How to use Limelite Renovating Plaster Full Process.Best alternative to traditional lime plastering?

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hey everyone in today's video i'm going to be talking about renovating plaster [Music] today's job i've got a little bit of a wall to hack off and i'm going to be using some renovating plaster on it so this is the limelight so this is a lime alternative so i'm going to show you how i use it why i use it how you do it from start to finish and i'll get into some of the techniques this is the problem area i'm going to knock this wall off to about here a meter high and then i'm going to put some renovating plaster in as you can see got damp coming through and the reason why i'm going to be using limelight is to let the moisture leave because it's just coming straight through this is an old property so basically the moisture needs to come in and it needs to come out so the sand cement is just holding it in so i'll put some renovating plaster on and this will let the wall breathe a bit more right so the first thing i've done is i've put some plastic on the floor already i've also set up some sheeting just here just to stop any dust going through the house also i've got an extractor fan as well so i'm covering all bases here so my next point is i've just got to cut out here so i've put a line all the way to what i'm going to be doing so i'm going to get my multi-tool first and i'm going to cut along the lines but if you can see here i've got a plug socket these are concrete floors so realistically the wire should be coming straight down so it shouldn't be going below but what i'll do just to make sure is i'm gonna cut to about here and then i'll i'll knock a bit of plaster out there just to make sure there isn't a wire going down as well because it's best to be safe than sorry so uh always be careful near electric surface [Music] right so it was a good job i did explore because look as a cable running right where i wanted to cut across so as i said if you do see sockets always be careful around them so luckily now i'm gonna cut a tiny bit there with my multi-tool just so i have got a good guideline but then yeah i know it's going to be safe then but it's quite thick actually it's thicker than i thought it was going to be [Music] and it's very damp there always best to be safe than sorry [Music] [Music] [Music] so i've got it all off now um all the dust is out uh i've taken all the sheeting down now and uh yeah i keep kept all the dust out which is exactly what i wanted so now i've just got to mix um renovating plaster get that on um i can get it on pretty much straight away it's uh i've given it a bit of a brush and it's not too damp so yeah i'm quite happy with how it's going so fast you can see i've got a massive amount of thickness here so that's probably going to take two coats of renovating plaster maybe a bit more but i'll put my first coat on the good thing about renovating plaster is you can actually get some good thickness so i'm just gonna make a start mix in the limelight now right important things to know is this stuff is really dusty so make sure you're doing it outside and also make sure you're wearing a mask uh it's important this part because the amount of dust that comes out of the renovating plaster is quite heavy make sure you protect yourself so i'm going to mix in my big tub because i've got a fair bit to put on so i've got a quarter of my tub filled with water so i'm just going to put my mask on and start putting some renovating plaster in [Music] so i put a fair amount of stuff in now i'm just gonna wet my um mixer [Music] let's get going [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so that's not a bad consistency but i personally would like it to be a bit stiffer [Music] so it's a bit too stiff now so i've just got a bit of water so just put a bit of water just to help it along because i've done it a little bit too stiff then [Music] [Applause] that's pretty good now i'm happy with that just check everything's mixed there's no dry bits around the side always this around the sides that [Music] right so this is the consistency that i want this is quite actually quite stiff and i need it to be stiff so i can get the thickness so make sure you've got a really good straight edge now as you can see i put this the best way i've got a fair bit to build out so that's the bit that i'm going to do first putting this stuff on i do it in the same fashion that i would do sand cement so i will start from the top from the right hand side and work my way around so i'm constantly working into the stuff this is actually a really light material to use which is great so i can just throw it in it's like using sand cement but without the heaviness [Music] uh [Music] right i thought i'd explain what i'm doing so i've got to build up this now and i've got a fair bit of thickness so what i've done is i've got my straight edge going all the way up i've put my level on it to make sure it is level but i've got it back a tiny bit because i know i've got to get a finish on it i also need to be able to get a bead on this as well so that's why um i just had to force as much as i could into the back and basically i've started to get a bit of a straight line appearing now so i'm going to now lift this off now i'll show you hang on so i so roughly so that's my rough working line now one of the really good things about renovating plaster is you can get a fair amount of thickness on the first go so i've got a fair amount on this already um but it's very easy to try and put too much on because you can get so much thickness so try not to be too adventurous when putting it on because it will fall off because you don't want to come back to it later in half if it's on the floor [Music] uh if you want to find out a bit about my mixer i've done a video i'll put a link just here a little plug to one of my other videos but if you're interested i recommend it it's been a great mixer i've had it for ages now [Music] right so these right are going to be this is now roughly ready for a float on in a minute this one here is still too thick i'm just gonna put scratch on [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] right i don't know how much you got of that so i've just quickly floated this this is actually quite soon after i've just got it all level and everything it pulled in pretty quickly to be fair the only awkward bit is if you can just see down here you obviously can't float down that so all i did was i just got my angle trout and i just did it at a different angle so instead of going instead of going nice and smooth up i just did it a slight angle just to roughen it up a bit so i can get some key on it for next time i've used my straight edge to get this as straight as i can so i'm keeping in line with what's uh kept it back a tiny bit because um i'm going to be putting a bead on this area and this area here because there is already a bead there so i can follow that there's a bead there so what are the benefits of using renovating plaster well renovating plaster is an alternative to using lime plaster basically that's the way i would describe it it's a lot easier to use than lime plaster as well um it's a lot lighter there isn't the waiting time there is with lime it's just a more enjoyable experience to be honest um i've done a fair bit of lime work and it's heavy it is really heavy work you're doing lime so with limelight it actually it just takes all the stress out of it the beauty of it is is that it's a breathable plaster basically so the moisture can come in and the moisture can go out just like the old lime wood so if you've got moisture in your walls and basically sometimes you just need to let the walls breathe because a lot of the time if there's water coming in it's got to find a way out water always does so sometimes you've just got to let it just do it naturally basically and that's where using lime and obviously limelight comes into play that's why i'd recommend using limelight it's i've used it now for a few years but yeah i think this is a great product especially considering how easy it is to use you can get a lot of thickness on it you haven't got the waiting times you do with lime like with lime you normally put a coat on and then you normally have to leave it a week and then you have to put another coat on and then and then another and then another to get it to the right thickness so there's it's a long waiting game basically whereas with renovating plaster you mix it you get it on and if you needed to you can put a second go on this next day sometimes even um later on in the day as well because it actually does set quite quickly right now so i'm just chopping off some of the bottoms basically this is just leave a little bit of ventilation at the bottom all right so i've floated that side and there so i've just got this little area here that needs a second coat so i'm going to be back another day to do that okay so i'm back here to put the uh the next coat on so i can float up ready for skimming it's a lovely day today so i'm gonna make the most of it right let's get this on [Applause] [Music] it is not a bad day today [Music] i do work it's really nice [Music] so [Music] so as you can see i put my straight edge on there and i've managed to get the thickness out because this stuff is great at getting thickness out um yeah i've easily probably put about three quarters of an inch on there maybe even more but um yeah so you can see so this is like the main tool for when you do some renovating plaster so you can get your nice straight edges so um and obviously a level as well level isn't that important on this one because i'm actually just following the walls if i was putting it on and i was just starting from scratch then basically i wouldn't but if you are using existing walls you have to go with what's there so hence why i've been following the lines so that she needs a little bit of time now for uh pulling in so i can float it all ready for tomorrow so why do i prefer using limelight to proper lime well one of the main reasons is it's super easy to do compared to you in line work line work is very labor intensive limelight is a lot less as it suggests by the name it's a lot lighter to use there isn't the same amount of mixing time with doing proper line work you're working with like a bell mixer and you have to let the stuff mix for quite a while i think it's normally about 20 minutes that's when it comes ready mix so yeah basically you put it in and you just let it mix constantly to bring it back to life yeah you normally have to wait a week in between coats so with limelight you can actually get on it within 24 hours and on top of that because it's a lot easier to work and lighter you actually can get more thickness another thing that i'll say is that if you've got laugh work so you're putting on um a ceiling on with laughs lime plaster is very heavy and with this stuff it's a lot lighter as well so i it's probably got that going for it as well i do think it's great stuff so i do recommend it so it's been a couple of days it's time for me now to put the limelight finish on so i'm just beating up now and then i'm gonna mix the stuff i'm gonna explain how you mix it up because you mix it up basically like skim but then you need to leave it for three or four minutes and then you remix it again so i'm just going to start mixing the limelight high impact plaster so i've got my water in the bucket start off with a little and i'll start pouring the stuff in now um i don't tend to follow the instructions exactly i won't put like 7.5 liters of water in i'll just put how much i reckon i'll need and then i will work it from there so i've i reckon i'm going to be using about a bag so i've i've got it about a quarter so it's close to about 7.5 so um i'm just gonna pour it in now and then i'll mix it and get it to the consistency that i want and then i'll leave it to stand for about three four minutes and then i will remix it again and if it needs a bit more water i can put some in there and then it's ready to go on the walls right let's get going [Music] [Music] also i never just chuck a whole bag in i always like to mix it as i'm going along [Music] i'm just gonna leave it now for three or four minutes now see if you can see it's quite a nice consistency but it has gone quite stiff as well so so i'm just going to give it a bit of time for the air to get into it and then i'm just going to remix it up again and get it to the consistency that i want it to be while i'm waiting that three four minutes what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna give my walls a quick brush and then basically so that i haven't got any loose stuff about [Music] and the next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to give it a little splash of water so i've got my sprayer here if you want that little bit of extra control you know no suction you want to get your water on it [Applause] [Music] so now that i've given it a quick spray and i've got some of my tools together i'm just gonna go back to the lime now and i'm gonna give it a quick mix [Music] so it will stick in places so i'm going to give it a bit more of a mix and then [Applause] if i need to i'll add some water [Music] so as you can see there it's come back a bit more back to life now i'm just going to give it a last little um spin around and then we'll go and start checking the stuff on [Music] right so it's now come time for me to check it all on so one thing to make sure you do make sure you've got some gloves when you're working with lime it does burn so you want to have some protection um so make sure you've got some gloves on everything's ready some of the angle trials on my speed skin so i'm good to go i'm gonna apologize about myself [Music] so this is just for getting in between the smart generator this is this fits perfectly [Music] so [Music] so i've just quickly put it on i'm going to put my speed skim over it now to get it all nice and flat give it a quick trial as well at the same time [Music] see you can see here there's a few little bubbles that's coming through the renovating plaster so once it sets a bit more you can actually just push those bubbles in so you're just letting everything settle first so i didn't think i was going to trial it but i just have just missed that one so i've given it a quick trial i put a little bit tiny bit more stuff on because it needed some so i'm just going to leave it a little bit now because it's pulling in really nicely right i've given it about 10 minutes now and if you look here it's pretty hard to touch now so what i'm going to do is i'm going to get my steel trowel over this now and i'm going to try and get rid of any imperfections [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] nice finish that i just used my plastic trowel at the very end just to make sure that it was as smooth as the rest of the wall basically because the old wall is actually skim and obviously this is a different type of finish so i've just made sure that i put a nice plastic trial at the end because that won't polish it up too much and it looks really good right i'm just going to clean up right so i finished this job now um i hope you've learned something from that if you've got any questions or anything you want to ask me about limelight please do so that's me using the limelight renovating plaster so i put the base coat on i've put the finish on and it's all down to the painters and stuff now so i do think you need to get different type of paint for using lime because it needs to be breathable so uh if you are going to be doing it that's something to take into account because normal paint will just seal it and that will defeat the object of using a breathable material thank you very much for watching this video guys um please like and subscribe um i'm doing really well at the moment i've managed to get quite close to a thousand which is my goal for the year so if you do like these videos please subscribe i'd really appreciate that that would be ace don't forget there's a new video every tuesday right thank you very much for watching catch you on the next video
Channel: Anthony Parry Plastering
Views: 3,350
Rating: 4.9354839 out of 5
Keywords: Renovating plaster, Limelite, How to use renovating plaster, Lime Alternative, What is a lime alternative, North Wales, Prestatyn, Lime plastering
Id: jyr_uhcrhxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 52sec (1972 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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