How To Use ManyChat In 2024 (Full Step-By-Step Guide)

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in this video I'm going to show you exactly how to use the tool mini chat to automate your Instagram DMS in 2024 this video is for you if you're looking to significantly increase the growth of your personal brand using Instagram in 2024 to drive more traffic to your offers and make thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars without ever having to manually send a DM this isn't going to be your basic step-by-step guide to mini chat I'm going to show you the exact setup that I use to add over 4,000 emails from just one video and make over $20,000 in the last 2 months using Min chat all without having to manually message a single person so now I'm going to walk you through my screen and show you exactly how I'm using many chat to explode my personal brand on Instagram you can see on this video here that I have over 16,000 comments and I ended up collecting over 4,000 emails so not only is this going to help me because I'm collecting emails sending out a lot of freebies and selling products but this makes me so much more valuable to Brands when they want to do a sponsored video with me because I can show them proof of hey I've collected over 4,000 emails I've driven over 5,000 clicks from one video versus in the past they had to depend on influencers having the link in their bio and people hopefully clicking that link and getting all the way to the landing page and then actually buying what the Ambassador was talking about but with this you can pitchure to brands that you're able to do an automated keyword to send them a link exactly where they need to go and it converts almost 10 times better I'm going to show you all that right now so when you log in mini chat it's going to look a little bit different than this because obviously I'm already signed up but I'm going to walk you through how you can set it up this is what you'll see when you get in you can see that you have multiple accounts in here that you can have so you're not restricted just to the one page you're going to click on add new account you're going to click on Instagram I obviously have already logged in to Instagram on this but once you log in it's going to ask you for your Facebook information and then you're going to link all of your Facebook pages and your Instagram page then all that's left to do is you would just choose the Instagram account you want to connect you see I have four different ones connected here major key here is that you have to have a Facebook page linked to your Instagram profile otherwise when you do all this it's not going to actually connect your Instagram at the end of the day you can do that really easily inside of your Instagram settings just by clicking on connected accounts and then creating a Facebook page if you don't already have one that's linked to your Instagram account so you're going to want to make sure you're set up on a professional account I've got my phone open right here so I can show you exactly how we're going to link the Facebook page if you've not already done it all you have to do is once you're set up for the professional account on Instagram you just click edit profile then you're literally just going to click on page and then it's going to ask you to link a page if you haven't already done it by creating or choosing a page to link and then if you've already linked a page for me just says manage connection change or create page or disconnect page so if you've already connected a page and you didn't even know it that's what it'll show but if you do need to link it it'll allow you to do it right there really easily so now that we have the whole setup process out of the way we can get into the fun part so you'll see here I have a ton of different folders with a bunch of different Min chat automations set up this way it's easy for me to find them if I need to in the future it also comes with a little search bar I can type in here so for example I want to find ones that I've done with YouTube in the title I do that and you can see all the different ones come up here it's super easy to find find with the search bar as well mini chat has a ton of really good help articles so you can click this basic Tab and it'll tell you kind of how to get started by collecting optins it'll also have the conversation starters here these optins are great I'll dive into the optins a little bit later but these conversation starters are great because you can add a frequently Asked question into your Instagram profile so when somebody goes to DM you it'll automatically pop up as one of the first things they can automatically click and then a canned response will come from you that you're going to send every single time so for me it looks like do you have one-on-one coaching when they click that button they get a message that says this here's the link for one-on-one calls with the link where they can book those calls also I'm opening up a 5we cohort at the end of February with the link to that cohort this is a really easy way to convert people with sales calls or just low ticket products that you have if you're frequently getting asked those questions and you don't have time to respond to every single DM one of the new features that many chat just released and it's insanely powerful is the followup to collect subscribers feature so anytime somebody sends you a message now after 12 hours mini chat has it set up so you can send them a message and ask if they want to opt in for updates this is really important because in the past privacy rules didn't allow you to send a message to somebody using mini chat with a bulk automation after 24 hours so even if you got 2,000 people messaging you about something you couldn't technically send them a message more than one day later to follow up about it unless they did something to opt back in to put that in plain English this basically is a mini newsletter inside of your Instagram dmn if people opt into this you can send them an update at any time and they're able to unsubscribe to those updates at any time as well this is really powerful for when you send big updates or maybe you're sending out a Weekly Newsletter and you want to send them to link to that or or you're watching a YouTube channel like this one right now and you send out a mini chat broadcast update to let people know about it the possibilities with this are endless and it's another super powerful way to be in constant contact with your biggest fans so let's dive into a couple different mini chat automations that you can use right now and they're super easy to implement we're going to start with a really simple automation that works super well for sponsored videos I have the ability to choose if I want this automation to run on all posts that I'm doing a specific post that I've done in the past or the next post that I'm posting on Instagram so this is a great way to schedule something out the day before so you don't have to go in right when you post it and set up the automation you can see on the screen here that I have this specific keyword of gamma set up so when people comment this word it's going to send them this DM in the caption of the video and at the very end of the video I have the CTA that says comment the word gamma to get access then you can have public reply setup and it's going to randomly choose which one they'll get so if somebody comments they might get sending over just sent your way or headed your way you can make those whatever you want them to be I keep it really simple for this then when somebody comments us they're going to get a DM that says pump for you to try out gamma check it out here with a button that leads them straight to the link for gamma again this is the most basic automation there is when it comes to mini chat but I got over 247 comments just for this one automation which not only drives more views to the video but it's also going to increase the amount of Link clicks that I get from me and the brand when I post something like this and you can do the exact same thing with a DM or a story trigger so I have this set up here when somebody comments the word views on my story they're going to get this automation that's set up like this it says what's up let's get you more info about velocity views this is the cohort that I'm running at the end of into February I'm only going to be accepting 50 people into the cohort when it opens so if you want to work with me join the wait list to get updates on when it opens and then if they click this button it sends them straight to the landing page where I have a bunch of information about the cohort now these two that I've shown you are great because they can get you a lot more link clicks but an even more powerful automation is the one I'm about to show you about how you can collect emails so this right here is the video that I was talking about that I collected over 4,000 emails from you can see there was 11,000 total comments on this one video and it has over a million views over on Instagram I collected over 4,300 emails from this one video for my newsletter think about how much money that's going to make me in the future and how much money you could be making from something like this even if you're only going to pitch these people something like a low ticket $27 course now this one's a little bit more complex but it's still really simple once you set it up once the best thing about mini chat is once I set up this automation one time I can just copy and paste it over for the next video that I make that I want to use it for so all I have to change are the links and the copy that's written for that automation but it'll still have the same exact steps every single time so so for this video we specifically have them comment the word Pika which again I mentioned in the caption of the video and at the end of the video itself once they did that they get a message saying Pika is insane here's how you can get access with a button that says give me the link this is where the real magic happens so you can set up a message inside of mini chat that's going to collect their email so all you have to do instead of text is you go down to here to user input and then you click on here and you have it email so I have it saved to the email system field and then you can turn this on or off depending on if you're going to have them opt in after the fact going to delete that here so that's exactly what I have for this I ask them what's the best email to send it to mini chat integrates with convertkit which is what I use for my emails so once they reply it'll automatically add a tag to them and convert kit and they're added to my newsletter this is when they'll get a confirmation email that they want to be on the list and get some even more free value after this and mini check can even tell if they just write in some BSS response and don't give you the email and they'll ask you for the email again saying hey that's not an email I actually need your email for you to move forward once we get the correct email The Next Step you can see here here is a message Suite here's the link for the paa weit list also you're going to get some free GPT prompts sent over in a second they can click this button it'll take them straight to the paa weit list we do a smart delay of 1 hour cuz we don't want to bombard them with messages right away and then we send them this quick message it says by the way I've opened the weit list for velocity views cohort this is going to be an intimate group of creators looking to explode their following by working with me if that sounds interesting here's more info with the link to the velocity views cohort now this is an area where you could do a couple different things you could up sell with a low ticket product like a $27 course not done that in the past to drive sales on autopilot you can send them to a free beat like a YouTube video or another asset that you have for free or you can start to push them towards your high ticket offer or service that you have for this specific video I'm now pushing them towards my velocity views cohort and joining the weit list so I can convert them into a high ticket sale after the fact now if they don't respond with their email because sometimes people won't see this right away or they just don't respond right away we send a follow-up message after a couple hours saying just let me know your email and I'll send it over and then if they still haven't responded we say whenever you're ready here's the link for the waight list and again that super simple automation got us over 4,000 emails from one single video and it got me tens of thousands of followers from Instagram because it got over a million views that's everything I could hope for in one video I'm collecting emails I'm making money and I'm growing my personal brand now you can get really in the weeds with minich chat I'll show you a quick example here of how we can take that last automation up a notch so once you collect somebody's email you can actually have that as a filter inside of Min chat so here we have a message and you say hey let's get you and then whatever you want to give them once they click this Buton Min chat if you set up a filter can see if you have their email or not already if you've already collected this person's email in the past we obviously don't want to bug them for their email again so we go ahead and we just give them the asset right away sweet here's the guide so you have it with the link but if we don't have their email we obviously want to collect it even if we've tried to collect in the past and it just didn't work maybe they're a little bit warmer now because they're commenting again they've seen more of our content so we go ahead and we say sweet what email should I send it to and we start that process of asking for their email again once they give it to us you can see we send them to the same message that they they would get if they had already given us their email so it's super easy to set up this way you're not bugging people for the email every single time they come into your float because odds are if they watch a lot of your content and you're using mini chat pretty consistently you would be asking for the email 5 10 15 times over the course of a couple weeks and that become exhausting for somebody who's watching your content to always be having to give you their email over and over again so if you look at my Instagram page you'll see that I have in my bio saying DM me the word AI for more information this is the exact flow that's set up with that automation when somebody DMS me the word AI they send me the word I say stoked to see you're interested in working together cool if I send over more info if they click the button that says of course they get a message that says okay good can I grab your emails so I can get you set up with it if they click of course again they get an email that says okay so this is the velocity views cohort I just filmed everything that is going to be included and how it's going to explode your personal brand what email address should I send it to again if they gave us their email it gets sent straight to CER kit via mini chat I don't have to use the appier or anything for this if they don't respond I just follow up by saying simply reply with their email so I can get you added and send over that resource if they still don't respond then I say when you're ready just head over to this link and check it out with the direct link for them to try because we don't want to be bothering them a million different times if they're not responding if they do give us their email they get a message that says perfect I'll send it in here so you have it right away with the link and then saying also I'm going to send you my gbt master DOC for free I'll check back in a bit to see what you thought so then we have a smart delay built in to wait one day and then we ask them hey what do you think about the velocity views cohort if they don't respond the very first time they get sent a message that says let me give you a little bit more background on it I give them more background if they give us their email it goes to that same link from before when they gave us their email and again it tags them in convert kit so I get their email if they don't respond it just says when you're ready just head over to this link and we'll get you set up with the link to the cohort again all of this might look really complicated but I can literally click this button right here and just click duplicate and it's going to build this out so next time I want to do something similar I don't have to do anything other than retype in what I want the prompt to say and inside my velocity views cohort I'm actually going to give you all my meni chat DM automations and you'll literally just have to copy and paste the link over into your meni chat and they'll automatically plug in I won't get two in the Weeds on this last part but I want to show you exactly how you can use this to qualify prospects as well so you see here we have a simple automation setup you say hey did you get a chance to check out that resource and again we can set this up to be triggered by any DM that we have we could also have in our bio a word like DM me the word sales to see if you want to be a part of my sales team and then you have them go through a qualifier automation like this to see if they're going to be a good fit so you can see here that once click yes it goes to the next question and then there's different paths based off if they respond with not right now or tell me more you can see a bunch of different options here and even more customization right here again I'm not going to get into all the weeds on that right now because that could be a 30- minute video in itself but leave a comment in the comment section if you do want me to get really in the weeds with a qualifier Automation in one of my next videos now that is exactly how to use mini chat in 2024 you know what mini chat is all the features a couple Advanced setups and everything you need to know to significantly increase your growth on Instagram and your personal brand in 2024 using Min chat having said that growing and monetizing your personal brand is so much more than letting mini chat do all the work for you you need your offer content ideas scripting editing lead magnets backend automations and so much more that I couldn't go into in today's video so if you want to grow your brand using medich chat and the infinite number of AI tools we use to automate 80% of my content creation process and click the first link in the bio to learn more about how my team can help you however if you just want to learn how to use AI to grow your brand I recorded this video on how to use AI to come up with infinite ideas for your content creation click the video on the screen now and I'll send you over
Channel: Clark Gary
Views: 14,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clark gary, manychat tutorial, how to use manychat, manychat auto reply message, manychat tutorial for beginners, manychat instagram automation, manychat instagram, manychat facebook ads, manychat growth tools, manychat bot, manychat growth tools tutorial, manychat marketing, manychat automation, manychat how to, free manychat course, How To Use ManyChat In 2024, manychat tutorial 2024, best way to use manychat, how to use the tool Manychat to automate Instagram messages
Id: eJtvMk89kbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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