How to use Microsoft Teams for Teachers - Beginner's Tutorial

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hi there jamie keith here today at teachers  tech hope you're having a great day today   today i want to show you how to use microsoft  teams for teaching so this video tutorial is   specifically made for those teachers who want  to set up their classroom using microsoft teams   how to communicate with their students and how  to give assessments through the assignments   or quizzes that are built right into microsoft  teams i also want to go over some of the other   great features that you can use for microsoft  teams with teaching let's get started right now so where do we access microsoft teams now  there's a few different ways that you can   log into microsoft teams you can be completely  online on the web you can download the app on your   computer whether it be on mac or in your windows  and you can use it on your mobile device by   installing the app today i'm going to be working  from my computer with the installed app because   and i'm on windows here today i just find the app  works better has more more abilities than just   the standalone on the web version so but i'll show  you where to access it first with the web version   and remember i'm using an education version of  microsoft teams here today so you need to be   part of an organization that has that set up where  you're going to be able to create your classes if   you're just using the other version of microsoft  teams you're not going to have the same options   so accessing microsoft teams like i said you  can just log in i'm just at   under under teams here so i could sign in here  but if i'm using the online version what i like   to do is i just log into my office account so  if i just sign in here i log into my account   and when i'm logged into my account you can  see all the apps down the left here and i can   just go to teams this way so this is teams  right here so i could go ahead and open it   up right from here and i'm going to have access  to micros my microsoft teams and you can use it   quite well right from the web now like i said  though it's better if more options that you   download the app uh and you can see right when  i logged in i can get it for the windows right   here and download it so at this point i'm just  switching over to my downloaded microsoft teams   app on my computer so i'm just gonna go ahead  and open microsoft teams from my start menu here   now you can put it on your desktop as a shortcut  i just have it here in my start menu and i'm   going to open it up uh the first one to point out  are some location of things you can see down the   left hand side and i'll jump i'll explain more  of these uh about these items later but where   we have activity chat teams this is where  i'm going to be starting with right here so   i have this selected i just want to point  out before we get going you can change   the color to work in so if you if you like  working with the dark color or high contrast   take a look at this gear right here and you can  switch view so switch view we have a dark theme   or high contrast if i go ahead and click on it you  can see uh it would work in there i'm gonna just   switch it back here to switch view to the default  uh and you can take a look at some of the other   options between notifications uh i just wanted to  make sure that you knew where the settings were   and maybe even you want to change from grid to  list all right let's go ahead and start create   our first team and this is where it's going to  be different if you're not part of the education   microsoft teams license if i go ahead and join  or create so it's up in the here in the top right   hand corner so i'm going to click on this and  you need to have teams selected over here in this   space so i'm going to hit join or create a team  so at this point i'm going to go ahead and create   a team so when i create a team this is where is  it going to be for a class is it going to be for   plc professional learning community is it staff  or other there is a difference between the two   different ones and the main thing would  be uh assignments uh like in this part   here this is where you're going to give a section  where the assignments on it so i'll demo the class   setting up your class but play around with these  other options if you're looking for your school   if you're looking for that space where you  can collaborate uh with other colleagues too   so i'm going to go create a class here and  i'm just going to call this demo class today   just to keep things neutral but you could be you  know if you're an elementary teacher high school   teacher junior high you could create it for that  class and you can give a description here i'm   not going to give this a description here today  i'm just going to go ahead and hit next on this   and then it goes ahead and creates  the team now at this point you can see   you can add your students right here so and you  can add your teachers now you could go through   and just add the emails of the of the students or  the user name so if they're part of that microsoft   organization you can start typing in the students  there or maybe you have a tech team that sets up   these for you here and the team will already  be created i could add my teachers through   the same thing so i could start typing that  teacher's name in here and if they're part   of the organization it will pop up and i can  add multiple ones here so you can just see   if there is that distribution list for your school  you can quickly add those people to this team i'm   just going to skip this because you can add them  at a later point also so we skip this and i'm   right inside my teams here i'm just going to go  back a step here i'm going to click on teams here   now you can see this is demo class this is what  i just created so when you click on your teams   here you're going to see all your different  classes or depending on maybe staff room or how   you're setting it up as a plc you'll see them all  across here then you can just click in here and it   will open it back up so i went ahead and created  a demo plc uh team also i just wanted to click on   and compare the differences for you so if i go  to demo class you can see that there's class   assignment assignments grades insights now if i  go back if i click on teams again and i go over   to my demo one you can see that it's just with the  general just for the general channel right here so   just pointing out some of the differences like i  said i'll be working from this demo class right   here okay let's start with the first thing and  that's just communicating with your students   if you remember i haven't added anybody  to this class so it's going to be hard   to communicate so i better add somebody now  now i'm going to go up to demo class and i'm   just going to click on these three little dots  here and notice all the different things you   can do here i'm going to be adding members  from right here but i can add channels and   i'll talk about channels a little bit later  and you can even leave the team or edit the   team so if you wanted to change the name to  it i'm gonna go ahead and just add a member   and i'm just gonna go here click on this name  i'll add two here and you can see how quickly   i can add them to my team here or my class or just  like that now let's communicate with them if i was   going to send them a message or the everybody in  the class if i go to general right here and click   on this you can see that there's new conversation  so with new conversation if i go ahead and start   i can type into this right here so if i just say  hello and i hit the the airplane right here and   send it that goes out so you can see it's right  up at the top now one thing to note that goes to   everybody that's in the team on it so this is a  place that your class can collaborate and they   can see all the different messaging uh that there  is and how you can reply so they would see this   but the thing is uh to make sure if you're trying  to bring the attention to a specific student or   if you're working with another teacher and you  want them to make sure that they get notified   what you do is so if i'm going to go new  again and if i wanted to send it to this   to ashton if i go ahead and start typing his name  like this i put that at symbol and then i go ahead   and click on it now it's highlighted blue what's  gonna happen is so if i say hello this time to   him and just type something after and then  send it uh what happens this time he will get   in the activity a notification so maybe if it  was on his mobile device it would show that   hey you've been tagged in this and it brings the  notification because what happens there could be   so much conversation in here if it's not directed  to anybody specifically sometimes they're not   going to get notified and if it gets too long  to read it can just be too much so really think   about how you want to set this up and communicate  communicate inside this right here i just want to   point out some of the options when you're sending  messages back back and forth this way i'll just   click on reply here and take a look you know from  formatting if you wanted to make it look different   your message to attachments to emojis take a look  at all the different things that you can send   through here you know from scheduling a meeting  to even starting a video conference and i'll talk   more about that in a moment where you send this  out and they can click on it and join very quickly   and even a praise here so if you want to make sure  that you just give some positive vibes to somebody   you can go ahead and click on send a message  type the name and then it will go through so   in this case i'll add ashton and preview and send  and then it will go to him uh when they get this   praise so there's these different ways that you  can just make the uh conversation more engaging   through here now the other thing i want to talk  about so this everybody can see if we go over   to the left here down this and notice that we do  have uh chat up here uh this is more so what i'd   call this this is the me space this is all mine  so these are my teams uh you're gonna see your own   teams these are things i'm connected to but this  is my space here and i'm going to talk about the   wii space in a moment but with the chat i could  have private conversations with the students   here so if i go ahead and i'm just going  to drop down here you can see if i had my   contacts in here but i'll go ahead and click and  i'm just going to start keep using ashton there   and i can have this private chat back and  forth with ashton now and i can actually even   add more people to to do this and at a different  time like if the conversation grows i can add more   students to this conversation and you can  look in the top left all the different things   i could start a video conferencing with teams  right through here and get that group working   together i could make a audio call here and you  can take a look at the screen sharing that's   built right in and we can add people so you add  more people to this i could type their names and   then this chat can be become larger so you don't  always have to just communicate inside this teams   area remember this is for the entire class you  can make more private over on the side in chat   microsoft teams makes it incredibly easy to start  a video conference call with your students and   or your class a few different places as i i just  pointed out before you can start right from here   so i could go meet now and it's going to open up  that option just like in the chat where i showed   you the option before i tend to you know just  from the top maybe you're going to be scheduling   these so you can schedule a meeting where it's  going to go to your calendar and you schedule it   for today's example i'm just going to hit meet now  right here and then you can give it a name so in   today's meeting i'm just going to call this demo  do you want your camera on so right now my camera   is turned off i'll turn it on i actually have  two different cameras recording me right now so i   have a different one on if you want to change the  options depending on what mic you want what camera   hit this little gear here and you can see so this  is the camera that i'm using right now i have my   brio that i'm recording this tutorial tutorial in  so you can pick which one you want uh you can go   through and pick your microphone and speakers also  so the other thing you have to do to start your   start your meeting you can go to computer audio  here you click on any of these and you can see   as soon as i do this i get to join now and then  kind of go through your settings that you want   for audio and then just click join now so when  this happens that students will be able to write   through meet uh go ahead and join you i don't have  any uh that will be joining me here today but you   can see i can send out the copy to the meet uh the  link so if i wanted to send it out in the email   i could copy this link and send it out to them  i could add participants just through clicking   like here so you can see my two students in here  already but i can go through and do that the other   thing you can see if i go up top here all the  different options i'm not going to go through this   fully today on here but the other thing is your  share your content so if i hit share you can   start to see where i can share my screen from they  have microsoft whiteboard in here i have a full   tutorial how to use microsoft whiteboard this is a  great way to have that place where students can be   working and sharing on a whiteboard and they also  have powerpoint live share on this i'm going to go   in more detail on a video on this for teaching  with using video conference so let me know if   this is something that you need but do take a  look as you go through students are going to be   joining through here and you're going to  see all the different things that you can do   and breakout rooms i'll just point out you do have  breakout rooms here where you can automatically   assign them you can manually and go through and  put them into the different groups so this is   your video conferencing it works pretty slick in  here i really like the quality that you get within   microsoft teams you can see that the demo video  conferencing that i just showed you how to set it   up has a little place for attendance report where  you can click and download it right in here okay   let's talk about files and how to share files  inside the class with microsoft teams now you   can share files right in the conversation and if  i just hit reply on any of these or i could go   new conversation but i just want to point out the  attachment so if i go to attachment i could browse   teams and channels if there's any files from a  different team that i wanted to bring into this   one and i'd go through there i could bring it from  my onedrive i could even bring it from my google   drive i hear or upload it from my computer so i'm  just going to go to from my onedrive here and uh   you can see i have these different documents here  i'll just grab this scan here this pdf and i'm   going to hit upload so this gets uploaded here so  upload file and you're going to see the attachment   in here but the other place that you're going to  see it is in the file so i just want to point out   at the very top so post everybody can see this and  this is the we space in here so this is your class   this is where they're seeing everything this is  that this is the document the pdf that i started   that i uploaded in the conversation it got put  here now i'm just going to go back here to uh the   general conversation and i just want to point out  notice that this is upload class material so maybe   there's a syllabus or different things you want to  share out when you hit upload through here what it   does is if you it you can put it in this class  material folder here because this is read only   they won't be able to change anything but you  can have these different files in here if you   don't want students to mess them or mess around  with them you can put them in there and then   then they won't be able to change it now at any  time yes you can upload files directly from the   files place here but you can create new so if if i  go back here you can see where i showed you before   with the attachment here but if i go to files we  got our new i can create a new word document a new   excel workbook a new powerpoint right from here a  new onenote notebook so all these different things   i could start here maybe there's a presentation  i want to show maybe this is something that   should go in the class material but i type type  demo and then it's going to go ahead and create   that powerpoint and notice i can work inside the  powerpoint right from microsoft teams so no i   haven't left microsoft teams yet so i'm just going  to type demo in here and notice that across the   top it's powerpoint but i'm still in teams working  inside here so it saves you a bunch of steps and   there it is if i go back to it click on it and  it's going to open up again just like i showed you   so you work you don't even have to leave microsoft  teams when you start sharing your files that way   now i wanted to point out so as i mentioned this  is the wii space up here so everything that's   happening is the wii space that's happening  in the class now before i pointed out the   me space so the me space i do have files over here  but not everybody can see these files like this   doesn't get shared if if the files that do get  put in that are also here but these will these   are my files that could be in different uh teams  and everything that gives me easy quick access to   all my files but when i'm looking at an individual  team and the files in here that's just for   the just for the class that i've created and this  is sharing for the collaboration here so anything   i add just like the post is are just for within  here so that's a little bit about file sharing   hopefully that makes sense again let me know  what else you want to learn about file sharing   let's move on to the next step now so now i'm  going to move over to assignments how to create   an assignment and even how do you assess this  assignment where do you go to find a look at   them after i just want to mention though and  i'm not going to be covering it in detail in   this video here but set up a class notebook this  is what i find brings microsoft teams that next   level that gives it a lots of power and this is  connecting it to onenote where students can have   a place to collaborate uh take their notes in you  can be sharing a pla you know different material   with them too i have a different video on this uh  how to set up the class notebook and you can see   over to the left it's class notebook right here  and you can get started with it just by clicking   on set up a one one note class notebook but take a  look at the video if you're wanting to learn more   about it i won't cover it in this video here today  but for assignments if i go to assignments here   i don't have any assignments yet and notice  at the very very bottom we have our create   so i'm going to go in create our first assignment  and we can go assignment or quiz when we create a   quiz that's using microsoft forms so it's going  to have a form that can collect the information   but i'm going gonna go ahead and click assignment  here so this is where we can go through and add   our uh you know our title to the quiz uh add  a category i find this is an important thing   so what i tended to do with my microsoft teams if  i was teaching let's say an elementary class and   if i had grade six and then if it was a certain  assignment based on a maybe science so i would add   a uh you know a category hit enter after or return  and it adds a category so you can have multiple   categories in here so you might have it separated  like that so that could help you with your   organization you can enter your instructions here  we could go ahead and attach so we can either   attach something from your computer again attach  from one drive from class notebook um different   places or we could create new is it a word  document you're going to create right from here   that maybe explains the instructions so i  can go through and i'll just say create new   and done and you can see that it's attaching  creating that word document right in here so i   could go ahead and open this up and at this point  i could write my instructions right in here and   this will get sent out to the uh to the students  in here is it any points uh at this point so can i   is are you gonna use a point system or is it a  rubric so i could go ahead and click on a rubric   and at this point i can go through and create  from here so in this video i'm not going to dive   into the rubric i'm just going to hit cancel  on this but if you want to learn more about   the rubric again let me know i'm assigning this to  demo class here uh you can also pick the students   you know is it individual students or groups of  students so you can individualize your assignments   uh two different groups or individuals for  this and that's a very powerful thing to do   due date time due settings added you know  assignment to calendar i i do want to point   out so i'm going to go ahead and hit a sign on  this here and i just want to make a take a look   at the little gear up here too so if you want to  change in your settings so assignment settings   take a cl look at this you know if it's from  notifications uh you know what do you want on   or off on the timeline and so take a look at that  you can see i get a little uh a notification that   there was an assignment here so went through  i have it in activity up top here and that's   because the assignment went out and it's also in  general so i'm going to go ahead and click on that   and you can see there is a demo this went out  to everybody everybody would see that assignment   in the feed on it so i can click on it they can  click on it they can view the assignment and   i can take a look right at this point did they  turn it and i can see that it's not turned in   and i'll show you an example with students that  are turned in i can give feedback at this point uh   so if i click on one of the names here uh i again  i can go ahead and return it from this point but   i know they haven't done anything on this but it  just comes up as what they handed in so i'll show   you what it looks like when people have completed  i'm going to go over to assignments here on the   left hand side so remember this is the me space  all the assignments i've given i will find here   so i go to assignments and you can see the large  list of different assignments that i'm attached to   here's the one at the very bottom that i just gave  let's open up a demo one right here so i'm going   to open up this one and inside of it i have all  these different students that you can see whether   it turned in or it's not turned in whether  i could get feedback or the mark on this one   to return and if i go ahead and just click on one  of these so if i click on the name here the actual   assignment opens up and you can see where it was  just a demo one they wrote very nice on here and   i can go ahead and return it back from here so i  can see the document that they that they created   now i do want to point out i'm going to go back to  my teams here in two assignments here and at the   very bottom i'm going to hit create one more time  and i'm just going to click on quiz i do want to   point out though you if you have assignments and  quizzes already created you want to reuse them   go from existing but i'll hit quiz here just to do  a quick demo here and as i said this creates it in   microsoft forms and you can go and pick new quiz  at this point and i have a tutorial on microsoft   forms on how to use this and i'll attach that in  the video too but i can go through and create a   quiz in here that uh you know students can just  pick from multiple choice and it can mark it and   everything so this could be a a good way for some  quick you know formative feedback or assessments   in here all right so let's move on to our next  point here as we get the end of this video   microsoft teams makes it easy to access your  grades you can see right here when you create   a class inside microsoft teams you'll have the  grades where if you click on these anytime you   see those three little dots you can get more  actions so i could open the students work right   from here or return it and then the this will  populate with their grades i want to point out uh   insights here and this allows you even to track  more what's happening with your students uh   i don't have this i'm not using it in this demo  but i'll talk about it differently in a different   video i want to kind of end this video as with  just some housekeeping items how to maybe help   manage your class here and the first thing i want  to talk about is are the channels so when teams   are created you get a general channel like i said  with all the conversation a lot of times people   will create more channels uh in any of these you  can see if i click on these three little dots i   can add a channel and channels uh will be created  underneath the general one so i'm just going to   call this demo and you can see you know accessible  to everybody what i kind of think as channels   as it gives me a place to create groups so if  you wanted to break your class into maybe some   a work area for a smaller group you could give  them a spot here and put them in sometimes people   will try to create like you know la uh science or  different ones based on their subject areas i find   it easier inside your assignments to make sure you  use the categories for the different assignments   and use these spaces uh here when you create  more channels think of it as a spot that   smaller groups could collaborate in okay so the  other thing that i want to talk about is going   back into here and i'm going to go to manage team  and taking a look at all the different options   that you have up here because this could be  important how you set up your channel so if i go   you can see if i go through different channels  you can see everything here but if i go to   settings this is where you might want to  be thinking about you know how much you   know what do you want to allow students  to do so choose can who can use the at   uh in the mentions in this or do you want to  kind of make sure that maybe people can't use   that the other students in it so go through take  a look at who can manage tags and you can really   you know think about what you want to achieve  in here and how much power you want to give to   your students to collaborate with certain  things that maybe only the teacher should   you have analytics in here too so you can kind of  take a look what's happening with the students uh   in here and then again here you know the tags  where we can create tags and tags can help you   manage uh you know manage your different parts  when you're communicating without always creating   different channels on it all right so this was  kind of a kind of a general walkthrough to get you   started with microsoft teams inside your classroom  take a look at those other videos if you again   want to do more take a look at that class  notebook that's super powerful the whiteboard   microsoft whiteboard is a great option to use  even if you're not using video conferencing   it's still a great option to use so let me know  what else you want to learn about microsoft teams   i'll create a playlist to help you out and i'll  dive deeper in some of these parts thanks a lot   for watching this time on teachers tech i'll see  you next week with more tech tips and tutorials
Channel: Teacher's Tech
Views: 67,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft teams, microsoft teams tutorial, how to use microsoft teams, jamie keet, teachers tech, microsoft teams for teachers, teaching with microsoft teams, assignments in microsoft teams, set up microsoft teams, microsoft teams for beginners 2021, microsoft teams tips and tricks, microsoft teams for the classroom, teach online with microsoft teams
Id: 5-2t-KSPlqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 4sec (1684 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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