How to use Google Drive for File Management

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hello guys welcome back to my YouTube channel so today in this video I will see we will see how we can upload any file in Google Drive so you can see here I have already logged in with the Gmail account so after logging in the Gmail account when you will open your browser then you will see this Google Apps uh app so you can see these dots in this do there are Google Apps so you can see here there are so many apps of Google okay these are the apps provided by Google like slides bloger sheets dog finance and there are so many okay so in Google Drive how we can add how we can um upload any file in Google Drive so you can see here so let me change my Google account I do not want to do on this account use this account so just change the account so now you can see here I have changed my Google account so on this account I will click on the Google App then you can see Drive click on that so here you can see already I have loaded so many files and folders okay so in my tab you can see the folders so I have uploaded so many files and folders already on Google Drive so yes today but let's upload one more file okay so this is the plus new symbol so click on that when you will click on that you will see some so many options like new folder file upload and folder upload so what I have to do I have to do upload a file so first let me create one folder so click on new folder name give any name to this folder June 17 okay create so now you will see in my drive in my drive one new folder has been created that which I I have named recently that folder is June 17 okay so yeah so you can see right now this June 17 folder is empty okay now upload new file so you can upload file or folder so now I'm uploading one file from our local machine so click on file upload okay so let's we can upload anything either documents speak pictures music videos anything any file or folder that you want to upload you can do that okay so let's me find some document or let just upload one picture Okay so this picture I'm going to upload so select this one and click on open so now you can see here in the bottom right side bottom so this is uploading now uploaded uploading has been completed now you can see the picture has been uploaded you can see here the preview of the picture okay so in this way you can upload a folder in the same way you can also upload any folder like click on folder upload okay select any folder like you want to upload this folder so click on that and click on upload when you will click on upload okay so let me click this one so this upload all files from set pictur only do this if you trust side okay upload so you can see here this is the preview you are seeing right now so yes so now you can see there green mark it means folder has been uploaded you can see here and whatever the files there where there all files are there in saved pictures okay so in this way you can upload file or folder okay if you want to delete so we we in my drive my drive June 17 okay so in this way if you want to delete let's suppose I do not want to keep this folder in Google Drive so you can come here and you can delete move to trash click on that this file will be will be deleted okay so if you want to share this uh let's put this picture this picture you want to share with your friends you do not need to send share with them uh this file or picture just you go to here and you can see on share there are two options share and copy link if you click on share then you have to select if you know the email ID of your friend or the person you want to send then just type their uh email address and you will be able to send these files to that person okay if you want to share the link only link of this picture then you can copy the link and share on WhatsApp Facebook or wherever you want to send them okay so in this way you can uh so just we have seen how we can create a folder in Google Google Drive how to upload a file or a folder in a Google drive and how to delete them and how to share with others these files and folder okay so in next video we will see more about some other topic by
Channel: Analytics Funda
Views: 98
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: c7dIJqYxHA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 31sec (331 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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