How to use GitHub with Pycharm in less than 7 minutes

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this video is going to be a quick introduction to get slashed github and how they work when working on code projects you typically work in a team and github is just used as a platform for an easy way to share and edit code among multiple developers without getting everything mixed up you could just email or text the code or heck you can even just write it down on a letter and snail mail it to one of your developers but that's not going to be very efficient and it's definitely prone to a lot of errors because by the time it gets to the other person the whole codebase might have just been changed already so what exactly is good you know I'm glad I asked it's a version control system also known as a system for managing your files for instance let's say you're working on a project with a lot of different files and you can't keep track of all the changes on your own this is where gate comes in and get efficiently keeps track of all of these changes good repo be a git repository keeps track of all the changes to your codebase use git poles to grab the code from the github project into your code editor as you work on your project you frequently take instances slash snapshots aka commits of your current state of these files we can go back and forth through these commits this way we can see past changes or just go back to the most recent commit these are all stored on your local machine and they don't affect the original project on github at all however when you're ready you could just push the code to github and then you'll be ready to see your changes on the original project and github alright so step one log into your github make sure you have a github account before you do all this and once you're logged in go to the project you want to edit in this case it will be checker bot now what you're going to do is click clone or download make sure you copy this URL and we're going to use that in the future we're going to do is create a new project and pycharm alright let's close that let's make a brand new one and it doesn't really matter what you name it I'm just gonna call mine I'm title - just because I'm too lazy to make a new name okay here we go brand new project new beginnings new everything so without further ado what we're gonna have to do he's going to VCS and import into version control and before we do everything we need to create a git repository we're gonna select the directory in this case we could just do it this folder it's all good just to default unless you really know what you're doing ok we're gonna go to VCS go to get and we're gonna go down to remotes now this is where we add that link control V here it is if your link doesn't look like this then you're in the wrong place so we're gonna click OK click OK again alright go back to VCS click get and then click pull make sure that this link is it within remote it's the same one that we copy and pasted looking good so far click the refresh button click this little tick origins large master and then click pull after that pull we should just be able to direct into the folder and here we see the checkers folder that means this came straight from get up that's the project very good now we can just go straight into one of these files I'm just gonna pick mmm let's do checkers why not and normally we're going to be doing more meaningful changes but in this case we're just gonna make a comment I change this comment you know I don't really care save that let's go to VCS and I commit that file so what this pop-up windows gonna ask us to do is to make a commit message and typically when you make a commit message what you want to do is to make sure that it accurately describes the changes you made so in this case I made a new comment and the reason you want to make it clear and understandable is because other developers and your team are going to be reading this and it's very important that they can just understand it quickly down here is a pretty cool feature you can see the old commit version versus the newer version there's nothing here but and it's newer version our new version that is we can see the new comic we made so that's pretty cool now if you just want to make a commit for your local machine meaning you just want to make a change but just put it on to your local machine without putting it on github specifically you can just click commit however in this case we made all the changes we want so we're ready to commit and push now what push does is it quote-unquote pushes all of the commits we made so it pushes all the changes we made on this local machine straight into the original project on github you can see down here this means that it successfully pushed 13 minutes ago which is when I was recording this video all right here's the fun part now let's just go straight into github back to the original project click on checkers wherever you made your change and you can see exactly when these changes were made in this case it was in checkers got py and when I recorded this video earlier it was 18 minutes ago oh you could just click here and here we can see the comment we made very cool ok let's say you made a bunch of changes or another developer friend of yours slash co-worker made some changes and you're not entirely sure what he changed a quick easy way to see the changes is just to click this commit message and here you can see before and after what happened with the code here's the old version what there is no comment and here in the newer version we can see the new comment that we made now it's highlighted green because we added it now if it was highlighted as red that means we just removed it now that's a pretty quick overview of how github works I hope this is helpful and thanks for watching
Channel: Theo Suciu
Views: 69,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GitHub Pycharm Git, Github, git, pycharm, how to use github with pycharm, github pycharm, github theo, theo pycharm, github pull, github 100 seconds, git 100 seconds, github in less than 7 minutes
Id: a8MckiothGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 44sec (404 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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