How To Use Galaxy Watch 6 - [COMPLETE Beginner's Guide}

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so the first thing you want to do is make sure you have the Galaxy wearable app installed on your phone this is going to allow you to get the watch set up as well as make sure you're getting all of your notifications from your phone on the watch as well so when we come in here and open up the app as you can see I'm already connected to my Galaxy watch 6 but if you weren't you could simply go to this screen right here and you would click on add new device and then once you power the watch on it should detect your phone and you'll simply follow the steps that it has you go through to get the watch connected so now that we're back on the main screen it gives you a general summary of the watch you can see an example of your watch face right there it also has the name of your watch it has your battery percentage as well as a rough estimate as far as how much battery life you have left so you can see we have 12 hours and 22 minutes approximately so the first thing that I like to do is scroll down here and go into watch settings and from there we're going to scroll down to General and what we're going to do is set up the orientation of the watch so this depends on which wrist you plan on wearing the watch as well as which sides you plan on having the buttons so you can click on orientation right down here and again you can choose which wrist left or right as well as the button position either on the left or the right as well and that's just going to give you the best setup so that the watch knows how it's being used so now we can go ahead and go back to the home screen something else that you can control from here is the watch face and you can see it says watch faces right there so if we click on that it brings up this page right here and you can choose a different watch face so if I wanted to go from this one you can see or turn the watch on it matches that one right there but if I wanted to go to this one right here press that give it a few seconds and now it switches over here and same thing if I wanted to try one of these other ones which is click that give it a few seconds and then you can see it updates over here as well now if you scroll down there are other watch faces that you can download summer free and some you do have to pay for some of the more advanced and cool looking ones do cost a little bit of money so you do have that option it's up to you if you want to go with a free version versus a pay version so now if we go back to the main screen you have these other options in here as well for example this one right here the app screen if we click on that this is where you control which apps you have available on the watch so you can see you've got a number of different apps in here and you can reposition these if you want certain apps to show up towards the top for example if we come down here and we want to use Google Wallet very frequently I can simply press on it hold it and drag it to the top of the page here so this way once I go to the app screen on the watch I'm gonna have that app towards the top so it's easily accessible now another quick tip if we go back to the app screen if you wanted to create folders for your apps you do have that option so for example if I wanted to have the weather app and the phone app and a folder together what I could do is simply touch and hold the weather app and drag it over top of the phone app like so and you can see it creates a folder I can give that folder a name whatever I want it to be and then that way I can just have one folder with those two apps easily accessible so now that we're back to the home screen let's go ahead and check out the tiles so these are basically pages on the watch that you can see very quickly that allow you to see or do different things so you can see our first tile is our daily activity tile so this is going to give us a summary and a breakdown of our health metrics for example our steps and calories burned things of that nature now if we scroll over you then have the workouts tile if you're about to start a workout whether it's go for a walk a run you can go in there and start the workout manually that way it will track your pace uh calories all that fun stuff scroll over again you have another Health summary gives you some basic information as far as your heart rate again your steps your sleep tracking if that is something that you want to take advantage of scroll over again you also have a sleep tracking tile itself scroll over again you have body composition so you have a bunch of these different tiles that you can easily access on the watch which I'll show you here in a second but in this area right here is where you control how the tiles are ordered and how you control which tiles you actually have on the watch so if there's some of these that you don't want for example the weather maybe you don't want that tile maybe it's just cluttering your watch you want to keep your watch as minimal as possible all you have to do is click on that red line right there and that'll get rid of the tile so now you only have seven tiles to go through rather than eight now if you want to add a tile if you come down here you can scroll down and look at the different options that you have and for example if I wanted to add the weather tile back all I would have to do is click on that and you can see it adds it again now I can go to save and that is going to save my tiles now let's go ahead and go over to Quick panel which I'll show you that on the watch here very shortly and very similar setup this is how you control which settings you have available inside of your quick panel so same thing if there's one of these that you don't want simply click the red line and that will get rid of it so for example let's say do not disturb click that red line and it gets rid of it now if I want to add it back come down here to available buttons and we'll click that plus sign as you can see we have it there once again now if I wanted to change the position I could simply touch and hold and then drag it over to this first screen once again and put it right there where it was previously so then we'll go ahead and click save so now let's go ahead and take a look at the actual watch so really quick the two buttons that you have on the side of the watch are the home button as well as the back button so anytime you want to go to the main screen the main watch screen You're simply going to press this home button and anytime you're navigating through the watch if you want to go back to the previous screen You're simply going to press this back button so really quick let's go ahead and get opened up here and you have a couple different options you can tap on the screen twice to wake the screen or like I said you could press that home button I all right so as you can see we have the watch unlocked and let's just go through the basic functions here so for starters if you swipe to the left that is going to take you to your notifications so for example if you had any text messages any missed phone calls anything of that nature swiping to the left will take you to the areas that will show you which notifications are active now if you want to get rid of a notification you can simply swipe up just like that and now you can see it says no notifications so if we hit the home button go back to our home screen now let's go ahead and swipe to the right so now this is where you have access to those tiles that we looked at inside of the app so a simple swipe to the right gives you access to those and as you can see you have these different pages where you can do different things if you wanted to run a body composition on yourself right there you could do that you have your calendar in here so if you have events coming up or if you want to schedule an event you can go in here and do all that fun stuff scroll over again you have your ECG that you can do your weather app or weather tile I should say so swiping to the right is how you access your tiles very useful stuff and the one that I use the most is probably this summary right here if I want to check my steps and calories burned and things of that nature so let's go ahead and go back to the home screen and now let's swipe down so this takes you to the quick panel so this is how you can easily change different settings so right here you have your sleep mode and if you press that that will put the watch into sleep mode basically and it's going to mute your notifications and pretty much put the phone in a do not disturb state so that you can peacefully sleep and you also have the do not disturb mode which is very very similar it's pretty much going to mute everything so that you're not getting disturbed by your watch you have this watch icon which is an always on display option so if you want your watch to be like a more traditional watch where you can simply look at it at any time and see what time it is you can see your information obviously you have your power off option right there so if you want to turn the watch off you can simply press that you have your settings right here so if you press that little gear icon that takes you into your different settings so now we'll just scroll back down once again if you click this sound icon that is where you control whether the watch is on vibrate things of that nature and then if we scroll over you also have a flashlight if you're in a dark environment you need a little bit of light to help you see you can click on that and as you can see here it's going to illuminate our watch face to again help us see in a very dark area you also have the screen brightness which is going to be this one right here so if we click on that you can control exactly how bright the screen of your watch gets right here this is going to be your power saving option so if you notice your battery is getting low you can turn that on or if you're just wanting to save as much battery as possible you can turn that on and it's going to pretty much put the watch in a state to help prolong the battery as much as possible it's going to turn off things like always on display it's going to turn off Wi-Fi if you have that active you also have this sound icon right here which allows you to make changes to the volume of your ringtone as well as the volume of your media your notifications your entire system volume all of that can be accessed right here you also have the Wi-Fi settings so that's how you connect the watch to whatever Wi-Fi network you want and then this option right here with the raindrops that is going to be the water lock option so if you're planning to take a shower or get in the pool or anything of that nature you want to turn the water lock feature on and that is going to make sure anytime that water comes in contact with the watch it doesn't control anything so normally if you don't have that feature on if a drop of water hits the screen it can basically activate the watch and you don't want that so that's where the water lock feature comes in handy now to disable the water lock you actually have to press the home button and hold it for about two seconds and as you can see it goes through this process of turning that water lock feature off it'll also tell you to give the watch a nice shake to try and remove any leftover water so you also have the airplane mode pretty self-explanatory if you're getting on a flight you can turn that feature on you have the Bluetooth option right here so if you want to connect the watch to a set of earbuds maybe you have the Galaxy buds or something like that you can control that with this option right here as you can see very useful you also have this find my phone option with this little magnifying glass right there and for example if you can't find your phone you simply press that foreign to help us locate it you have the location option again pretty self-explanatory if you want location turned on you'll use that and then you have this movie mode option right there so the movie mode is similar to like a do not disturb mode so if you're going into a movie you don't want your notifications going off you don't want the watch lighting up and interrupting the movie you can use that feature so now that we're back to the home screen if you swipe up that will actually take you to your different apps so you can scroll down here you can see all the different apps that you have access to go back here you can go to the Google Wallet if that's a feature that you use and you can do the contactless payments uh you can go to the weather click on the weather app right there that's going to give you a breakdown of the weather so you have all these different apps in here you've got timers stop watches uh you have your gallery control and you can actually use this watch as a remote control to take pictures so if you wanted to you know prop your phone up somewhere and use the watch to take a family photo a group photo something of the sort you have that option so there's a ton of different apps in here that you can access pretty self-explanatory and that's pretty much a general overview and breakdown of how to use the watch and how to navigate the watch now I do have another video where I give you some more advanced tips and tricks on how to get the Galaxy watch 6 set up so definitely check out this video if you're interested aside from that I appreciate you guys for watching if you found this video to be helpful do me a favor consider subscribing and giving it a thumbs up it would be greatly appreciated and as always I'll see you guys in the next video foreign [Music]
Channel: EZTechVidz
Views: 140,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Samsung Galaxy Watch 6, Galaxy Watch 6, How to use Galaxy Watch 6, Galaxy Watch 6 setup, Galaxy watch 6 tips & tricks, Galaxy watch 6 tutorial, Galaxy watch 6 best settings
Id: ukKRPyo-ZDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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