a, like are they in my environment? - No, so they're not in your, you're not gonna see any of it in your code, but when you run Netlify Dev, we go up to your Netlify instance that's linked, and we pull it down and we insert it in your process.env. - I understand. - So that you can just run with it. - Okay, cool. So if we want to to track a high five, what we're gonna do, is I'm just gonna start by saying, type HighFive and we can say that it's going to have... Well really we just need like a count, right? So we can just do a count, and that'll be an integer, and that's required, and then I, well, let's just leave it at that. We're gonna do the minimum here. And then we'll need a query. And so we'll say allHighFives, and that's going to return an integer. And then we need a mutation, and that's going to be-- - Uh, the mutation's generated for you. - Oh is it? Sick! - Yeah. - That's even better. Okay, so let's do that. - So let's just... Is that? Okay, so I'm not actually sure if that will work, but we'll figure this one out. So this is something that I should've implemented, but basically you need to blow, so right now you have an existing Schema, right? And you need to blow away the existing Schema to replace this, to add this new Schema, right? - And I just do that through sync-schema, right? - Um, you would, you would think that, but I (laughs) I haven't done that. (laughing) So I need you to modify the code a little bit. Uh import. God damn it. Oh, mode override. Okay, so inside of sync-schema, I need to give a query variable for mode=override. - On? - Yeah, /import. Yeah,, and then question mark. Yup, question mark. - Wait, is it here though? The dataString? - No, no, no, no. No, just put it in the /import. - Okay. Override. - mode=override. - mode=override. - Yeah, I should have this in by default and I was thinking about doing it, but I just hadn't done it yet. (chuckles) - Okay, so now we've got an override mode, and so now if I, do I assume I run a, I run a-- - Yeah, you run a command. So now you need to execute this script, inside of the Netlify Dev environment. So what we have it netlify dev:exec. E-X-E-C. And then the path to your, oh, no, no, that just executes. - Oh sorry. (laughs) - You need to give it something to execute. So it's: function/high-fives/sync-schema. Mm-hmm, that's it. So one concern I have is, I'm not sure you're Schema is valid, so it's gonna check whether your Schema is valid or not, based on their interpretation of the Schema definition language. Do you think it is? - Um, I think so. I guess this would need to come back. I guess we'll find out. - Why's it so slow? - I don't know. - Hmm. Um, maybe it just doesn't execute. - Did I break it? - Mm, maybe it just hasn't responded. You know what, I think you may be right. Do you think I should've injected it inside of the uh. You see the problem is I haven't tested this, like this is a new thing. Okay, so let's kill this. - Okay. - Let's kill this. Okay, so I think your instinct about the endpoint was correct. So let's go back to the sync-schema. - Okay. - Instead of mode=override, we should probably stick this into the headers? What do you think? Is that a header or is it body? I think it's header, right? - Yeah, I mean my assumption here is that... dataString. So it's just sending in like the bodies straight up. Um. (door creaking) Let's, let's dive into the Docs, maybe? - For what? - Wait, what is this? - Oh, so this is the blog post that explains a little bit more than the Docs about anything that people want to know about detectors. - Okay, so. We want to manage functions? - No, hang on, what're you trying to get? - Well I'm trying to look for information about this particular endpoint. - Right, well that's maintained by the Fauna folk, not by Netlify. You know, so I think it's gonna take us too long to figure this one out. I think we should just execute it without the import mode, well yeah, without the import mode. So just like, just what you have right now. Let's just save that, let's execute, this command. - Save it, executing. - Yep, yep. - So just again? - Mm hmm. Um, and we should've. Ah, okay. - Success! Oh, internal server error. - Yeah, because we uploaded an incompatible Schema. I think that's what it is. So if you give it a HighFives array. Like, instead of, right. Yeah, let me just, um. Yeah, I think if you do like HighFive, exactly. HighFives array. Yeah, exactly. And I'm not sure that you are allowed to have two queries, like you would wanna combine them. - Right, lemme just do this. I'm just gonna keep the original Schema, so that we don't lose. - Cause I know this one works. (laughs) - Alright, cool. So we'll just do that. - Unfortunately we were testing very beta things right now. Yep, okay. - That's alright. Okay. Maybe? - Awesome. - Hey, it worked! - So run Netlify Dev. - Netlify Dev. - Sorry, I'm muting myself whenever I cough or sneeze, cause I'm really sick right now. - Yeah, you're a trooper for getting on this, despite being sick. I really appreciate that. - I've been looking forward to this for like two weeks, I'm not gonna reschedule. - Okay, so which, we're not looking at than one anymore. - So you wanna be on :8000. I think you have it, maybe you closed it somewhere? - Here we go. - Right, so instead of functions/hello-world, we have what is it? High-five. - High-fives. - Mm hmm. So you should get a full playground. And then you can look at the Schema. You have a whole bunch of stuff. And as well as the mutations created for you, so go ahead and do your thing with your mutation. - Alright, so here's what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna create a mutation. And we're going to create a HighFive. And the data, oh my God, I love this so much. (laughs) Like GraphQL makes me so happy, because I don't even need to know what the generated Schema is, I just like let it auto-complete. And for that we are going to give 500 high fives. And what should come back is what? A count? - Sure. - Oh it is just excellent! Alright, so let's get a high five. We're going to do a query and we'll call this one get all, no, we'll get allHighFives. And then I want the count and that should give us back an array. - There's gonna be an array of high fives. So we were kind of like setting up the Schema wrong, we just need instances of high fives, or whatever, or like an eight high five. - In like a full-fledged app, what we would probably be doing here, is we would be connecting these to like post IDs or users or something like that. So I think this Schema is correct, for what it would ultimately be, it's just silly when we're doing it right now, where there's like one global count of high fives. - Yeah. - But that's okay. I mean, this is, like it's cool that this works, so now what I wanna do, is I want to like I wanna send a mutation from this function. And we've got 11 minutes to do that, so let's tuck in. So I've got this thing here. We've got out handler. - Yeah. And this is all standard Apollo server code. - Okay. And we're just missing our query, is that right? - Oh, what do you want? - GraphQL, fetch, and headers. - No, you're sending it from the front end, right? From the Gatsby app? - And it's just picking up the query from somewhere else? Like am I just passing in the query? - Yeah, exactly. So what this is, right, it's basically a serverless function proxy between you and the ultimate GraphQL backend. - Okay. - Where you can do off checks and stuff like that. Do you know what I mean? - Yeah. - So from your Gatsby app, you were doing, you made need Apollo, or you just wanna use a fetch? - Let's just use a fetch for now. - Nice, that's the way of GraphQL. - Yeah, we'll see how well this goes. I'm gonna create a new component, because otherwise I'm going to definitely get myself tied in a knot here. And we'll call this high-fives. And in it, we're gonna import React from 'react' and then we're gonna create a component called HighFives. And that is going to be, exported. Okay. And then, in our index file, I'm going to import HighFives from '..components/high-fives' and we will just drop this here. Okay, so, in doing that, what should've happened, is in our app, that is still running at :8888, we've got out high-fives TODO. So now, we need to actually make it do a thing. And the thing that we want it to do, is send a mutation. - Fetch data or send mutation. - Well we actually we wanna do two things. - Let's do the send mutation first. - One, is read all the high fives. And two, add new high fives. This would probably be two components, in the real world, but we're gonna cram it all in here. So should we start with a read or a write? - would it help if I jumped in with a Live Share? With the VS Code live thing? And then I can help you out with one of these. - Yeah, let's see if I can turn it on. Maybe. No? Do I have Live Share on this browser? Let's see. - Oh no. - I may have, so I'm using, I use a different thing for. - Forget it, it's probably too much. Yeah, for us, let's just do the count and a button. So yeah, it'll probably take more time if, you can just do it. - Okay. And so the query that we want, is the query that we wrote, which is out here. To get allHighFives. So I know that I want this query. And... Alright, Shawn just went AWOL, so we're just gonna (laughs), we're gonna just keep coding from the hip here. Alright, oh he's back. Okay, alright. (laughing) - I just went to get some water, I'm sorry. - No, no worries at all. - I was hoping no one would notice. - Okay, so I've got my query, and then I have a mutation, and the mutation is gonna be a little different, because we're gonna want variables. So I'm just, and like I'm purposefully leaving out template tags and all that stuff. So here, I'm gonna want a count, and that's gonna be an integer. And we're gonna use that count here. So, here's what I've got right now. I've got a query and a mutation. How should I send these in? - What do you mean? With the fetch? - So you're just doing like a straight-up fetch to the function? - Yeah, so on load. Yeah, exactly, straight-up fetch to the function. So on load, we use a React effect to... Actually, we can have to buttons, right? Let's just have two buttons, we don't need-- - Yeah, let's have two buttons. We're not doing useEffect, we're just gonna do it. - useState. - So we've got, it's gonna be count and setCount, is-- - And default that to like a null string or something. - We'll set it to zero, right? Cause that's gonna be our high five counts. That way it defaults to zero. And then we want to, getHighFives. And that's gonna be a function, that's going to send a query. And then it will setCount to newCount. So we're gonna use fetch. And now I gotta look at the docs, because I don't remember how fetch works. - Oh um, just I can walk you through it. - Yeah, perfect. Good. Am I just typing in-- - So open codes, ./netlify. Yeah, /.netlify/functions/high-fives. And then .then. You may want to make this async await, or something. - Yeah, you're definitely right there. So we're gonna go async, await. - And don't forget to JSON it. - Like so? - Yep. - Okay, so that should give us back our. - Uh, newCount. - Let's see, newCount. So this is gonna be the result. And that'll be what we await. - Oh, you typoed async. - Did I? Uh. - Yeah. - That woulda been, that woulda been fun to debug. Alright, and so newCount is going to be, what? allHighFives and then we'll just do like find whatever. And then we'll get the count. So we're basically diving into the result, getting the first thing, and then returning the count. And so that should work. And then, down here, we're going to say. The count. - Oh you love those fragments. - I do love fragments. I'm actually not gonna use is this time though. Let's go with the UL, and we're going to set the Count is count. And then we want a button, well, we'll just set it in here. The button onClick, we want to getHighFives. And that button is going to Update Count. - Yeah, I really like the user experience. - Eh, it's gonna be great. So, did I break it? Okay, so that's okay. Something didn't work though, cause it's not-- - Why's it not showing? - I did something wrong. - useState is not defined. - Ah, okay. (laughs) Okay. - I'm telling you man, always React.useState. - Okay, so, this is sort of working, but we're not actually sending... Unexpected G in token, eh? - Oh, is it not giving a JSON? - Well we're also not sending it anything. - Huh? - We're also still not sending anything. (laughing) So we've basically set up a fetch, but we're sending it empty. (laughing) So I think we need to add some options, right? - Yeah. This is, okay so. This is where I also don't know how to use it, because I use Apollo too much. - Yeah, so I've done this before. - Is it just a body? - It's the body and I think it needs to be called query. So body is query. And we'll use HIGH_FIVES_QUERY. And then, let's, console.log that. And then we'll return this. Cause I think that's right, but-- - See, I always use the network tab, in case JSONing isn't going right. Uh you don't need it now, cause you already console logged it. - Yeah, we'll still need that console. So let's jump in here, hit that update count. Something exploded. Failed to execute, request with GET/HEAD cannot have body. - Is it, it's a post. It's a post. - Oh yeah. Right. Okay so, is it method? - Method, method: 'post'. Yep. - Okay. So let's run that again. Update. Okay, we got closer. - Come on! - But, it didn't like something, because we also weren't... It comes back as a ReadableStream. - I think it's res.body.ReadableStream. Sorry, res.body.json. - Well it just gave us a string of 500. We're doing something wrong. - Oh, let's look your console, your terminal. Where were you hiding your Netlify Dev? Huh? - We also don't have our... Unexpected token O at position one. Oh, let's see, where is this actually happening? High-fives 43. - Inside of the serverless. - High-five 43. Something, something's going wrong. - No, it's inside of the serverless function. - Right. Oh, inside of the serverless function. - Mm hmm. - Which is, over here. - It's in the functions. Oh, yep, and then there's a file called high-fives. So we've named it the same thing. So this must be expecting some other response, like the Apollo server response. - Did you do this? - Yes. (laughing) It's a promisify. Because that's what I always do, but I should probably use util.promisify, but I like yay and nay. But do you know what I mean? Apollo server expects a certain format. - Right, and so we are sending it the wrong thing. And that means that the thing it's expecting... Well we're missing headers, I know that for sure. Or is it suppose to add these for us? - Yeah, that's the secret that's for the key, so it's not exposed to the outside world. - Okay. - I'm also Googling. (chuckles) - Okay, so do we have just like a plain fetch, or do I need to install a bunch of stuff? - I mean, it's Apollo, like they're gonna want you to... I don't know, there's an old blog post from /go. - Yeah, so I did this on another repo, and I'm trying to remember which one it is. I guess I'll just poke at 'em for a second and see if... Uh, repositories. And I get this. - So it looks like... No, I don't see any... You know what we could do? We could monitor the, you know the playground? If you look at the network tab on the playground, and then you send the query, it should give you the structural defects. - So I actually, I just remembered, that I 100% did this. And we can uh. - To an Apollo backend? - Yeah, to an Apollo backend. Well actually to a serverless function. If I can find handleSubmit, which gets handed in, from feedback-widget, which uses, now this uses Axios, but we can still look at how it works. So it is the payload, which the payload looks like this. Contains a query and then variables. And so if we pass it that, if that's right, that's what we did anyways. Cause we did, a query. Hmm. Okay, I'm doing something wrong. So let's take a look at the playground. - Yeah, look at the network tab. And then send a query. - Yeah, I don't know why I refreshed. (laughs) - And then click the last one. So that should give you a good sense of what they have. - That's the request headers. And here's the-- - operationName, what is this? null, "variables", oh maybe we need to just supply all these fields. Cause you supplied, yeah okay. Huh. You can just stick that in there. - So I'm gonna take that straight up. And then we're gonna run that. - Tell me that works. - Let's see. - Tell me that works. - Okay, so it still doesn't like that. - Yeah, we don't need res., oh, it's still 500 Error, what's the error code? So res.body.json. - So what we're sending, oh wait, but it's taking in object.object. - Why is it an object.object? - No idea. - Ah! - Which, that seems silly, that that wouldn't just work; but let's try it again. - I don't think you, are you suppose to stringify it like that? - I don't know, but, it took it. Oh my God, it totally works. - So it worked? - That worked. - Okay. - That's, really? - So then we just need to remove res.body.json - You just gotta stringify? - I don't know. - That doesn't make any sense. - Dude, I always use Apollo client, you know, it's done for you, I don't have to think about it. - Alright, I'm getting rid of that. - Remove the .body I think. - Yeah, let's just do that. And then I'm gonna run this again. - We still have the JSON, right? - I don't know actually, - I think we still have the JSON. - cause the world doesn't make sense anymore. Cannot read property allHighFives of undefined. I mean, it doesn't seem like I should have to stringify, but it 100% just passed in like object.object, when I didn't stringify. So I-- - No, to JSON on it, you have to JSON on it. - You have to do to JSON it? - No, the result of the fetch, to JSON. .then. No, no, no, no, no, no, hold on. No, no, no, you're one level lower, cause you're still inside the-- - Aha, yep, good catch. - .then and then res.json. Yeah, people are telling us, that we don't know how to send JS objects. (laughing) - Probably, probably fair. Okay, so I'm gonna send that. - I mean, I just use Apollo client, it's so much better. Ay! - Oh snap! Okay, it only takes, how many DevRels does it take to build a button? Okay so, this is, clearly this is a little bit janky, but we are also now six minutes overtime, so I think um. But what this shows, and what I think is cool about this, is that what we were able to do here, is say what we needed, and I think, I'm gonna test, one more test before we go. Cause I wanna see how all this works. I'm gonna refresh, update, and I get it back. So we don't actually need this stuff, we just need to send in the query. And so effectively what we're doing here, is we're sending like this fetch, off to our serverless function that's managed by Netlify. And then, in Netlify, we are able to execute that query, which is already scaffolded out for us. You know we didn't make any changes whatsoever, into this high-fives function that was created: it just runs. And so by writing out the Schema that we wanted and then writing out the queries that we wanted, we can send off like the mutations and all the things that we need, to change these value. So if I actually, actually, what I can do, is I am going to keep these, and I'm gonna set the count to 999. And then I'm gonna pass in the mutation instead. - Damn. - And we're gonna see if this works. - But you need to fetch it again. Yeah, because it's expecting a read. Cause you no longer have an allHighFives. Cause you-- - Well it's gonna return this, which comes back with a count, which means that I actually just need the count. Yes? - I think you just. - See? Okay. Let's try it. Ah. Damn it. Okay, so (laughs) I thought I was getting clever, but no, you're absolutely right. What we would need to do here is, let's console.log the result and see what came out of it. And, go to the console, update, it's gonna crash, but it gives us back an error, because the variable count is used, what does that mean? - Oh, it's Int!. - Oh! I didn't, so I wrote the wrong thing. So we go up here. - GraphQL! - And we say that it's like this. - Oh GraphQL, come on. Come on, that's so stupid, right? - Cut me some slack, cut me some slack, bro. Okay, so then we get back some data, we get createHighFive and we get a count. So I just need to update this to be data.createHighFive.count. And now, if I go in here. Damn! 999 high fives! So that is, I'm feeling pretty good about that. How do you feel about that? - Uh it took us way too long to get there, but yeah, I'm feeling pretty good. (laughing) Because the whole point is you can define your Schema, upload it, and then start working with it. You know, it's really the dream. And, you know, Netlify takes no credit for this, this is all Fauna's work. And I think AppSync does the same thing. - Yeah, I played with AppSync in a livestream a week or two ago, with Nader Dabit, and we did something really similar to this, which was, I mean it's great. And I love that tooling is starting to move in this direction, where the really kind of finicky configuration stuff, just gets abstracted because it's a solved problem, right? And so we just let the people, who have solved those problems, solve them for us. And I'm really excited about this. I think this is gonna be a fun thing to play with. Shawn, I think that's all the time we got today. Where should people find you? I mean I know for sure, we want them looking at you on Twitter: like Shawn is very active on Twitter. So that's-- - The four letter handle, always works. - Yeah the (laughs). But yeah, so go follow him there for sure. Where else? - That's about it, I'm in New York, if people wanna hang out, always just give me a shout. I am active on the React Subreddit: r/reactjs. And yeah, check out our blog posts at Netlify Dev. I'm sort of the lead maintainer for now, so if anyone has any issues using Netlify Dev, let me know and I'll fix it. - Awesome. And Netlify dev is, let's see, we had it in here somewhere. Netlify Dev. Here's a direct link to Netlify Dev, if you wanna learn more about it. - Yep. - Well, Shawn, thank you so much for coming on, this was a lot of fun. - Yeah, thanks for having me, that was a ride. (laughing) - No, it's good, we get to learn in public, right? And I feel like we did a lot of that today. (laughing) - Yes, learn in public, that's another thing that I really like. Alright cool, well thanks for taking all your time, and thanks for everyone on the livestream: sorry for all the frustrations that we had. This is the raw, unfiltered, coding series, right? (laughing) - It's uh, it's always great, you know? You just blunder your way through and eventually you get something that works; and I feel that's exactly what we did today. So thanks, everybody. Make sure you check out on the Twitch stream, there are a whole list of events coming up. We've got, next week, I think I haven't even written this down yet. I haven't even written this, no wait, yeah, no, no. So next week we're gonna look at Airtable, using it as a CMS. The week after that, I'm gonna be on with Andre, and I can't remember what we're talking about. Then Henry Zhu and I, from Babbel, are gonna be working on a Gatsby podcast theme. We've got all sorts of exciting stuff coming up, so make sure you head over to, hit the follow button, and let's definitely be best friends on Twitch. Thanks, everyone, and we will see you next week. - Bye.
Channel: Learn With Jason
Views: 6,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, gatsby, netlify, lambda, serverless, functions, javascript, graphql, gatsbyjs
Id: vrSoLMmQ46k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 22sec (6142 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2019
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