How To Use META AI (Complete Tutorial) Beginner Tutorial (LLAMA 3 Tutorial)

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so welcome to this online tutorial today meta released their new meta Ai and this tutorial is going to be a comprehensive guide on everything you need to know now first off I will say the obvious well not obvious that you might not be able to access this software if you are currently in the UK or anywhere in the EU for some reason there are geographical restrictions which delay the release of this to everywhere so what you will have to do is you will have to use a VPN and it does actually work because currently I'm in the United Kingdom and this is the screen that I'm usually presented with but I'm still able to access it okay so here we are and let's get straight into the tutorial because there's actually a few unique features that meta didn't actually state but I can show you all of them so one of the first things to actually know about this software is that you don't actually need to sign into to meta aai in order to be able to use this very effectively you can see right here that if you want to log in you can and if you don't want to log in you don't need to so the difference is between logging in and logging out and you can log in on the bottom leftand corner of the screen the only difference is is that there are two okay the first one is that you can save your conversations which is something that you might want to do if you have a specific request and number two is that if you try to imagine and you try to generate an image you're not going to be able to do that so you can see right here if I try to click it's going to show you or please log in to generate images so if you would like to normally talk you can easily do that you can Lally click one of the prompts here and you can easily have a conversation but for this tutorial I'm going to be logging in so I can actually show you how to use this software okay so now that we're here there are basically two main screens you've got the new conversation screen and you've got the Imagine screen now on the new conversation screen there are six mini prompts that you can use for anything these six ones are just the basis of different things that you can do you can see it's got ideas writing fun support learn and of course imagine now the other section of this is called imagine which we'll get to in a moment but you can see right here you can simply write anything so for example I could say write me a blog post about the future of AGI and the content is delivered means that it's usually tailored for what humans really like so you can see here it gave me some additional resources it gave me some books organizations conferences and then from here what I can do is I if I can click like which will indicate a good response CU this was a pretty good response and then I can copy this content to the clipboard now you can simply go over to any word document and then you can paste it in and you can see we have everything that we need here and this is something that I really do like and if you want to additionally format it you can click here merge formatting and you can Klick keeps text only but I would say if you just want this for a document maybe you want to actually copy and paste it or save the document this is how you do that now of course one of the things that meta have actually spoken about if I go ahead and create a new conversation is I can go ahead and I can actually access real-time data so something I really like about about this that you can do is you can say give me in fact let's actually go back to the AGI future and I can say give me all the news or any news about AGI this week and essentially what it has access to is this actually does have access to real-time data with browsing with Bing So currently you can see that meta AI is searching and it's going to continue searching for any articles and then it says okay I couldn't find any news on AGI from this week however I did find a piece from January in which open AI CEO Sam Alman said that human level AI is coming but we change the world Lon we think and it gives you link to this and so what you can do here is you can then click view sources and then it's going to pop up with two links and then of course if you click the links it's going to pop up and you can see right here it takes us instantly to this article so I'm just going to ask it another question again so that you can see the real time capabilities so once again I'm going to say okay what happened today in Ai and then I'm going to ask it what happened today in AI okay so there we can see that it says here are some of the latest news in AI perception an AI based tool we've got researchers using AI to image the Earth's planetary boundary we've got Washington just blocking the use of AI en heart's video and of course you can see that you can view your sources so once again you can click view sources and then you can go ahead and click on these so real time information is something that is good with meta Ai and with this technology it is actually currently powered by Bing which is Microsoft's actual browser so I'm guessing that llama 3 actually had some partnership there so all you needed to do is just ask it what happened today because this is actually quite like chat GPT in the sense that it won't initially use browsing if you don't ask it to so you do need to make sure that of course you do prompt it to use browsing because if you don't then it's not going to obviously do that now there's also something else that you can do with this software in terms of the text generation but I think right now it is in a little bit of a weird State I think they will improve this especially when the 400 billion parameter model comes out later in a couple of months but this is something that you can do so for example you can say write me simple code in Python and so here you can see I've asked write me simple code in Python and then it says here is simple hello world program in Python and it says if you want a more traditional program with a main function here you go so this is not going to have the very best coding capabilities or the most insane coding capabilities but what it does have is it does have very basic capabilities now like I said before in the future when it is powered by the more powerful model the 400 billion parameter one I can suspect that these coding capabilities are going to be improved and of course if you're on any other platform then this AI that you're currently using isn't going to be able to print the code because the format just isn't going to work for example if you're using in Instagram DMS or on WhatsApp it's just not going to work as well but you can ask it many things now something to note with the coding which is quite strange is that if you ask it certain things for some reason it does kind of glitch out a bit like it will be able to you know print the entire code and then it will stop and then it will say sorry I can't help you with that so if you do have a more advanced coding question just try and ask it in a different way because it does have the ability but sometimes it just doesn't answer the question okay and I don't know why that is I think right now it's just trying to be very safe but in the future I'm guessing they're going to solve this now another thing that meta you can actually do with this software is you can actually use the Imagine feature so with the Imagine feature what this actually does is it actually allows you to generate images so you can see right here I'm going to select the one on the left and it says visualize a time traveler so it's going to use its image generation capabilities in order to generate images now first of all once I do that it's going to generate four images in total it doesn't take that long to generate these images but you can see that if we just click the expand button right here we are able to get four quick images now these images I'm not exactly sure what is powering them because sometimes the images don't look good like for example right here we can see that the faces of these images don't exactly look good and of course if you find that an image is distressing or just inappropriate you can click the top right here and you can click report harmful content which is going to give them good feedback now something that you can also see with these images is that in the bottom left there will always be a watermark I'm not sure how we remove that because they don't actually have a process at the moment but of course they do have that Watermark there in the bottom left hand corner now I'm going to show you some other instances of this actually doing well and this is where I asked it for a simple prompt a McLaren 650s in London and you can see that this actually does look a bit better because I know some people might be speculating on how good the image generation capabilities are I just want to say that I think it depends on what you're actually generating because some images work well whilst others don't work that well now with that there are several things that you can do with that image for example there are two buttons at the bottom and two of these I can really use so one of them I can click edit and I can edit this image and the other one I can click animate the first button edit it edits your image but not in the way that you might think so for example if I put okay make this car yellow you're going to see that when I try to make this car yellow it doesn't actually keep the same car it gives me basically an entirely different image so I'm going to show you guys that now I put make the car yellow and you're going to see exactly how it changes the actual image and not these specifics of that image so you can see right here it didn't even actually do this correctly but you get the gist when you click edit for some reason maybe in the future they will change it but it seems to just generate an entirely New Image based on what you have requested so that is something that you can have now in addition there is another button right here which is of course the refresh button which is regenerate so if you get something that you don't like just click regenerate it'll take around 10 to 8 seconds and then you'll have this regenerated again and then you can see we've got the actual color yellow I guess Orange and yellow is a little bit hard to distinguish but you can see that the images aren't exactly the same because of course this one is in the middle of the street which is pretty crazy but this one is driving by the street now I think this is a good one because this leads me on to the next Point what you can actually do with this software so what you can actually do is you can actually animate this so at the bottom you can see next to the edit button there's an animate button so if you click animate it's going to go ahead and you don't really have any creative control over this at the moment you just click animate and then it's going to animate your image along with the background now currently like I said you don't have any way to actually control the length the duration or the style this is basically kind of like a gif I guess you could say because it's just a few frames long it's around six frames long and it's not that fluid I mean I did one here that looks a little bit better but this is currently what they have at this stage in production of course it's not completely crazy but this is a first demo of what Future tools could be like now if you do want if you want to save the video you can just click save video as and then you're going to be able to save that video okay um and that is how you do it now you can of course see that the video does actually lose quality from the initial image to the initial video so I wouldn't try and use this too much maybe you want to do like something funny I guess you want to make like a funny gift or something like that that is something that you could potentially do but some for example certain Styles actually do look a lot better with certain things for example here you can see in the comic book style this one doesn't actually look that bad in terms of the overall image and when animating these ones they actually do look a lot better so I'm going to go ahead and animate this but I'm guessing that it's just for the comic book style that these things do look pretty decent and I guess you can see why I actually do like the animate feature so much is because it actually animates all four of the images and it doesn't just animate one and you can see at the back there the car comes across this one here this moves that way and then of course the rest of them do move in interesting and different ways and I think this is useful if you're trying to maybe mock up a storyboard really quickly and work really really effectively in a if there was anything I missed throughout this tutorial I think I covered all the features of course right now it is pretty basic but I still find that some features are probably going to get some upgrades in the future and hopefully if you are in the UK you're able to access this as well as some other countries as well so if you enjoyed the video don't forget to comment down below letting me know any of the things I did miss or what you're going to be using this for in the future
Channel: TheAIGRID
Views: 41,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dzoaviOEsSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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