How to use Displacement Maps in Blender

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let's take a look at how to use displacement Maps using adaptive subdivision to download the textures you can find the link in video description [Music] first I'm gonna have a cylinder scale it on the c-axis and delete the top and bottom faces then add some Loop cuts this is just to prevent topology problems now we take knife tool I'm gonna cut this part and delete the faces next add the solidify myfar increase thickness and there are some overlapping vertices just enable auto merge vertices and press G twice g g to slide the vertices and merge them I'm going to apply the modifier Now to create the ubis select all the faces hit U and for this I used a cube prediction now create the material and to add all the textures at once we need the node Wrangler alone make sure it's enable in preferences add-ons now select the Shader and Ctrl shift t select the color normal roughness and displacement in render properties make sure to use Cycles experimental and GPU rendering now in material properties under settings placement change from bump only to displacement and bump one more step we need to have a subdivision surface modifier use Simple and enable adaptive subdivision and now I'm going to increase the scale to tile the texture here in the displacement node we can control the displacement scale we can also change the subdivisions in render properties and their subdivision this is for the viewport and by default it's in 8 pixels the lower the value the better we look but also we'll need more resources [Music] so if you run out of vram while rendering try to increase dicing rate render for example to 1.2 or even more it's just a matter of experimenting and by doing this this will render faster now to mix the textures duplicate the Shader I'm gonna add a mix Shader here and connect the Shader into the second slot add the new textures and I'm gonna have a noise texture here connect to factor and also add the color ramp with the sliders we can change the contrast so we can control the textures visibility with Ctrl shift click on the color ramp to preview the noise texture so I can see whether what I'm doing also select the noise texture and press Ctrl t and I'm going to use object in mapping Ctrl shift click in mix Shader to double back to the material to mix the displacement textures I'm gonna have a mix color and place it before displacement now connect the second displacement to mix color and I'm gonna use the same color ramp and connect to factor Asado change but I think it looks a little better and that's it thanks for watching see you
Channel: ChuckCG
Views: 42,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, displace, displacement, textures, realistic, render, pbr, how to use displacement maps in blender, use displacement maps in blender, How to use displacement maps in blender, displacement maps, blender tutorial, blender tutorial for beginners, blender 3.5
Id: dej9JDTlUU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 46sec (346 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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