How to use Maxent and GIS to produce simple predictions of distribution

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okay in this quick video what I'm going to do is just quickly go through what we did in the fan of daily average as practically no really this is about actually making something from a few bits of data if we just have a look at the dish that we've got you go to yet Cadell run directory which available on the you drive into the Delta U tilde s says there two million feel dirty Maxim eevee eevee evening environmental valuable and imagine stating Titans are just a point failed TR three files which contain three different colors first from species longitude and latitude Maxim if you can modeling program we're going to use we're only reading flowers which have this header and masada that needs to be species for a very long beaches and on latitude in Phoenix me get this particular book will not work okay but you read those what you want so in essence sure I got interrupted the Richard rag just looked at the three columns am especially reference in their same again earlier this the only difference is that Richards character species name a different one okay so to get these particular data interrupt guys it's very simple are we going to do is it to Adeline it's particularly epithet my major a strict too many different to yours because I'm using in newest versions are back where you are using be bitter but I'm going to use our APIs on the editor is some trees down I've got you back then you click out in a double here and you can take you to the table so we're just going to replica I'm go defer grata it automatically filled in yet away fear but you're correct it just from know whoever took them we're just going to Faneca run and keep them which is a geographic one green big data I mean to breed yet not to notify okay okay okay it didn't or that nothing really important and there we go we can take our species information from our map there all right so this is where the first classroom is contagious and beaten the rest of them integrates the in preparation for the new room the new metal plates that we're going to put them okay so every got our four different species in our dead set Panama and learn again Harry go you wish to do okay and then we're going to do is tap anywhere in our murder now max out is basically remembering distribution of species based on some environmental areas okay if we go into the directory Max and Ruby we'll see that we've got several different environmental adding it Fraggle tutor effect careful duck sir on sea surface temperature I can add met the garbage baroque are we're going to do is just reloading a directory of this run here is wrong we recommend that you know we're going to fitted versions of it according to loading files automatically and it give you an action River it's continuous a categorical now category is for example a sediment hazmat rock down mud dirt etcetera guys continuously continuous variable across and active to a temperature get graphic a clock sample we're just going to load in one of the fishies location will do that rigid on here with big fat services to kill murder this particular species that we are going to murder create a major environmental Delta okay there Cooper Creek think it relates to you can check create repent care to give you a bit more information about your you know murder on your future tribution we can also select do jackknifed to make a very very important which we tell you which variables with a most important ones within your module within the middle I'm going to leave these in check but any went to make pictures of predictions Kubek check clicking that would draw a quick picture so that you can get have a reputable come out okay I put that lip food is where you went this particular model to be dumped so guys I'm just going to make a new folder I'm going to curl be proud sad on the circular path okay that's where her father's filming a car going to be done concluding new map of the predicted brief as data distribution in html5 which contains all of the matter actor including how drunk is the director for the chapter we need to selectively move can you develop you better now you can leave projection layers are directed by a blank but it's good practice to make sure that you actually use the same correct location will your environmental are that essentially what Max and does is it distracting me from locations in environmental layers where point interceptor and then extrapolate into areas which are unoccupied busy and try to preserve the suitability of a habitat so in projection red you can put in there for example you could put forecasted temperature change a forecasted you change in a hundred years time to see how that niche from present-day features will change Amelia will reduce testament array of team have some features may be affected by Commission but it is good practice to insert the same location if you're working to predict the present daily tribution and to generate a map capital delusion now one final thing we have to do it just click settings we need to change randoms has presented to 30 okay so we're going to use 70 percent of our input from to generate the model we're going to use 30% of the front to validate it the 30 percent will not be used in the curation of the middle okay a semi-independent if you work okay here we go do now just click back on average do two sets engine to the datatex so now that's it everyone do it could run and you see that it will just go very quickly through a variety different time kakoen again separate statue developing the middle now and trying to fit the murder to the beauty tiki beauty it would be done in few moments okay very quickly if you typically to reckon it would take try to drum trigger they're coming back into here now okay finally location and specified where the actor will be typically you see a slap first and five the most important ones for you this one HTML document me ast 5 which is the murdered access to be captured in load of this HTML document you see a very natural fermented Africa for your murder we scroll down with your ago these numbers here is a prediction which we generated the right point have fish education 50 years in if you innovation with the murder the purple point and validation points that were you calculate test a you see value very comparable contributions on here gives you an indication of the importance of each variable and you can see that delivery to make a pattern front of a Casper in depth down here you still back rehab if your range of different snaps and point a truck going up because use nineteen thousand folks the training seven validating the validation given a touch ear uses of zero for menses which is very very good enough right now three indicates that River Duke and a particular model the actual number that we need to use and we thought when we can prove right so now what I'm going to do I'm going to import this file into our GLS so that we can see and to do that I'm going to use actor but in a moment it's an artifact and if we're just to add that in to Aerojet it's not going to cure properly because it's an active fire ranging from juror to work a default FG is we're just trying chariot at the threat value then I'm just going to drag it in when you see that it's just great and it gives you the term erroneous value here okay the Red Mill do is I'm going to convert that frog to a rafter so we're using actor bucks conversion to to raster and we're going to use a teeter after the ASD is enacted just do a clip back to also subscribe if you feel you're going to find further we want to convert if you be in your active director goes from here please press out okay then we are going to define your rotation good to say so we're just going to still exact fire to our original directed it's now going to be raster not Matthew fast I'm just going to curl be fat remember no extension can't be more than 13 character drunk until no spaces or for first drop-down for now the most important thing to do to change it from intergate to float it will read it worth different refer to Stricker cut it should only take a few seconds and where that Merrill jealous didn't drop from to just show Justin down gradually to narrow down we're going to zoom out and you can see like ridiculous Mary Mary productive here is showing a distressed rafter at wintery catafalque by using the symbology true which are part of the wrath of property we kind of read quick and Koufos out and get property embroidered and you will see we got some different options here we're just going to click catified the reactor if you want to compute your game cook yes and it very quickly show you a catification gave product Sakura raster now that's for curtain we want to use defined interval a dare approach to click ok to bring my bread cutter good I'm going to select my favorite colors game which is good to blue Brad you can see you read it that no no not at one which is right a run I'm in a record from this ramp to quick color and you can do that having our grow this pill is getting going and there we go a much more conservative representation of the Delta we just get error original print every little um with now at the beginning every really good map it shows where this particular species is so we're going to narrow is Adam to extra information we just let me find browse jim demint data but we can use for the country this probably isn't the best run to you get probably a lesser of two evils we're trying to read in a very high resolution map so that you can get a cracker match right last show we're going to met this black which is against my favorite red display this kind of information knowledge your honor zoom in okay so that's our first cliche obviously you can do this again we're going mikkel the different ones now what I'm going to do it took a lot out of here I'm going to start organize them have a display my map back and I'm going to kill it we're different math wrong to each of those when these will fit in side by side or more chemical it's beautiful that fabric and now you see that it can be quite difficult to turn our could turn the map and 32x area to the right I've done it I just move the bar we can put it forever I'm going to zoom in to the other venture really of interest okay I maximize that good it's robot well you can see I'm going to do that fitting for a tray let's go right foot grab see I'm now going to add my gratitude as we've done before okay to deliver the franchise make it much much larger so practice your excellent click fraud look at is good care agree that the neighbor is a little bit to go for a travel day I'm going to turn a firm ride EMS they're going to do it just in the property to remove these areas from your label at everland it contains neighborhood okay there is mega really do typically from at that downtown is at least from Siberia I'm just gonna change us right maybe a little bit Corolla okay they're pretty freaking it Mac it looks pretty good and very happy with it so running real dough is theoretically I would win them ever separate and runs for each one of the species okay for example email every done input pattern now doing a CT reactor conversion and then a would edit them here and get the exact formatting as exactly an unsecured the best and we're gonna do one or two just to show you my work bro exactly what we did before never unproductive changes to flirt okay now I've got this run on here but I'm going to do it very quickly duplicate this catification on to this one the right-click and mirror property clip great track 2000 extra need to cook info you can select the previous run it will automatically import the exact stone and color go now Michigan exact disappear major exactly surname for this run properties umbrella G and mascara kimper remain Philip V fatality balance whose me exactly so during times but that was some product tells you not to rest okay so I'm not gonna allow grow too much ready to go I'm going to do crappy little film now have now got to dataframe first containing is zoom delta minute learning work to get melting fair fight and the two that I need to change my latitude unclear edge net electric charge I'm just going to go into practice to turn that from left to right and there we go we can add it to your map look pretty good minimize the first from metaphorical turn out be fresh out make sure that mirror to go I've never two identically oriented maps with different dirty it's very simple now you add in the labor that we allow me to I don't value front looking you to draw up to about new tech but when you go to build up good when we can kill in September the toilet we're right where we make it fraction detector because it's rather bit against the background copy and paste okay okay I read repeat this for the other two guys select for me rapid head running I would move it down return on I really I got to turn deliberate okay - yeah yeah gravity grid rectum okay and there you go pretty professionally looking map which contains scooters of data every see this one will be a different feature a network will be a different species without it you've done it in the red red so I'm just going to move that down but copy your nibbled oak trim is that critic here make an overview right there enough experimenting will do mark we're moving to European area and then remember we're in very very useful to is the extent rectangle the right click on that game great crafted adult indicated card around in your zip code of ten rectangle - select from the boob reduction and click OK America on the irritation of the dead from their one finger Ricardo you can meet you know the accurate alignment and savages a good particular data frame to early going it fits out that's it pretty much there's no it's all like things that you can do for example we need to start getting some extra information are you what does the particular curlers me from the map so grandma dirty going set legend and went one of the glass you see it's not your infrared think I got properties of this particular thing and every diplomatic check every never betray a true virgin for I mean consider nor literally you can automatically Pharmacology to start cooking data in the legend over here this is my favorite legend to determine to borrow like a pact with Nagarajan humans are a favorite one whereas you can say we got value legend for exactly right kind of young current property each other we got title and change it to habitat which be written and back ranchera now the reveal item in here can look at data crafty turner other with a bright okay right a little a great so now it's mostly touch mixer my profession you're getting your edges now i'm just going to do a few little a teapot I'm just going to edit it bowed out of bone right-click on it another one scrap gravity if you'll turn to curly to announce color that are used to theme particular Mack an unusual tech factory can map that going to metadata in here okay they're down here you met ready to put the ear you see writers exactly what a map sure okay you're perfect about net your master out of touch where's my tattoo Ravana you put information in about Egyptian grandpa with different gear you see value you might put in here what coordinate system with a tourism that people can see that automatically so if we spend a bit of time doing it you can end up with something richer really professional and I'm going to show you what I've read a very with me first acting at a time from Mac I drew and Friday night your Integra yeah another way okay so here is the map I drew I'm cheering Patrick objection as you can see I've been adapted to where I did in the demonstration I've just recorded listen to it I prefer to get food a far different feature down here I've got some information about it habitat suitability okay so that descriptors right where it is at the record that's where you're aiming to achieve if you're doing a progressive quality forum with chromatic map okay thank you very much
Channel: Andrew Davies
Views: 34,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GIS, Day4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 13 2014
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