How to Use Git Plugin to Backup Obsidian Vault With Github

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hello everyone welcome to another video on obsidian in this video we are gonna be talking about how you can use obsidian git committee plugin in order to backup your Vault with GitHub previously I was using the GitHub desktop app which had a lot of manual work I had to open the GitHub desktop app I had to commit the changes and then I had to publish the changes to repository and this was a time consuming task recently I reset my PC and I had to do all of that again I found a better way to backup my obsidian Vault with GitHub and that is by using the obsidian git plugin it automatically backups your vault at a certain interval and it saves a lot of time because you don't have to do all of that manual work so in this video I'm gonna show you how you can use obsidian git plug in order to backup your Vault so let's begin the tutorial without any delay let me go to my computer screen and show you how it's done install the plugin called as obsidian git first for that I'll need to go to settings go to company plugins go to browse and search for git here and you can see this is the plugin that I was talking about obsidian gate backup your Vault with Git it is a plugin that allows you to backup your obsidian Vault to remote git repository now click on enable this plugin and if you go to option you will see that the git backup settings git is not ready when all settings are correct you can configure auto backup so first thing that we need to make this git ready is to install the git software and then we need to install GitHub desktop app in order to configure our plugin first I'll just search for git over here and it will take me to this website git Dash SCM and you will see the download option you can download it for Windows from here I have already downloaded it so I will not show you here and another software that I was talking about is GitHub desktop app if you source for GitHub Desktop in Google you will see this GitHub desktop Sim simple collaboration from your desktop and download this app from here download for Windows a 64-bit I have already downloaded it so I'll just go to my Explorer over here go to downloads here I have the GitHub desktop setup app and git app I'll just double click on git and it will start the installation process click on yes just keep on clicking yes over here you don't need to do anything you don't need to change anything I just click on next and install here we have completed the git Setup Wizard I'll just uncheck The View release nodes and click on finish now we have installed git now we need to install GitHub desktop app in order to create repository inside our hard drive and publish that repository in our GitHub account and here GitHub desktop app is being installed it will launch once it is done once you have installed the GitHub desktop app you will see an option to log into your account if you have not logged in already you will need to log in first and once you have logged in you will need to create a new repository on your hard drive and I will change the location to the folder where my second brain board is located I'll just create a new folder over here which is called test and I'll just select this folder and I'll just test name the folder test and I'll create repository over here I will not publish this repository right now because I'll need to move these files that as git files inside my second brand world for that I'll just need to go to this Vault go to this repository that we have created right now that is inside our second brand that is test vault and I'll just need to move these two files right now there is only one file because I have not enabled the option to view hidden files so for that you will you'll just need to click on view over here click on so click on hidden items and you will see two files two for one folder and one file over here for the first one is dot gate folder and the second one is that git attributes file I'll just need to I'll copy this files from here and I'll move them inside my second brain folder I'll just paste them here now if I go back to GitHub desktop you can see it will say can't find the test folder and I'll click on locate over here and I will select the location to my second brand click on select folder and you will see it will show all the files that I have in my second word second brain so I'll just commit these to Main depending on the files you have in your Vault or in your folder it will take some time to make commit and once all of these changes are committed you will need to publish this repository click on publish this repository and just name I'll just name it my second bin if you want to keep all of these all of the nodes in your world private you can just check this option but if you want others to see these notes as well you can uncheck this option so I'll click on publish repository and it will be published to my GitHub account online now if I go to my browser and go to my GitHub account I can see that this folder that is my second brain folder will be published on my account and you can see here there is the option to see my second brain folder and if I open this you can see it has been changed one minutes ago which means it has recently been updated now let me just refresh this again and you can see all of the changes has been done one minutes ago in this folder and this folder is private as well you can see on the top here which means no one can see this folder besides me so at least I'll just click on exit over here and you can still see here that the git is not ready because we have not reloaded our vault so I'll just click on command palette or I'll just close this world and reload obsidian and let's go to settings let's go to obsidian git over here and now you can see git backup settings are ready and you can choose the Vault backup intervals let's just write it two minutes the bulb will be backed up every two minutes or you can just turn on the option to back up your Vault after every file change which means whenever you write something on your Vault whenever you change anything in your nodes it will be backed up directly to your online repository and there are other options as well here you can also backup your wall by using command palette that is source for git on command palette and you can just pull push and see all these options over here obsidian gate right this is how you can easily automatically backup your Obsidian World with GitHub by using obsidian git plugin I hope you found this video helpful and this video added value to your workflow if you found this video helpful please don't forget to like the video and subscribe to the channel because I'll be coming with more obsidian related content in the future thank you for watching have a great day bye
Channel: Prakash Joshi Pax
Views: 6,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: obsidian, Obsidian github, Obsidian git, Obsidian sync, Obsidian git plugin, Obsidian note-taking, personal knowledge management, second brain, Second brain system
Id: uBRRVmQRe2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 15sec (435 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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