How to Use Hydrogen Peroxide with Tomato Seed Starts to Manage Fungi, Molds & Fungus Gnats:

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welcome to the wrested garden homestead today I'm going to show you how to use hydrogen peroxide as a soil drench for your seed starts to help manage fungal problems molds and fungus gnats or other insects now I'm going to do this as an experiment I'm going to take you through the experiment to see how I came up with the ratio of water to hydrogen peroxide this is a 3% solution make sure if you're going to do this it says 3% and let me just get right to the experiment and then I will talk with you at the end of the video how to use this for fungus gnats and how to use it for other problems so here's the start of the experiment using h2o 2 with a 3% solution that you can buy it your grocery store at a pharmacy again 3 percent solution these are my tomato plants their experimental plants it's too early to start tomatoes in my area except for an experiment so what we're doing is we're doing a one to one ratio of h2o2 to water hydrogen peroxide to water a two-to-one ratio 2 parts water one part one part hydrogen peroxide and this is going to be straight hydrogen peroxide in 730 I'm gonna check on this on these plants in 24 hours see how they do and they're absorbing everything from the bottom I know for my other videos that if I use a concentration like this on the leaves that it would damage the leaves what I want to see is if a higher concentration damages the root systems at a one-to-one ratio equal parts a two-to-one ratio two parts water one part hydrogen peroxide and this is just straight hydrogen peroxide and you can see I think like right in here you can see it bubbling that's the hydrogen peroxide going to work it's getting absorbed into the starting mix from the bottom this should kill off any kind of funguses fungi any disease problems you know should also take care of fungus nut eggs now the whole goal is to figure out the right ratio that you can treat your starting mixed soil but not not damage your plant so we're starting with this today you can just see it bubbling down there and that's what h2o 2 does is it it breaks down into into oxygen and water but that release of the oxygen creates energy that energy is oxidizing and basically you know lack of better terms cleans your soil kills out the problems we just want to make sure it doesn't damage the root systems so it's been 24 hours since the plants are put in the water and hydrogen peroxide solution they are all started at the same time came out of the same flat no hydrogen peroxide here this will be our comparative plant that we use as the baseline this was straight hydrogen peroxide this was a 1 to 1 ratio water to hydrogen peroxide and this was a 2 to 1 ratio 2 cups water to 1 cup hydrogen peroxide I'm gonna let this go for a couple of days we're gonna look to see if there's any damage showing which would really be yellowing leaves but the whole idea is to figure out what is the right ratio or what is the right range of ratios to put hydrogen peroxide into your water so that when you bottom water your plants you can address fungal problems disease problems and fungus gnats that are in the soil so let's you know wait another 24 hours see how they look oh one more tip because hydrogen peroxide reacts with light when you first set this up or if you're going to do the experiment or when we get to the point that we figure out a ratio that works put these sort of in a shady area in your house don't let light react with it and just let the water and hydrogen peroxide be absorbed into the plant don't put them under your grow lights because h2o two reacts with light just keep them in a place where they can be absorbed and do the thing in the soil so it's now been 48 hours since the experiment started this is the baseline plant no h2o was added there this was just 3% hydrogen peroxide this was a one to one ratio one cup of water to one cup hydrogen peroxide and this was a two to one ratio two cups of water to one cup of hydrogen peroxide the plants look essentially the same I'm going to actually water the peppers and then tomorrow we're going to give these a light feeding with probably something close to a 1:1 one in pk but they will all get the fertilizer together so is now 72 hours again this is the one that is just the baseline no h2o two hydrogen peroxide added to that this was just hydrogen peroxide a 3% solution a one-to-one ratio water to h2o 2 and then 2 parts water to one part hydrogen peroxide not much change across all four of them the plants over here a little bit of a different color and that might just be because these were out of the light for a while overall looks like 3% solution doesn't do a lot of damage to the plants get a feed this tomorrow morning I'll show you how I do that and I want to still give this 5 days with a liquid feed and then we'll move on from there all right so I showed you the first 72 hours of the different rate ratios of h2o to hydrogen peroxide in there and again remember I'm using a 3 percent solution that's really important yesterday was the fourth day and into a video net but I fed them with a water-soluble fertilizer well below a 5 5 5 n P and K nitrogen phosphorus potassium just wanted to see if any fertilizer would react with the h2o - that may still be in the soil my suspicion is is the hydrogen peroxide is broken down by now but I just want to see if that would matter because we're going to be feeding the plants looks like they are doing perfectly fine now in the fifth day so we are 120 hours from the initial experiment with a feeding of water-soluble fertilizer I'll let these go two more days and then we'll talk about what might be the right ratio to treat your soil so now we're at day six about a hundred and forty four hours since the experiment started you already know what these are and I thinned them out they were fed 48 hours ago with a very dilute human made chemical fertilizer I wanted to give these the full run of what we might be doing to them as we're raising our seedlings and you can see this is interesting the 3% just hydrogen some of the tomatoes are beginning to up I thinned out all of them so they can grow more normally but they're beginning to yellow here here and this one's beginning to wilt and in the 1 to 1 ratio one cup water 1 cup 3% hydrogen peroxide this one's starting to yellow we'll to the two-two-one looks perfectly fine that looks like that will be the maximum maybe strength and stick with me for a couple more days we'll figure out what is the starting ratio to cleanse your seed starting mix using hydrogen peroxide with your tomatoes so we are nine days into the experiment and we're going to stop there and I'll talk to you about the ratio that I would recommend at nine days we lost four plants here with just straight three percent hydrogen peroxide we had some plants yellow right here this one actually died back but some of the growth came back these plants look a little bit weaker this was a one to one ratio one cup water to one cup of hydrogen peroxide and this was a two to one ratio 2 cups water 1 cup hydrogen peroxide and the plants look pretty good there's new growth on here they look healthy two to one ratio would be the maximum I would recommend if maybe you have a big infestation of fungus nets and you just gotta take care of them but I'm gonna recommend excuse me a four to one ratio 4 cups of water to 1 cup hydrogen peroxide that's the ratio for taking care of fungal problems mold problems and fungus gnats now I just want to say every fungus every mold is not a problem you can have that on your soil sometimes it's beneficial if you're using organic fertilizers that's okay that could just be the soil life and nature doing its thing if you see you know fuzz growing on the stem of your plants that's usually damping off disease you would want to do a four to one ratio hydrogen peroxide and try and take care of that that's a problem now for treating fungi and molds again I want to stress every mold and fungus you see on the surface isn't necessarily a problem but if you feel it's a problem you just need to do this one time that should take care of the fungus that should take care of the mold and you're not gonna have to keep repeating this these are my different plants so I just want to show you some things you're going to see if you look in here hopefully you can see this green that is algae that just comes from your water the grow light so when you see something green that's not something you're gonna want to treat with hydrogen peroxide that's just normal played old algae growth so you want to just take a look at your plants see what's going on if you see anything out of ordinary that's when you might want to treat the fungus or mold with hydrogen peroxide just do it one time and that should take care of now for fungus gnats if you see them flying around that's one stage of development those are the adults the adults then land on here lay eggs the eggs hatch the larvae crawl into here they feed on the roots the h2o2 is going to be absorbed into here and it's going to disrupt the life cycle by killing off the larvae so you'll use this but you can have to wait several days to see if you're getting the fungus gnats under control so I recommend also putting up you know the yellow fly traps apple cider vinegar trying to catch the adults that are flying around while you're treating the bottom with the hydrogen peroxide you're disrupting their life cycle and to treat them I would do a four to one ratio let it go for three days if it looks like they're getting under control let it be if not give them another dose four to one ratio h2o - I'm sorry of water to hydrogen peroxide just make sure the higher number the four is water the lower number is hydrogen peroxide and when you go to the store just double check on if you can see that but it says three percent this was all done with three percent hydrogen peroxide now we did it with Tomatoes I feel comfortable enough to use it with peppers and other plants but if you want to you know kind of use what I always say don't trust my videos don't trust the videos you see don't trust what you read test it out so we've done enough experimenting no a 2 to 1 to 4 to 1 ratio isn't gonna harm tomatoes but you might want to test out your pepper so just get a container like this create the ratio drop it in there put your new variety of plant in there let it go for four or five days see if there's any damage that's the wisest way to proceed hope you enjoyed the video this gives you an idea of how you can use hydrogen peroxide as a soil drench essentially to help combat insects fungus gnats fungal diseases molds and other problems thanks for watching please check out my sea chap at WWE wrestler card rusted garden calm thanks for watching
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Views: 122,815
Rating: 4.886085 out of 5
Keywords: Vegetable, Gardening, Organic, Homesteading, Off, Grid
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 23 2019
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