How to use components and dynamic zones in Strapi v4

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Hi everyone! This is Anastasia from Strapi,   and in this video I will show you how  to use components and dynamic zones. Components and dynamic zones are  powerful capabilities that make   Strapi stand out from other CMS options. It allows marketers to build new pages with   dynamic layouts using configurable components.  This way, they are not dependent on developers   or designers for assistance, because they can  select components from the pre-arranged library. Developers benefit from this capability as well,   since they spend less time and  effort on content modelling. This feature shortens time to market and allows  marketers to quickly and autonomously ship new   pages that follow the brand guidelines, which  are defined once the library is first built out. So what are Dynamic zones and components?  Components are ready-made groups of fields,   connected to a specific front-end. In Strapi,  you can define your own custom component library   with the help of designers and developers,  and create a website builder experience.   You can make each content  configurable. For instance,   let marketers choose what color or shape the  button should be, how to center text, etc. A dynamic zone is a building block  that allows you to insert components   to any page. You can add different component  collections to any content type structure.   Let's see how it works in practice. To  add a dynamic zone or a component we   go to a Content Types Builder and open any  collection or single type. Let's try to add   a dynamic zone to a restaurant. We can  see that the structure is ready and we   already have one Dynamic Zone called "blocks",  which has a selection of different components   that we can use. But let's try to add a  new dynamic zone to the end of our page. We can give any name to this Dynamic Zone  field: let's call it "restaurant information".   Now we can add components to the  dynamic zone. We can create a new   one or use an existing component from  a library that we have defined before. Here you can see, that there are  different collections of components:   one is called "blocks" for example where  we have the "Call To Action", "FAQ", etc,   other collection is called "Global" for the footer  & navigation, another one is called "pricing",   "restaurant", "shared", etc so you can name it  anything you want and organize it as you wish.   Let's select a couple of components  from the "blocks" collection. And there we go! We can see that there is a new  Dynamic Zone with different components in it.   Now let's try to add a new  component to an existing page.   Let's go to the content manager  and choose any restaurant. This restaurant page has already been published,   but let's say we want to add some more  content to it, right in the middle of   the page. Before doing that, let's have  a look at what it looks like right now. This is the restaurant page,  it has a couple of pictures,   some information here, couple of  reviews, and that's it. So let's   say we want to add a call to action  block right here, after the reviews. To add a new block let's scroll to our Dynamic  Zone. In here we can see the button "add a   component to blocks" - that's the name of the  dynamic Zone that was here. Now we can see two   different component collections: one is related  to a restaurant, and the other one is named   "blocks" which means it's a general component  collection, but we can name them anything we want. Let's find a call to action button, and we can  see that there are different themes. Let's choose   a primary theme. We can add a title, add some  text that will be displayed below the title and we can add our call to action  once again. We can choose a theme   of a button here. Let's choose  the secondary one and add a link. In "Target" we can choose if we want to open the  page in a new tab, or keep it in the same tab.   And there we go! Once again, these components  can be set in any way you wish, so if you wish   to add more settings, for example, choose a font,  or choose a shape of a button, you can do that.   Let's click on "Save" and see what is our result. Here's our updated restaurant page. Let's  scroll to the bottom and there we go - the   new CTA block that we added just in a couple of  minutes. The great thing about this feature is:   if I open another restaurant, I can see that  there is no call to action in the bottom,   but there is a different component  with suggestions of other restaurants.   It means that with Dynamic zones and  components I can customize any page. Component Dynamic zones are great proofs of  Strapi's customizability, flexibility and   adaptability to ever changing environments.  It helps all teams work independently,   iterate faster, and have the right  degree of control over the design. Thank you for watching this video! By the  way, you can try Strapi out without having   to install it. Just go to our website and  fill out this form to get access to it.
Channel: Strapi
Views: 16,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Strapi, headless CMS, gatsby, gatsbyjs, react, strapi blog, gatsby blog, headless, content management, node.js, react cms, blog tool
Id: u4pZt2zADa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 22sec (322 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2023
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